// Copyright 2014 The Chromium Authors. All rights reserved. // Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be // found in the LICENSE file. package org.chromium.chrome.browser.tab; import android.annotation.SuppressLint; import android.app.Activity; import android.app.Application; import android.content.Context; import android.content.Intent; import android.content.res.Resources; import android.graphics.Bitmap; import android.graphics.Color; import android.graphics.Rect; import android.net.Uri; import android.os.Bundle; import android.os.Handler; import android.os.Message; import android.provider.Browser; import android.support.annotation.Nullable; import android.text.TextUtils; import android.util.Log; import android.view.ContextThemeWrapper; import android.view.View; import android.view.View.OnClickListener; import android.view.ViewGroup; import android.view.accessibility.AccessibilityEvent; import android.widget.FrameLayout; import android.widget.FrameLayout.LayoutParams; import org.chromium.base.ApiCompatibilityUtils; import org.chromium.base.ApplicationStatus; import org.chromium.base.ContextUtils; import org.chromium.base.ObserverList; import org.chromium.base.ObserverList.RewindableIterator; import org.chromium.base.TraceEvent; import org.chromium.base.VisibleForTesting; import org.chromium.base.annotations.CalledByNative; import org.chromium.base.metrics.RecordHistogram; import org.chromium.blimp_public.contents.BlimpContents; import org.chromium.chrome.R; import org.chromium.chrome.browser.ChromeActivity; import org.chromium.chrome.browser.ChromeApplication; import org.chromium.chrome.browser.ChromeFeatureList; import org.chromium.chrome.browser.ChromeVersionInfo; import org.chromium.chrome.browser.FrozenNativePage; import org.chromium.chrome.browser.IntentHandler; import org.chromium.chrome.browser.IntentHandler.TabOpenType; import org.chromium.chrome.browser.NativePage; import org.chromium.chrome.browser.SwipeRefreshHandler; import org.chromium.chrome.browser.TabState; import org.chromium.chrome.browser.TabState.WebContentsState; import org.chromium.chrome.browser.UrlConstants; import org.chromium.chrome.browser.WarmupManager; import org.chromium.chrome.browser.WebContentsFactory; import org.chromium.chrome.browser.banners.AppBannerManager; import org.chromium.chrome.browser.blimp.BlimpClientContextFactory; import org.chromium.chrome.browser.compositor.layouts.content.TabContentManager; import org.chromium.chrome.browser.contextmenu.ContextMenuPopulator; import org.chromium.chrome.browser.contextualsearch.ContextualSearchTabHelper; import org.chromium.chrome.browser.customtabs.CustomTabActivity; import org.chromium.chrome.browser.document.ChromeLauncherActivity; import org.chromium.chrome.browser.download.ChromeDownloadDelegate; import org.chromium.chrome.browser.fullscreen.FullscreenManager; import org.chromium.chrome.browser.help.HelpAndFeedback; import org.chromium.chrome.browser.infobar.InfoBarContainer; import org.chromium.chrome.browser.media.ui.MediaSessionTabHelper; import org.chromium.chrome.browser.ntp.NativePageAssassin; import org.chromium.chrome.browser.ntp.NativePageFactory; import org.chromium.chrome.browser.offlinepages.OfflinePageItem; import org.chromium.chrome.browser.offlinepages.OfflinePageUtils; import org.chromium.chrome.browser.omnibox.geo.GeolocationHeader; import org.chromium.chrome.browser.policy.PolicyAuditor; import org.chromium.chrome.browser.prerender.ExternalPrerenderHandler; import org.chromium.chrome.browser.printing.TabPrinter; import org.chromium.chrome.browser.profiles.Profile; import org.chromium.chrome.browser.rlz.RevenueStats; import org.chromium.chrome.browser.search_engines.TemplateUrlService; import org.chromium.chrome.browser.snackbar.SnackbarManager; import org.chromium.chrome.browser.ssl.SecurityStateModel; import org.chromium.chrome.browser.tab.TabUma.TabCreationState; import org.chromium.chrome.browser.tabmodel.AsyncTabParamsManager; import org.chromium.chrome.browser.tabmodel.SingleTabModelSelector; import org.chromium.chrome.browser.tabmodel.TabModel; import org.chromium.chrome.browser.tabmodel.TabModel.TabLaunchType; import org.chromium.chrome.browser.tabmodel.TabModel.TabSelectionType; import org.chromium.chrome.browser.tabmodel.TabModelImpl; import org.chromium.chrome.browser.tabmodel.TabModelSelector; import org.chromium.chrome.browser.tabmodel.TabReparentingParams; import org.chromium.chrome.browser.util.ColorUtils; import org.chromium.components.dom_distiller.core.DomDistillerUrlUtils; import org.chromium.components.navigation_interception.InterceptNavigationDelegate; import org.chromium.components.security_state.ConnectionSecurityLevel; import org.chromium.content.browser.ChildProcessLauncher; import org.chromium.content.browser.ContentView; import org.chromium.content.browser.ContentViewClient; import org.chromium.content.browser.ContentViewCore; import org.chromium.content.browser.crypto.CipherFactory; import org.chromium.content_public.browser.GestureStateListener; import org.chromium.content_public.browser.LoadUrlParams; import org.chromium.content_public.browser.WebContents; import org.chromium.content_public.common.Referrer; import org.chromium.content_public.common.ResourceRequestBody; import org.chromium.content_public.common.TopControlsState; import org.chromium.printing.PrintManagerDelegateImpl; import org.chromium.printing.PrintingController; import org.chromium.printing.PrintingControllerImpl; import org.chromium.ui.base.LocalizationUtils; import org.chromium.ui.base.PageTransition; import org.chromium.ui.base.ViewAndroidDelegate; import org.chromium.ui.base.WindowAndroid; import org.chromium.ui.mojom.WindowOpenDisposition; import java.lang.ref.WeakReference; import java.nio.ByteBuffer; import java.util.List; /** * The basic Java representation of a tab. Contains and manages a {@link ContentView}. * <p> * This class is intended to be extended either on Java or both Java and C++, with ownership managed * by this base class. * <p> * Extending just Java: * - Just extend the class normally. Do not override initializeNative(). * Extending Java and C++: * - Because of the inner-workings of JNI, the subclass is responsible for constructing the native * subclass, which in turn constructs TabAndroid (the native counterpart to Tab), which in * turn sets the native pointer for Tab. For destruction, subclasses in Java must clear * their own native pointer reference, but Tab#destroy() will handle deleting the native * object. */ public class Tab implements ViewGroup.OnHierarchyChangeListener, View.OnSystemUiVisibilityChangeListener { public static final int INVALID_TAB_ID = -1; /** Return value from {@link #getBookmarkId()} if this tab is not bookmarked. */ public static final long INVALID_BOOKMARK_ID = -1; /** The maximum amount of time to wait for a page to load before entering fullscreen. -1 means * wait until the page finishes loading. */ private static final long MAX_FULLSCREEN_LOAD_DELAY_MS = 3000; protected static final int MSG_ID_ENABLE_FULLSCREEN_AFTER_LOAD = 1; private static final long INVALID_TIMESTAMP = -1; /** * The required page load percentage for the page to be considered ready assuming the * TextureView is also ready. */ private static final int CONSIDERED_READY_LOAD_PERCENTAGE = 100; /** Used for logging. */ private static final String TAG = "Tab"; private static final String PRODUCT_VERSION = ChromeVersionInfo.getProductVersion(); private long mNativeTabAndroid; /** Unique id of this tab (within its container). */ private final int mId; /** Whether or not this tab is an incognito tab. */ private final boolean mIncognito; /** Whether or not this tab is running in blimp mode. */ private boolean mBlimp; /** * An Application {@link Context}. Unlike {@link #mActivity}, this is the only one that is * publicly exposed to help prevent leaking the {@link Activity}. */ private final Context mThemedApplicationContext; /** Gives {@link Tab} a way to interact with the Android window. */ private WindowAndroid mWindowAndroid; /** Whether or not this {@link Tab} is initialized and should be interacted with. */ private boolean mIsInitialized; /** The current native page (e.g. chrome-native://newtab), or {@code null} if there is none. */ private NativePage mNativePage; /** InfoBar container to show InfoBars for this tab. */ private InfoBarContainer mInfoBarContainer; /** Controls overscroll pull-to-refresh behavior for this tab. */ private SwipeRefreshHandler mSwipeRefreshHandler; /** The sync id of the Tab if session sync is enabled. */ private int mSyncId; /** {@link ContentViewCore} showing the current page, or {@code null} if the tab is frozen. */ private ContentViewCore mContentViewCore; /** Listens to gesture events fired by the ContentViewCore. */ private GestureStateListener mGestureStateListener; /** The parent view of the ContentView and the InfoBarContainer. */ private TabContentViewParent mContentViewParent; /** A list of Tab observers. These are used to broadcast Tab events to listeners. */ private final ObserverList<TabObserver> mObservers = new ObserverList<>(); // Content layer Observers and Delegates private ContentViewClient mContentViewClient; private TabWebContentsObserver mWebContentsObserver; private TabWebContentsDelegateAndroid mWebContentsDelegate; private BlimpContents mBlimpContents; /** * If this tab was opened from another tab, store the id of the tab that * caused it to be opened so that we can activate it when this tab gets * closed. */ private int mParentId = INVALID_TAB_ID; /** * If this tab was opened from another tab in another Activity, this is the Intent that can be * fired to bring the parent Activity back. * TODO(dfalcantara): Remove this mechanism when we have a global TabManager. */ private Intent mParentIntent; /** * Whether the tab should be grouped with its parent tab. */ private boolean mGroupedWithParent = true; private boolean mIsClosing; private boolean mIsShowingErrorPage; private Bitmap mFavicon; private String mFaviconUrl; /** * The size in pixels at which favicons will be drawn. Ideally mFavicon will have this size to * avoid scaling artifacts. */ private int mIdealFaviconSize; /** Whether or not the TabState has changed. */ private boolean mIsTabStateDirty = true; /** * Saves how this tab was launched (from a link, external app, etc) so that * we can determine the different circumstances in which it should be * closed. For example, a tab opened from an external app should be closed * when the back stack is empty and the user uses the back hardware key. A * standard tab however should be kept open and the entire activity should * be moved to the background. */ private final TabLaunchType mLaunchType; /** * Navigation state of the WebContents as returned by nativeGetContentsStateAsByteBuffer(), * stored to be inflated on demand using unfreezeContents(). If this is not null, there is no * WebContents around. Upon tab switch WebContents will be unfrozen and the variable will be set * to null. */ private WebContentsState mFrozenContentsState; /** * Whether the restoration from frozen state failed. */ private boolean mFailedToRestore; /** * URL load to be performed lazily when the Tab is next shown. */ private LoadUrlParams mPendingLoadParams; /** * URL of the page currently loading. Used as a fall-back in case tab restore fails. */ private String mUrl; /** * The external application that this Tab is associated with (null if not associated with any * app). Allows reusing of tabs opened from the same application. */ private String mAppAssociatedWith; /** * Keeps track of whether the Tab should be kept in the TabModel after the user hits "back". * Used by Document mode to keep track of whether we want to remove the tab when user hits back. */ private boolean mShouldPreserve; /** * Indicates if the tab needs to be reloaded upon next display. This is set to true when the tab * crashes while in background, or if a speculative restore in background gets cancelled before * it completes. */ private boolean mNeedsReload; /** * True while a page load is in progress. */ private boolean mIsLoading; /** * True while a restore page load is in progress. */ private boolean mIsBeingRestored; /** * Whether or not the Tab is currently visible to the user. */ private boolean mIsHidden = true; /** * The last time this tab was shown or the time of its initialization if it wasn't yet shown. */ private long mTimestampMillis = INVALID_TIMESTAMP; /** * Title of the ContentViews webpage.Always update mTitle through updateTitle() so that it also * updates mIsTitleDirectionRtl correctly. */ private String mTitle; /** * Indicates if mTitle should be displayed from right to left. */ private boolean mIsTitleDirectionRtl; /** * The mInterceptNavigationDelegate will be consulted for top-level frame navigations. This * allows presenting the intent picker to the user so that a native Android application can be * used if available. */ private InterceptNavigationDelegateImpl mInterceptNavigationDelegate; /** * Whether didCommitProvisionalLoadForFrame() hasn't yet been called for the current native page * (page A). To