package com.wangyin.ak47.common; import; import java.util.List; import java.util.Map; import java.util.concurrent.ConcurrentHashMap; /** * Byte-related helper class * * Byte相关的所有方法,特别是编解码中必须用到 * * @author hannyu * */ public class ByteUtil { private static final String C64 = "ABCDEFGHIJKLMNOPQRSTUVWXYZabcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyz0123456789+/="; //default base64. private static final char[] BASE16 = {'0','1','2','3','4','5','6','7','8','9','a','b','c','d','e','f'}, BASE64 = C64.toCharArray(); private static final int MASK4 = 0x0f, MASK6 = 0x3f, MASK8 = 0xff; private static final Map<Integer, byte[]> DECODE_TABLE_MAP = new ConcurrentHashMap<Integer, byte[]>(); /** * Merge a List of byte[] to one big byte[]. * * 合并多个byte[] list * * @param bs a collection of byte[] * @return merged byte[], or byte[0]. Never return null. */ public static byte[] merge(List<byte[]> bs){ int len = 0; for(int i=0; i<bs.size(); i++){ len += bs.get(i).length; } byte[] merged = new byte[len]; int x = 0; for(int i=0; i<bs.size(); i++){ byte[] b = bs.get(i); int blen = b.length; // copy(byte[] src, int srcPos, byte[] dest, int destPos, int length) copy(b, 0, merged, x, blen); x += blen; } return merged; } /** * Merge multiple byte[] to one big byte[]. * * 合并多个byte[] array * * @param bs a collection of byte[] * @return merged byte[], or byte[0]. Never return null. */ public static byte[] merge(byte[]... bs){ int len = 0; for(int i=0; i<bs.length; i++){ len += bs[i].length; } byte[] merged = new byte[len]; int x = 0; for(int i=0; i<bs.length; i++){ byte[] b = bs[i]; int blen = b.length; // copy(byte[] src, int srcPos, byte[] dest, int destPos, int length) copy(b, 0, merged, x, blen); x += blen; } return merged; } /** * byte array copy. * * @param src source of byte[] * @param length length of bytes to be copied * @return copied byte[] */ public static byte[] copyOf(byte[] src, int length) { return copyOf(src, 0, length); } /** * byte array copy. * * @param src source of byte[] * @param offset from where to start * @param length length of bytes to be copied * @return copied byte[] */ public static byte[] copyOf(byte[] src, int offset, int length){ byte[] dest = new byte[length]; System.arraycopy(src, offset, dest, 0, length); return dest; } /** * copy bytes from src to dest * * @param src source * @param srcPos source position * @param dest destination * @param destPos destination position * @param length length */ public static void copy(byte[] src, int srcPos, byte[] dest, int destPos, int length){ System.arraycopy(src, srcPos, dest, destPos, length); } /** * copy bytes from src to dest * * @param src source * @param dest destination * @param destPos destination position */ public static void copy(byte[] src, byte[] dest, int destPos){ System.arraycopy(src, 0, dest, destPos, src.length); } /** * dest[destPos] = src; * * @param src source * @param dest destination * @param destPos destination position */ public static void copy(byte src, byte[] dest, int destPos){ dest[destPos] = src; } /** * to byte array. * * @param v value. * @return byte[]. */ public static byte[] short2bytes(short v) { byte[] ret = { 0, 0 }; short2bytes(v, ret); return ret; } /** * to byte array. * * @param v value. * @param b byte array. */ public static void short2bytes(short v, byte[] b) { short2bytes(v, b, 0); } /** * to byte array. * * @param v value. * @param b byte array. * @param off cursor. */ public static void short2bytes(short v, byte[] b, int off) { b[off + 1] = (byte) v; b[off + 0] = (byte) (v >>> 8); } /** * to byte array. * * @param v value. * @return byte[]. */ public static byte[] int2bytes(int v) { byte[] ret = { 0, 0, 0, 0 }; int2bytes(v, ret); return ret; } /** * to