// Copyright 2015 The Chromium Authors. All rights reserved. // Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be // found in the LICENSE file. package org.chromium.chrome.browser.compositor.overlays.strip; import static org.chromium.chrome.browser.compositor.layouts.ChromeAnimation.AnimatableAnimation.createAnimation; import android.annotation.SuppressLint; import android.content.Context; import android.content.res.Resources; import android.os.Handler; import android.os.Message; import android.os.SystemClock; import android.support.annotation.StringRes; import android.text.TextUtils; import android.view.MotionEvent; import android.view.View; import android.view.ViewGroup.MarginLayoutParams; import android.widget.AdapterView; import android.widget.AdapterView.OnItemClickListener; import android.widget.ArrayAdapter; import android.widget.ListPopupWindow; import org.chromium.base.PerfTraceEvent; import org.chromium.base.VisibleForTesting; import org.chromium.base.annotations.SuppressFBWarnings; import org.chromium.chrome.R; import org.chromium.chrome.browser.compositor.layouts.ChromeAnimation; import org.chromium.chrome.browser.compositor.layouts.ChromeAnimation.Animatable; import org.chromium.chrome.browser.compositor.layouts.ChromeAnimation.Animation; import org.chromium.chrome.browser.compositor.layouts.LayoutRenderHost; import org.chromium.chrome.browser.compositor.layouts.LayoutUpdateHost; import org.chromium.chrome.browser.compositor.layouts.components.CompositorButton; import org.chromium.chrome.browser.compositor.layouts.components.VirtualView; import org.chromium.chrome.browser.compositor.layouts.phone.stack.StackScroller; import org.chromium.chrome.browser.compositor.overlays.strip.TabLoadTracker.TabLoadTrackerCallback; import org.chromium.chrome.browser.tab.Tab; import org.chromium.chrome.browser.tabmodel.TabCreatorManager.TabCreator; import org.chromium.chrome.browser.tabmodel.TabModel; import org.chromium.chrome.browser.tabmodel.TabModelUtils; import org.chromium.chrome.browser.util.MathUtils; import org.chromium.ui.base.DeviceFormFactor; import org.chromium.ui.base.LocalizationUtils; import java.util.ArrayList; import java.util.List; /** * This class handles managing the positions and behavior of all tabs in a tab strip. It is * responsible for both responding to UI input events and model change notifications, adjusting and * animating the tab strip as required. * * <p> * The stacking and visual behavior is driven by setting a {@link StripStacker}. */ public class StripLayoutHelper { // Drag Constants private static final int REORDER_SCROLL_NONE = 0; private static final int REORDER_SCROLL_LEFT = 1; private static final int REORDER_SCROLL_RIGHT = 2; // Behavior Constants private static final float EPSILON = 0.001f; private static final int MAX_TABS_TO_STACK = 4; private static final float TAN_OF_REORDER_ANGLE_START_THRESHOLD = (float) Math.tan(Math.PI / 4.0f); private static final float REORDER_OVERLAP_SWITCH_PERCENTAGE = 0.53f; // Animation/Timer Constants private static final int RESIZE_DELAY_MS = 1500; private static final int SPINNER_UPDATE_DELAY_MS = 66; // Degrees per millisecond. private static final float SPINNER_DPMS = 0.33f; private static final int EXPAND_DURATION_MS = 250; private static final int ANIM_TAB_CREATED_MS = 150; private static final int ANIM_TAB_CLOSED_MS = 150; private static final int ANIM_TAB_RESIZE_MS = 150; private static final int ANIM_TAB_MOVE_MS = 125; // Visibility Constants private static final float TAB_STACK_WIDTH_DP = 4.f; private static final float TAB_OVERLAP_WIDTH_DP = 24.f; private static final float MIN_TAB_WIDTH_DP = 190.f; private static final float MAX_TAB_WIDTH_DP = 265.f; private static final float REORDER_MOVE_START_THRESHOLD_DP = 50.f; private static final float REORDER_EDGE_SCROLL_MAX_SPEED_DP = 1000.f; private static final float REORDER_EDGE_SCROLL_START_MIN_DP = 87.4f; private static final float REORDER_EDGE_SCROLL_START_MAX_DP = 18.4f; private static final float NEW_TAB_BUTTON_Y_OFFSET_DP = 6.f; private static final float NEW_TAB_BUTTON_CLICK_SLOP_DP = 4.f; private static final float NEW_TAB_BUTTON_WIDTH_DP = 58.f; private static final float NEW_TAB_BUTTON_HEIGHT_DP = 32.5f; static final float FADE_FULL_OPACITY_THRESHOLD_DP = 24.f; private static final int MESSAGE_RESIZE = 1; private static final int MESSAGE_UPDATE_SPINNER = 2; // External influences private final LayoutUpdateHost mUpdateHost; private final LayoutRenderHost mRenderHost; private TabModel mModel; private TabCreator mTabCreator; private StripStacker mStripStacker; private CascadingStripStacker mCascadingStripStacker = new CascadingStripStacker(); private ScrollingStripStacker mScrollingStripStacker = new ScrollingStripStacker(); // Internal State private StripLayoutTab[] mStripTabs = new StripLayoutTab[0]; private StripLayoutTab[] mStripTabsVisuallyOrdered = new StripLayoutTab[0]; private StripLayoutTab[] mStripTabsToRender = new StripLayoutTab[0]; private final StripTabEventHandler mStripTabEventHandler = new StripTabEventHandler(); private final TabLoadTrackerCallback mTabLoadTrackerHost = new TabLoadTrackerCallbackImpl(); private ChromeAnimation<Animatable<?>> mLayoutAnimations; private final CompositorButton mNewTabButton; // Layout Constants private final float mTabOverlapWidth; private final float mNewTabButtonWidth; private final float mMinTabWidth; private final float mMaxTabWidth; private final float mReorderMoveStartThreshold; private final ListPopupWindow mTabMenu; // Strip State private StackScroller mScroller; private int mScrollOffset; private float mMinScrollOffset; private float mCachedTabWidth; // Reorder State private int mReorderState = REORDER_SCROLL_NONE; private boolean mInReorderMode = false; private float mLastReorderX; private long mLastReorderScrollTime; // UI State private StripLayoutTab mInteractingTab; private CompositorButton mLastPressedCloseButton; private float mWidth; private float mHeight; private long mLastSpinnerUpdate; private float mLeftMargin; private float mRightMargin; private final boolean mIncognito; private float mBrightness; // Whether the CascadingStripStacker should be used. private boolean mShouldCascadeTabs; private boolean mIsFirstLayoutPass; private boolean mAnimationsDisabledForTesting; // Tab menu item IDs public static final int ID_CLOSE_ALL_TABS = 0; private Context mContext; /** * Creates an instance of the {@link StripLayoutHelper}. * @param context The current Android {@link Context}. * @param updateHost The parent {@link LayoutUpdateHost}. * @param renderHost The {@link LayoutRenderHost}. * @param incognito Whether or not this tab strip is incognito. */ public StripLayoutHelper(Context context, LayoutUpdateHost updateHost, LayoutRenderHost renderHost, boolean incognito) { mTabOverlapWidth = TAB_OVERLAP_WIDTH_DP; mNewTabButtonWidth = NEW_TAB_BUTTON_WIDTH_DP; mRightMargin = LocalizationUtils.isLayoutRtl() ? 