package com.tinkerpop.blueprints.oupls.sail; import com.tinkerpop.blueprints.Direction; import com.tinkerpop.blueprints.Edge; import com.tinkerpop.blueprints.Vertex; import org.openrdf.model.Resource; import org.openrdf.model.URI; import org.openrdf.model.Value; import java.util.Iterator; /** * A matcher which uses the vertex-edge structure of the graph to retrieve statements. It does not require an edge index of any kind, * but it can only be applied to triple patterns in which the subject or object is specified * (which includes all patterns apart from "p", "c", and "pc"). * * @author Joshua Shinavier ( */ public class GraphBasedMatcher extends Matcher { private final GraphSail.DataStore store; /** * Create a new graph-based matcher with the given triple pattern. * * @param s whether the subject is specified * @param p whether the predicate is specified * @param o whether the object is specified * @param c whether the context is specified * @param store the Blueprints data store */ public GraphBasedMatcher(final boolean s, final boolean p, final boolean o, final boolean c, final GraphSail.DataStore store) { super(s, p, o, c); = store; } public Iterable<Edge> match(final Resource subject, final URI predicate, final Value object, final Resource context, final boolean includeInferred) { //System.out.println("+ spoc: " + s + " " + p + " " + o + " " + c); //System.out.println("+ \ts: " + subject + ", p: " + predicate + ", o: " + object + ", c: " + context); final String contextStr = null == context ? GraphSail.NULL_CONTEXT_NATIVE : store.resourceToNative(context); if (s && o) { Vertex vs = store.getVertex(subject); Vertex vo = store.getVertex(object); if (null == vs || null == vo) { return new IteratorCloseableIterable<Edge>(new EmptyIterator<Edge>()); } else { // TODO: use a simple heuristic (e.g. based on the value type of the vertices) to choose either subject or object. // Right now, we arbitrarily choose the subject as the starting point. return new FilteredIterator<Edge>(vs.getEdges(Direction.OUT), new FilteredIterator.Criterion<Edge>() { public boolean fulfilledBy(final Edge edge) { return store.matches(edge.getVertex(Direction.IN), object) && (!p || edge.getLabel().equals(predicate.stringValue())) && (!c || edge.getProperty(GraphSail.CONTEXT_PROP).equals(contextStr)) && (includeInferred || null == edge.getProperty(GraphSail.INFERRED)); } }); } } else if (s) { Vertex vs = store.getVertex(subject); return null == vs ? new IteratorCloseableIterable<Edge>(new EmptyIterator<Edge>()) : new FilteredIterator<Edge>(vs.getEdges(Direction.OUT), new FilteredIterator.Criterion<Edge>() { public boolean fulfilledBy(final Edge edge) { return (!p || edge.getLabel().equals(predicate.stringValue())) && (!c || edge.getProperty(GraphSail.CONTEXT_PROP).equals(contextStr)) && (includeInferred || null == edge.getProperty(GraphSail.INFERRED)); } }); } else { Vertex vo = store.getVertex(object); return null == vo ? new IteratorCloseableIterable<Edge>(new EmptyIterator<Edge>()) : new FilteredIterator<Edge>(vo.getEdges(Direction.IN), new FilteredIterator.Criterion<Edge>() { public boolean fulfilledBy(final Edge edge) { return (!p || edge.getLabel().equals(predicate.stringValue())) && (!c || edge.getProperty(GraphSail.CONTEXT_PROP).equals(contextStr)) && (includeInferred || null == edge.getProperty(GraphSail.INFERRED)); } }); } } private class EmptyIterator<T> implements Iterator<T> { public boolean hasNext() { return false; } public T next() { return null; } public void remove() { throw new UnsupportedOperationException(); } } }