byte array. * * @param v value. * @param b byte array. */ public static void int2bytes(int v, byte[] b) { int2bytes(v, b, 0); } /** * to byte array. * * @param v value. * @param b byte array. * @param off array offset. */ public static void int2bytes(int v, byte[] b, int off) { b[off + 3] = (byte) v; b[off + 2] = (byte) (v >>> 8); b[off + 1] = (byte) (v >>> 16); b[off + 0] = (byte) (v >>> 24); } /** * to byte array. * * @param v value. * @return byte[]. */ public static byte[] float2bytes(float v) { byte[] ret = { 0, 0, 0, 0 }; float2bytes(v, ret); return ret; } /** * to byte array. * * @param v value. * @param b byte array. */ public static void float2bytes(float v, byte[] b) { float2bytes(v, b, 0); } /** * to byte array. * * @param v value. * @param b byte array. * @param off array offset. */ public static void float2bytes(float v, byte[] b, int off) { int i = Float.floatToIntBits(v); b[off + 3] = (byte) i; b[off + 2] = (byte) (i >>> 8); b[off + 1] = (byte) (i >>> 16); b[off + 0] = (byte) (i >>> 24); } /** * to byte array. * * @param v value. * @return byte[]. */ public static byte[] long2bytes(long v) { byte[] ret = { 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0 }; long2bytes(v, ret); return ret; } /** * to byte array. * * @param v value. * @param b byte array. */ public static void long2bytes(long v, byte[] b) { long2bytes(v, b, 0); } /** * to byte array. * * @param v value. * @param b byte array. * @param off array offset. */ public static void long2bytes(long v, byte[] b, int off) { b[off + 7] = (byte) v; b[off + 6] = (byte) (v >>> 8); b[off + 5] = (byte) (v >>> 16); b[off + 4] = (byte) (v >>> 24); b[off + 3] = (byte) (v >>> 32); b[off + 2] = (byte) (v >>> 40); b[off + 1] = (byte) (v >>> 48); b[off + 0] = (byte) (v >>> 56); } /** * to byte array. * * @param v value. * @return byte[]. */ public static byte[] double2bytes(double v) { byte[] ret = { 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0 }; double2bytes(v, ret); return ret; } /** * to byte array. * * @param v value. * @param b byte array. */ public static void double2bytes(double v, byte[] b) { double2bytes(v, b, 0); } /** * to byte array. * * @param v value. * @param b byte array. * @param off array offset. */ public static void double2bytes(double v, byte[] b, int off) { long j = Double.doubleToLongBits(v); b[off + 7] = (byte) j; b[off + 6] = (byte) (j >>> 8); b[off + 5] = (byte) (j >>> 16); b[off + 4] = (byte) (j >>> 24); b[off + 3] = (byte) (j >>> 32); b[off + 2] = (byte) (j >>> 40); b[off + 1] = (byte) (j >>> 48); b[off + 0] = (byte) (j >>> 56); } /** * to short. * * @param b byte array. * @return short. */ public static short bytes2short(byte[] b) { return bytes2short(b, 0); } /** * to short. * * @param b byte array. * @param off offset. * @return short. */ public static short bytes2short(byte[] b, int off) { return (short) (((b[off + 1] & 0xFF) << 0) + ((b[off + 0]) << 8)); } /** * to int. * * @param b byte array. * @return int. */ public static int bytes2int(byte[] b) { return bytes2int(b, 0); } /** * to int. * * @param b byte array. * @param off offset. * @return int. */ public static int bytes2int(byte[] b, int off) { return ((b[off + 3] & 0xFF) << 0) + ((b[off + 2] & 0xFF) << 8) + ((b[off + 1] & 0xFF) << 16) + ((b[off + 0]) << 24); } /** * to int. * * @param b byte array. * @return int. */ public static float bytes2float(byte[] b) { return bytes2float(b, 0); } /** * to int. * * @param b byte array. * @param off offset. * @return int. */ public static float bytes2float(byte[] b, int off) { int i = ((b[off + 3] & 0xFF) << 0) + ((b[off + 2] & 0xFF) << 8) + ((b[off + 1] & 0xFF) << 16) + ((b[off + 0]) << 24); return Float.intBitsToFloat(i); } /** * to long. * * @param b