0 : mNewTabButtonWidth; mLeftMargin = LocalizationUtils.isLayoutRtl() ? mNewTabButtonWidth : 0; mMinTabWidth = MIN_TAB_WIDTH_DP; mMaxTabWidth = MAX_TAB_WIDTH_DP; mReorderMoveStartThreshold = REORDER_MOVE_START_THRESHOLD_DP; mUpdateHost = updateHost; mRenderHost = renderHost; mNewTabButton = new CompositorButton(context, NEW_TAB_BUTTON_WIDTH_DP, NEW_TAB_BUTTON_HEIGHT_DP); mNewTabButton.setResources(R.drawable.btn_tabstrip_new_tab_normal, R.drawable.btn_tabstrip_new_tab_pressed, R.drawable.btn_tabstrip_new_incognito_tab_normal, R.drawable.btn_tabstrip_new_incognito_tab_pressed); mNewTabButton.setIncognito(incognito); mNewTabButton.setY(NEW_TAB_BUTTON_Y_OFFSET_DP); mNewTabButton.setClickSlop(NEW_TAB_BUTTON_CLICK_SLOP_DP); Resources res = context.getResources(); mNewTabButton.setAccessibilityDescription( res.getString(R.string.accessibility_toolbar_btn_new_tab), res.getString(R.string.accessibility_toolbar_btn_new_incognito_tab)); mContext = context; mIncognito = incognito; mBrightness = 1.f; // Create tab menu mTabMenu = new ListPopupWindow(mContext); mTabMenu.setAdapter(new ArrayAdapter<String>(mContext, R.layout.bookmark_popup_item, new String[] { mContext.getString(!mIncognito ? R.string.menu_close_all_tabs : R.string.menu_close_all_incognito_tabs)})); mTabMenu.setOnItemClickListener(new OnItemClickListener() { @Override public void onItemClick(AdapterView<?> parent, View view, int position, long id) { mTabMenu.dismiss(); if (position == ID_CLOSE_ALL_TABS) { mModel.closeAllTabs(false, false); } } }); int menuWidth = mContext.getResources().getDimensionPixelSize(R.dimen.menu_width); mTabMenu.setWidth(menuWidth); mTabMenu.setModal(true); int screenWidthDp = context.getResources().getConfiguration().screenWidthDp; mShouldCascadeTabs = screenWidthDp >= DeviceFormFactor.MINIMUM_TABLET_WIDTH_DP; mStripStacker = mShouldCascadeTabs ? mCascadingStripStacker : mScrollingStripStacker; mIsFirstLayoutPass = true; } /** * Cleans up internal state. */ public void destroy() { mStripTabEventHandler.removeCallbacksAndMessages(null); } /** * Get a list of virtual views for accessibility. * * @param views A List to populate with virtual views. */ public void getVirtualViews(List<VirtualView> views) { for (int i = 0; i < mStripTabs.length; i++) { StripLayoutTab tab = mStripTabs[i]; tab.getVirtualViews(views); } if (mNewTabButton.isVisible()) views.add(mNewTabButton); } /** * @return The visually ordered list of visible {@link StripLayoutTab}s. */ @SuppressFBWarnings("EI_EXPOSE_REP") public StripLayoutTab[] getStripLayoutTabsToRender() { return mStripTabsToRender; } @VisibleForTesting public int getTabCount() { return mStripTabs.length; } /** * @return A {@link CompositorButton} that represents the positioning of the new tab button. */ public CompositorButton getNewTabButton() { return mNewTabButton; } /** * @return The brightness of background tabs in the tabstrip. */ public float getBackgroundTabBrightness() { return mInReorderMode ? 0.75f : 1.0f; } /** * Sets the brightness for the entire tabstrip. */ public void setBrightness(float brightness) { mBrightness = brightness; } /** * @return The brightness of the entire tabstrip. */ public float getBrightness() { return mBrightness; } /** * @return The opacity to use for the fade on the left side of the tab strip. */ public float getLeftFadeOpacity() { return getFadeOpacity(true); } /** * @return The opacity to use for the fade on the right side of the tab strip. */ public float getRightFadeOpacity() { return getFadeOpacity(false); } /** * When the {@link ScrollingStripStacker} is being used, a fade is shown at the left and * right edges to indicate there is tab strip content off screen. As the scroll position * approaches the edge of the screen, the fade opacity is lowered. * * @param isLeft Whether the opacity for the left or right side should be returned. * @return The opacity to use for the fade. */ private float getFadeOpacity(boolean isLeft) { if (mShouldCascadeTabs) return 0.f; // In RTL, scroll position 0 is on the right side of the screen, whereas in LTR scroll // position 0 is on the left. Account for that in the offset calculation. boolean isRtl = LocalizationUtils.isLayoutRtl(); boolean useUnadjustedScrollOffset = isRtl != isLeft; float offset = -(useUnadjustedScrollOffset ? mScrollOffset : (mMinScrollOffset - mScrollOffset)); if (offset == 0.f) { return 0.f; } else if (offset >= FADE_FULL_OPACITY_THRESHOLD_DP) { return 1.f; } else { return offset / FADE_FULL_OPACITY_THRESHOLD_DP; } } /** * Allows changing the visual behavior of the tabs in this stack, as specified by * {@code stacker}. * @param stacker The {@link StripStacker} that should specify how the tabs should be * presented. */ public void setTabStacker(StripStacker stacker) { if (stacker != mStripStacker) mUpdateHost.requestUpdate(); mStripStacker = stacker; // Push Stacker properties to tabs. for (int i = 0; i < mStripTabs.length; i++) { pushStackerPropertiesToTab(mStripTabs[i]); } } /** * @param margin The distance between the last tab and the edge of the screen. */ public void setEndMargin(float margin) { if (LocalizationUtils.isLayoutRtl()) { mLeftMargin = margin + mNewTabButtonWidth; } else { mRightMargin = margin + mNewTabButtonWidth; } } /** * Updates the size of the virtual tab strip, making the tabs resize and move accordingly. * @param width The new available width. * @param height The new height this stack should be. */ public void onSizeChanged(float width, float height) { if (mWidth == width && mHeight == height) return; boolean widthChanged = mWidth != width; mWidth = width; mHeight = height; for (int i = 0; i < mStripTabs.length; i++) { mStripTabs[i].setHeight(mHeight); } if (widthChanged) { computeAndUpdateTabWidth(false); setShouldCascadeTabs(width >= DeviceFormFactor.MINIMUM_TABLET_WIDTH_DP); } if (mStripTabs.length > 0) mUpdateHost.requestUpdate(); // Dismiss tab menu, similar to how the app menu is dismissed on orientation change mTabMenu.dismiss(); } /** * Should be called when the viewport width crosses the 600dp threshold. The * {@link CascadingStripStacker} should be used at 600dp+, otherwise the * {@link ScrollingStripStacker} should be used. * @param shouldCascadeTabs Whether the {@link CascadingStripStacker} should be used. */ void setShouldCascadeTabs(boolean shouldCascadeTabs) { if (shouldCascadeTabs != mShouldCascadeTabs) { mShouldCascadeTabs = shouldCascadeTabs; setTabStacker(shouldCascadeTabs ? mCascadingStripStacker : mScrollingStripStacker); // Scroll to make the selected tab visible and nearby tabs visible. if (mModel.getTabAt(mModel.index()) != null) { updateScrollOffsetLimits(); StripLayoutTab tab = findTabById(mModel.getTabAt(mModel.index()).getId()); float delta = calculateOffsetToMakeTabVisible(tab, true, true, true); // During this resize, mMinScrollOffset will be changing, so the scroll effect // cannot be properly animated. Jump to the new scroll offset instead. mScrollOffset += delta; } updateStrip(); } } /** * Updates all internal resources and dimensions. * @param context The current Android {@link Context}. */ public void onContextChanged(Context context) { mScroller = new StackScroller(context); mContext = context; } /** * Notify the a title has changed. * * @param tabId The id of the tab that has changed. * @param title