decrease latency, we show native pages in both loadUrl() and * didCommitProvisionalLoadForFrame(). However, we mustn't show a new native page (page B) in * loadUrl() if the current native page hasn't yet been committed. Otherwise, we'll show each * page twice (A, B, A, B): the first two times in loadUrl(), the second two times in * didCommitProvisionalLoadForFrame(). */ private boolean mIsNativePageCommitPending; private TabRedirectHandler mTabRedirectHandler; private FullscreenManager mFullscreenManager; private float mPreviousFullscreenTopControlsOffsetY = Float.NaN; private float mPreviousFullscreenContentOffsetY = Float.NaN; private int mFullscreenHungRendererToken = FullscreenManager.INVALID_TOKEN; private boolean mIsFullscreenWaitingForLoad = false; /** * Indicates whether this tab has been detached from its activity and the corresponding * {@link WindowAndroid} for reparenting to a new activity. */ private boolean mIsDetachedForReparenting; /** * The UMA object used to report stats for this tab. Note that this may be null under certain * conditions, such as incognito mode. */ private TabUma mTabUma; /** * Reference to the current sadTabView if one is defined. */ private View mSadTabView; private final int mDefaultThemeColor; private int mThemeColor; private ChromeDownloadDelegate mDownloadDelegate; protected Handler mHandler; /** Whether or not the tab closing the tab can send the user back to the app that opened it. */ private boolean mIsAllowedToReturnToExternalApp; private class TabContentViewClient extends ContentViewClient { @Override public void onBackgroundColorChanged(int color) { Tab.this.onBackgroundColorChanged(color); } @Override public void onTopControlsChanged(float topControlsOffsetY, float topContentOffsetY) { super.onTopControlsChanged(topControlsOffsetY, topContentOffsetY); onOffsetsChanged(topControlsOffsetY, topContentOffsetY, isShowingSadTab()); } @Override public void onUpdateTitle(String title) { updateTitle(title); } @Override public void onContextualActionBarShown() { for (TabObserver observer : mObservers) { observer.onContextualActionBarVisibilityChanged(Tab.this, true); } } @Override public void onContextualActionBarHidden() { for (TabObserver observer : mObservers) { observer.onContextualActionBarVisibilityChanged(Tab.this, false); } } @Override public void onImeEvent() { // Some text was set in the page. Don't reuse it if a tab is // open from the same external application, we might lose some // user data. mAppAssociatedWith = null; } @Override public void onFocusedNodeEditabilityChanged(boolean editable) { if (getFullscreenManager() == null) return; updateFullscreenEnabledState(); } @Override public boolean doesPerformWebSearch() { return true; } @Override public void performWebSearch(String searchQuery) { if (TextUtils.isEmpty(searchQuery)) return; if (getTabModelSelector() == null) return; String url = TemplateUrlService.getInstance().getUrlForSearchQuery(searchQuery); String headers = GeolocationHeader.getGeoHeader(getApplicationContext(), url, isIncognito()); LoadUrlParams loadUrlParams = new LoadUrlParams(url); loadUrlParams.setVerbatimHeaders(headers); loadUrlParams.setTransitionType(PageTransition.GENERATED); getTabModelSelector().openNewTab(loadUrlParams, TabLaunchType.FROM_LONGPRESS_FOREGROUND, Tab.this, isIncognito()); } @Override public int getSystemWindowInsetLeft() { ChromeActivity activity = getActivity(); if (activity != null && activity.getInsetObserverView() != null) { return activity.getInsetObserverView().getSystemWindowInsetsLeft(); } return 0; } @Override public int getSystemWindowInsetTop() { ChromeActivity activity = getActivity(); if (activity != null && activity.getInsetObserverView() != null) { return activity.getInsetObserverView().getSystemWindowInsetsTop(); } return 0; } @Override public int getSystemWindowInsetRight() { ChromeActivity activity = getActivity(); if (activity != null && activity.getInsetObserverView() != null) { return activity.getInsetObserverView().getSystemWindowInsetsRight(); } return 0; } @Override public int getSystemWindowInsetBottom() { ChromeActivity activity = getActivity(); if (activity != null && activity.getInsetObserverView() != null) { return activity.getInsetObserverView().getSystemWindowInsetsBottom(); } return 0; } } private GestureStateListener createGestureStateListener() { return new GestureStateListener() { @Override public void onFlingStartGesture(int scrollOffsetY, int scrollExtentY) { onScrollingStateChanged(); } @Override public void onFlingEndGesture(int scrollOffsetY, int scrollExtentY) { onScrollingStateChanged(); } @Override public void onScrollStarted(int scrollOffsetY, int scrollExtentY) { onScrollingStateChanged(); } @Override public void onScrollEnded(int scrollOffsetY, int scrollExtentY) { onScrollingStateChanged(); } private void onScrollingStateChanged() { FullscreenManager fullscreenManager = getFullscreenManager(); if (fullscreenManager == null) return; fullscreenManager.onContentViewScrollingStateChanged( getContentViewCore() != null && getContentViewCore().isScrollInProgress()); } }; } // TODO(dtrainor): Port more methods to the observer. private final TabObserver mTabObserver = new EmptyTabObserver() { @Override public void onSSLStateUpdated(Tab tab) { PolicyAuditor auditor = ((ChromeApplication) getApplicationContext()).getPolicyAuditor(); auditor.notifyCertificateFailure( PolicyAuditor.nativeGetCertificateFailure(getWebContents()), getApplicationContext()); updateFullscreenEnabledState(); updateThemeColorIfNeeded(false); } @Override public void onUrlUpdated(Tab tab) { updateThemeColorIfNeeded(false); } @Override public void onWebContentsSwapped(Tab tab, boolean didStartLoad, boolean didFinishLoad) { if (!didStartLoad) return; String url = tab.getUrl(); // Simulate the PAGE_LOAD_STARTED notification that we did not get. didStartPageLoad(url, false); // As we may have missed the main frame commit notification for the // swapped web contents, schedule the enabling of fullscreen now. scheduleEnableFullscreenLoadDelayIfNecessary(); if (didFinishLoad) { // Simulate the PAGE_LOAD_FINISHED notification that we did not get. didFinishPageLoad(); } } }; private TabDelegateFactory mDelegateFactory; private TopControlsVisibilityDelegate mTopControlsVisibilityDelegate; /** * Creates an instance of a {@link Tab}. * * This constructor may be called before the native library has been loaded, so any additions * must be vetted for library calls. * * @param id The id this tab should be identified with. * @param incognito Whether or not this tab is incognito. * @param window An instance of a {@link WindowAndroid}. */ public Tab(int id, boolean incognito, WindowAndroid window) { this(id, INVALID_TAB_ID, incognito, null, window, null, null, null); } /** * Creates an instance of a {@link Tab}. * * This constructor can be called before the native library has been loaded, so any additions * must be vetted for library calls. * * @param id The id this tab should be identified with. * @param parentId The id id of the tab that caused this tab to be opened. * @param incognito Whether or not this tab is incognito. * @param context An instance of a {@link Context}. * @param window An instance of a {@link WindowAndroid}. * @param creationState State in which the tab is created, needed to initialize TabUma * accounting. When null, TabUma will not be initialized. * @param frozenState State containing information about this Tab, if it was persisted. */ @SuppressLint("HandlerLeak") public Tab(int id, int parentId, boolean incognito, Context context, WindowAndroid window, TabLaunchType type, TabCreationState creationState, TabState frozenState) { mId = TabIdManager.getInstance().generateValidId(id); mParentId = parentId; mIncognito = incognito; mThemedApplicationContext = context != null ? new ContextThemeWrapper( context.getApplicationContext(), ChromeActivity.getThemeId()) : null; mWindowAndroid = window; mLaunchType = type; if (mThemedApplicationContext != null) { Resources resources = mThemedApplicationContext.getResources(); mIdealFaviconSize = resources.getDimensionPixelSize(R.dimen.default_favicon_size); mDefaultThemeColor = mIncognito ? ApiCompatibilityUtils.getColor(resources, R.color.incognito_primary_color) : ApiCompatibilityUtils.getColor(resources, R.color.default_primary_color); mThemeColor = calculateThemeColor(false); } else { mIdealFaviconSize = 16; mDefaultThemeColor = 0; mThemeColor = mDefaultThemeColor; } // Restore data from the TabState, if it existed. if (frozenState != null) { assert type == TabLaunchType.FROM_RESTORE; restoreFieldsFromState(frozenState); } setContentViewClient(new TabContentViewClient()); mHandler = new Handler() { @Override public void handleMessage(Message msg) { if (msg == null) return; if (msg.what == MSG_ID_ENABLE_FULLSCREEN_AFTER_LOAD) { enableFullscreenAfterLoad(); } } }; mTabRedirectHandler = new TabRedirectHandler(mThemedApplicationContext); addObserver(mTabObserver); if (incognito) { CipherFactory.getInstance().triggerKeyGeneration(); } ContextualSearchTabHelper.createForTab(this); MediaSessionTabHelper.createForTab(this); if (creationState != null) { mTabUma = new TabUma(creationState); if (frozenState == null) { assert creationState != TabCreationState.FROZEN_ON_RESTORE; } else { assert type == TabLaunchType.FROM_RESTORE && creationState == TabCreationState.FROZEN_ON_RESTORE; } } } private void enableFullscreenAfterLoad() { if (!mIsFullscreenWaitingForLoad) return; mIsFullscreenWaitingForLoad = false; updateFullscreenEnabledState(); } /** * Restores member fields from the given TabState. * @param state TabState containing information about this Tab. */ private void restoreFieldsFromState(TabState state) { assert state != null; mAppAssociatedWith = state.openerAppId; mFrozenContentsState = state.contentsState; mSyncId = (int) state.syncId; mShouldPreserve = state.shouldPreserve; mTimestampMillis = state.timestampMillis; mUrl = state.getVirtualUrlFromState(); mThemeColor = state.hasThemeColor() ? state.getThemeColor() : getDefaultThemeColor(); mTitle = state.getDisplayTitleFromState(); mIsTitleDirectionRtl = mTitle != null && LocalizationUtils.getFirstStrongCharacterDirection(mTitle) == LocalizationUtils.RIGHT_TO_LEFT; } /** * Adds a {@link TabObserver} to be notified on {@link Tab} changes. * @param observer The {@link TabObserver} to add. */ public void addObserver(TabObserver observer) { mObservers.addObserver(observer); } /** * Removes a {@link TabObserver}. * @param observer The {@link TabObserver} to remove. */ public void removeObserver(TabObserver observer) { mObservers.removeObserver(observer); } /** * @return Whether or not this tab has a previous navigation entry. */ public boolean canGoBack() { if (isBlimpTab()) { return getBlimpContents() != null && getBlimpContents().getNavigationController().canGoBack(); } else { return getWebContents() != null && getWebContents().getNavigationController().canGoBack(); } } /** * @return Whether or not this tab has a navigation entry after the current one. */ public boolean canGoForward() { if (isBlimpTab()) { return getBlimpContents() != null && getBlimpContents().getNavigationController().canGoForward(); } else { return getWebContents() != null && getWebContents().getNavigationController().canGoForward(); } } /** * Goes to the navigation entry before the current one. */ public void goBack() { if (isBlimpTab()) { if (getBlimpContents() != null) getBlimpContents().getNavigationController().goBack(); } else { if (getWebContents() != null) getWebContents().getNavigationController().goBack(); } } /** * Goes to the navigation entry after the current one. */ public void goForward() { if (isBlimpTab()) { if (getBlimpContents() != null) { getBlimpContents().getNavigationController().goForward(); } } else { if (getWebContents() != null) getWebContents().getNavigationController().goForward(); } } /** * Loads the current navigation if there is a pending lazy load (after tab restore). */ public void loadIfNecessary() { if (getWebContents() != null) getWebContents().getNavigationController().loadIfNecessary(); } /** * Requests the current navigation to be loaded upon the next call to loadIfNecessary(). */ protected void requestRestoreLoad() { if (getWebContents() != null) { getWebContents().getNavigationController().requestRestoreLoad(); } } /** * Causes this tab to navigate to the specified URL. * @param params parameters describing the url load. Note that it is important to set correct * page transition as it is used for ranking URLs in the history so the omnibox * can report suggestions correctly. * @return FULL_PRERENDERED_PAGE_LOAD or PARTIAL_PRERENDERED_PAGE_LOAD if the page has been * prerendered. DEFAULT_PAGE_LOAD if it had not. */ public int loadUrl(LoadUrlParams params) { try { TraceEvent.begin("Tab.loadUrl"); // TODO(tedchoc): When showing the android NTP, delay the call to nativeLoadUrl until // the android view has entirely rendered. if (!mIsNativePageCommitPending) { mIsNativePageCommitPending = maybeShowNativePage(params.getUrl(), false); } removeSadTabIfPresent(); // Clear the app association if the user navigated