byte array. * @return long. */ public static long bytes2long(byte[] b) { return bytes2long(b,0); } /** * to long. * * @param b byte array. * @param off offset. * @return long. */ public static long bytes2long(byte[] b,int off) { return ((b[off + 7] & 0xFFL) << 0) + ((b[off + 6] & 0xFFL) << 8) + ((b[off + 5] & 0xFFL) << 16) + ((b[off + 4] & 0xFFL) << 24) + ((b[off + 3] & 0xFFL) << 32) + ((b[off + 2] & 0xFFL) << 40) + ((b[off + 1] & 0xFFL) << 48) + (((long) b[off + 0]) << 56); } /** * to long. * * @param b byte array. * @return double. */ public static double bytes2double(byte[] b) { return bytes2double(b,0); } /** * to long. * * @param b byte array. * @param off offset. * @return double. */ public static double bytes2double(byte[] b, int off) { long j = ((b[off + 7] & 0xFFL) << 0) + ((b[off + 6] & 0xFFL) << 8) + ((b[off + 5] & 0xFFL) << 16) + ((b[off + 4] & 0xFFL) << 24) + ((b[off + 3] & 0xFFL) << 32) + ((b[off + 2] & 0xFFL) << 40) + ((b[off + 1] & 0xFFL) << 48) + (((long) b[off + 0]) << 56); return Double.longBitsToDouble(j); } /** * to String * * @param b byte array * @param off offset * @param len length * @param encoding encoding * @return String * @throws UnsupportedEncodingException encoding wrong */ public static String bytes2String(byte[] b, int off, int len, String encoding) throws UnsupportedEncodingException{ return new String(b, off, len, encoding); } /** * to String with UTF-8 encoding * * @param b byte array * @param off offset * @param len length * @return String * @throws UnsupportedEncodingException encoding wrong */ public static String bytes2String(byte[] b, int off, int len) throws UnsupportedEncodingException{ return bytes2String(b, off, len, Ak47Constants.DEFAULT_ENCODING); } /** * to String with UTF-8 encoding * * @param b byte array * @return String * @throws UnsupportedEncodingException encoding wrong */ public static String bytes2String(byte[] b) throws UnsupportedEncodingException{ return new String(b, Ak47Constants.DEFAULT_ENCODING); } /** * to String with specific encoding * * @param b byte array * @param encoding encoding * @return String * @throws UnsupportedEncodingException encoding wrong */ public static String bytes2String(byte[] b, String encoding) throws UnsupportedEncodingException{ return new String(b, encoding); } /** * from String to byte[] with UTF-8 encoding * * @param str String * @return bytes * @throws UnsupportedEncodingException encoding wrong */ public static byte[] string2Bytes(String str) throws UnsupportedEncodingException{ return string2Bytes(str, Ak47Constants.DEFAULT_ENCODING); } /** * from String to byte[] with specific encoding * * @param str String * @param encoding encoding * @return bytes * @throws UnsupportedEncodingException encoding wrong */ public static byte[] string2Bytes(String str, String encoding) throws UnsupportedEncodingException{ return str.getBytes(encoding); } /** * to hex string. * * @param bs byte array. * @return hex string. */ public static String bytes2hex(byte[] bs) { return bytes2hex(bs, 0, bs.length); } /** * to hex string. * * @param bs byte array. * @param off offset. * @param len length. * @return hex string. */ public static String bytes2hex(byte[] bs, int off, int len) { if( off < 0 ) throw new IndexOutOfBoundsException("bytes2hex: offset < 0, offset is " + off ); if( len < 0 ) throw new IndexOutOfBoundsException("bytes2hex: length < 0, length is " + len ); if( off + len > bs.length ) throw new IndexOutOfBoundsException("bytes2hex: offset + length > array length."); byte b; int r = off, w = 0; char[] cs = new char[len*2]; for(int i=0;i<len;i++) { b = bs[r++]; cs[w++] = BASE16[ b >> 4 & MASK4 ]; cs[w++] = BASE16[ b & MASK4 ]; } return new String(cs); } /** * from hex