// Copyright 2016 The Chromium Authors. All rights reserved.
// Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be
// found in the LICENSE file.
package org.chromium.chrome.browser.contextualsearch;
* Implements the policy that a Tap relatively far away from an existing Contextual Search
* selection should just dismiss our UX. When a Tap is close by, we assume the user must have
* missed the original intended target so we reselect based on the new Tap location.
class TapFarFromPreviousSuppression extends ContextualSearchHeuristic {
private static final double RETAP_DISTANCE_SQUARED_DP = Math.pow(75, 2);
private final ContextualSearchTapState mPreviousTapState;
private final float mPxToDp;
private final boolean mShouldHandleTap;
* Constructs a heuristic to determine if the current Tap should be suppressed because it is
* far from the previous tap.
* @param controller The {@link ContextualSearchSelectionController}.
* @param x The x coordinate of the tap gesture.
* @param y The y coordinate of the tap gesture.
TapFarFromPreviousSuppression(ContextualSearchSelectionController controller,
ContextualSearchTapState previousTapState, int x, int y) {
mPxToDp = controller.getPxToDp();
mPreviousTapState = previousTapState;
mShouldHandleTap = shouldHandleTap(x, y);
protected boolean isConditionSatisfiedAndEnabled() {
return !mShouldHandleTap;
* @return whether a tap at the given coordinates should be handled or not.
private boolean shouldHandleTap(int x, int y) {
if (mPreviousTapState == null) return true;
return mPreviousTapState.wasSuppressed() || wasTapCloseToPreviousTap(x, y);
* Determines whether a tap at the given coordinates is considered "close" to the previous
* tap.
private boolean wasTapCloseToPreviousTap(int x, int y) {
float deltaXDp = (mPreviousTapState.getX() - x) * mPxToDp;
float deltaYDp = (mPreviousTapState.getY() - y) * mPxToDp;
float distanceSquaredDp = deltaXDp * deltaXDp + deltaYDp * deltaYDp;
return distanceSquaredDp <= RETAP_DISTANCE_SQUARED_DP;