to a different page from the omnibox. if ((params.getTransitionType() & PageTransition.FROM_ADDRESS_BAR) == PageTransition.FROM_ADDRESS_BAR) { mAppAssociatedWith = null; setIsAllowedToReturnToExternalApp(false); } // We load the URL from the tab rather than directly from the ContentView so the tab has // a chance of using a prerenderer page is any. int loadType = nativeLoadUrl(mNativeTabAndroid, params.getUrl(), params.getVerbatimHeaders(), params.getPostData(), params.getTransitionType(), params.getReferrer() != null ? params.getReferrer().getUrl() : null, // Policy will be ignored for null referrer url, 0 is just a placeholder. // TODO(ppi): Should we pass Referrer jobject and add JNI methods to read it // from the native? params.getReferrer() != null ? params.getReferrer().getPolicy() : 0, params.getIsRendererInitiated(), params.getShouldReplaceCurrentEntry(), params.getIntentReceivedTimestamp(), params.getHasUserGesture()); for (TabObserver observer : mObservers) { observer.onLoadUrl(this, params, loadType); } return loadType; } finally { TraceEvent.end("Tab.loadUrl"); } } /** * Load the original image (uncompressed by spdy proxy) in this tab. */ void loadOriginalImage() { if (mNativeTabAndroid != 0) nativeLoadOriginalImage(mNativeTabAndroid); } /** * @return Whether or not the {@link Tab} is currently showing an interstitial page, such as * a bad HTTPS page. */ public boolean isShowingInterstitialPage() { return getWebContents() != null && getWebContents().isShowingInterstitialPage(); } /** * @return Whether the {@link Tab} is currently showing an error page. */ public boolean isShowingErrorPage() { return mIsShowingErrorPage; } /** * Sets whether the tab is showing an error page. This is reset whenever the tab finishes a * navigation. * * @param isShowingErrorPage Whether the tab shows an error page. */ public void setIsShowingErrorPage(boolean isShowingErrorPage) { mIsShowingErrorPage = isShowingErrorPage; } /** * @return Whether or not the tab has something valid to render. */ public boolean isReady() { return mNativePage != null || (getWebContents() != null && getWebContents().isReady()); } /** * @return The {@link View} displaying the current page in the tab. This can be {@code null}, if * the tab is frozen or being initialized or destroyed. */ public TabContentViewParent getView() { return mContentViewParent; } /** * @return The width of the content of this tab. Can be 0 if there is no content. */ public int getWidth() { View view = getView(); return view != null ? view.getWidth() : 0; } /** * @return The height of the content of this tab. Can be 0 if there is no content. */ public int getHeight() { View view = getView(); return view != null ? view.getHeight() : 0; } /** * @return The application {@link Context} associated with this tab. */ protected Context getApplicationContext() { return mThemedApplicationContext.getApplicationContext(); } /** * @return {@link ChromeActivity} that currently contains this {@link Tab} in its * {@link TabModel}. */ ChromeActivity getActivity() { Activity activity = WindowAndroid.activityFromContext( getWindowAndroid().getContext().get()); if (activity instanceof ChromeActivity) return (ChromeActivity) activity; return null; } /** * @return {@link TabModelSelector} that currently hosts the {@link TabModel} for this * {@link Tab}. */ TabModelSelector getTabModelSelector() { if (getActivity() == null) return null; return getActivity().getTabModelSelector(); } /** * @return The infobar container. */ public final InfoBarContainer getInfoBarContainer() { return mInfoBarContainer; } /** @return An opaque "state" object that can be persisted to storage. */ public TabState getState() { if (!isInitialized()) return null; TabState tabState = new TabState(); tabState.contentsState = getWebContentsState(); tabState.openerAppId = mAppAssociatedWith; tabState.parentId = mParentId; tabState.shouldPreserve = mShouldPreserve; tabState.syncId = mSyncId; tabState.timestampMillis = mTimestampMillis; tabState.themeColor = getThemeColor(); return tabState; } /** @return WebContentsState representing the state of the WebContents (navigations, etc.) */ public WebContentsState getFrozenContentsState() { return mFrozenContentsState; } /** Returns an object representing the state of the Tab's WebContents. */ private TabState.WebContentsState getWebContentsState() { if (mFrozenContentsState != null) return mFrozenContentsState; // Native call returns null when buffer allocation needed to serialize the state failed. ByteBuffer buffer = getWebContentsStateAsByteBuffer(); if (buffer == null) return null; TabState.WebContentsState state = new TabState.WebContentsStateNative(buffer); state.setVersion(TabState.CONTENTS_STATE_CURRENT_VERSION); return state; } /** Returns an ByteBuffer representing the state of the Tab's WebContents. */ private ByteBuffer getWebContentsStateAsByteBuffer() { if (mPendingLoadParams == null) { return TabState.getContentsStateAsByteBuffer(this); } else { Referrer referrer = mPendingLoadParams.getReferrer(); return TabState.createSingleNavigationStateAsByteBuffer( mPendingLoadParams.getUrl(), referrer != null ? referrer.getUrl() : null, // Policy will be ignored for null referrer url, 0 is just a placeholder. referrer != null ? referrer.getPolicy() : 0, isIncognito()); } } /** * Prints the current page. * * @return Whether the printing process is started successfully. **/ public boolean print() { assert mNativeTabAndroid != 0; return nativePrint(mNativeTabAndroid); } @CalledByNative public void setPendingPrint() { PrintingController printingController = PrintingControllerImpl.getInstance(); if (printingController == null) return; printingController.setPendingPrint(new TabPrinter(this), new PrintManagerDelegateImpl(getActivity())); } /** * Reloads the current page content. */ public void reload() { // TODO(dtrainor): Should we try to rebuild the ContentView if it's frozen? if (isBlimpTab()) { if (getBlimpContents() != null) { getBlimpContents().getNavigationController().reload(); } } else if (isOfflinePage()) { // If current page is an offline page, reload it with custom behavior defined in extra // header respected. LoadUrlParams params = new LoadUrlParams(getOriginalUrl(), PageTransition.RELOAD); params.setVerbatimHeaders(OfflinePageUtils.getOfflinePageHeaderForReload(this)); loadUrl(params); } else { if (getWebContents() != null) getWebContents().getNavigationController().reload(true); } } /** * Reloads the current page content. * This version ignores the cache and reloads from the network. */ public void reloadIgnoringCache() { if (getWebContents() != null) { getWebContents().getNavigationController().reloadBypassingCache(true); } } /** * Reloads all the Lo-Fi images in this Tab's WebContents. * This version ignores the cache and reloads from the network. */ public void reloadLoFiImages() { if (getWebContents() != null) { getWebContents().reloadLoFiImages(); } } /** * @return Whether or not the loading and rendering of the page is done. */ @VisibleForTesting public boolean isLoadingAndRenderingDone() { return isReady() && getProgress() >= CONSIDERED_READY_LOAD_PERCENTAGE; } /** Stop the current navigation. */ public void stopLoading() { if (isLoading()) { RewindableIterator<TabObserver> observers = getTabObservers(); while (observers.hasNext()) observers.next().onPageLoadFinished(this); } if (getWebContents() != null) getWebContents().stop(); } /** * @return a value between 0 and 100 reflecting what percentage of the page load is complete. */ public int getProgress() { TabWebContentsDelegateAndroid delegate = getTabWebContentsDelegateAndroid(); if (delegate == null) return 0; return isLoading() ? delegate.getMostRecentProgress() : 100; } /** * @return The background color of the tab. */ public int getBackgroundColor() { if (mNativePage != null) return mNativePage.getBackgroundColor(); if (getWebContents() != null) return getWebContents().getBackgroundColor(); return Color.WHITE; } /** * @return The current theme color based on the value passed from the web contents and the * security state. */ public int getThemeColor() { return mThemeColor; } /** * Calculate the theme color based on if the page is native, the theme color changed, etc. * @param didWebContentsThemeColorChange If the theme color of the web contents is known to have * changed. * @return The theme color that should be used for this tab. */ private int calculateThemeColor(boolean didWebContentsThemeColorChange) { if (isNativePage()) return mNativePage.getThemeColor(); // Start by assuming the current theme color is that one that should be used. This will // either be transparent, the last theme color, or the color restored from TabState. int themeColor = mThemeColor; // Only use the web contents for the theme color if it is known to have changed, This // corresponds to the didChangeThemeColor in WebContentsObserver. if (getWebContents() != null && didWebContentsThemeColorChange) { themeColor = getWebContents().getThemeColor(); if (themeColor != 0 && !ColorUtils.isValidThemeColor(themeColor)) themeColor = 0; } // Apply theme color for Blimp tab. if (isBlimpTab() && getBlimpContents() != null) { themeColor = getBlimpContents().getThemeColor(); if (themeColor != 0 && !ColorUtils.isValidThemeColor(themeColor)) themeColor = 0; } // Do not apply the theme color if there are any security issues on the page. int securityLevel = getSecurityLevel(); if (securityLevel == ConnectionSecurityLevel.DANGEROUS || securityLevel == ConnectionSecurityLevel.SECURITY_WARNING || securityLevel == ConnectionSecurityLevel.SECURE_WITH_POLICY_INSTALLED_CERT) { themeColor = getDefaultThemeColor(); } if (isShowingInterstitialPage()) themeColor = getDefaultThemeColor(); if (themeColor == Color.TRANSPARENT) themeColor = getDefaultThemeColor(); if (isIncognito()) themeColor = getDefaultThemeColor(); // Ensure there is no alpha component to the theme color as that is not supported in the // dependent UI. themeColor |= 0xFF000000; return themeColor; } /** * Determines if the theme color has changed and notifies the listeners if it has. * @param didWebContentsThemeColorChange If the theme color of the web contents is known to have * changed. */ void updateThemeColorIfNeeded(boolean didWebContentsThemeColorChange) { int themeColor = calculateThemeColor(didWebContentsThemeColorChange); if (themeColor == mThemeColor) return; mThemeColor = themeColor; RewindableIterator<TabObserver> observers = getTabObservers(); while (observers.hasNext()) { observers.next().onDidChangeThemeColor(this, themeColor); } } /** * @return The web contents associated with this tab. */ public WebContents getWebContents() { return mContentViewCore != null ? mContentViewCore.getWebContents() : null; } /** * @return The {@link BlimpContents} associated with this tab, if in blimp mode. */ public BlimpContents getBlimpContents() { return mBlimpContents; } /** * @return Whether or not this tab is running in blimp mode. */ public boolean isBlimpTab() { return mBlimp; } /** * @return The profile associated with this tab. */ public Profile getProfile() { if (mNativeTabAndroid == 0) return null; return nativeGetProfileAndroid(mNativeTabAndroid); } /** * For more information about the uniqueness of {@link #getId()} see comments on {@link Tab}. * @see Tab * @return The id representing this tab. */ @CalledByNative public int getId() { return mId; } /** * @return Whether or not this tab is incognito. */ public boolean isIncognito() { return mIncognito; } /** * @return The {@link ContentViewCore} associated with the current page. */ public ContentViewCore getActiveContentViewCore() { // TODO(jinsukkim): Remove this along with the refactoring for Blimp. // See https://crbug.com/650515. return mContentViewCore; } /** * @return The {@link ContentViewCore} associated with the current page, or {@code null} if * there is no current page or the current page is displayed using a native view. */ public ContentViewCore getContentViewCore() { return mNativePage == null ? mContentViewCore : null; } /** * @return The {@link NativePage} associated with the current page, or {@code null} if there is * no current page or the current page is displayed using something besides * {@link NativePage}. */ public NativePage getNativePage() { return mNativePage; } /** * @return Whether or not the {@link Tab} represents a {@link NativePage}. */ public boolean isNativePage() { return mNativePage != null; } /** * Set whether or not the {@link ContentViewCore} should be using a desktop user agent for the * currently loaded page. * @param useDesktop If {@code true}, use a desktop user agent. Otherwise use a mobile one. * @param reloadOnChange Reload the page if the user agent has changed. */ public void setUseDesktopUserAgent(boolean useDesktop, boolean reloadOnChange) { if (getWebContents() != null) { getWebContents().getNavigationController().setUseDesktopUserAgent( useDesktop, reloadOnChange); } } /** * @return Whether or not the {@link ContentViewCore} is using a desktop user agent. */ public boolean getUseDesktopUserAgent() { return getWebContents() != null && getWebContents().getNavigationController().getUseDesktopUserAgent(); } /** * @return The current {@link ConnectionSecurityLevel} for the tab. */ // TODO(tedchoc): Remove this and transition all clients to use ToolbarModel directly. public int getSecurityLevel() { return SecurityStateModel.getSecurityLevelForWebContents(getWebContents()); } /** * @return The sync id of the tab if session sync is enabled, {@code 0} otherwise. */ @CalledByNative private int getSyncId() { return mSyncId; } /** * @param syncId The sync id of the tab if session sync is enabled. */ @CalledByNative private void setSyncId(int syncId) { mSyncId = syncId; } /** * @return An {@link ObserverList.RewindableIterator} instance that points to all of * the current {@link TabObserver}s on this class. Note that calling * {@link java.util.Iterator#remove()} will throw an * {@link UnsupportedOperationException}. */ public ObserverList.RewindableIterator<TabObserver> getTabObservers() { return mObservers.rewindableIterator(); } /** * @param client The {@link ContentViewClient} to be bound to any current or new * {@link ContentViewCore}s associated with this {@link Tab}. */ private void setContentViewClient(ContentViewClient client) { if (mContentViewClient == client) return; ContentViewClient oldClient = mContentViewClient; mContentViewClient = client; if (mContentViewCore == null) return; if (mContentViewClient != null) { mContentViewCore.setContentViewClient(mContentViewClient); } else if (oldClient != null) { // We can't set a null client, but we should clear references to the last one. mContentViewCore.setContentViewClient(new ContentViewClient()); } } /** * Called on the foreground tab when the Activity showing the Tab gets started. This is called * on both cold and warm starts. */ public void onActivityShown() { if (isHidden()) { show(TabSelectionType.FROM_USER); } else { // The visible Tab's renderer process may have died after the activity was paused. // Ensure that it's restored appropriately. loadIfNeeded(); } // When resuming the activity, force an update to the fullscreen state to ensure a // subactivity did not change the fullscreen configuration of this ChromeTab's renderer in // the case where it was shared (i.e. via an EmbedContentViewActivity). updateFullscreenEnabledState(); } /** * Called on the foreground tab when the Activity showing the Tab gets stopped. */ public void onActivityHidden() { hide(); if (mTabUma != null) mTabUma.onActivityHidden(); } /** * @return Whether the tab is ready to display or it should be faded in as it loads. */ public boolean shouldStall() { return (isFrozen() || needsReload()) && !NativePageFactory.isNativePageUrl(getUrl(), isIncognito()); } /** * Prepares the tab to be shown. This method is supposed to be called before the tab is * displayed. It restores the ContentView if it is not available after the cold start and * reloads the tab if its renderer has crashed. * @param type Specifies how the tab was selected. */ public final void show(TabSelectionType type) { try { TraceEvent.begin("Tab.show"); if (!isHidden()) return; // Keep unsetting mIsHidden above loadIfNeeded(), so that we pass correct visibility // when spawning WebContents in loadIfNeeded(). mIsHidden = false; loadIfNeeded(); assert !isFrozen(); if (mContentViewCore != null) mContentViewCore.onShow(); if (mBlimpContents != null) mBlimpContents.show(); if (mTabUma != null) { mTabUma.onShow(type, getTimestampMillis(), computeMRURank(this, getTabModelSelector().getModel(mIncognito))); } // If the NativePage was frozen while in the background (see NativePageAssassin), // recreate the NativePage now. if (getNativePage() instanceof FrozenNativePage) { maybeShowNativePage(getUrl(), true); } NativePageAssassin.getInstance().tabShown(this); // If the page is still loading, update the progress bar (otherwise it would not show // until the renderer notifies of new progress being made). if (getProgress() < 100 && !isShowingInterstitialPage()) { notifyLoadProgress(getProgress()); } // Updating the timestamp has to happen after the showInternal() call since subclasses // may use it for logging. mTimestampMillis = System.currentTimeMillis(); for (TabObserver observer : mObservers) observer.onShown(this); } finally { TraceEvent.end("Tab.show"); } } /** * Triggers the hiding logic for the view backing the tab. */ public final void hide() { try { TraceEvent.begin("Tab.hide"); if (isHidden()) return; mIsHidden = true; if (mContentViewCore != null) mContentViewCore.onHide(); if (mBlimpContents != null) mBlimpContents.hide(); // Clean up any fullscreen state that might impact other tabs. if (mFullscreenManager != null) { mFullscreenManager.setPersistentFullscreenMode(false); mFullscreenManager.hideControlsPersistent(mFullscreenHungRendererToken); mFullscreenHungRendererToken = FullscreenManager.INVALID_TOKEN; } if (mTabUma != null) mTabUma.onHide(); mTabRedirectHandler.clear(); cancelEnableFullscreenLoadDelay(); // Allow this tab's NativePage to be frozen if it stays hidden for a while. NativePageAssassin.getInstance().tabHidden(this); for (TabObserver observer : mObservers) observer.onHidden(this); } finally { TraceEvent.end("Tab.hide"); } } /** * Shows the given {@code nativePage} if it's not already showing. * @param nativePage The {@link NativePage} to show. */ private void showNativePage(NativePage nativePage) { if (mNativePage == nativePage) return; NativePage previousNativePage = mNativePage; mNativePage = nativePage; pushNativePageStateToNavigationEntry(); // Notifying of theme color change before content change because some of // the observers depend on the theme information being correct in // onContentChanged(). updateThemeColorIfNeeded(false); notifyContentChanged(); destroyNativePageInternal(previousNativePage); } /** * Replaces the current NativePage with a empty stand-in for a NativePage. This can be used * to reduce memory pressure. */ public void freezeNativePage() { if (mNativePage == null || mNativePage instanceof FrozenNativePage) return; assert mNativePage.getView().getParent() == null : "Cannot freeze visible native page"; mNativePage = FrozenNativePage.freeze(mNativePage); } /** * Hides the current {@link NativePage}, if any, and shows the {@link ContentViewCore}'s view. */ protected void showRenderedPage() { updateTitle(); if (mNativePage == null) return; NativePage previousNativePage = mNativePage; mNativePage = null; notifyContentChanged(); destroyNativePageInternal(previousNativePage); } /** * Initializes {@link Tab} with {@code webContents}. If {@code webContents} is {@code null} a * new {@link WebContents} will be created for this {@link Tab}. * @param webContents A {@link WebContents} object or {@code null} if one should be * created. * @param tabContentManager A {@link TabContentManager} instance or {@code null} if the web * content will be managed/displayed manually. * @param delegateFactory The {@link TabDelegateFactory} to be used for delegate creation. * @param initiallyHidden Only used if {@code webContents} is {@code null}. Determines * whether or not the newly created {@link WebContents} will be hidden * or not. * @param unfreeze Whether there should be an attempt to restore state at the end of * the initialization. */ public final void initialize(WebContents webContents, TabContentManager tabContentManager, TabDelegateFactory delegateFactory, boolean initiallyHidden, boolean unfreeze) { try { TraceEvent.begin("Tab.initialize"); mDelegateFactory = delegateFactory; initializeNative(); RevenueStats.getInstance().tabCreated(this); mTopControlsVisibilityDelegate = mDelegateFactory.createTopControlsVisibilityDelegate(this); mBlimp = BlimpClientContextFactory .getBlimpClientContextForProfile( Profile.getLastUsedProfile().getOriginalProfile()) .isBlimpEnabled() && !mIncognito; // Attach the TabContentManager if we have one. This will bind this Tab's content layer // to this manager. // TODO(dtrainor): Remove this and move to a pull model instead of pushing the layer. attachTabContentManager(tabContentManager); // If there is a frozen WebContents state or a pending lazy load, don't create a new // WebContents. if (getFrozenContentsState() != null || getPendingLoadParams() != null) { if (unfreeze) unfreezeContents(); return; } if (isBlimpTab() && getBlimpContents() == null) { Profile profile = Profile.getLastUsedProfile(); if (mIncognito) profile = profile.getOffTheRecordProfile(); mBlimpContents = nativeInitBlimpContents( mNativeTabAndroid, profile, mWindowAndroid.getNativePointer()); if (mBlimpContents != null) { getBlimpContents().addObserver(new TabBlimpContentsObserver(this)); } else { mBlimp = false; } } boolean creatingWebContents = webContents == null; if (creatingWebContents) { webContents = WarmupManager.getInstance().takeSpareWebContents( isIncognito(), initiallyHidden); if (webContents == null) { webContents = WebContentsFactory.createWebContents(isIncognito(), initiallyHidden); } } ContentViewCore contentViewCore = ContentViewCore.fromWebContents(webContents); if (contentViewCore == null) { initContentViewCore(webContents); } else { setContentViewCore(contentViewCore); } if (!creatingWebContents && webContents.isLoadingToDifferentDocument()) { didStartPageLoad(webContents.getUrl(), false); } getAppBannerManager().setIsEnabledForTab(mDelegateFactory.canShowAppBanners(this)); } finally { if (mTimestampMillis == INVALID_TIMESTAMP) { mTimestampMillis = System.currentTimeMillis(); } TraceEvent.end("Tab.initialize"); } } /** * Begins the tab reparenting process. Detaches the tab from its current activity and fires * an Intent to reparent the tab into its new host activity. * * @param intent An optional intent with the desired component, flags, or extras to use when * launching the new host activity. This intent's URI and action will be * overriden. This may be null if no intent customization is needed. * @param startActivityOptions Options to pass to {@link Activity#startActivity(Intent, Bundle)} * @param finalizeCallback A callback that will be called after the tab is attached to the new * host activity in {@link #attachAndFinishReparenting}. * @return Whether reparenting succeeded. If false, the tab was not removed and the intent was * not fired. */ public boolean detachAndStartReparenting(Intent intent, Bundle startActivityOptions, Runnable finalizeCallback) { ChromeActivity activity = getActivity(); if (activity == null) return false; if (intent == null) intent = new Intent(); if (intent.getComponent() == null) { intent.setClass(mThemedApplicationContext, ChromeLauncherActivity.class); } intent.setAction(Intent.ACTION_VIEW); if (TextUtils.isEmpty(intent.getDataString())) intent.setData(Uri.parse(getUrl())); if (isIncognito()) { intent.putExtra(IntentHandler.EXTRA_OPEN_NEW_INCOGNITO_TAB, true); } IntentHandler.addTrustedIntentExtras(intent, activity); if (ChromeFeatureList.isEnabled(ChromeFeatureList.TAB_REPARENTING)) { TabModelSelector tabModelSelector = getTabModelSelector(); if (tabModelSelector == null) return false; mIsDetachedForReparenting = true; // Add the tab to AsyncTabParamsManager before removing it from the current model to // ensure the global count of tabs is correct. See crbug.com/611806. intent.putExtra(IntentHandler.EXTRA_TAB_ID, mId); AsyncTabParamsManager.add(mId, new TabReparentingParams(this, intent, finalizeCallback)); tabModelSelector.getModel(mIncognito).removeTab(this); // We can't call updateWindowAndroid here and set mWindowAndroid to null because the tab // may navigate while being reparented and cause a crash. // TODO(mthiesse): File a bug when crbug isn't down. if (mContentViewCore != null) mContentViewCore.updateWindowAndroid(null); attachTabContentManager(null); } activity.startActivity(intent, startActivityOptions); return true; } /** * Finishes the tab reparenting process. Attaches the tab to the new activity, and updates the * tab and related objects to reference the new activity. This updates many delegates inside the * tab and {@link ContentViewCore} both on java and native sides. * * @param activity The new activity this tab should be associated with. * @param tabDelegateFactory The new delegate factory this tab should be using. * @Param reparentingParams The TabReparentingParams associated with this reparenting process. */ public void attachAndFinishReparenting(ChromeActivity activity, TabDelegateFactory tabDelegateFactory, TabReparentingParams reparentingParams) { // TODO(yusufo): Share these calls with the construction related calls. // crbug.com/590281 updateWindowAndroid(activity.getWindowAndroid()); // Update for the controllers that need the Compositor from the new Activity. attachTabContentManager(activity.getTabContentManager()); mFullscreenManager = activity.getFullscreenManager(); activity.getCompositorViewHolder().prepareForTabReparenting(); // Update the delegate factory, then recreate and propagate all delegates. mDelegateFactory = tabDelegateFactory; mWebContentsDelegate = mDelegateFactory.createWebContentsDelegate(this); nativeUpdateDelegates(mNativeTabAndroid, mWebContentsDelegate, mDelegateFactory.createContextMenuPopulator(this)); mTopControlsVisibilityDelegate = mDelegateFactory.createTopControlsVisibilityDelegate(this); setInterceptNavigationDelegate(mDelegateFactory.createInterceptNavigationDelegate(this)); getAppBannerManager().setIsEnabledForTab(mDelegateFactory.canShowAppBanners(this)); // Reload the NativePage (if any), since the old NativePage has a reference to the old // activity. maybeShowNativePage(getUrl(), true); reparentingParams.finalizeTabReparenting(); mIsDetachedForReparenting = false; mIsTabStateDirty = true; for (TabObserver observer : mObservers) { observer.onReparentingFinished(this); } } /** * Update and propagate the new WindowAndroid. * @param windowAndroid The WindowAndroid to propagate. */ public void updateWindowAndroid(WindowAndroid windowAndroid) { mWindowAndroid = windowAndroid; if (mContentViewCore != null) mContentViewCore.updateWindowAndroid(mWindowAndroid); } /** * @return Whether the tab is detached from its Activity and {@link WindowAndroid} for * reparenting. Certain functionalities will not work until it is attached to a new activity * with {@link Tab#attachAndFinishReparenting( * ChromeActivity, TabDelegateFactory, TabReparentingParams)}. */ public boolean isDetachedForReparenting() { return mIsDetachedForReparenting; } /** * Attach the content layer for this tab to the given {@link TabContentManager}. * @param tabContentManager {@link TabContentManager} to attach to. */ public void attachTabContentManager(TabContentManager tabContentManager) { if (mNativeTabAndroid == 0) return; nativeAttachToTabContentManager(mNativeTabAndroid, tabContentManager); } /** * @return The delegate factory for testing purposes only. */ public TabDelegateFactory getDelegateFactory() { return mDelegateFactory; } public View getContentView() { if (!isNativePage()) { return getView(); } else if (mBlimpContents != null) { return mBlimpContents.getView(); } else if (mContentViewCore != null) { return mContentViewCore.getContainerView(); } return null; } /** * Called when a navigation begins and no navigation was in progress * @param toDifferentDocument Whether this navigation will transition between * documents (i.e., not a fragment navigation or JS History API call). */ protected void onLoadStarted(boolean toDifferentDocument) { if (toDifferentDocument) mIsLoading = true; for (TabObserver observer : mObservers) observer.onLoadStarted(this, toDifferentDocument); } /** * Called when a navigation completes and no other navigation is in progress. */ protected void onLoadStopped() { // mIsLoading should only be false if this is a same-document navigation. boolean toDifferentDocument = mIsLoading; mIsLoading = false; for (TabObserver observer : mObservers) observer.onLoadStopped(this, toDifferentDocument); } /** * Called when a page has started loading. * @param validatedUrl URL being loaded. * @param showingErrorPage Whether an error page is being shown. */ protected void didStartPageLoad(String validatedUrl, boolean showingErrorPage) { mIsFullscreenWaitingForLoad = !DomDistillerUrlUtils.isDistilledPage(validatedUrl); updateTitle(); removeSadTabIfPresent(); clearHungRendererState(); if (mTabUma != null) mTabUma.onPageLoadStarted(); for (TabObserver observer : mObservers) observer.onPageLoadStarted(this, validatedUrl); } /** * Called when a page has finished loading. */ protected void didFinishPageLoad() { mIsBeingRestored = false; mIsTabStateDirty = true; updateTitle(); updateFullscreenEnabledState(); if (!isNativePage()) { RecordHistogram.recordBooleanHistogram( "Navigation.IsMobileOptimized", mContentViewCore.getIsMobileOptimizedHint()); } if (mTabUma != null) mTabUma.onPageLoadFinished(); for (TabObserver observer : mObservers) observer.onPageLoadFinished(this); // Handle the case where a commit or prerender swap notification failed to arrive and the // enable fullscreen message was never enqueued. scheduleEnableFullscreenLoadDelayIfNecessary(); } private void scheduleEnableFullscreenLoadDelayIfNecessary() { if (mIsFullscreenWaitingForLoad && !mHandler.hasMessages(MSG_ID_ENABLE_FULLSCREEN_AFTER_LOAD)) { mHandler.sendEmptyMessageDelayed( MSG_ID_ENABLE_FULLSCREEN_AFTER_LOAD, MAX_FULLSCREEN_LOAD_DELAY_MS); } } /** * @return Whether fullscreen state is waiting for the load to finish for an update. */ boolean isFullscreenWaitingForLoad() { return mIsFullscreenWaitingForLoad; } /** * Called when a page has failed loading. * @param errorCode The error code causing the page to fail loading. */ protected void didFailPageLoad(int errorCode) { cancelEnableFullscreenLoadDelay(); mIsBeingRestored = false; if (mTabUma != null) mTabUma.onLoadFailed(errorCode); for (TabObserver observer : mObservers) observer.onPageLoadFailed(this, errorCode); updateFullscreenEnabledState(); } private void cancelEnableFullscreenLoadDelay() { mHandler.removeMessages(MSG_ID_ENABLE_FULLSCREEN_AFTER_LOAD); mIsFullscreenWaitingForLoad = false; } /** * Builds the native counterpart to this class. Meant to be overridden by subclasses to build * subclass native counterparts instead. Subclasses should not call this via super and instead * rely on the native class to create the JNI association. * * TODO(dfalcantara): Make this function harder to access. */ public void initializeNative() { if (mNativeTabAndroid == 0) nativeInit(); assert mNativeTabAndroid != 0; mIsInitialized = true; } /** * Creates and initializes the {@link ContentViewCore}. * * @param webContents The WebContents object that will be used to build the * {@link ContentViewCore}. */ protected void initContentViewCore(WebContents webContents) { ContentViewCore cvc = new ContentViewCore(mThemedApplicationContext, PRODUCT_VERSION); ContentView cv = ContentView.createContentView(mThemedApplicationContext, cvc); cv.setContentDescription(mThemedApplicationContext.getResources().getString( R.string.accessibility_content_view)); cvc.initialize(ViewAndroidDelegate.createBasicDelegate(cv), cv, webContents, getWindowAndroid()); setContentViewCore(cvc); if (getTabModelSelector() instanceof SingleTabModelSelector) { getContentViewCore().setFullscreenRequiredForOrientationLock(false); } } /** * Completes the {@link ContentViewCore} specific initialization around a native WebContents * pointer. {@link #getNativePage()} will still return the {@link NativePage} if there is one. * All initialization that needs to reoccur after a web contents swap should be added here. * <p /> * NOTE: If you attempt to pass a native WebContents that does not have the same incognito * state as this tab this call will fail. * * @param cvc The content view core that needs to be set as active view for the tab. */ private void setContentViewCore(ContentViewCore cvc) { try { TraceEvent.begin("ChromeTab.setContentViewCore"); NativePage previousNativePage = mNativePage; mNativePage = null; destroyNativePageInternal(previousNativePage); if (mContentViewCore != null) { mContentViewCore.setObscuredByAnotherView(false); } mContentViewCore = cvc; cvc.getContainerView().setOnHierarchyChangeListener(this); cvc.getContainerView().setOnSystemUiVisibilityChangeListener(this); // Wrap the ContentView in a FrameLayout, which will contain both the ContentView and // the InfoBarContainer. The alternative -- placing the InfoBarContainer inside the // ContentView -- causes problems since then the ContentView would contain both real // views (the infobars) and virtual views (the web page elements), which breaks Android // accessibility. http://crbug.com/416663 if (mContentViewParent != null) { assert false; mContentViewParent.removeAllViews(); } mContentViewParent = new TabContentViewParent(mThemedApplicationContext, this); mContentViewParent.addView(cvc.getContainerView(), 0, new FrameLayout.LayoutParams( LayoutParams.MATCH_PARENT, LayoutParams.MATCH_PARENT)); mWebContentsDelegate = mDelegateFactory.createWebContentsDelegate(this); mWebContentsObserver = new TabWebContentsObserver(mContentViewCore.getWebContents(), this); if (mContentViewClient != null) { mContentViewCore.setContentViewClient(mContentViewClient); } mDownloadDelegate = new ChromeDownloadDelegate(mThemedApplicationContext, this); assert mNativeTabAndroid != 0; nativeInitWebContents(mNativeTabAndroid, mIncognito, mContentViewCore.getWebContents(), mWebContentsDelegate, new TabContextMenuPopulator( mDelegateFactory.createContextMenuPopulator(this), this)); // In the case where restoring a Tab or showing a prerendered one we already have a // valid infobar container, no need to recreate one. if (mInfoBarContainer == null) { // The InfoBarContainer needs to be created after the ContentView has been natively // initialized. mInfoBarContainer = new InfoBarContainer( mThemedApplicationContext, getId(), mContentViewParent, this); } else { mInfoBarContainer.onParentViewChanged(getId(), mContentViewParent); } mInfoBarContainer.setContentViewCore(mContentViewCore); mSwipeRefreshHandler = new SwipeRefreshHandler(mThemedApplicationContext, this); updateThemeColorIfNeeded(false); notifyContentChanged(); // For browser tabs, we want to set accessibility focus to the page // when it loads. This is not the default behavior for embedded // web views. mContentViewCore.setShouldSetAccessibilityFocusOnPageLoad(true); setInterceptNavigationDelegate(mDelegateFactory.createInterceptNavigationDelegate( this)); if (mGestureStateListener == null) { mGestureStateListener = createGestureStateListener(); } cvc.addGestureStateListener(mGestureStateListener); } finally { TraceEvent.end("ChromeTab.setContentViewCore"); } } /** * Shows a native page for url if it's a valid chrome-native URL. Otherwise, does nothing. * @param url The url of the current navigation. * @param forceReload If true, the current native page (if any) will not be reused, even if it * matches the URL. * @return True, if a native page was displayed for url. */ boolean maybeShowNativePage(String url, boolean forceReload) { NativePage candidateForReuse = forceReload ? null : getNativePage(); NativePage nativePage = NativePageFactory.createNativePageForURL(url, candidateForReuse, this, getTabModelSelector(), getActivity()); if (nativePage != null) { showNativePage(nativePage); notifyPageTitleChanged(); notifyFaviconChanged(); return true; } return false; } /** * Update internal Tab state when provisional load gets committed. * @param url The URL that was loaded. * @param transitionType The transition type to the current URL. */ void handleDidCommitProvisonalLoadForFrame(String url, int transitionType) { mIsNativePageCommitPending = false; boolean isReload = (transitionType == PageTransition.RELOAD); if (!maybeShowNativePage(url, isReload)) { showRenderedPage(); } mHandler.removeMessages(MSG_ID_ENABLE_FULLSCREEN_AFTER_LOAD); mHandler.sendEmptyMessageDelayed( MSG_ID_ENABLE_FULLSCREEN_AFTER_LOAD, MAX_FULLSCREEN_LOAD_DELAY_MS); updateFullscreenEnabledState(); if (getInterceptNavigationDelegate() != null) { getInterceptNavigationDelegate().maybeUpdateNavigationHistory(); } } /** * Constructs and shows a sad tab (Aw, Snap!). */ protected void showSadTab() { if (getContentViewCore() != null) { OnClickListener suggestionAction = new OnClickListener() { @Override public void onClick(View view) { Activity activity = mWindowAndroid.getActivity().get(); assert activity != null; HelpAndFeedback.getInstance(activity).show(activity, activity.getString(R.string.help_context_sad_tab), Profile.getLastUsedProfile(), null); } }; OnClickListener reloadButtonAction = new OnClickListener() { @Override public void onClick(View view) { reload(); } }; // Make sure we are not adding the "Aw, snap" view over an existing one. assert mSadTabView == null; mSadTabView = SadTabViewFactory.createSadTabView( mThemedApplicationContext, suggestionAction, reloadButtonAction); // Show the sad tab inside ContentView. getContentViewCore().getContainerView().addView( mSadTabView, new FrameLayout.LayoutParams( LayoutParams.MATCH_PARENT, LayoutParams.MATCH_PARENT)); notifyContentChanged(); } FullscreenManager fullscreenManager = getFullscreenManager(); if (fullscreenManager != null) { fullscreenManager.setPositionsForTabToNonFullscreen(); } } /** * Removes the sad tab view if present. */ private void removeSadTabIfPresent() { if (isShowingSadTab()) { getContentViewCore().getContainerView().removeView(mSadTabView); notifyContentChanged(); } mSadTabView = null; } /** * @return Whether or not the sad tab is showing. */ public boolean isShowingSadTab() { return mSadTabView != null && getContentViewCore() != null && mSadTabView.getParent() == getContentViewCore().getContainerView(); } /** * Calls onContentChanged on all TabObservers and updates accessibility visibility. */ private void notifyContentChanged() { for (TabObserver observer : mObservers) observer.onContentChanged(this); updateAccessibilityVisibility(); } /** * Cleans up all internal state, destroying any {@link NativePage} or {@link ContentViewCore} * currently associated with this {@link Tab}. This also destroys the native counterpart * to this class, which means that all subclasses should erase their native pointers after * this method is called. Once this call is made this {@link Tab} should no longer be used. */ public void destroy() { mIsInitialized = false; // Update the title before destroying