package com.tinkerpop.blueprints.oupls.sail; import com.tinkerpop.blueprints.Direction; import com.tinkerpop.blueprints.Edge; import org.openrdf.model.Resource; import org.openrdf.model.URI; import org.openrdf.model.Value; import java.util.LinkedList; import java.util.List; /** * A matcher which uses Blueprints indexing functionality to both index and retrieve statements. Indexing matchers * can be created for any triple pattern. * * @author Joshua Shinavier ( */ public class IndexingMatcher extends Matcher { private enum PartOfSpeech { SUBJECT, PREDICATE, OBJECT, CONTEXT } private final String propertyKey; private final GraphSail.DataStore store; /** * Create a new indexing matcher based on the given triple pattern. * * @param s whether the subject is specified * @param p whether the predicate is specified * @param o whether the object is specified * @param c whether the context is specified * @param store the Blueprints data store */ public IndexingMatcher(final boolean s, final boolean p, final boolean o, final boolean c, final GraphSail.DataStore store) { super(s, p, o, c); = store; StringBuilder sb = new StringBuilder(); if (c) { sb.append("c"); } if (s) { sb.append("s"); } if (p) { sb.append("p"); } if (o) { sb.append("o"); } propertyKey = sb.toString(); } private <T> List<T> addLazy(List<T> list, final T toAdd) { list = null == list ? new LinkedList<T>() : list; list.add(toAdd); return list; } private String appendToKey(final String key, final String part) { return null == key ? part : key + GraphSail.SEPARATOR + part; } public Iterable<Edge> match(final Resource subject, final URI predicate, final Value object, final Resource context, final boolean includeInferred) { List<FilteredIterator.Criterion<Edge>> criteria = null; String key = null; if (c) { key = null == context ? GraphSail.NULL_CONTEXT_NATIVE : store.resourceToNative(context); } else if (null != context) { criteria = addLazy(criteria, new PartOfSpeechCriterion(PartOfSpeech.CONTEXT, store.resourceToNative(context))); } if (s) { key = appendToKey(key, store.resourceToNative(subject)); } else if (null != subject) { criteria = addLazy(criteria, new PartOfSpeechCriterion(PartOfSpeech.SUBJECT, store.resourceToNative(subject))); } if (p) { key = appendToKey(key, store.uriToNative(predicate)); } else if (null != predicate) { criteria = addLazy(criteria, new PartOfSpeechCriterion(PartOfSpeech.PREDICATE, store.uriToNative(predicate))); } if (o) { key = appendToKey(key, store.valueToNative(object)); } else if (null != object) { criteria = addLazy(criteria, new PartOfSpeechCriterion(PartOfSpeech.OBJECT, store.valueToNative(object))); } if (!includeInferred) { criteria = addLazy(criteria, new NoInferenceCriterion()); } Iterable<Edge> results = store.graph.getEdges(propertyKey, key); if (null != criteria) { FilteredIterator.Criterion<Edge> c = new FilteredIterator.CompoundCriterion<Edge>(criteria); results = new FilteredIterator<Edge>(results, c); } return results; } /** * Index a statement using this Matcher's triple pattern. The subject, predicate, object and context values * are provided for efficiency only, and should agree with the corresponding values associated with the graph * structure of the edge. * * @param statement the edge to index as an RDF statement * @param subject the subject of the statement * @param predicate the predicate of the statement * @param object the object of the statement * @param context the context of the statement */ public void indexStatement(final Edge statement, final Resource subject, final URI predicate, final Value object, final String context) { StringBuilder sb = new StringBuilder(); if (c) { sb.append(GraphSail.SEPARATOR).append(context); } if (s) { sb.append(GraphSail.SEPARATOR).append(store.resourceToNative(subject)); } if (p) { sb.append(GraphSail.SEPARATOR).append(store.uriToNative(predicate)); } if (o) { sb.append(GraphSail.SEPARATOR).append(store.valueToNative(object)); } statement.setProperty(propertyKey, sb.toString().substring(1)); } // TODO: unindexStatement private class PartOfSpeechCriterion implements FilteredIterator.Criterion<Edge> { private final PartOfSpeech partOfSpeech; private final String value; public PartOfSpeechCriterion(final PartOfSpeech partOfSpeech, final String value) { this.partOfSpeech = partOfSpeech; this.value = value; } public boolean fulfilledBy(final Edge edge) { //GraphSail.debugEdge(edge); //System.out.println("pos: " + partOfSpeech + ", value: " + value); switch (partOfSpeech) { case CONTEXT: return value.equals(edge.getProperty(GraphSail.CONTEXT_PROP)); case OBJECT: return value.equals(store.getValueOf(edge.getVertex(Direction.IN))); case PREDICATE: return value.equals(edge.getProperty(GraphSail.PREDICATE_PROP)); case SUBJECT: return value.equals(store.getValueOf(edge.getVertex(Direction.OUT))); default: throw new IllegalStateException(); } } } }