package com.wangyin.ak47.pipes.dubbo; import java.util.LinkedList; import java.util.List; import java.util.concurrent.Executor; import java.util.concurrent.atomic.AtomicLong; import com.wangyin.ak47.common.ByteUtil; import com.wangyin.ak47.common.Logger; import com.wangyin.ak47.core.Pipe; import com.wangyin.ak47.core.Request; import com.wangyin.ak47.core.Response; import com.wangyin.ak47.core.Buffer; import com.wangyin.ak47.core.event.SingleThreadEventExecutor; import com.wangyin.ak47.core.exception.Ak47RuntimeException; /** * 所有dubbo协议头的接口请继承此Pipe。 * * dubbo协议头 * 参见:\dubbo\dubbo-remoting\dubbo-remoting-api\src\main\java\com\alibaba\dubbo\remoting\exchange\codec\ * * 一共16个字节: * [0..1] : magic number (short) 0xdabb * [2] : flag (byte) bit map: FLAG_REQUEST/FLAG_EVENT/FLAG_TWOWAY/HEARTBEAT_EVENT/SERIALIZATION_MASK/... * [3] : status (byte) 20 means OK * [4..11] : request id (long) * [12..15] : body length (int) * * * @author wyhanyu * */ public abstract class AbstractDubboPipe<Q, R> extends Pipe<Q, R> { private static final Logger log = new Logger(AbstractDubboPipe.class); // dubbo header protected static final byte STATUS_OK = 20; protected static final short MAGIC_NUMBER = (short) 0xdabb; protected static final int HEADER_LENGTH = 16; // message flag. protected static final byte FLAG_REQUEST = (byte) 0x80; protected static final byte FLAG_TWOWAY = (byte) 0x40; protected static final byte FLAG_EVENT = (byte) 0x20; protected static final int SERIALIZATION_MASK = 0x1f; // attr key protected static final String KEY_CURRENT_REQUEST_ID = "currentRequestId"; protected static AtomicLong globalGeneratedRequestId = new AtomicLong(0); @Override public void decodeRequest(Buffer buf, Request<Q> request) throws Exception { DubboData dd = new DubboData(); if( !decodeDubboData(buf, dd) ){ return; } decodeDubboRequest(dd, request); // setAttr requestId request.requestAttr().set(KEY_CURRENT_REQUEST_ID, dd.getDubboHeader().getRequestId()); } /** * DubboData →→→ POJO * * @param dd DubboData * @param request Request with POJO * @throws Exception in any case */ public abstract void decodeDubboRequest(DubboData dd, Request<Q> request) throws Exception; @Override public void encodeRequest(Request<Q> request, Buffer buf) throws Exception { DubboData dd = new DubboData(); encodeDubboRequest(request, dd); DubboHeader dh = dd.getDubboHeader(); // set RequestId if( dh.getRequestId() == 0 ){ dh.setRequestId(globalGeneratedRequestId.getAndIncrement()); } // set bodylength dh.setBodyLength(dd.getBody().length); encodeDubboData(dd, buf); } /** * POJO →→→ DubboData * * @param request Request with POJO * @param dd DubboData * @throws Exception in any case */ public abstract void encodeDubboRequest(Request<Q> request, DubboData dd) throws Exception; @Override public void decodeResponse(Buffer buf, Response<R> response) throws Exception { DubboData dd = new DubboData(); if( !decodeDubboData(buf, dd) ){ return; } decodeDubboResponse(dd, response); } /** * DubboData →→→ POJO * * @param dd DubboData * @param response Response with POJO * @throws Exception in any case */ public abstract void decodeDubboResponse(DubboData dd, Response<R> response) throws Exception; @Override public void encodeResponse(Response<R> response, Buffer buf) throws Exception { DubboData dd = new DubboData(); encodeDubboResponse(response, dd); DubboHeader dh = dd.getDubboHeader(); // set status if( dh.getStatus() == 0 ){ dh.setStatus(STATUS_OK); } Long requestId = (Long) response.requestAttr().get(KEY_CURRENT_REQUEST_ID); if( requestId != null ){ dh.setRequestId(requestId); } // set