package com.wangyin.ak47.common; import; /** * Data-related helper class * * This 'Data' means files in {ak47-project}/data/ . * Such as 'qinglong.res' means '{ak47-project}/data/qinglong.res'. * * 数据文件辅助类 * * data这里特指 ak47/data/ 下的文件 * * @author hannyu * */ public class DataUtil { /** * Read data to a single string, and cached it in memory. * * Check the 'lastModified' time of data file whenever call, * if changed, re-read it from disk, otherwise return the cached copy in memory. * * 读取data并缓存到内存中,每次读取检查lastModifed时间,若有修改则重新读取,若无修改则直接返回缓存中的数据。 * * @param dataName file name in data directory * @return string of file content * @throws IOException */ public static String readStringCached(String dataName) throws IOException { String fileName = Ak47Env.AK47_HOME_DATA_DIR + dataName; return FileUtil.readStringCached(fileName); } /** * Compare the create time of copy in memory with the 'lastModified' time of data file. * * 对比缓存与文件的修改时间,判断是否发生改变。 * * @param dataName file name in data directory * @return whether file changed */ public static boolean isCachedChanged(String dataName) { String fileName = Ak47Env.AK47_HOME_DATA_DIR + dataName; return FileUtil.isCachedChanged(fileName); } /** * Read all the data to a single string, using UTF-8 encoding. * * 将data全部读入为字符串,默认编码UTF-8 * * @param dataName: * qinglong.res ak47/data/qinglong.res * @return string of file content * @throws IOException */ public static String readString(String dataName) throws IOException { return readString(dataName, Ak47Constants.DEFAULT_ENCODING); } /** * Read all the data to a single string, using given encoding. * * 将data全部读入为字符串,需指定编码 * * @param dataName file name in data directory * @param encoding encoding * @return string of file content * @throws IOException */ public static String readString(String dataName, String encoding) throws IOException{ String fileName = Ak47Env.AK47_HOME_DATA_DIR + dataName; return FileUtil.readString(fileName, encoding); } /** * Read all the data to a byte array. * * 将data全部读入为字符串 * 若文件不存在或内容为空,则返回 数组长度为0,注意不是null。 * * @param dataName file name in data directory * @return bytes of file content * @throws IOException */ public static byte[] readBytes(String dataName) throws IOException{ String fileName = Ak47Env.AK47_HOME_DATA_DIR + dataName; return FileUtil.readByteArray(fileName); } /** * Writes the a to a data file, append or not. * * 写入字符串到data文件,默认编码UTF-8。 * * @param dataName file name in data directory * @param append whether append or not * @param content string to be write * @throws IOException */ public static void writeString(String dataName, boolean append, String content) throws IOException { String fileName = Ak47Env.AK47_HOME_DATA_DIR + dataName; FileUtil.writeString(fileName, false, content); } /** * Writes a byte array to a data file. * * 写入str到data文件,并更新cache,如果有的话。默认编码UTF-8。 * * @param dataName file name in data directory * @param append whether append or not * @param bytes bytes to be write * @throws IOException */ public static void writeBytes(String dataName, boolean append, byte[] bytes) throws IOException { String fileName = Ak47Env.AK47_HOME_DATA_DIR + dataName; FileUtil.writeBytes(fileName, append, bytes); } }