string. * * @param str hex string. * @return byte array. */ public static byte[] hex2bytes(String str) { return hex2bytes(str, 0, str.length()); } /** * from hex string. * * @param str hex string. * @param off offset. * @param len length. * @return byte array. */ public static byte[] hex2bytes(final String str, final int off, int len) { if( ( len & 1 ) == 1 ) throw new IllegalArgumentException("hex2bytes: ( len & 1 ) == 1."); if( off < 0 ) throw new IndexOutOfBoundsException("hex2bytes: offset < 0, offset is " + off ); if( len < 0 ) throw new IndexOutOfBoundsException("hex2bytes: length < 0, length is " + len ); if( off + len > str.length() ) throw new IndexOutOfBoundsException("hex2bytes: offset + length > array length."); int num = len / 2, r = off, w = 0; byte[] b = new byte[num]; for(int i=0;i<num;i++) { b[w++] = (byte)( hex(str.charAt(r++)) << 4 | hex(str.charAt(r++)) ); } return b; } /** * to human-friendly string. * * @param bs byte array. * @return hex string. */ public static String bytes2human(byte[] bs) { return bytes2human(bs, 0, bs.length); } /** * to human-friendly string. * * @param bs byte array. * @param off offset. * @param len length. * @return hex string. */ public static String bytes2human(byte[] bs, int off, int len) { if( off < 0 ) throw new IndexOutOfBoundsException("bytes2human: offset < 0, offset is " + off ); if( len < 0 ) throw new IndexOutOfBoundsException("bytes2human: length < 0, length is " + len ); if( off + len > bs.length ) throw new IndexOutOfBoundsException("bytes2human: offset + length > array length."); byte b; int r = off, w = 0; char[] cs = new char[len*4]; for(int i=0;i<len;i++) { b = bs[r++]; cs[w++] = '\\'; cs[w++] = 'x'; cs[w++] = BASE16[ b >> 4 & MASK4 ]; cs[w++] = BASE16[ b & MASK4 ]; } return new String(cs); } /** * from human-friendly string. * * @param str hex string. * @return byte array. */ public static byte[] human2bytes(String str) { return human2bytes(str, 0, str.length()); } /** * from human string. * * @param str hex string. * @param off offset. * @param len length. * @return byte array. */ public static byte[] human2bytes(final String str, final int off, int len) { if( ( len & 1 ) == 1 ) throw new IllegalArgumentException("human2bytes: ( len & 1 ) == 1."); if( off < 0 ) throw new IndexOutOfBoundsException("human2bytes: offset < 0, offset is " + off ); if( len < 0 ) throw new IndexOutOfBoundsException("human2bytes: length < 0, length is " + len ); if( off + len > str.length() ) throw new IndexOutOfBoundsException("human2bytes: offset + length > array length."); int num = len / 4, r = off, w = 0; byte[] b = new byte[num]; for(int i=0;i<num;i++) { r+=2; b[w++] = (byte)( hex(str.charAt(r++)) << 4 | hex(str.charAt(r++)) ); } return b; } /** * to base64 string. * * @param b byte array. * @return base64 string. */ public static String bytes2base64(byte[] b) { return bytes2base64(b, 0, b.length, BASE64); } /** * * * @param b byte array. * @return base64 string. */ /** * to base64 string. * * @param b byte array * @param offset offset * @param length length * @return base64 string */ public static String bytes2base64(byte[] b, int offset, int length) { return bytes2base64(b, offset, length, BASE64); } /** * to base64 string. * * @param b byte array. * @param code base64 code string(0-63 is base64 char,64 is pad char). * @return base64 string. */ public static String bytes2base64(byte[] b, String code) { return bytes2base64(b, 0, b.length, code); } /** * to base64 string. * * @param b byte array * @param offset offset * @param length length * @param code base64 code string(0-63 is base64 char,64 is pad char) * @return base64 string */ public static String bytes2base64(byte[] b, int offset, int length, String