the tab. http://b/5783092 updateTitle(); if (mTabUma != null) mTabUma.onDestroy(); for (TabObserver observer : mObservers) observer.onDestroyed(this); mObservers.clear(); NativePage currentNativePage = mNativePage; mNativePage = null; destroyNativePageInternal(currentNativePage); destroyContentViewCore(true); // Native part of BlimpContents is destroyed on the subsequent call to nativeDestroy. mBlimpContents = null; // Destroys the native tab after destroying the ContentView but before destroying the // InfoBarContainer. The native tab should be destroyed before the infobar container as // destroying the native tab cleanups up any remaining infobars. The infobar container // expects all infobars to be cleaned up before its own destruction. assert mNativeTabAndroid != 0; nativeDestroy(mNativeTabAndroid); assert mNativeTabAndroid == 0; if (mInfoBarContainer != null) { mInfoBarContainer.destroy(); mInfoBarContainer = null; } mPreviousFullscreenTopControlsOffsetY = Float.NaN; mPreviousFullscreenContentOffsetY = Float.NaN; mNeedsReload = false; // Remove pending handler actions to prevent memory leaks. mHandler.removeCallbacksAndMessages(null); } /** * @return Whether or not this Tab has a live native component. This will be true prior to * {@link #initializeNative()} being called or after {@link #destroy()}. */ public boolean isInitialized() { return mIsInitialized; } /** * @return The URL associated with the tab. */ @CalledByNative public String getUrl() { String url = getWebContents() != null ? getWebContents().getUrl() : ""; if (isBlimpTab() && getBlimpContents() != null) { url = getBlimpContents().getNavigationController().getUrl(); } // If we have a ContentView, or a NativePage, or the url is not empty, we have a WebContents // so cache the WebContent's url. If not use the cached version. if (getContentViewCore() != null || getNativePage() != null || !TextUtils.isEmpty(url)) { mUrl = url; } return mUrl != null ? mUrl : ""; } /** * @return The tab title. */ @CalledByNative public String getTitle() { if (mTitle == null) updateTitle(); return mTitle; } void updateTitle() { if (isFrozen()) return; // When restoring the tabs, the title will no longer be populated, so request it from the // ContentViewCore or NativePage (if present). String title = ""; if (mNativePage != null) { title = mNativePage.getTitle(); } else if (getBlimpContents() != null) { title = getBlimpContents().getNavigationController().getTitle(); } else if (getWebContents() != null) { title = getWebContents().getTitle(); } updateTitle(title); } /** * Cache the title for the current page. * * {@link ContentViewClient#onUpdateTitle} is unreliable, particularly for navigating backwards * and forwards in the history stack, so pull the correct title whenever the page changes. * onUpdateTitle is only called when the title of a navigation entry changes. When the user goes * back a page the navigation entry exists with the correct title, thus the title is not * actually changed, and no notification is sent. * @param title Title of the page. */ private void updateTitle(String title) { if (TextUtils.equals(mTitle, title)) return; mIsTabStateDirty = true; mTitle = title; mIsTitleDirectionRtl = LocalizationUtils.getFirstStrongCharacterDirection(title) == LocalizationUtils.RIGHT_TO_LEFT; notifyPageTitleChanged(); } private void notifyPageTitleChanged() { RewindableIterator<TabObserver> observers = getTabObservers(); while (observers.hasNext()) { observers.next().onTitleUpdated(this); } } /** * Notify the observers that the load progress has changed. * @param progress The current percentage of progress. */ protected void notifyLoadProgress(int progress) { for (TabObserver observer : mObservers) observer.onLoadProgressChanged(Tab.this, progress); } private void notifyFaviconChanged() { RewindableIterator<TabObserver> observers = getTabObservers(); while (observers.hasNext()) { observers.next().onFaviconUpdated(this, null); } } /** * @return True if the tab title should be displayed from right to left. */ public boolean isTitleDirectionRtl() { return mIsTitleDirectionRtl; } /** * @return The bitmap of the favicon scaled to 16x16dp. null if no favicon * is specified or it requires the default favicon. */ public Bitmap getFavicon() { // If we have no content or a native page, return null. if (getContentViewCore() == null) return null; // Use the cached favicon only if the page wasn't changed. if (mFavicon != null && mFaviconUrl != null && mFaviconUrl.equals(getUrl())) { return mFavicon; } return nativeGetFavicon(mNativeTabAndroid); } /** * Loads the tab if it's not loaded (e.g. because it was killed in background). * This will trigger a regular load for tabs with pending lazy first load (tabs opened in * background on low-memory devices). * @return true iff the Tab handled the request. */ @CalledByNative public boolean loadIfNeeded() { if (getActivity() == null) { Log.e(TAG, "Tab couldn't be loaded because Context was null."); return false; } if (mPendingLoadParams != null) { assert isFrozen(); initContentViewCore(WebContentsFactory.createWebContents(isIncognito(), isHidden())); loadUrl(mPendingLoadParams); mPendingLoadParams = null; return true; } restoreIfNeeded(); return true; } /** * Loads a tab that was already loaded but since then was lost. This happens either when we * unfreeze the tab from serialized state or when we reload a tab that crashed. In both cases * the load codepath is the same (run in loadIfNecessary()) and the same caching policies of * history load are used. */ private final void restoreIfNeeded() { try { TraceEvent.begin("Tab.restoreIfNeeded"); if (isFrozen() && mFrozenContentsState != null) { // Restore is needed for a tab that is loaded for the first time. WebContents will // be restored from a saved state. unfreezeContents(); } else if (mNeedsReload) { // Restore is needed for a tab that was previously loaded, but its renderer was // killed by the oom killer. mNeedsReload = false; requestRestoreLoad(); } else { // No restore needed. return; } loadIfNecessary(); mIsBeingRestored = true; if (mTabUma != null) mTabUma.onRestoreStarted(); } finally { TraceEvent.end("Tab.restoreIfNeeded"); } } /** * Issues a fake notification about the renderer being killed. * * @param wasOomProtected True if the renderer was protected from the OS out-of-memory killer * (e.g. renderer for the currently selected tab) */ @VisibleForTesting public void simulateRendererKilledForTesting(boolean wasOomProtected) { if (mWebContentsObserver != null) { mWebContentsObserver.renderProcessGone(wasOomProtected); } } /** * Restores the WebContents from its saved state. This should only be called if the tab is * frozen with a saved TabState, and NOT if it was frozen for a lazy load. * @return Whether or not the restoration was successful. */ protected boolean unfreezeContents() { try { TraceEvent.begin("Tab.unfreezeContents"); assert mFrozenContentsState != null; assert getContentViewCore() == null; WebContents webContents = mFrozenContentsState.restoreContentsFromByteBuffer(isHidden()); if (webContents == null) { // State restore failed, just create a new empty web contents as that is the best // that can be done at this point. TODO(jcivelli) http://b/5910521 - we should show // an error page instead of a blank page in that case (and the last loaded URL). webContents = WebContentsFactory.createWebContents(isIncognito(), isHidden()); mTabUma = new TabUma(TabCreationState.FROZEN_ON_RESTORE_FAILED); mFailedToRestore = true; } mFrozenContentsState = null; initContentViewCore(webContents); if (mFailedToRestore) { String url = TextUtils.isEmpty(mUrl) ? UrlConstants.NTP_URL : mUrl; loadUrl(new LoadUrlParams(url, PageTransition.GENERATED)); } return !mFailedToRestore; } finally { TraceEvent.end("Tab.unfreezeContents"); } } /** * @return Whether the unfreeze attempt from a saved tab state failed. */ public boolean didFailToRestore() { return mFailedToRestore; } /** * @return Whether or not the tab is hidden. */ public boolean isHidden() { return mIsHidden; } /** * @return Whether or not the tab is in the closing process. */ public boolean isClosing() { return mIsClosing; } /** * @param closing Whether or not the tab is in the closing process. */ public void setClosing(boolean closing) { mIsClosing = closing; for (TabObserver observer : mObservers) observer.onClosingStateChanged(this, closing); } /** * @return Whether the Tab needs to be reloaded. {@see #mNeedsReload} */ public boolean needsReload() { return mNeedsReload; } /** * Set whether the Tab needs to be reloaded. {@see #mNeedsReload} */ protected void setNeedsReload(boolean needsReload) { mNeedsReload = needsReload; } /** * @return true iff the tab is loading and an interstitial page is not showing. */ public boolean isLoading() { return mIsLoading && !isShowingInterstitialPage(); } /** * @return true iff the tab is performing a restore page load. */ public boolean isBeingRestored() { return mIsBeingRestored; } /** * @return The id of the tab that caused this tab to be opened. */ public int getParentId() { return mParentId; } /** * @return Whether the tab should be grouped with its parent tab (true by default). */ public boolean isGroupedWithParent() { return mGroupedWithParent; } /** * Sets whether the tab should be grouped with its parent tab. * * @param groupedWithParent The new value. * @see #isGroupedWithParent */ public void setGroupedWithParent(boolean groupedWithParent) { mGroupedWithParent = groupedWithParent; } private void destroyNativePageInternal(NativePage nativePage) { if (nativePage == null) return; assert nativePage != mNativePage : "Attempting to destroy active page."; nativePage.destroy(); } /** * Called when the background color for the content changes. * @param color The current for the background. */ protected void onBackgroundColorChanged(int color) { for (TabObserver observer : mObservers) observer.onBackgroundColorChanged(this, color); } /** * Destroys the current {@link ContentViewCore}. * @param deleteNativeWebContents Whether or not to delete the native WebContents pointer. */ private final void destroyContentViewCore(boolean deleteNativeWebContents) { if (mContentViewCore == null) return; mContentViewCore.getContainerView().setOnHierarchyChangeListener(null); mContentViewCore.getContainerView().setOnSystemUiVisibilityChangeListener(null); if (mGestureStateListener != null) { mContentViewCore.removeGestureStateListener(mGestureStateListener); } if (mInfoBarContainer != null && mInfoBarContainer.getParent() != null) { mInfoBarContainer.removeFromParentView(); mInfoBarContainer.setContentViewCore(null); } if (mSwipeRefreshHandler != null) { mSwipeRefreshHandler.destroy(); mSwipeRefreshHandler = null; } mContentViewParent = null; mContentViewCore.destroy(); mContentViewCore = null; mWebContentsDelegate = null; if (mWebContentsObserver != null) { mWebContentsObserver.destroy(); mWebContentsObserver = null; } assert mNativeTabAndroid != 0; nativeDestroyWebContents(mNativeTabAndroid, deleteNativeWebContents); } /** * A helper method to allow subclasses to handle the Instant support * disabled event. */ @CalledByNative private void onWebContentsInstantSupportDisabled() { for (TabObserver observer : mObservers) observer.onWebContentsInstantSupportDisabled(); } /** * @return The {@link WindowAndroid} associated with this {@link Tab}. */ public WindowAndroid getWindowAndroid() { return mWindowAndroid; } /** * @return The current {@link TabWebContentsDelegateAndroid} instance. */ public TabWebContentsDelegateAndroid getTabWebContentsDelegateAndroid() { return mWebContentsDelegate; } @CalledByNative protected void onFaviconAvailable(Bitmap icon) { if (icon == null) return; String url = getUrl(); boolean pageUrlChanged = !url.equals(mFaviconUrl); // This method will be called multiple times if the page has more than one favicon. // we are trying to use the 16x16 DP icon here, Bitmap.createScaledBitmap will return // the origin bitmap if it is already 16x16 DP. if (pageUrlChanged || (icon.getWidth() == mIdealFaviconSize && icon.getHeight() == mIdealFaviconSize)) { mFavicon = Bitmap.createScaledBitmap(icon, mIdealFaviconSize, mIdealFaviconSize, true); mFaviconUrl = url; } for (TabObserver observer : mObservers) observer.onFaviconUpdated(this, icon); } /** * Called when the navigation entry containing the history item changed, * for example because of a scroll offset or form field change. */ @CalledByNative private void onNavEntryChanged() { mIsTabStateDirty = true; } /** * Returns the SnackbarManager for the activity that owns this Tab, if any. May * return null. */ public SnackbarManager getSnackbarManager() { if (getActivity() == null) return null; return getActivity().getSnackbarManager(); } /** * @return The native pointer representing the native side of this {@link Tab} object. */ @CalledByNative private long getNativePtr() { return mNativeTabAndroid; } /** This is currently called when committing a pre-rendered page. */ @VisibleForTesting @CalledByNative public void swapWebContents( WebContents webContents, boolean didStartLoad, boolean didFinishLoad) { ContentViewCore cvc = new