The new title. */ public void tabTitleChanged(int tabId, String title) { Tab tab = TabModelUtils.getTabById(mModel, tabId); if (tab != null) setAccessibilityDescription(findTabById(tabId), title, tab.isHidden()); } /** * Sets the {@link TabModel} that this {@link StripLayoutHelper} will visually represent. * @param model The {@link TabModel} to visually represent. * @param tabCreator The {@link TabCreator}, used to create new tabs. */ public void setTabModel(TabModel model, TabCreator tabCreator) { if (mModel == model) return; mModel = model; mTabCreator = tabCreator; computeAndUpdateTabOrders(false); } /** * Helper-specific updates. Cascades the values updated by the animations and flings. * @param time The current time of the app in ms. * @param dt The delta time between update frames in ms. * @return Whether or not animations are done. */ public boolean updateLayout(long time, long dt) { PerfTraceEvent.instant("StripLayoutHelper:updateLayout"); final boolean doneAnimating = onUpdateAnimation(time, false); updateStrip(); // If this is the first layout pass, scroll to the selected tab so that it is visible. // This is needed if the ScrollingStripStacker is being used because the selected tab is // not guaranteed to be visible. if (mIsFirstLayoutPass) bringSelectedTabToVisibleArea(time, false); mIsFirstLayoutPass = false; return doneAnimating; } /** * Called when the tab model this StripLayoutHelper visually represents has been selected. */ public void tabModelSelected() { bringSelectedTabToVisibleArea(0, false); } /** * Called when a tab get selected. * @param time The current time of the app in ms. * @param id The id of the selected tab. * @param prevId The id of the previously selected tab. */ public void tabSelected(long time, int id, int prevId) { StripLayoutTab stripTab = findTabById(id); if (stripTab == null) { tabCreated(time, id, prevId, true); } else { updateVisualTabOrdering(); // If the tab was selected through a method other than the user tapping on the strip, it // may not be currently visible. Scroll if necessary. bringSelectedTabToVisibleArea(time, true); mUpdateHost.requestUpdate(); setAccessibilityDescription(stripTab, TabModelUtils.getTabById(mModel, id)); setAccessibilityDescription(findTabById(prevId), TabModelUtils.getTabById(mModel, prevId)); } } /** * Called when a tab has been moved in the tabModel. * @param time The current time of the app in ms. * @param id The id of the Tab. * @param oldIndex The old index of the tab in the {@link TabModel}. * @param newIndex The new index of the tab in the {@link TabModel}. */ public void tabMoved(long time, int id, int oldIndex, int newIndex) { reorderTab(id, oldIndex, newIndex, false); updateVisualTabOrdering(); mUpdateHost.requestUpdate(); } /** * Called when a tab is being closed. When called, the closing tab will not * be part of the model. * @param time The current time of the app in ms. * @param id The id of the tab being closed. */ public void tabClosed(long time, int id) { if (findTabById(id) == null) return; // 1. Find out if we're closing the last tab. This determines if we resize immediately. // We know mStripTabs.length >= 1 because findTabById did not return null. boolean closingLastTab = mStripTabs[mStripTabs.length - 1].getId() == id; // 2. Rebuild the strip. computeAndUpdateTabOrders(!closingLastTab); mUpdateHost.requestUpdate(); } /** * Called when a tab close has been undone and the tab has been restored. * @param time The current time of the app in ms. * @param id The id of the Tab. */ public void tabClosureCancelled(long time, int id) { final boolean selected = TabModelUtils.getCurrentTabId(mModel) == id; tabCreated(time, id, Tab.INVALID_TAB_ID, selected); } /** * Called when a tab is created from the top left button. * @param time The current time of the app in ms. * @param id The id of the newly created tab. * @param prevId The id of the source tab. * @param selected Whether the tab will be selected. */ public void tabCreated(long time, int id, int prevId, boolean selected) { if (findTabById(id) != null) return; // 1. Build any tabs that are missing. computeAndUpdateTabOrders(false); // 2. Start an animation for the newly created tab. StripLayoutTab tab = findTabById(id); if (tab != null) startAnimation(buildTabCreatedAnimation(tab), true); // 3. Figure out which tab needs to be visible. StripLayoutTab fastExpandTab = findTabById(prevId); boolean allowLeftExpand = false; boolean canExpandSelectedTab = false; if (!selected) { fastExpandTab = tab; allowLeftExpand = true; } if (!mShouldCascadeTabs) { fastExpandTab = tab; allowLeftExpand = true; canExpandSelectedTab = true; } // 4. Scroll the stack so that the fast expand tab is visible. if (fastExpandTab != null) { float delta = calculateOffsetToMakeTabVisible( fastExpandTab, canExpandSelectedTab, allowLeftExpand, true); if (!mShouldCascadeTabs) { // If the ScrollingStripStacker is being used and the new tab button is visible, go // directly to the new scroll offset rather than animating. Animating the scroll // causes the new tab button to disappear for a frame. boolean shouldAnimate = !mNewTabButton.isVisible() && !mAnimationsDisabledForTesting; setScrollForScrollingTabStacker(delta, shouldAnimate, time); } else if (delta != 0.f) { mScroller.startScroll(mScrollOffset, 0, (int) delta, 0, time, EXPAND_DURATION_MS); } } mUpdateHost.requestUpdate(); } /** * Called when a tab has started loading. * @param id The id of the Tab. */ public void tabPageLoadStarted(int id) { StripLayoutTab tab = findTabById(id); if (tab != null) tab.pageLoadingStarted(); } /** * Called when a tab has finished loading. * @param id The id of the Tab. */ public void tabPageLoadFinished(int id) { StripLayoutTab tab = findTabById(id); if (tab != null) tab.pageLoadingFinished(); } /** * Called when a tab has started loading resources. * @param id The id of the Tab. */ public void tabLoadStarted(int id) { StripLayoutTab tab = findTabById(id); if (tab != null) tab.loadingStarted(); } /** * Called when a tab has stopped loading resources. * @param id The id of the Tab. */ public void tabLoadFinished(int id) { StripLayoutTab tab = findTabById(id); if (tab != null) tab.loadingFinished(); } /** * Called on touch drag event. * @param time The current time of the app in ms. * @param x The y coordinate of the end of the drag event. * @param y The y coordinate of the end of the drag event. * @param deltaX The number of pixels dragged in the x direction. * @param deltaY The number of pixels dragged in the y direction. * @param totalX The total delta x since the drag started. * @param totalY The total delta y since the drag started. */ public void drag( long time, float x, float y, float deltaX, float deltaY, float totalX, float totalY) { resetResizeTimeout(false); deltaX = MathUtils.flipSignIf(deltaX, LocalizationUtils.isLayoutRtl()); // 1. Reset the button state. mNewTabButton.drag(x, y); if (mLastPressedCloseButton != null) { if (!mLastPressedCloseButton.drag(x, y)) mLastPressedCloseButton = null; } if (mInReorderMode) { // 2.a. Handle reordering tabs. // This isn't the accumulated delta