package pixlepix.auracascade.block.tile; import net.minecraft.nbt.NBTTagCompound; import net.minecraft.util.math.BlockPos; import java.util.ArrayList; import java.util.HashSet; /** * Created by localmacaccount on 2/24/15. */ public class AuraTileRF extends AuraTile { public ArrayList<BlockPos> foundTiles = new ArrayList<BlockPos>(); public HashSet<BlockPos> particleTiles = new HashSet<BlockPos>(); public int lastPower = 0; public boolean disabled = false; public String[] blacklist = new String[]{"InductionPort", "EnergyCube", "ChargePad", "EnergyStorage", "TileEntityMagnetic", "TileTransceiver", "TileEntityRift", "TileTransvectorInterface", "TileRemoteInterface", "TileEntityEnergyDistributor", "TileEntityEnderEnergyDistributor", "TileCharger", "TileCell", "TileEntityTransferNodeEnergy", "TileEnergyInfuser"}; public String[] whitelist = new String[]{"tileentityenderthermiclavapump", "tileentityenderquarry"}; public String[] blacklistModId = new String[]{"quantumflux"}; public String[] whitelistModId = new String[]{"buildcraft", "GalacticraftCore", "progressiveautomation", "Mekanism"}; @Override protected void readCustomNBT(NBTTagCompound nbt) { super.readCustomNBT(nbt); lastPower = nbt.getInteger("lastPower"); } @Override protected void writeCustomNBT(NBTTagCompound nbt) { super.writeCustomNBT(nbt); nbt.setInteger("lastPower", lastPower); } @Override public void update() { super.update(); //TODO Reimplement RF tile /* if (worldObj.getTotalWorldTime() % 40 == 0) { foundTiles.clear(); LinkedList<BlockPos> nextTiles = new LinkedList<BlockPos>(); nextTiles.add(getPos()); while (nextTiles.size() > 0) { BlockPos target = nextTiles.removeFirst(); for (EnumFacing direction : EnumFacing.VALUES) { BlockPos adjacent = target.offset(direction); TileEntity entity = worldObj.getTileEntity(adjacent); if (entity instanceof IEnergyReceiver) { if (!nextTiles.contains(adjacent) && !foundTiles.contains(adjacent)) { nextTiles.add(adjacent); foundTiles.add(adjacent); } } } } particleTiles.clear(); //First, find all things near tiles for (BlockPos pos : foundTiles) { for (EnumFacing direction : EnumFacing.VALUES) { particleTiles.add(pos.offset(direction)); } } //Remove things that are 'inside' the bubble Iterator iterator = particleTiles.iterator(); while (iterator.hasNext()) { BlockPos pos = (BlockPos); if (foundTiles.contains(pos)) { iterator.remove(); } } disabled = foundTiles.size() > 4; for (BlockPos pos : foundTiles) { String modid = GameData.getBlockRegistry().getNameForObject(worldObj.getBlockState(pos).getBlock()).getResourceDomain(); TileEntity te = worldObj.getTileEntity(pos); // todo 1.8.8 await duct update // if (te instanceof IEnderEnergyHandler) { // disabled = true; // } for (String clazz : blacklist) { if (te.getClass().getName().toLowerCase().contains(clazz.toLowerCase())) { boolean whitelistedByMod = false; for (String whitelistMod : whitelistModId) { if (modid.toLowerCase().contains(whitelistMod)) { whitelistedByMod = true; } } if (!whitelistedByMod) { disabled = true; } } } for (String blacklistMod : blacklistModId) { if (modid.equals(blacklistMod)) { disabled = true; } } if (te instanceof IEnergyProvider && !((IEnergyConnection) (te)).canConnectEnergy(null)) {, "Blacklisted IEnergyProvider authmatically: " + te.getClass().getName()); boolean isWhitelisted = false; for (String clazz : whitelist) { if (te.getClass().getName().toLowerCase().contains(clazz.toLowerCase())) { isWhitelisted = true; } } for (String whitelistMod : whitelistModId) { if (modid.toLowerCase().contains(whitelistMod.toLowerCase())) { isWhitelisted = true; } } if (!isWhitelisted) { disabled = true; } } } } if (worldObj.isRemote && worldObj.getTotalWorldTime() % 3 == 0) { for (BlockPos tuple : particleTiles) { Random random = new Random(); double x = tuple.getX() + random.nextDouble(); double y = tuple.getY() + random.nextDouble(); double z = tuple.getZ() + random.nextDouble(); ParticleEffects.spawnParticle("witchMagic", x, y, z, 0, 0, 0, 255, 0, !disabled ? 50 : 0); } } if (!disabled) { int divisions = foundTiles.size(); for (BlockPos pos : foundTiles) { TileEntity entity = worldObj.getTileEntity(pos); if (!(entity instanceof IEnergyReceiver) || ((IEnergyReceiver) entity).receiveEnergy(null, 1, true) <= 0) { divisions--; } } if (divisions > 0) { for (BlockPos pos : foundTiles) { TileEntity entity = worldObj.getTileEntity(pos); if (entity instanceof IEnergyReceiver) { ((IEnergyReceiver) entity).receiveEnergy(null, (int) (lastPower * Config.powerFactor / divisions), false); } } } } //Just before color moves if (worldObj.getTotalWorldTime() % 20 == 0 && !worldObj.isRemote) { lastPower = 0; } if (worldObj.getTotalWorldTime() % 20 == 1) { worldObj.markBlocksDirtyVertical(pos.getX(), pos.getZ(), pos.getX(), pos.getZ()); } */ } @Override public void receivePower(int power) { lastPower += power; } }