ContentViewCore(mThemedApplicationContext, PRODUCT_VERSION); ContentView cv = ContentView.createContentView(mThemedApplicationContext, cvc); cv.setContentDescription(mThemedApplicationContext.getResources().getString( R.string.accessibility_content_view)); cvc.initialize(ViewAndroidDelegate.createBasicDelegate(cv), cv, webContents, getWindowAndroid()); swapContentViewCore(cvc, false, didStartLoad, didFinishLoad); } /** * Called to swap out the current view with the one passed in. * * @param newContentViewCore The content view that should be swapped into the tab. * @param deleteOldNativeWebContents Whether to delete the native web * contents of old view. * @param didStartLoad Whether * WebContentsObserver::DidStartProvisionalLoadForFrame() has * already been called. * @param didFinishLoad Whether WebContentsObserver::DidFinishLoad() has * already been called. */ public void swapContentViewCore(ContentViewCore newContentViewCore, boolean deleteOldNativeWebContents, boolean didStartLoad, boolean didFinishLoad) { int originalWidth = 0; int originalHeight = 0; if (mContentViewCore != null) { originalWidth = mContentViewCore.getViewportWidthPix(); originalHeight = mContentViewCore.getViewportHeightPix(); mContentViewCore.onHide(); } Rect bounds = new Rect(); if (originalWidth == 0 && originalHeight == 0) { bounds = ExternalPrerenderHandler.estimateContentSize( (Application) getApplicationContext(), false); originalWidth = bounds.right - bounds.left; originalHeight = bounds.bottom - bounds.top; } destroyContentViewCore(deleteOldNativeWebContents); NativePage previousNativePage = mNativePage; mNativePage = null; // Size of the new ContentViewCore is zero at this point. If we don't call onSizeChanged(), // next onShow() call would send a resize message with the current ContentViewCore size // (zero) to the renderer process, although the new size will be set soon. // However, this size fluttering may confuse Blink and rendered result can be broken // (see http://crbug.com/340987). newContentViewCore.onSizeChanged(originalWidth, originalHeight, 0, 0); if (!bounds.isEmpty()) { newContentViewCore.onPhysicalBackingSizeChanged(bounds.right, bounds.bottom); } newContentViewCore.onShow(); setContentViewCore(newContentViewCore); mContentViewCore.attachImeAdapter(); // If the URL has already committed (e.g. prerendering), tell process management logic that // it can rely on the process visibility signal for binding management. // TODO: Call ChildProcessLauncher#determinedVisibility() at a more intuitive time. // See crbug.com/537671 if (!mContentViewCore.getWebContents().getLastCommittedUrl().equals("")) { ChildProcessLauncher.determinedVisibility(mContentViewCore.getCurrentRenderProcessId()); } destroyNativePageInternal(previousNativePage); for (TabObserver observer : mObservers) { observer.onWebContentsSwapped(this, didStartLoad, didFinishLoad); } } @CalledByNative private void clearNativePtr() { assert mNativeTabAndroid != 0; mNativeTabAndroid = 0; } @CalledByNative private void setNativePtr(long nativePtr) { assert mNativeTabAndroid == 0; mNativeTabAndroid = nativePtr; } /** * @return Whether the TabState representing this Tab has been updated. */ public boolean isTabStateDirty() { return mIsTabStateDirty; } /** * Set whether the TabState representing this Tab has been updated. * @param isDirty Whether the Tab's state has changed. */ public void setIsTabStateDirty(boolean isDirty) { mIsTabStateDirty = isDirty; } /** * @return Whether the Tab should be preserved in Android's Recents list when users hit "back". */ public boolean shouldPreserve() { return mShouldPreserve; } /** * Sets whether the Tab should be preserved in Android's Recents list when users hit "back". * @param preserve Whether the tab should be preserved. */ public void setShouldPreserve(boolean preserve) { mShouldPreserve = preserve; } /** * @return Whether there are pending {@link LoadUrlParams} associated with the tab. This * indicates the tab was created for lazy load. */ public boolean hasPendingLoadParams() { return mPendingLoadParams != null; } /** * @return Parameters that should be used for a lazily loaded Tab. May be null. */ private LoadUrlParams getPendingLoadParams() { return mPendingLoadParams; } /** * @param params Parameters that should be used for a lazily loaded Tab. */ private void setPendingLoadParams(LoadUrlParams params) { mPendingLoadParams = params; mUrl = params.getUrl(); } /** * @see #setAppAssociatedWith(String) for more information. * TODO(aurimas): investigate reducing the visibility of this method after TabModel refactoring. * * @return The id of the application associated with that tab (null if not * associated with an app). */ public String getAppAssociatedWith() { return mAppAssociatedWith; } /** * Associates this tab with the external app with the specified id. Once a Tab is associated * with an app, it is reused when a new page is opened from that app (unless the user typed in * the location bar or in the page, in which case the tab is dissociated from any app) * TODO(aurimas): investigate reducing the visibility of this method after TabModel refactoring. * * @param appId The ID of application associated with the tab. */ public void setAppAssociatedWith(String appId) { mAppAssociatedWith = appId; } /** * @return See {@link #mTimestampMillis}. */ private long getTimestampMillis() { return mTimestampMillis; } /** * Restores a tab either frozen or from state. * TODO(aurimas): investigate reducing the visibility of this method after TabModel refactoring. */ public void createHistoricalTab() { if (!isFrozen()) { nativeCreateHistoricalTab(mNativeTabAndroid); } else if (mFrozenContentsState != null) { mFrozenContentsState.createHistoricalTab(); } } /** * @return The reason the Tab was launched. */ public TabLaunchType getLaunchType() { return mLaunchType; } /** * @return true iff the tab doesn't hold a live page. This happens before initialize() and when * the tab holds frozen WebContents state that is yet to be inflated. */ @VisibleForTesting public boolean isFrozen() { return getNativePage() == null && getContentViewCore() == null; } /** * @return An instance of a {@link FullscreenManager}. */ protected FullscreenManager getFullscreenManager() { return mFullscreenManager; } /** * Clears hung renderer state. */ private void clearHungRendererState() { if (mFullscreenManager == null) return; mFullscreenManager.hideControlsPersistent(mFullscreenHungRendererToken); mFullscreenHungRendererToken = FullscreenManager.INVALID_TOKEN; updateFullscreenEnabledState(); } /** * Called when offset values related with fullscreen functionality has been changed by the * compositor. * @param topControlsOffsetY The Y offset of the top controls in physical pixels. * @param contentOffsetY The Y offset of the content in physical pixels. * @param isNonFullscreenPage Whether a current page is non-fullscreen page or not. */ private void onOffsetsChanged(float topControlsOffsetY, float contentOffsetY, boolean isNonFullscreenPage) { mPreviousFullscreenTopControlsOffsetY = topControlsOffsetY; mPreviousFullscreenContentOffsetY = contentOffsetY; if (mFullscreenManager == null) return; if (isNonFullscreenPage || isNativePage()) { mFullscreenManager.setPositionsForTabToNonFullscreen(); } else { mFullscreenManager.setPositionsForTab(topControlsOffsetY, contentOffsetY); } TabModelImpl.setActualTabSwitchLatencyMetricRequired(); } /** * Push state about whether or not the top controls can show or hide to the renderer. */ public void updateFullscreenEnabledState() { if (isFrozen()) return; updateTopControlsState(getTopControlsStateConstraints(), TopControlsState.BOTH, true); if (getContentViewCore() != null && mFullscreenManager != null) { getContentViewCore().updateMultiTouchZoomSupport( !mFullscreenManager.getPersistentFullscreenMode()); } } /** * Updates the top controls state for this tab. As these values are set at the renderer * level, there is potential for this impacting other tabs that might share the same * process. * * @param constraints The constraints that determine whether the controls can be shown * or hidden at all. * @param current The desired current state for the controls. Pass * {@link TopControlsState#BOTH} to preserve the current position. * @param animate Whether the controls should animate to the specified ending condition or * should jump immediately. */ protected void updateTopControlsState(int constraints, int current, boolean animate) { if (mNativeTabAndroid == 0) return; nativeUpdateTopControlsState(mNativeTabAndroid, constraints, current, animate); } /** * Updates the top controls state for this tab. As these values are set at the renderer * level, there is potential for this impacting other tabs that might share the same * process. * * @param current The desired current state for the controls. Pass * {@link TopControlsState#BOTH} to preserve the current position. * @param animate Whether the controls should animate to the specified ending condition or * should jump immediately. */ public void updateTopControlsState(int current, boolean animate) { int constraints = getTopControlsStateConstraints(); // Do nothing if current and constraints conflict to avoid error in // renderer. if ((constraints == TopControlsState.HIDDEN && current == TopControlsState.SHOWN) || (constraints == TopControlsState.SHOWN && current == TopControlsState.HIDDEN)) { return; } updateTopControlsState(getTopControlsStateConstraints(), current, animate); } /** * @return Whether hiding top controls is enabled or not. */ private boolean isHidingTopControlsEnabled() { return mTopControlsVisibilityDelegate.isHidingTopControlsEnabled(); } /** * Performs any subclass-specific tasks when the Tab crashes. */ void handleTabCrash() { mIsLoading = false; mIsBeingRestored = false; if (mTabUma != null) mTabUma.onRendererCrashed(); } /** * @return Whether showing top controls is enabled or not. */ public boolean isShowingTopControlsEnabled() { return mTopControlsVisibilityDelegate.isShowingTopControlsEnabled(); } /** * @return The current visibility constraints for the display of top controls. * {@link TopControlsState} defines the valid return options. */ public int getTopControlsStateConstraints() { boolean enableHidingTopControls = isHidingTopControlsEnabled(); boolean enableShowingTopControls = isShowingTopControlsEnabled(); int constraints = TopControlsState.BOTH; if (!enableShowingTopControls) { constraints = TopControlsState.HIDDEN; } else if (!enableHidingTopControls) { constraints = TopControlsState.SHOWN; } return constraints; } /** * @param manager The fullscreen manager that should be notified of changes to this tab (if * set to null, no more updates will come from this tab). */ public void setFullscreenManager(FullscreenManager manager) { mFullscreenManager = manager; if (mFullscreenManager != null) { if (Float.isNaN(mPreviousFullscreenTopControlsOffsetY) || Float.isNaN(mPreviousFullscreenContentOffsetY)) { mFullscreenManager.setPositionsForTabToNonFullscreen(); } else { mFullscreenManager.setPositionsForTab( mPreviousFullscreenTopControlsOffsetY, mPreviousFullscreenContentOffsetY); } mFullscreenManager.showControlsTransient(); updateFullscreenEnabledState(); } // For blimp mode, offset the blimp view by the height of top controls. This will ensure // that the view doesn't get clipped at the bottom of the page and also the touch offsets // would work correctly. if (getBlimpContents() != null && mFullscreenManager != null) { ViewGroup blimpView = getBlimpContents().getView(); FrameLayout.LayoutParams lp = (FrameLayout.LayoutParams) blimpView.getLayoutParams(); if (lp == null) { lp = new FrameLayout.LayoutParams( LayoutParams.MATCH_PARENT, LayoutParams.MATCH_PARENT); } lp.topMargin = mFullscreenManager.getTopControlsHeight(); blimpView.setLayoutParams(lp); } } /** * Add a new navigation entry for the current URL and page title. */ void pushNativePageStateToNavigationEntry() { assert mNativeTabAndroid != 0 && getNativePage() != null; nativeSetActiveNavigationEntryTitleForUrl(mNativeTabAndroid, getNativePage().getUrl(), getNativePage().getTitle()); } @Override public void onChildViewRemoved(View parent, View child) { FullscreenManager fullscreenManager = getFullscreenManager(); if (fullscreenManager != null) { fullscreenManager.updateContentViewChildrenState(); } } @Override public void onChildViewAdded(View parent, View child) { FullscreenManager fullscreenManager = getFullscreenManager(); if (fullscreenManager != null) { fullscreenManager.updateContentViewChildrenState(); } } @Override public void onSystemUiVisibilityChange(int visibility) { FullscreenManager fullscreenManager = getFullscreenManager(); if (fullscreenManager != null) { fullscreenManager.onContentViewSystemUiVisibilityChange(visibility); } } /** * @return The ID of the bookmark associated with the current URL, or * {@link #INVALID_BOOKMARK_ID} if no such bookmark exists. */ public long getBookmarkId() { return isFrozen() ? INVALID_BOOKMARK_ID : nativeGetBookmarkId(mNativeTabAndroid, false); } /** * Same as getBookmarkId() but never returns ids for managed bookmarks, or any other bookmarks * that can't be edited by the