package com.tinkerpop.blueprints.impls.rexster; import com.tinkerpop.blueprints.Edge; import com.tinkerpop.blueprints.Element; import com.tinkerpop.blueprints.Features; import com.tinkerpop.blueprints.GraphQuery; import com.tinkerpop.blueprints.Index; import com.tinkerpop.blueprints.IndexableGraph; import com.tinkerpop.blueprints.KeyIndexableGraph; import com.tinkerpop.blueprints.MetaGraph; import com.tinkerpop.blueprints.Parameter; import com.tinkerpop.blueprints.Vertex; import com.tinkerpop.blueprints.util.DefaultGraphQuery; import com.tinkerpop.blueprints.util.ExceptionFactory; import com.tinkerpop.blueprints.util.StringFactory; import org.apache.commons.configuration.Configuration; import org.apache.commons.configuration.ConfigurationConverter; import org.codehaus.jettison.json.JSONArray; import org.codehaus.jettison.json.JSONException; import org.codehaus.jettison.json.JSONObject; import java.util.ArrayList; import java.util.HashMap; import java.util.HashSet; import java.util.List; import java.util.Map; import java.util.Set; /** * A Blueprints implementation of the RESTful API of Rexster ( * * @author Marko A. Rodriguez ( */ public class RexsterGraph implements IndexableGraph, KeyIndexableGraph, MetaGraph<JSONObject> { public static final int DEFAULT_BUFFER_SIZE = 100; private final String graphURI; private int bufferSize; private static final Features FEATURES = new Features(); static { // intended to be used with TinkerGraph as the endpoint graph FEATURES.supportsDuplicateEdges = true; FEATURES.supportsSelfLoops = true; FEATURES.ignoresSuppliedIds = false; FEATURES.isPersistent = false; FEATURES.supportsVertexIteration = true; FEATURES.supportsEdgeIteration = true; FEATURES.supportsVertexIndex = true; FEATURES.supportsEdgeIndex = true; FEATURES.isWrapper = true; FEATURES.supportsKeyIndices = true; FEATURES.supportsVertexKeyIndex = true; FEATURES.supportsEdgeKeyIndex = true; FEATURES.supportsIndices = true; FEATURES.supportsEdgeRetrieval = true; FEATURES.supportsVertexProperties = true; FEATURES.supportsEdgeProperties = true; // RexsterGraph will toString anything it can't convert to a standard Rexster type. FEATURES.supportsSerializableObjectProperty = true; FEATURES.supportsBooleanProperty = true; FEATURES.supportsDoubleProperty = true; FEATURES.supportsFloatProperty = true; FEATURES.supportsIntegerProperty = true; FEATURES.supportsPrimitiveArrayProperty = true; FEATURES.supportsUniformListProperty = true; FEATURES.supportsMixedListProperty = true; FEATURES.supportsLongProperty = true; FEATURES.supportsMapProperty = true; FEATURES.supportsStringProperty = true; FEATURES.supportsThreadedTransactions = false; FEATURES.supportsTransactions = false; FEATURES.supportsThreadIsolatedTransactions = false; } /** * Construct a RexsterGraph with no authentication and default buffer size. */ public RexsterGraph(final String graphURI) { this(graphURI, DEFAULT_BUFFER_SIZE); } /** * Construct a RexsterGraph with authentication enabled (assuming username and password are * both non-null values) and default buffer size. */ public RexsterGraph(final String graphURI, final String username, final String password) { this(graphURI, DEFAULT_BUFFER_SIZE, username, password); } /** * Construct a RexsterGraph with no authentication. */ public RexsterGraph(final String graphURI, final int bufferSize) { this(graphURI, bufferSize, null, null); } public RexsterGraph(final Configuration configuration) { this(configuration.getString("blueprints.rexster.url", null), configuration.getInt("blueprints.rexster.buffer-size", DEFAULT_BUFFER_SIZE), configuration.getString("blueprints.rexster.username", null), configuration.getString("blueprints.rexster.password", null)); } /** * Construct a RexsterGraph with authentication enabled (assuming username and password are * both non-null values). */ public RexsterGraph(final String graphURI, final int bufferSize, final String