package com.wangyin.ak47.common; /** * AK47 constants variables. * * AK47的常量 * * @author hannyu * */ public class Ak47Constants { //////////////////////// base // name public static final String NAME = "AK47"; // version public static final String VERSION = "0.1.0"; // default encoding public static final String DEFAULT_ENCODING = "UTF-8"; ////////////////////// Network // socket option determining the number of connections queued public static final int SO_BACKLOG = 10000; /** * The SO_RCVBUF option is used by the platform's networking code as * a hint for the size to set the underlying network I/O buffers. * * Increasing the receive buffer size can increase the performance * of network I/O for high-volume connection, while decreasing it can * help reduce the backlog of incoming data. * */ public static final int SO_RCVBUF = 1024 * 8; /** * The SO_SNDBUF option is used by the platform's networking code as * a hint for the size to set the underlying network I/O buffers. */ public static final int SO_SNDBUF = 1024 * 8; }