code) { if( code.length() < 64 ) throw new IllegalArgumentException("Base64 code length < 64."); return bytes2base64(b, offset, length, code.toCharArray()); } /** * to base64 string. * * @param b byte array. * @param code base64 code(0-63 is base64 char,64 is pad char). * @return base64 string. */ public static String bytes2base64(byte[] b, char[] code) { return bytes2base64(b, 0, b.length, code); } /** * to base64 string. * * @param bs byte array. * @param off offset. * @param len length. * @param code base64 code(0-63 is base64 char,64 is pad char). * @return base64 string. */ public static String bytes2base64(final byte[] bs, final int off, final int len, final char[] code) { if( off < 0 ) throw new IndexOutOfBoundsException("bytes2base64: offset < 0, offset is " + off ); if( len < 0 ) throw new IndexOutOfBoundsException("bytes2base64: length < 0, length is " + len ); if( off + len > bs.length ) throw new IndexOutOfBoundsException("bytes2base64: offset + length > array length."); if( code.length < 64 ) throw new IllegalArgumentException("Base64 code length < 64."); boolean pad = code.length > 64; // has pad char. int num = len / 3, rem = len % 3, r = off, w = 0; char[] cs = new char[ num * 4 + ( rem == 0 ? 0 : pad ? 4 : rem + 1 ) ]; for(int i=0;i<num;i++) { int b1 = bs[r++] & MASK8, b2 = bs[r++] & MASK8, b3 = bs[r++] & MASK8; cs[w++] = code[ b1 >> 2 ]; cs[w++] = code[ ( b1 << 4 ) & MASK6 | ( b2 >> 4 ) ]; cs[w++] = code[ ( b2 << 2 ) & MASK6 | ( b3 >> 6 ) ]; cs[w++] = code[ b3 & MASK6 ]; } if( rem == 1 ) { int b1 = bs[r++] & MASK8; cs[w++] = code[ b1 >> 2 ]; cs[w++] = code[ ( b1 << 4 ) & MASK6 ]; if( pad ) { cs[w++] = code[64]; cs[w++] = code[64]; } } else if( rem == 2 ) { int b1 = bs[r++] & MASK8, b2 = bs[r++] & MASK8; cs[w++] = code[ b1 >> 2 ]; cs[w++] = code[ ( b1 << 4 ) & MASK6 | ( b2 >> 4 ) ]; cs[w++] = code[ ( b2 << 2 ) & MASK6 ]; if( pad ) cs[w++] = code[64]; } return new String(cs); } /** * from base64 string. * * @param str base64 string. * @return byte array. */ public static byte[] base642bytes(String str) { return base642bytes(str, 0, str.length()); } /** * from base64 string. * * @param str base64 string. * @param offset offset. * @param length length. * @return byte array. */ public static byte[] base642bytes(String str, int offset, int length) { return base642bytes(str, offset, length, C64); } /** * from base64 string. * * @param str base64 string. * @param code base64 code(0-63 is base64 char,64 is pad char). * @return byte array. */ public static byte[] base642bytes(String str, String code) { return base642bytes(str, 0, str.length(), code); } /** * from base64 string. * * @param str base64 string. * @param off offset. * @param len length. * @param code base64 code(0-63 is base64 char,64 is pad char). * @return byte array. */ public static byte[] base642bytes(final String str, final int off, final int len, final String code) { if( off < 0 ) throw new IndexOutOfBoundsException("base642bytes: offset < 0, offset is " + off ); if( len < 0 ) throw new IndexOutOfBoundsException("base642bytes: length < 0, length is " + len ); if( off + len > str.length() ) throw new IndexOutOfBoundsException("base642bytes: offset + length > string length."); if( code.length() < 64 ) throw new IllegalArgumentException("Base64 code length < 64."); int rem = len % 4; if( rem == 1 ) throw new IllegalArgumentException("base642bytes: base64 string length % 4 == 1."); int num = len / 4, size = num * 3; if( code.length() > 64 ) { if( rem != 0 ) throw new IllegalArgumentException("base642bytes: base64 string length error."); char pc = code.charAt(64); if( str.charAt(off+len-2) == pc ) { size -= 2; --num; rem = 2; } else if( str.charAt(off+len-1) == pc ) { size--; --num; rem = 3; } } else { if( rem == 2 ) size++; else if( rem == 3 ) size += 2; } int r = off, w = 0; byte[] b = new byte[size], t = decodeTable(code); for(int i=0;i<num;i++) { int c1 = t[str.charAt(r++)], c2 = t[str.charAt(r++)]; int c3 = t[str.charAt(r++)], c4 = t[str.charAt(r++)]; b[w++] = (byte)( ( c1 << 2 ) | ( c2 >> 4 ) ); b[w++] = (byte)( ( c2 << 4 ) | ( c3 >> 2 ) ); b[w++] = (byte)( ( c3 << 6 ) | c4 ); } if( rem == 2 ) { int c1 = t[str.charAt(r++)], c2 = t[str.charAt(r++)]; b[w++] = (byte)( ( c1 << 2 ) | ( c2 >> 4 ) ); } else if( rem == 3 ) { int c1 = t[str.charAt(r++)], c2 = t[str.charAt(r++)], c3 = t[str.charAt(r++)]; b[w++] = (byte)( ( c1 << 2 ) | ( c2 >> 4 ) ); b[w++] = (byte)( ( c2 << 4 ) | ( c3 >> 2 ) ); } return b; } /** * from base64 string. * * @param str base64 string. * @param code base64 code(0-63 is base64 char,64 is pad char). * @return byte array. */ public static byte[] base642bytes(String str, char[] code) { return base642bytes(str, 0, str.length(), code); } /** * from base64 string. * * @param str base64 string. * @param off offset. * @param len length. * @param code base64 code(0-63 is base64 char,64 is pad char). * @return byte array. */ public static byte[] base642bytes(final String str, final int off, final int len, final char[] code) { if( off < 0 ) throw new IndexOutOfBoundsException("base642bytes: offset < 0, offset is " + off ); if( len < 0 ) throw new IndexOutOfBoundsException("base642bytes: length < 0, length is " + len ); if( off + len > str.length() ) throw new IndexOutOfBoundsException("base642bytes: offset + length > string length."); if( code.length < 64 ) throw new IllegalArgumentException("Base64 code length < 64."); int rem = len % 4; if( rem == 1 ) throw new IllegalArgumentException("base642bytes: base64 string length % 4 == 1."); int num = len / 4, size = num * 3; if( code.length > 64 ) { if( rem != 0 ) throw new IllegalArgumentException("base642bytes: base64 string length error."); char pc = code[64]; if( str.charAt(off+len-2) == pc ) size -= 2; else if( str.charAt(off+len-1) == pc ) size--; } else { if( rem == 2 ) size++; else if( rem == 3 ) size += 2; } int r = off, w = 0; byte[] b = new byte[size]; for(int i=0;i<num;i++) { int c1 = indexOf(code, str.charAt(r++)), c2 = indexOf(code, str.charAt(r++)); int c3 = indexOf(code, str.charAt(r++)), c4 = indexOf(code, str.charAt(r++)); b[w++] = (byte)( ( c1 << 2 ) | ( c2 >> 4 ) ); b[w++] = (byte)( ( c2 << 4 ) | ( c3 >> 2 ) ); b[w++] = (byte)( ( c3 << 6 ) | c4 ); } if( rem == 2 ) { int c1 = indexOf(code, str.charAt(r++)), c2 = indexOf(code, str.charAt(r++)); b[w++] = (byte)( ( c1 << 2 ) | ( c2 >> 4 ) ); } else if( rem == 3 ) { int c1 = indexOf(code, str.charAt(r++)), c2 = indexOf(code, str.charAt(r++)), c3 = indexOf(code, str.charAt(r++)); b[w++] = (byte)( ( c1 << 2 ) | ( c2 >> 4 ) ); b[w++] = (byte)( ( c2 << 4 ) | ( c3 >> 2 ) ); } return b; } private static byte hex(char c) { if( c <= '9' ) return (byte)( c - '0' ); if( c >= 'a' && c <= 'f' ) return (byte)( c - 'a' + 10 ); if( c >= 'A' && c <= 'F' ) return (byte)( c - 'A' + 10 ); throw new IllegalArgumentException("hex string format error [" + c + "]."); } private static int indexOf(char[] cs, char c) { for(int i=0,len=cs.length;i<len;i++) if( cs[i] == c ) return i; return -1; } private static byte[] decodeTable(String code) { int hash = code.hashCode(); byte[] ret = DECODE_TABLE_MAP.get(hash); if( ret == null ) { if( code.length() < 64 ) throw new IllegalArgumentException("Base64 code length < 64."); // create new decode table. ret = new byte[128]; for(int i=0;i<128;i++) // init table. ret[i] = -1; for(int i=0;i<64;i++) ret[code.charAt(i)] = (byte)i; DECODE_TABLE_MAP.put(hash, ret); } return ret; } private ByteUtil(){} }