since the beginning of the drag. It accumulates // the delta X until a threshold is crossed and then the event gets processed. float accumulatedDeltaX = x - mLastReorderX; if (Math.abs(accumulatedDeltaX) >= 1.f) { if (!LocalizationUtils.isLayoutRtl()) { if (deltaX >= 1.f) { mReorderState |= REORDER_SCROLL_RIGHT; } else if (deltaX <= -1.f) { mReorderState |= REORDER_SCROLL_LEFT; } } else { if (deltaX >= 1.f) { mReorderState |= REORDER_SCROLL_LEFT; } else if (deltaX <= -1.f) { mReorderState |= REORDER_SCROLL_RIGHT; } } mLastReorderX = x; updateReorderPosition(accumulatedDeltaX); } } else if (!mScroller.isFinished()) { // 2.b. Still scrolling, update the scroll destination here. mScroller.setFinalX((int) (mScroller.getFinalX() + deltaX)); } else { // 2.c. Not scrolling. Check if we need to fast expand. float fastExpandDelta; if (mShouldCascadeTabs) { fastExpandDelta = calculateOffsetToMakeTabVisible(mInteractingTab, true, true, true); } else { // Non-cascaded tabs are never hidden behind each other, so there's no need to fast // expand. fastExpandDelta = 0.f; } if (mInteractingTab != null && fastExpandDelta != 0.f) { if ((fastExpandDelta > 0 && deltaX > 0) || (fastExpandDelta < 0 && deltaX < 0)) { mScroller.startScroll( mScrollOffset, 0, (int) fastExpandDelta, 0, time, EXPAND_DURATION_MS); } } else { updateScrollOffsetPosition((int) (mScrollOffset + deltaX)); } } // 3. Check if we should start the reorder mode if (!mInReorderMode) { final float absTotalX = Math.abs(totalX); final float absTotalY = Math.abs(totalY); if (totalY > mReorderMoveStartThreshold && absTotalX < mReorderMoveStartThreshold * 2.f && (absTotalX > EPSILON && (absTotalY / absTotalX) > TAN_OF_REORDER_ANGLE_START_THRESHOLD)) { startReorderMode(time, x, x - totalX); } } // If we're scrolling at all we aren't interacting with any particular tab. // We already kicked off a fast expansion earlier if we needed one. Reorder mode will // repopulate this if necessary. if (!mInReorderMode) mInteractingTab = null; mUpdateHost.requestUpdate(); } /** * Called on touch fling event. This is called before the onUpOrCancel event. * @param time The current time of the app in ms. * @param x The y coordinate of the start of the fling event. * @param y The y coordinate of the start of the fling event. * @param velocityX The amount of velocity in the x direction. * @param velocityY The amount of velocity in the y direction. */ public void fling(long time, float x, float y, float velocityX, float velocityY) { resetResizeTimeout(false); velocityX = MathUtils.flipSignIf(velocityX, LocalizationUtils.isLayoutRtl()); // 1. If we're currently in reorder mode, don't allow the user to fling. if (mInReorderMode) return; // 2. If we're fast expanding or scrolling, figure out the destination of the scroll so we // can apply it to the end of this fling. int scrollDeltaRemaining = 0; if (!mScroller.isFinished()) { scrollDeltaRemaining = mScroller.getFinalX() - mScrollOffset; mInteractingTab = null; mScroller.forceFinished(true); } // 3. Kick off the fling. mScroller.fling( mScrollOffset, 0, (int) velocityX, 0, (int) mMinScrollOffset, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, time); mScroller.setFinalX(mScroller.getFinalX() + scrollDeltaRemaining); mUpdateHost.requestUpdate(); } /** * Called on onDown event. * @param time The time stamp in millisecond of the event. * @param x The x position of the event. * @param y The y position of the event. * @param fromMouse Whether the event originates from a mouse. * @param buttons State of all buttons that are pressed. */ public void onDown(long time, float x, float y, boolean fromMouse, int buttons) { resetResizeTimeout(false); if (mNewTabButton.onDown(x, y)) { mRenderHost.requestRender(); return; } final StripLayoutTab clickedTab = getTabAtPosition(x); final int index = clickedTab != null ? TabModelUtils.getTabIndexById(mModel, clickedTab.getId()) : TabModel.INVALID_TAB_INDEX; // http://crbug.com/472186 : Needs to handle a case that index is invalid. // The case could happen when the current tab is touched while we're inflating the rest of // the tabs from disk. mInteractingTab = index != TabModel.INVALID_TAB_INDEX && index < mStripTabs.length ? mStripTabs[index] : null; boolean clickedClose = clickedTab != null && clickedTab.checkCloseHitTest(x, y); if (clickedClose) { clickedTab.setClosePressed(true); mLastPressedCloseButton = clickedTab.getCloseButton(); mRenderHost.requestRender(); } if (!mScroller.isFinished()) { mScroller.forceFinished(true); mInteractingTab = null; } if (fromMouse && !clickedClose && clickedTab != null && clickedTab.getVisiblePercentage() >= 1.f && (buttons & MotionEvent.BUTTON_TERTIARY) == 0) { startReorderMode(time, x, x); } } /** * Called on long press touch event. * @param time The current time of the app in ms. * @param x The x coordinate of the position of the press event. * @param y The y coordinate of the position of the press event. */ public void onLongPress(long time, float x, float y) { final StripLayoutTab clickedTab = getTabAtPosition(x); if (clickedTab != null && clickedTab.checkCloseHitTest(x, y)) { clickedTab.setClosePressed(false); mRenderHost.requestRender(); showTabMenu(clickedTab); } else { resetResizeTimeout(false); startReorderMode(time, x, x); } } /** * Called on click. This is called before the onUpOrCancel event. * @param time The current time of the app in ms. * @param x The x coordinate of the position of the click. * @param y The y coordinate of the position of the click. * @param fromMouse Whether the event originates from a mouse. * @param buttons State of all buttons that were pressed when onDown was invoked. */ public void click(long time, float x, float y, boolean fromMouse, int buttons) { resetResizeTimeout(false); if (mNewTabButton.click(x, y) && mModel != null) { if (!mModel.isIncognito()) mModel.commitAllTabClosures(); mTabCreator.launchNTP(); return; } final StripLayoutTab clickedTab = getTabAtPosition(x); if (clickedTab == null || clickedTab.isDying()) return; if (clickedTab.checkCloseHitTest(x, y) || (fromMouse && (buttons & MotionEvent.BUTTON_TERTIARY) != 0)) { // 1. Start the close animation. startAnimation(buildTabClosedAnimation(clickedTab), true); // 2. Set the dying state of the tab. clickedTab.setIsDying(true); // 3. Fake a selection on the next tab now. Tab nextTab = mModel.getNextTabIfClosed(clickedTab.getId()); if (nextTab != null) tabSelected(time, nextTab.getId(), clickedTab.getId()); // 4. Find out if we're closing the last tab. This determines if we resize immediately. boolean lastTab = mStripTabs.length == 0 || mStripTabs[mStripTabs.length - 1].getId() == clickedTab.getId(); // 5. Resize the tabs appropriately. resizeTabStrip(!lastTab); } else { int newIndex = TabModelUtils.getTabIndexById(mModel, clickedTab.getId()); TabModelUtils.setIndex(mModel, newIndex); } } /** * Called on up or cancel touch events. This is called after the click and fling event if any. * @param time The current time of the app in ms. */ public void onUpOrCancel(long time) { // 1. Reset the last close button pressed state. if (mLastPressedCloseButton != null) mLastPressedCloseButton.onUpOrCancel(); mLastPressedCloseButton = null; // 2. Stop any reordering that is happening. stopReorderMode(); // 3. Reset state mInteractingTab = null; mReorderState = REORDER_SCROLL_NONE; if (mNewTabButton.onUpOrCancel() && mModel != null) { if (!mModel.isIncognito()) mModel.commitAllTabClosures(); mTabCreator.launchNTP(); } } private boolean onUpdateAnimation(long time, boolean jumpToEnd) { // 1. Handle any Scroller movements (flings). if (!jumpToEnd) updateScrollOffset(time); // 2. Handle reordering automatically scrolling the tab strip. handleReorderAutoScrolling(time); // 3. Handle layout-wide animations. boolean update = false; boolean finished = true; if (mLayoutAnimations != null) { if (jumpToEnd) { finished = mLayoutAnimations.finished(); } else { finished = mLayoutAnimations.update(time); } if (jumpToEnd || finished) finishAnimation(); update = true; } // 4. Handle tab-specific content animations. for (int i = 0; i < mStripTabs.length; i++) { StripLayoutTab tab = mStripTabs[i]; if (tab.isAnimating()) { update = true; finished &= tab.onUpdateAnimation(time, jumpToEnd); } } // 5. Update tab spinners. updateSpinners(time); // 6. Stop any flings if we're trying to stop animations. if (jumpToEnd) mScroller.forceFinished(true); // 7. Request another update if anything requires it. if (update) mUpdateHost.requestUpdate(); return finished; } /** * @return Whether or not the tabs are moving. */ @VisibleForTesting public boolean isAnimating() { return mLayoutAnimations != null || !mScroller.isFinished(); } /** * Finishes any outstanding animations and propagates any related changes to the * {@link TabModel}. */ public void finishAnimation() { if (mLayoutAnimations == null) return; // 1. Force any outstanding animations to finish. mLayoutAnimations.updateAndFinish(); mLayoutAnimations = null; // 2. Figure out which tabs need to be closed. ArrayList<StripLayoutTab> tabsToRemove = new ArrayList<StripLayoutTab>(); for (int i = 0; i < mStripTabs.length; i++) { StripLayoutTab tab = mStripTabs[i]; if (tab.isDying()) tabsToRemove.add(tab); } // 3. Pass the close notifications to the model. for (StripLayoutTab tab : tabsToRemove) { TabModelUtils.closeTabById(mModel, tab.getId(), true); } if (!tabsToRemove.isEmpty()) mUpdateHost.requestUpdate(); } private void startAnimation(Animation<Animatable<?>> animation, boolean finishPrevious) { if (finishPrevious) finishAnimation(); if (mLayoutAnimations == null) { mLayoutAnimations = new ChromeAnimation<ChromeAnimation.Animatable<?>>(); } mLayoutAnimations.add(animation); mUpdateHost.requestUpdate(); } private void cancelAnimation(StripLayoutTab tab, StripLayoutTab.Property property) { if (mLayoutAnimations == null) return; mLayoutAnimations.cancel(tab, property); } private void updateSpinners(long time) { long diff = time - mLastSpinnerUpdate; float degrees = diff * SPINNER_DPMS; boolean tabsToLoad = false; for (int i = 0; i < mStripTabs.length; i++) { StripLayoutTab tab = mStripTabs[i]; // TODO(clholgat): Only update if the tab is visible. if (tab.isLoading()) { tab.addLoadingSpinnerRotation(degrees); tabsToLoad = true; } } mLastSpinnerUpdate = time; if (tabsToLoad) { mStripTabEventHandler.removeMessages(MESSAGE_UPDATE_SPINNER); mStripTabEventHandler.sendEmptyMessageDelayed( MESSAGE_UPDATE_SPINNER, SPINNER_UPDATE_DELAY_MS); } } private void updateScrollOffsetPosition(int pos) { int oldScrollOffset = mScrollOffset; mScrollOffset = MathUtils.clamp(pos, (int) mMinScrollOffset, 0); if (mInReorderMode && mScroller.isFinished()) { int delta = MathUtils.flipSignIf( oldScrollOffset - mScrollOffset, LocalizationUtils.isLayoutRtl()); updateReorderPosition(delta); } } private void updateScrollOffset(long time) { if (mScroller.computeScrollOffset(time)) { updateScrollOffsetPosition(mScroller.getCurrX()); mUpdateHost.requestUpdate(); } } private void updateScrollOffsetLimits() { // 1. Compute the width of the available space for all tabs. float stripWidth = mWidth - mLeftMargin - mRightMargin; // 2. Compute the effective width of every tab. float tabsWidth = 0.f; if (mShouldCascadeTabs) { for (int i = 0; i < mStripTabs.length; i++) { final StripLayoutTab tab = mStripTabs[i]; tabsWidth += (tab.getWidth() - mTabOverlapWidth) * tab.getWidthWeight(); } } else { // When tabs aren't cascaded, they're non-animating width weight is always 1.0 so it // doesn't need to be included in this calculation. tabsWidth = mStripTabs.length * (mCachedTabWidth - mTabOverlapWidth); } // 3. Correct fencepost error in tabswidth; tabsWidth = tabsWidth + mTabOverlapWidth; // 4. Calculate the minimum scroll offset. Round > -EPSILON to 0. mMinScrollOffset = Math.min(0.f, stripWidth - tabsWidth); if (mMinScrollOffset > -EPSILON) mMinScrollOffset = 0.f; // 5. Clamp mScrollOffset to make sure it's in the valid range. updateScrollOffsetPosition(mScrollOffset); } private void computeAndUpdateTabOrders(boolean delayResize) { final int count = mModel.getCount(); StripLayoutTab[] tabs = new StripLayoutTab[count]; for (int i = 0; i < count; i++) { final Tab tab = mModel.getTabAt(i); final int id = tab.getId(); final StripLayoutTab oldTab = findTabById(id); tabs[i] = oldTab != null ? oldTab : createStripTab(id); setAccessibilityDescription(tabs[i], tab); } int oldStripLength = mStripTabs.length; mStripTabs = tabs; if (mStripTabs.length != oldStripLength) resizeTabStrip(delayResize); updateVisualTabOrdering(); } private void resizeTabStrip(boolean delay) { if (delay) { resetResizeTimeout(true); } else { computeAndUpdateTabWidth(true); } } private void updateVisualTabOrdering() { if (mStripTabs.length != mStripTabsVisuallyOrdered.length) { mStripTabsVisuallyOrdered = new StripLayoutTab[mStripTabs.length]; } mStripStacker.createVisualOrdering(mModel.index(), mStripTabs, mStripTabsVisuallyOrdered); } private StripLayoutTab createStripTab(int id) { // TODO: Cache these StripLayoutTab tab = new StripLayoutTab(mContext, id, mTabLoadTrackerHost, mRenderHost, mIncognito); tab.setHeight(mHeight); pushStackerPropertiesToTab(tab); return tab; } private void pushStackerPropertiesToTab(StripLayoutTab tab) { tab.setCanShowCloseButton(mStripStacker.canShowCloseButton()); // TODO(dtrainor): Push more properties as they are added (title text slide, etc?) } /** * @param id The Tab id. * @return The StripLayoutTab that corresponds to that tabid. */ @VisibleForTesting public StripLayoutTab findTabById(int id) { if (mStripTabs == null) return null; for (int i = 0; i < mStripTabs.length; i++) { if (mStripTabs[i].getId() == id) return mStripTabs[i]; } return null; } private int findIndexForTab(int id) { if (mStripTabs == null) return TabModel.INVALID_TAB_INDEX; for (int i = 0; i < mStripTabs.length; i++) { if (mStripTabs[i].getId() == id) return i; } return TabModel.INVALID_TAB_INDEX; } private void computeAndUpdateTabWidth(boolean animate) { // Remove any queued resize messages. mStripTabEventHandler.removeMessages(MESSAGE_RESIZE); int numTabs = Math.max(mStripTabs.length, 1); // 1. Compute the width of the available space for all tabs. float stripWidth = mWidth - mLeftMargin - mRightMargin; // 