user. */ public long getUserBookmarkId() { return isFrozen() ? INVALID_BOOKMARK_ID : nativeGetBookmarkId(mNativeTabAndroid, true); } /** * @return True if the offline page is opened. */ public boolean isOfflinePage() { return isFrozen() ? false : nativeIsOfflinePage(mNativeTabAndroid); } /** * @return The offline page if tab currently displays it, null otherwise. */ public OfflinePageItem getOfflinePage() { return isFrozen() ? null : nativeGetOfflinePage(mNativeTabAndroid); } /** * Shows the list of offline pages. This should only be hit when offline pages feature is * enabled. */ @CalledByNative public void showOfflinePages() { // TODO(jianli): This is not currently used. Figure out what to do here. // http://crbug.com/636574 } /** * @return Original url of the tab, which is the original url from DOMDistiller. */ public String getOriginalUrl() { return DomDistillerUrlUtils.getOriginalUrlFromDistillerUrl(getUrl()); } /** * Request that this tab receive focus. Currently, this function requests focus for the main * View (usually a ContentView). */ public void requestFocus() { View view = getView(); if (view != null) view.requestFocus(); } @CalledByNative protected void openNewTab(String url, String extraHeaders, ResourceRequestBody postData, int disposition, boolean hasParent, boolean isRendererInitiated) { if (isClosing()) return; boolean incognito = isIncognito(); TabLaunchType tabLaunchType = TabLaunchType.FROM_LONGPRESS_FOREGROUND; Tab parentTab = hasParent ? this : null; switch (disposition) { case WindowOpenDisposition.NEW_WINDOW: // fall through case WindowOpenDisposition.NEW_FOREGROUND_TAB: break; case WindowOpenDisposition.NEW_POPUP: // fall through case WindowOpenDisposition.NEW_BACKGROUND_TAB: tabLaunchType = TabLaunchType.FROM_LONGPRESS_BACKGROUND; break; case WindowOpenDisposition.OFF_THE_RECORD: assert incognito; incognito = true; break; default: assert false; } // If shouldIgnoreNewTab returns true, the intent is handled by another // activity. As a result, don't launch a new tab to open the URL. If TabModelSelector // is not accessible, then we can't open a new tab. if (shouldIgnoreNewTab(url, incognito) || getTabModelSelector() == null) return; LoadUrlParams loadUrlParams = new LoadUrlParams(url); loadUrlParams.setVerbatimHeaders(extraHeaders); loadUrlParams.setPostData(postData); loadUrlParams.setIsRendererInitiated(isRendererInitiated); getTabModelSelector().openNewTab( loadUrlParams, tabLaunchType, parentTab, incognito); } /** * @return True if the Tab should block the creation of new tabs via {@link #openNewTab}. */ private boolean shouldIgnoreNewTab(String url, boolean incognito) { InterceptNavigationDelegateImpl delegate = getInterceptNavigationDelegate(); return delegate != null && delegate.shouldIgnoreNewTab(url, incognito); } /** * See {@link #mInterceptNavigationDelegate}. */ public InterceptNavigationDelegateImpl getInterceptNavigationDelegate() { return mInterceptNavigationDelegate; } @VisibleForTesting public AuthenticatorNavigationInterceptor getAuthenticatorHelper() { return getInterceptNavigationDelegate().getAuthenticatorNavigationInterceptor(); } /** * See {@link #mInterceptNavigationDelegate}. */ @VisibleForTesting protected void setInterceptNavigationDelegate(InterceptNavigationDelegateImpl delegate) { mInterceptNavigationDelegate = delegate; nativeSetInterceptNavigationDelegate(mNativeTabAndroid, delegate); } /** * @return the TabRedirectHandler for the tab. */ public TabRedirectHandler getTabRedirectHandler() { return mTabRedirectHandler; } /** * @return the AppBannerManager. */ public AppBannerManager getAppBannerManager() { return AppBannerManager.getAppBannerManagerForWebContents(getWebContents()); } @VisibleForTesting public boolean hasPrerenderedUrl(String url) { return nativeHasPrerenderedUrl(mNativeTabAndroid, url); } /** * @return the UMA object for the tab. Note that this may be null in some * cases. */ public TabUma getTabUma() { return mTabUma; } /** * @return The most recently used rank for this tab in the given TabModel. */ private static int computeMRURank(Tab tab, TabModel model) { final long tabLastShow = tab.getTabUma().getLastShownTimestamp(); int mruRank = 0; for (int i = 0; i < model.getCount(); i++) { Tab otherTab = model.getTabAt(i); if (otherTab != tab && otherTab.getTabUma() != null && otherTab.getTabUma().getLastShownTimestamp() > tabLastShow) { mruRank++; } } return mruRank; } /** * Sets the Intent that can be fired to restart the Activity of this Tab's parent. * Should only be called if the Tab was launched via a different Activity. */ public void setParentIntent(Intent parentIntent) { mParentIntent = parentIntent; } /** * @return Intent that can be fired to restart the parent Activity. */ protected Intent getParentIntent() { return mParentIntent; } /** * Creates a new, "frozen" tab from a saved state. This can be used for background tabs restored * on cold start that should be loaded when switched to. initialize() needs to be called * afterwards to complete the second level initialization. */ public static Tab createFrozenTabFromState( int id, ChromeActivity activity, boolean incognito, WindowAndroid nativeWindow, int parentId, TabState state) { assert state != null; return new Tab(id, parentId, incognito, activity, nativeWindow, TabLaunchType.FROM_RESTORE, TabCreationState.FROZEN_ON_RESTORE, state); } /** * Update whether or not the current native tab and/or web contents are * currently visible (from an accessibility perspective), or whether * they're obscured by another view. */ public void updateAccessibilityVisibility() { View view = getView(); if (view != null) { int importantForAccessibility = isObscuredByAnotherViewForAccessibility() ? View.IMPORTANT_FOR_ACCESSIBILITY_NO_HIDE_DESCENDANTS : View.IMPORTANT_FOR_ACCESSIBILITY_YES; if (view.getImportantForAccessibility() != importantForAccessibility) { view.setImportantForAccessibility(importantForAccessibility); view.sendAccessibilityEvent( AccessibilityEvent.TYPE_WINDOW_CONTENT_CHANGED); } } ContentViewCore cvc = getContentViewCore(); if (cvc != null) { boolean isWebContentObscured = isObscuredByAnotherViewForAccessibility() || isShowingSadTab(); cvc.setObscuredByAnotherView(isWebContentObscured); } } private boolean isObscuredByAnotherViewForAccessibility() { ChromeActivity activity = getActivity(); return activity != null && activity.isViewObscuringAllTabs(); } /** * Creates a new tab to be loaded lazily. This can be used for tabs opened in the background * that should be loaded when switched to. initialize() needs to be called afterwards to * complete the second level initialization. */ public static Tab createTabForLazyLoad(ChromeActivity activity, boolean incognito, WindowAndroid nativeWindow, TabLaunchType type, int parentId, LoadUrlParams loadUrlParams) { Tab tab = new Tab( INVALID_TAB_ID, parentId, incognito, activity, nativeWindow, type, TabCreationState.FROZEN_FOR_LAZY_LOAD, null); tab.setPendingLoadParams(loadUrlParams); return tab; } /** * Creates a fresh tab. initialize() needs to be called afterwards to complete the second level * initialization. * @param initiallyHidden true iff the tab being created is initially in background */ public static Tab createLiveTab(int id, ChromeActivity activity, boolean incognito, WindowAndroid nativeWindow, TabLaunchType type, int parentId, boolean initiallyHidden) { return new Tab(id, parentId, incognito, activity, nativeWindow, type, initiallyHidden ? TabCreationState.LIVE_IN_BACKGROUND : TabCreationState.LIVE_IN_FOREGROUND, null); } /** * @return Whether the theme color for this tab is the default color. */ public boolean isDefaultThemeColor() { return isNativePage() || mDefaultThemeColor == getThemeColor(); } /** * @return The default theme color for this tab. */ @VisibleForTesting public int getDefaultThemeColor() { return mDefaultThemeColor; } /** * @return Intent that tells Chrome to bring an Activity for a particular Tab back to the * foreground, or null if this isn't possible. */ @Nullable public static Intent createBringTabToFrontIntent(int tabId) { // Iterate through all {@link CustomTab}s and check whether the given tabId belongs to a // {@link CustomTab}. If so, return null as the client app's task cannot be foregrounded. List<WeakReference<Activity>> list = ApplicationStatus.getRunningActivities(); for (WeakReference<Activity> ref : list) { Activity activity = ref.get(); if (activity instanceof CustomTabActivity && ((CustomTabActivity) activity).getActivityTab() != null && tabId == ((CustomTabActivity) activity).getActivityTab().getId()) { return null; } } String packageName = ContextUtils.getApplicationContext().getPackageName(); Intent intent = new Intent(Intent.ACTION_MAIN); intent.putExtra(Browser.EXTRA_APPLICATION_ID, packageName); intent.putExtra(TabOpenType.BRING_TAB_TO_FRONT.name(), tabId); intent.setPackage(packageName); return intent; } /** * Removes the enable fullscreen runnable from the UI queue and runs it immediately. */ @VisibleForTesting public void processEnableFullscreenRunnableForTest() { if (mHandler.hasMessages(MSG_ID_ENABLE_FULLSCREEN_AFTER_LOAD)) { mHandler.removeMessages(MSG_ID_ENABLE_FULLSCREEN_AFTER_LOAD); enableFullscreenAfterLoad(); } } /** * Check whether the context menu download should be intercepted. * * @param url URL to be downloaded. * @return whether the download should be intercepted. */ protected boolean shouldInterceptContextMenuDownload(String url) { return mDownloadDelegate.shouldInterceptContextMenuDownload(url); } void handleRendererUnresponsive() { if (mFullscreenManager == null) return; mFullscreenHungRendererToken = mFullscreenManager.showControlsPersistentAndClearOldToken( mFullscreenHungRendererToken); } void handleRendererResponsive() { if (mFullscreenManager == null) return; mFullscreenManager.hideControlsPersistent(mFullscreenHungRendererToken); mFullscreenHungRendererToken = FullscreenManager.INVALID_TOKEN; } /** * Reset swipe-to-refresh handler. */ void resetSwipeRefreshHandler() { // When the dialog is visible, keeping the refresh animation active // in the background is distracting and unnecessary (and likely to // jank when the dialog is shown). if (mSwipeRefreshHandler != null) { mSwipeRefreshHandler.reset(); } } /** * Stop swipe-to-refresh animation. */ void stopSwipeRefreshHandler() { if (mSwipeRefreshHandler != null) { mSwipeRefreshHandler.didStopRefreshing(); } } /** * Set whether closing this Tab should return the user to the app that spawned Chrome. */ public void setIsAllowedToReturnToExternalApp(boolean state) { mIsAllowedToReturnToExternalApp = state; } /** * @return Whether closing this Tab should return the user to the app that spawned Chrome. */ public boolean isAllowedToReturnToExternalApp() { return mIsAllowedToReturnToExternalApp; } /** * @return Whether or not the tab was opened by an app other than Chrome. */ public boolean isCreatedForExternalApp() { String packageName = ContextUtils.getApplicationContext().getPackageName(); return getLaunchType() == TabLaunchType.FROM_EXTERNAL_APP && !TextUtils.equals(getAppAssociatedWith(), packageName); } private native void nativeInit(); private native void nativeDestroy(long nativeTabAndroid); private native void nativeInitWebContents(long nativeTabAndroid, boolean incognito, WebContents webContents, TabWebContentsDelegateAndroid delegate, ContextMenuPopulator contextMenuPopulator); private native BlimpContents nativeInitBlimpContents( long nativeTabAndroid, Profile profile, long windowAndroidPtr); private native void nativeUpdateDelegates(long nativeTabAndroid, TabWebContentsDelegateAndroid delegate, ContextMenuPopulator contextMenuPopulator); private native void nativeDestroyWebContents(long nativeTabAndroid, boolean deleteNative); private native Profile nativeGetProfileAndroid(long nativeTabAndroid); private native int nativeLoadUrl(long nativeTabAndroid, String url, String extraHeaders, ResourceRequestBody postData, int transition, String referrerUrl, int referrerPolicy, boolean isRendererInitiated, boolean shoulReplaceCurrentEntry, long intentReceivedTimestamp, boolean hasUserGesture); private native void nativeSetActiveNavigationEntryTitleForUrl(long nativeTabAndroid, String url, String title); private native boolean nativePrint(long nativeTabAndroid); private native Bitmap nativeGetFavicon(long nativeTabAndroid); private native void nativeCreateHistoricalTab(long nativeTabAndroid); private native void nativeUpdateTopControlsState( long nativeTabAndroid, int constraints, int current, boolean animate); private native void nativeLoadOriginalImage(long nativeTabAndroid); private native long nativeGetBookmarkId(long nativeTabAndroid, boolean onlyEditable); private native boolean nativeIsOfflinePage(long nativeTabAndroid); private native OfflinePageItem nativeGetOfflinePage(long nativeTabAndroid); private native void nativeSetInterceptNavigationDelegate(long nativeTabAndroid, InterceptNavigationDelegate delegate); private native void nativeAttachToTabContentManager(long nativeTabAndroid, TabContentManager tabContentManager); private native boolean nativeHasPrerenderedUrl(long nativeTabAndroid, String url); }