username, final String password) { this.graphURI = graphURI; this.bufferSize = bufferSize; RestHelper.Authentication = new RexsterAuthentication(username, password); } public String getGraphURI() { return this.graphURI; } /** * This method does nothing. To shutdown a RexsterGraph, it must be shutdown locally on the Rexster server. */ public void shutdown() { } /** * Get the size of the communication buffer. * * @return the communication buffer size */ public int getBufferSize() { return this.bufferSize; } /** * This represents the communication buffer. The larger the buffer, the more information is marshaled back and forth. * * @param bufferSize the size of the buffer */ public void setBufferSize(final int bufferSize) { this.bufferSize = bufferSize; } public Iterable<Vertex> getVertices() { return new RexsterVertexIterable(this.graphURI + RexsterTokens.SLASH_VERTICES, this); } public Iterable<Vertex> getVertices(final String key, final Object value) { return new RexsterVertexIterable(this.graphURI + RexsterTokens.SLASH_VERTICES + RexsterTokens.QUESTION + RexsterTokens.KEY_EQUALS + key + RexsterTokens.AND + RexsterTokens.VALUE_EQUALS + RestHelper.uriCast(value), this); } public Vertex addVertex(final Object id) { if (null == id) return new RexsterVertex(RestHelper.postResultObject(this.graphURI + RexsterTokens.SLASH_VERTICES), this); else return new RexsterVertex(RestHelper.postResultObject(this.graphURI + RexsterTokens.SLASH_VERTICES_SLASH + RestHelper.encode(id)), this); } public Vertex getVertex(final Object id) { if (null == id) throw ExceptionFactory.vertexIdCanNotBeNull(); try { return new RexsterVertex(RestHelper.getResultObject(this.graphURI + RexsterTokens.SLASH_VERTICES_SLASH + RestHelper.encode(id)), this); } catch (Exception e) { return null; } } public Edge getEdge(final Object id) { if (null == id) throw ExceptionFactory.edgeIdCanNotBeNull(); try { return new RexsterEdge(RestHelper.getResultObject(this.graphURI + RexsterTokens.SLASH_EDGES_SLASH + RestHelper.encode(id)), this); } catch (Exception e) { return null; } } public Iterable<Edge> getEdges() { return new RexsterEdgeIterable(this.graphURI + RexsterTokens.SLASH_EDGES, this); } public Iterable<Edge> getEdges(final String key, final Object value) { return new RexsterEdgeIterable(this.graphURI + RexsterTokens.SLASH_EDGES + RexsterTokens.QUESTION + RexsterTokens.KEY_EQUALS + key + RexsterTokens.AND + RexsterTokens.VALUE_EQUALS + RestHelper.uriCast(value), this); } public Edge addEdge(final Object id, final Vertex outVertex, final Vertex inVertex, final String label) { if (label == null) throw ExceptionFactory.edgeLabelCanNotBeNull(); final Map<String, Object> data = new HashMap<String, Object>(); data.put(RexsterTokens._OUTV, outVertex.getId()); data.put(RexsterTokens._INV, inVertex.getId()); data.put(RexsterTokens._LABEL, label); final JSONObject json = new JSONObject(data); if (null == id) return new RexsterEdge(RestHelper.postResultObject(this.graphURI + RexsterTokens.SLASH_EDGES, json), this); else return new RexsterEdge(RestHelper.postResultObject(this.graphURI + RexsterTokens.SLASH_EDGES_SLASH + RestHelper.encode(id), json), this); } public void removeEdge(final Edge edge) { RestHelper.delete(this.graphURI + RexsterTokens.SLASH_EDGES_SLASH + RestHelper.encode(edge.getId())); } public void removeVertex(final Vertex vertex) { RestHelper.delete(this.graphURI + RexsterTokens.SLASH_VERTICES_SLASH + RestHelper.encode(vertex.getId())); } public void dropIndex(final String indexName) { RestHelper.delete(this.graphURI + RexsterTokens.SLASH_INDICES_SLASH + RestHelper.encode(indexName)); } public Iterable<Index<? extends Element>> getIndices() { List<Index<? extends Element>> indices = new ArrayList<Index<? extends Element>>(); JSONArray json = RestHelper.getResultArray(this.graphURI + RexsterTokens.SLASH_INDICES); for (int ix = 0; ix < json.length(); ix++) { JSONObject index = json.optJSONObject(ix); Class c; String clazz = index.optString(RexsterTokens.CLASS); if (clazz.toLowerCase().contains(RexsterTokens.VERTEX)) c = Vertex.class; else if (clazz.toLowerCase().contains(RexsterTokens.EDGE)) c = Edge.class; else throw new RuntimeException("Can not determine whether " + clazz + " is a vertex or edge class"); indices.add(new RexsterIndex(this, index.optString(RexsterTokens.NAME), c)); } return indices; } public <T extends Element> Index<T> getIndex(final String indexName, final Class<T> indexClass) { for (Index index : getIndices()) { if (index.getIndexName().equals(indexName)) { if (!index.getIndexClass().isAssignableFrom(indexClass)) throw ExceptionFactory.indexDoesNotSupportClass(indexName, indexClass); return index; } } return null; } public <T extends Element> Index<T> createIndex(final String indexName, final Class<T> indexClass, final Parameter... indexParameters) { final String c = getKeyIndexClass(indexClass); final Map<String, Object> data = new HashMap<String, Object>(); data.put(RexsterTokens.CLASS, c); final JSONObject json = new JSONObject(data); final JSONObject index = RestHelper.postResultObject(this.graphURI + RexsterTokens.SLASH_INDICES_SLASH + RestHelper.encode(indexName), json); if (!index.opt(RexsterTokens.NAME).equals(indexName)) throw new RuntimeException("Could not create index: " + index.optString(RexsterTokens.MESSAGE)); return new RexsterIndex<T>(this, indexName, indexClass); } public String toString() { final String graphName = RestHelper.get(graphURI).optString(RexsterTokens.GRAPH); return StringFactory.graphString(this, this.graphURI + "[" + graphName + "]"); } public JSONObject getRawGraph() { JSONObject rawGraph; try { rawGraph = RestHelper.get(this.graphURI); } catch (Exception e) { rawGraph = null; } return rawGraph; } public Features getFeatures() { return FEATURES; } public <T extends Element> void dropKeyIndex(String key, Class<T> elementClass) { final String c = getKeyIndexClass(elementClass); RestHelper.delete(this.graphURI + RexsterTokens.SLASH_KEY_INDICES_SLASH + c + RexsterTokens.SLASH + key); } public <T extends Element> void createKeyIndex(String key, Class<T> elementClass, final Parameter... indexParameters) { final String c = getKeyIndexClass(elementClass); + RexsterTokens.SLASH_KEY_INDICES_SLASH + c + RexsterTokens.SLASH + key); } public <T extends Element> Set<String> getIndexedKeys(Class<T> elementClass) { final String c = getKeyIndexClass(elementClass); final JSONArray jsonArray = RestHelper.getResultArray(this.graphURI + RexsterTokens.SLASH_KEY_INDICES_SLASH + c); final HashSet<String> keys = new HashSet<String>(); for (int ix = 0; ix < jsonArray.length(); ix++) { keys.add(jsonArray.optString(ix)); } return keys; } public JSONArray execute(final String gremlinScript) { return execute(gremlinScript, (JSONObject) null); } public JSONArray execute(final String gremlinScript, final Map<String, Object> scriptParams) { JSONObject json = null; if (scriptParams != null && scriptParams.size() > 0) { json = new JSONObject(scriptParams); } return execute(gremlinScript, json); } public JSONArray execute(final String gremlinScript, final String scriptParams) throws JSONException { return execute(gremlinScript, new JSONObject(scriptParams)); } public JSONArray execute(final String gremlinScript, final JSONObject scriptParams) { final Map<String, Object> scriptArgs = new HashMap<String, Object>(); scriptArgs.put("script", gremlinScript); if (scriptParams != null) { scriptArgs.put("params", scriptParams); } return RestHelper.postResultArray(this.graphURI + RexsterTokens.SLASH_GREMLIN, new JSONObject(scriptArgs)); } private static <T extends Element> String getKeyIndexClass(Class<T> elementClass) { String c; if (Vertex.class.isAssignableFrom(elementClass)) c = RexsterTokens.VERTEX; else c = RexsterTokens.EDGE; return c; } public GraphQuery query() { return new DefaultGraphQuery(this); } }