2. Compute additional width we gain from overlapping the tabs. float overlapWidth = mTabOverlapWidth * (numTabs - 1); // 3. Calculate the optimal tab width. float optimalTabWidth = (stripWidth + overlapWidth) / numTabs; // 4. Calculate the realistic tab width. mCachedTabWidth = MathUtils.clamp(optimalTabWidth, mMinTabWidth, mMaxTabWidth); // 5. Propagate the tab width to all tabs. for (int i = 0; i < mStripTabs.length; i++) { StripLayoutTab tab = mStripTabs[i]; if (tab.isDying()) continue; // 5.a. Cancel any outstanding tab width animations. cancelAnimation(mStripTabs[i], StripLayoutTab.Property.WIDTH); if (animate && !mAnimationsDisabledForTesting) { startAnimation(buildTabResizeAnimation(tab, mCachedTabWidth), false); } else { mStripTabs[i].setWidth(mCachedTabWidth); } } } private void updateStrip() { if (mModel == null) return; // TODO(dtrainor): Remove this once tabCreated() is refactored to be called even from // restore. if (mStripTabs == null || mModel.getCount() != mStripTabs.length) { computeAndUpdateTabOrders(false); } // 1. Update the scroll offset limits updateScrollOffsetLimits(); // 2. Calculate the ideal tab positions computeTabInitialPositions(); // 3. Calculate the tab stacking. mStripStacker.setTabOffsets(mModel.index(), mStripTabs, TAB_STACK_WIDTH_DP, MAX_TABS_TO_STACK, mTabOverlapWidth, mLeftMargin, mRightMargin, mWidth, mInReorderMode); // 4. Calculate which tabs are visible. mStripStacker.performOcclusionPass(mModel.index(), mStripTabs, mWidth); // 5. Create render list. createRenderList(); // 6. Figure out where to put the new tab button. updateNewTabButtonState(); // 7. Check if we have any animations and request an update if so. for (int i = 0; i < mStripTabs.length; i++) { if (mStripTabs[i].isAnimating()) { mUpdateHost.requestUpdate(); break; } } // 8. Invalidate the accessibility provider in case the visible virtual views have changed. mRenderHost.invalidateAccessibilityProvider(); } private void computeTabInitialPositions() { // Shift all of the tabs over by the the left margin because we're // no longer base lined at 0 float tabPosition; if (!LocalizationUtils.isLayoutRtl()) { tabPosition = mScrollOffset + mLeftMargin; } else { tabPosition = mWidth - mCachedTabWidth - mScrollOffset - mRightMargin; } for (int i = 0; i < mStripTabs.length; i++) { StripLayoutTab tab = mStripTabs[i]; tab.setIdealX(tabPosition); float delta = (tab.getWidth() - mTabOverlapWidth) * tab.getWidthWeight(); delta = MathUtils.flipSignIf(delta, LocalizationUtils.isLayoutRtl()); tabPosition += delta; } } private void createRenderList() { // 1. Figure out how many tabs will need to be rendered. int renderCount = 0; for (int i = 0; i < mStripTabsVisuallyOrdered.length; ++i) { if (mStripTabsVisuallyOrdered[i].isVisible()) renderCount++; } // 2. Reallocate the render list if necessary. if (mStripTabsToRender.length != renderCount) { mStripTabsToRender = new StripLayoutTab[renderCount]; } // 3. Populate it with the visible tabs. int renderIndex = 0; for (int i = 0; i < mStripTabsVisuallyOrdered.length; ++i) { if (mStripTabsVisuallyOrdered[i].isVisible()) { mStripTabsToRender[renderIndex++] = mStripTabsVisuallyOrdered[i]; } } } private void updateNewTabButtonState() { // 1. Don't display the new tab button if we're in reorder mode. if (mInReorderMode || mStripTabs.length == 0) { mNewTabButton.setVisible(false); return; } // 1. Get offset from strip stacker. float offset = mStripStacker.computeNewTabButtonOffset(mStripTabs, mTabOverlapWidth, mLeftMargin, mRightMargin, mWidth, mNewTabButtonWidth); // 2. Hide the new tab button if it's not visible on the screen. boolean isRtl = LocalizationUtils.isLayoutRtl(); if ((isRtl && offset + mNewTabButtonWidth < 0) || (!isRtl && offset > mWidth)) { mNewTabButton.setVisible(false); return; } mNewTabButton.setVisible(true); // 3. Position the new tab button. mNewTabButton.setX(offset); } private float calculateOffsetToMakeTabVisible(StripLayoutTab tab, boolean canExpandSelectedTab, boolean canExpandLeft, boolean canExpandRight) { if (tab == null) return 0.f; final int selIndex = mModel.index(); final int index = TabModelUtils.getTabIndexById(mModel, tab.getId()); // 1. The selected tab is always visible. Early out unless we want to unstack it. if (selIndex == index && !canExpandSelectedTab) return 0.f; // TODO(dtrainor): Use real tab widths here? float stripWidth = mWidth - mLeftMargin - mRightMargin; final float tabWidth = mCachedTabWidth - mTabOverlapWidth; // TODO(dtrainor): Handle maximum number of tabs that can be visibly stacked in these // optimal positions. // 2. Calculate the optimal minimum and maximum scroll offsets to show the tab. float optimalLeft = -index * tabWidth; float optimalRight = stripWidth - (index + 1) * tabWidth; // 3. Account for the selected tab always being visible. Need to buffer by one extra // tab width depending on if the tab is to the left or right of the selected tab. if (index < selIndex) { optimalRight -= tabWidth; } else if (index > selIndex) { optimalLeft += tabWidth; } // 4. Return the proper deltaX that has to be applied to the current scroll to see the // tab. if (mShouldCascadeTabs) { if (mScrollOffset < optimalLeft && canExpandLeft) { return optimalLeft - mScrollOffset; } else if (mScrollOffset > optimalRight && canExpandRight) { return optimalRight - mScrollOffset; } } else { // If tabs are not cascaded, the entire tab strip scrolls and the strip should be // scrolled to the optimal left offset. return optimalLeft - mScrollOffset; } // 5. We don't have to do anything. Return no delta. return 0.f; } private StripLayoutTab getTabAtPosition(float x) { for (int i = mStripTabsVisuallyOrdered.length - 1; i >= 0; i--) { final StripLayoutTab tab = mStripTabsVisuallyOrdered[i]; if (tab.isVisible() && tab.getDrawX() <= x && x <= (tab.getDrawX() + tab.getWidth())) { return tab; } } return null; } /** * @param tab The StripLayoutTab to look for. * @return The index of the tab in the visual ordering. */ @VisibleForTesting public int visualIndexOfTab(StripLayoutTab tab) { for (int i = 0; i < mStripTabsVisuallyOrdered.length; i++) { if (mStripTabsVisuallyOrdered[i] == tab) { return i; } } return -1; } /** * @param tab The StripLayoutTab you're looking at. * @return Whether or not this tab is the foreground tab. */ @VisibleForTesting public boolean isForegroundTab(StripLayoutTab tab) { return tab == mStripTabsVisuallyOrdered[mStripTabsVisuallyOrdered.length - 1]; } private void startReorderMode(long time, float currentX, float startX) { if (mInReorderMode) return; // 1. Reset the last pressed close button state. if (mLastPressedCloseButton != null && mLastPressedCloseButton.isPressed()) { mLastPressedCloseButton.setPressed(false); } mLastPressedCloseButton = null; // 2. Check to see if we have a valid tab to start dragging. mInteractingTab = getTabAtPosition(startX); if (mInteractingTab == null) return; // 3. Set initial state parameters. mLastReorderScrollTime = 0; mReorderState = REORDER_SCROLL_NONE; mLastReorderX = startX; mInReorderMode = true; // 4. Select this tab so that it is always in the