bodylength dh.setBodyLength(dd.getBody().length); encodeDubboData(dd, buf); } /** * POJO →→→ DubboData * * @param response Response with POJO * @param dd DubboData * @throws Exception in any case */ public abstract void encodeDubboResponse(Response<R> response, DubboData dd) throws Exception; /** * Buffer →→→ DubboData * * @param buf Buffer * @param dd DubboData * @return if decode success */ private boolean decodeDubboData(Buffer buf, DubboData dd){ int readableBytes = buf.readableBytes(); // header length if( readableBytes < HEADER_LENGTH ){ log.debug("Need more read for header."); return false; } byte[] bytes = new byte[readableBytes]; int readerIndex = buf.readerIndex(); buf.readBytes(bytes); // magic number short magicNumber = ByteUtil.bytes2short(bytes); if( magicNumber != MAGIC_NUMBER ){ log.error("Magic number fail, close connection."); // NOT rollback throw new Ak47RuntimeException("Wrong magic number["+magicNumber+"] expected ["+MAGIC_NUMBER+"]"); } // body length int bodyLength = ByteUtil.bytes2int(bytes, 12); if( bytes.length < HEADER_LENGTH + bodyLength ){ log.debug("Need more read for body."); buf.readerIndex(readerIndex); return false; } // set header DubboHeader dh = dd.getDubboHeader(); dh.setMagicNumber(magicNumber); dh.setFlag(bytes[2]); dh.setStatus(bytes[3]); dh.setRequestId(ByteUtil.bytes2long(bytes,4)); dh.setBodyLength(bodyLength); // set body dd.setBody(ByteUtil.copyOf(bytes, HEADER_LENGTH, bodyLength)); // pipeline if( bytes.length > HEADER_LENGTH + bodyLength ){ log.debug("Detect pipeline."); buf.readerIndex(readerIndex + HEADER_LENGTH + bodyLength); } // log.error("decodeDubboData: \n{}", YmlUtil.obj2PrettyYml(dd)); return true; } /** * DubboData →→→ Buffer * * @param dd DubboData * @param buf Buffer * @return if decode success */ private boolean encodeDubboData(DubboData dd, Buffer buf){ DubboHeader dh = dd.getDubboHeader(); byte[] headerBytes = new byte[HEADER_LENGTH]; byte[] magicNumber = ByteUtil.short2bytes( dh.getMagicNumber() ); ByteUtil.copy(magicNumber, 0, headerBytes, 0, 2); byte flag = dh.getFlag(); ByteUtil.copy(flag,headerBytes,2); byte status = dh.getStatus(); ByteUtil.copy(status, headerBytes, 3); byte[] requestId = ByteUtil.long2bytes( dh.getRequestId() ); ByteUtil.copy(requestId, 0, headerBytes, 4, 8); byte[] bodyLength = ByteUtil.int2bytes( dh.getBodyLength() ); ByteUtil.copy(bodyLength, 0, headerBytes, 12, 4); buf.writeBytes(headerBytes); buf.writeBytes(dd.getBody()); // log.error("encodeDubboData: \n{}", YmlUtil.obj2PrettyYml(dd)); return true; } /** * Read buf of one request * * @param buf Buffer of all * @return Buffer of one request */ private Buffer readOne(Buffer buf){ int readerIndex = buf.readerIndex(); int readableBytes = buf.readableBytes(); // header length if( readableBytes < HEADER_LENGTH ){ // log.debug("Need more read for header."); return null; } // read header byte[] headerBytes = new byte[HEADER_LENGTH]; buf.getBytes(readerIndex, headerBytes); int bodyLength = ByteUtil.bytes2int(headerBytes, 12); int reqLength = HEADER_LENGTH + bodyLength; if( readableBytes < reqLength ){ // log.debug("Need more read for body."); return null; }else{ Buffer copybuf = buf.copy(readerIndex, reqLength); buf.readerIndex(readerIndex + reqLength); return copybuf; } } @Override public List<Buffer> split(Buffer buf){ List<Buffer> bufs = new LinkedList<Buffer>(); Buffer one = readOne(buf); while( null != one ){ bufs.add(one); one = readOne(buf); } return bufs; } @Override public Executor newExecutor(){ return new SingleThreadEventExecutor(); } }