foreground. TabModelUtils.setIndex( mModel, TabModelUtils.getTabIndexById(mModel, mInteractingTab.getId())); // 5. Fast expand to make sure this tab is visible. If tabs are not cascaded, the selected // tab will already be visible, so there's no need to fast expand to make it visible. if (mShouldCascadeTabs) { float fastExpandDelta = calculateOffsetToMakeTabVisible(mInteractingTab, true, true, true); mScroller.startScroll(mScrollOffset, 0, (int) fastExpandDelta, 0, time, EXPAND_DURATION_MS); } // 6. Request an update. mUpdateHost.requestUpdate(); } private void stopReorderMode() { if (!mInReorderMode) return; // 1. Reset the state variables. mLastReorderScrollTime = 0; mReorderState = REORDER_SCROLL_NONE; mLastReorderX = 0.f; mInReorderMode = false; // 2. Clear any drag offset. startAnimation(buildTabMoveAnimation(mInteractingTab, mInteractingTab.getOffsetX()), true); // 3. Request an update. mUpdateHost.requestUpdate(); } private void updateReorderPosition(float deltaX) { if (!mInReorderMode || mInteractingTab == null) return; float offset = mInteractingTab.getOffsetX() + deltaX; int curIndex = findIndexForTab(mInteractingTab.getId()); // 1. Compute the reorder threshold values. final float flipWidth = mCachedTabWidth - mTabOverlapWidth; final float flipThreshold = REORDER_OVERLAP_SWITCH_PERCENTAGE * flipWidth; // 2. Check if we should swap tabs and track the new destination index. int destIndex = TabModel.INVALID_TAB_INDEX; boolean pastLeftThreshold = offset < -flipThreshold; boolean pastRightThreshold = offset > flipThreshold; boolean isNotRightMost = curIndex < mStripTabs.length - 1; boolean isNotLeftMost = curIndex > 0; if (LocalizationUtils.isLayoutRtl()) { boolean oldLeft = pastLeftThreshold; pastLeftThreshold = pastRightThreshold; pastRightThreshold = oldLeft; } if (pastRightThreshold && isNotRightMost) { destIndex = curIndex + 2; } else if (pastLeftThreshold && isNotLeftMost) { destIndex = curIndex - 1; } // 3. If we should swap tabs, make the swap. if (destIndex != TabModel.INVALID_TAB_INDEX) { // 3.a. Since we're about to move the tab we're dragging, adjust it's offset so it // stays in the same apparent position. boolean shouldFlip = LocalizationUtils.isLayoutRtl() ? destIndex < curIndex : destIndex > curIndex; offset += MathUtils.flipSignIf(flipWidth, shouldFlip); // 3.b. Swap the tabs. reorderTab(mInteractingTab.getId(), curIndex, destIndex, true); mModel.moveTab(mInteractingTab.getId(), destIndex); // 3.c. Update our curIndex as we have just moved the tab. curIndex += destIndex > curIndex ? 1 : -1; // 3.d. Update visual tab ordering. updateVisualTabOrdering(); } // 4. Limit offset based on tab position. First tab can't drag left, last tab can't drag // right. if (curIndex == 0) { offset = LocalizationUtils.isLayoutRtl() ? Math.min(0.f, offset) : Math.max(0.f, offset); } if (curIndex == mStripTabs.length - 1) { offset = LocalizationUtils.isLayoutRtl() ? Math.max(0.f, offset) : Math.min(0.f, offset); } // 5. Set the new offset. mInteractingTab.setOffsetX(offset); } private void reorderTab(int id, int oldIndex, int newIndex, boolean animate) { StripLayoutTab tab = findTabById(id); if (tab == null || oldIndex == newIndex) return; // 1. If the tab is already at the right spot, don't do anything. int index = findIndexForTab(id); if (index == newIndex) return; // 2. Check if it's the tab we are dragging, but we have an old source index. Ignore in // this case because we probably just already moved it. if (mInReorderMode && index != oldIndex && tab == mInteractingTab) return; // 3. Swap the tabs. moveElement(mStripTabs, index, newIndex); // 4. Update newIndex to point to the proper element. if (index < newIndex) newIndex--; // 5. Animate if necessary. if (animate && !mAnimationsDisabledForTesting) { final float flipWidth = mCachedTabWidth - mTabOverlapWidth; final int direction = oldIndex <= newIndex ? 1 : -1; final float animationLength = MathUtils.flipSignIf(direction * flipWidth, LocalizationUtils.isLayoutRtl()); StripLayoutTab slideTab = mStripTabs[newIndex - direction]; startAnimation(buildTabMoveAnimation(slideTab, animationLength), true); } } private void handleReorderAutoScrolling(long time) { if (!mInReorderMode) return; // 1. Track the delta time since the last auto scroll. final float deltaSec = mLastReorderScrollTime == 0 ? 0.f : (time - mLastReorderScrollTime) / 1000.f; mLastReorderScrollTime = time; final float x = mInteractingTab.getDrawX(); // 2. Calculate the gutters for accelerating the scroll speed. // Speed: MAX MIN MIN MAX // |-------|======|--------------------|======|-------| final float dragRange = REORDER_EDGE_SCROLL_START_MAX_DP - REORDER_EDGE_SCROLL_START_MIN_DP; final float leftMinX = REORDER_EDGE_SCROLL_START_MIN_DP + mLeftMargin; final float leftMaxX = REORDER_EDGE_SCROLL_START_MAX_DP + mLeftMargin; final float rightMinX = mWidth - mLeftMargin - mRightMargin - REORDER_EDGE_SCROLL_START_MIN_DP; final float rightMaxX = mWidth - mLeftMargin - mRightMargin - REORDER_EDGE_SCROLL_START_MAX_DP; // 3. See if the current draw position is in one of the gutters and figure out how far in. // Note that we only allow scrolling in each direction if the user has already manually // moved that way. float dragSpeedRatio = 0.f; if ((mReorderState & REORDER_SCROLL_LEFT) != 0 && x < leftMinX) { dragSpeedRatio = -(leftMinX - Math.max(x, leftMaxX)) / dragRange; } else if ((mReorderState & REORDER_SCROLL_RIGHT) != 0 && x + mCachedTabWidth > rightMinX) { dragSpeedRatio = (Math.min(x + mCachedTabWidth, rightMaxX) - rightMinX) / dragRange; } dragSpeedRatio = MathUtils.flipSignIf(dragSpeedRatio, LocalizationUtils.isLayoutRtl()); if (dragSpeedRatio != 0.f) { // 4.a. We're in a gutter. Update the scroll offset. float dragSpeed = REORDER_EDGE_SCROLL_MAX_SPEED_DP * dragSpeedRatio; updateScrollOffsetPosition((int) (mScrollOffset + dragSpeed * deltaSec)); mUpdateHost.requestUpdate(); } else { // 4.b. We're not in a gutter. Reset the scroll delta time tracker. mLastReorderScrollTime = 0; } } private void resetResizeTimeout(boolean postIfNotPresent) { final boolean present = mStripTabEventHandler.hasMessages(MESSAGE_RESIZE); if (present) mStripTabEventHandler.removeMessages(MESSAGE_RESIZE); if (present || postIfNotPresent) { mStripTabEventHandler.sendEmptyMessageAtTime(MESSAGE_RESIZE, RESIZE_DELAY_MS); } } @SuppressLint("HandlerLeak") private class StripTabEventHandler extends Handler { @Override public void handleMessage(Message m) { switch (m.what) { case MESSAGE_RESIZE: computeAndUpdateTabWidth(true); mUpdateHost.requestUpdate(); break; case MESSAGE_UPDATE_SPINNER: mUpdateHost.requestUpdate(); break; default: assert false : "StripTabEventHandler got unknown message " + m.what; } } } private class TabLoadTrackerCallbackImpl implements TabLoadTrackerCallback { @Override public void loadStateChanged(int id) { mUpdateHost.requestUpdate(); } } private static Animation<Animatable<?>> buildTabCreatedAnimation(StripLayoutTab tab) { return createAnimation(tab, StripLayoutTab.Property.Y_OFFSET, tab.getHeight(), 0.f, ANIM_TAB_CREATED_MS, 0, false, ChromeAnimation.getLinearInterpolator()); } private static Animation<Animatable<?>> buildTabClosedAnimation(StripLayoutTab tab) { return createAnimation(tab, StripLayoutTab.Property.Y_OFFSET, tab.getOffsetY(), tab.getHeight(), ANIM_TAB_CLOSED_MS, 0, false, ChromeAnimation.getLinearInterpolator()); } private static Animation<Animatable<?>> buildTabResizeAnimation( StripLayoutTab tab, float width) { return createAnimation(tab, StripLayoutTab.Property.WIDTH, tab.getWidth(), width, ANIM_TAB_RESIZE_MS, 0, false, ChromeAnimation.getLinearInterpolator()); } private static Animation<Animatable<?>> buildTabMoveAnimation( StripLayoutTab tab, float startX) { return createAnimation(tab, StripLayoutTab.Property.X_OFFSET, startX, 0.f, ANIM_TAB_MOVE_MS, 0, false, ChromeAnimation.getLinearInterpolator()); } private static <T> void moveElement(T[] array, int oldIndex, int newIndex) { if (oldIndex <= newIndex) { moveElementUp(array, oldIndex, newIndex); } else { moveElementDown(array, oldIndex, newIndex); } } private static <T> void moveElementUp(T[] array, int oldIndex, int newIndex) { assert oldIndex <= newIndex; if (oldIndex == newIndex || oldIndex + 1 == newIndex) return; T elem = array[oldIndex]; for (int i = oldIndex; i < newIndex - 1; i++) { array[i] = array[i + 1]; } array[newIndex - 1] = elem; } private static <T> void moveElementDown(T[] array, int oldIndex, int newIndex) { assert oldIndex >= newIndex; if (oldIndex == newIndex) return; T elem = array[oldIndex]; for (int i = oldIndex - 1; i >= newIndex; i--) { array[i + 1] = array[i]; } array[newIndex] = elem; } /** * Sets the current scroll offset of the TabStrip. * @param offset The offset to set the TabStrip's scroll state to. */ @VisibleForTesting public void testSetScrollOffset(int offset) { mScrollOffset = offset; } /** * Starts a fling with the specified velocity. * @param velocity The velocity to trigger the fling with. Negative to go left, positive to go * right. */ @VisibleForTesting public void testFling(float velocity) { fling(SystemClock.uptimeMillis(), 0, 0, velocity, 0); } /** * Displays the tab menu below the anchor tab. * @param anchorTab The tab the menu will be anchored to */ private void showTabMenu(StripLayoutTab anchorTab) { // 1. Bring the anchor tab to the foreground. int tabIndex = TabModelUtils.getTabIndexById(mModel, anchorTab.getId()); TabModelUtils.setIndex(mModel, tabIndex); // 2. Anchor the popupMenu to the view associated with the tab View tabView = TabModelUtils.getCurrentTab(mModel).getView(); mTabMenu.setAnchorView(tabView); // 3. Set the vertical offset to align the tab menu with bottom of the tab strip int verticalOffset = -(tabView.getHeight() - (int) mContext.getResources().getDimension(R.dimen.tab_strip_height)) - ((MarginLayoutParams) tabView.getLayoutParams()).topMargin; mTabMenu.setVerticalOffset(verticalOffset); // 4. Set the horizontal offset to align the tab menu with the right side of the tab int horizontalOffset = Math.round((anchorTab.getDrawX() + anchorTab.getWidth()) * mContext.getResources().getDisplayMetrics().density) - mTabMenu.getWidth() - ((MarginLayoutParams) tabView.getLayoutParams()).leftMargin; // Cap the horizontal offset so that the tab menu doesn't get drawn off screen. horizontalOffset = Math.max(horizontalOffset, 0); mTabMenu.setHorizontalOffset(horizontalOffset); mTabMenu.show(); } private void setScrollForScrollingTabStacker(float delta, boolean shouldAnimate, long time) { if (delta == 0.f) return; if (shouldAnimate && !mAnimationsDisabledForTesting) { mScroller.startScroll(mScrollOffset, 0, (int) delta, 0, time, EXPAND_DURATION_MS); } else { mScrollOffset += delta; } } /** * Scrolls to the selected tab if it's not fully visible. */ private void bringSelectedTabToVisibleArea(long time, boolean animate) { // The selected tab is always visible in the CascadingStripStacker. if (mShouldCascadeTabs) return; Tab selectedTab = mModel.getTabAt(mModel.index()); if (selectedTab == null) return; StripLayoutTab selectedLayoutTab = findTabById(selectedTab.getId()); if (isSelectedTabCompletelyVisible(selectedLayoutTab)) return; float delta = calculateOffsetToMakeTabVisible(selectedLayoutTab, true, true, true); setScrollForScrollingTabStacker(delta, animate, time); } private boolean isSelectedTabCompletelyVisible(StripLayoutTab selectedTab) { return selectedTab.isVisible() && selectedTab.getDrawX() >= 0 && selectedTab.getDrawX() + selectedTab.getWidth() <= mWidth; } /** * @return true if the tab menu is showing */ @VisibleForTesting public boolean isTabMenuShowing() { return mTabMenu.isShowing(); } /** * @param menuItemId The id of the menu item to click */ @VisibleForTesting public void clickTabMenuItem(int menuItemId) { mTabMenu.performItemClick(menuItemId); } /** * @return Whether the {@link CascadingStripStacker} is being used. */ @VisibleForTesting boolean shouldCascadeTabs() { return mShouldCascadeTabs; } /** * @return The with of the tab strip. */ @VisibleForTesting float getWidth() { return mWidth; } /** * @return The strip's current scroll offset. */ @VisibleForTesting int getScrollOffset() { return mScrollOffset; } /** * @return The strip's minimum scroll offset. */ @VisibleForTesting float getMinimumScrollOffset() { return mMinScrollOffset; } /** * Set the scroll offset. Should only be used for testing. * @param scrollOffset The scroll offset. */ @VisibleForTesting void setScrollOffsetForTesting(int scrollOffset) { mScrollOffset = scrollOffset; updateStrip(); } /** * @return An array containing the StripLayoutTabs. */ @VisibleForTesting StripLayoutTab[] getStripLayoutTabs() { return mStripTabs; } /** * @return The amount tabs overlap. */ @VisibleForTesting float getTabOverlapWidth() { return mTabOverlapWidth; } /** * Disables animations for testing purposes. */ @VisibleForTesting public void disableAnimationsForTesting() { mAnimationsDisabledForTesting = true; } private void setAccessibilityDescription(StripLayoutTab stripTab, Tab tab) { if (tab != null) setAccessibilityDescription(stripTab, tab.getTitle(), tab.isHidden()); } /** * Set the accessibility description of a {@link StripLayoutTab}. * * @param stripTab The StripLayoutTab to set the accessibility description. * @param title The title of the tab. * @param isHidden Current visibility state of the Tab. */ private void setAccessibilityDescription( StripLayoutTab stripTab, String title, boolean isHidden) { if (stripTab == null) return; // Separator used to separate the different parts of the content description. // Not for sentence construction and hence not localized. final String contentDescriptionSeparator = ", "; final StringBuilder builder = new StringBuilder(); if (!TextUtils.isEmpty(title)) { builder.append(title); builder.append(contentDescriptionSeparator); } @StringRes int resId; if (mIncognito) { resId = isHidden ? R.string.accessibility_tabstrip_incognito_identifier : R.string.accessibility_tabstrip_incognito_identifier_selected; } else { resId = isHidden ? R.string.accessibility_tabstrip_identifier : R.string.accessibility_tabstrip_identifier_selected; } builder.append(mContext.getResources().getString(resId)); stripTab.setAccessibilityDescription(builder.toString()); } }