/* * Copyright 2015 Kaazing Corporation * * Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); * you may not use this file except in compliance with the License. * You may obtain a copy of the License at * * http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0 * * Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software * distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, * WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. * See the License for the specific language governing permissions and * limitations under the License. */ package io.aeron.samples; import io.aeron.Aeron; import io.aeron.Publication; import org.agrona.BitUtil; import org.agrona.BufferUtil; import org.agrona.concurrent.UnsafeBuffer; /** * A publisher application with multiple publications which send * fragmented messages to a channel and two different stream IDs. The default STREAM_ID and CHANNEL are * configured in {@link SampleConfiguration}. The default * channel and stream IDs can be changed by setting Java system properties at the command line, e.g.: * -Daeron.sample.channel=aeron:udp?endpoint=localhost:5555 -Daeron.sample.streamId=20 */ public class MultiplePublishersWithFragmentation { private static final int STREAM_ID_1 = SampleConfiguration.STREAM_ID; private static final int STREAM_ID_2 = SampleConfiguration.STREAM_ID + 1; private static final String CHANNEL = SampleConfiguration.CHANNEL; private static final UnsafeBuffer BUFFER_1 = new UnsafeBuffer( BufferUtil.allocateDirectAligned(10000, BitUtil.CACHE_LINE_LENGTH)); private static final UnsafeBuffer BUFFER_2 = new UnsafeBuffer( BufferUtil.allocateDirectAligned(9000, BitUtil.CACHE_LINE_LENGTH)); public static void main(final String[] args) throws Exception { System.out.println( "Publishing to " + CHANNEL + " on stream Id " + STREAM_ID_1 + " and stream Id " + STREAM_ID_2); try (Aeron aeron = Aeron.connect(); Publication publication1 = aeron.addPublication(CHANNEL, STREAM_ID_1); Publication publication2 = aeron.addPublication(CHANNEL, STREAM_ID_2)) { int j = 1; int k = 1; final String message1 = "Hello World! " + j; BUFFER_1.putBytes(0, message1.getBytes()); final String message2 = "Hello World! " + k; BUFFER_2.putBytes(0, message2.getBytes()); while (j <= 5000 || k <= 5000) { boolean offerStatus1 = false; boolean offerStatus2 = false; long result1; long result2; while (!(offerStatus1 || offerStatus2)) { if (j <= 5000) { result1 = publication1.offer(BUFFER_1, 0, BUFFER_1.capacity()); if (result1 < 0L) { if (result1 == Publication.BACK_PRESSURED) { System.out.println(" Offer failed due to back pressure for stream Id " + STREAM_ID_1); } else if (result1 == Publication.NOT_CONNECTED) { System.out.println(" Offer failed because publisher is not yet " + "connected to subscriber for stream Id " + STREAM_ID_1); } else { System.out.println(" Offer failed due to unknown reason"); } offerStatus1 = false; } else { j++; offerStatus1 = true; System.out.println("Successfully sent data on stream " + STREAM_ID_1 + " and data length " + BUFFER_1.capacity() + " at offset " + result1); } } if (k <= 5000) { result2 = publication2.offer(BUFFER_2, 0, BUFFER_2.capacity()); if (result2 < 0L) { if (result2 == Publication.BACK_PRESSURED) { System.out.println(" Offer failed because publisher is not yet " + "connected to subscriber for stream Id " + STREAM_ID_2); } else if (result2 == Publication.NOT_CONNECTED) { System.out.println( "Offer failed - publisher is not yet connected to subscriber" + STREAM_ID_2); } else { System.out.println("Offer failed due to unknown reason"); } offerStatus2 = false; } else { k++; offerStatus2 = true; System.out.println("Successfully sent data on stream " + STREAM_ID_2 + " and data length " + BUFFER_2.capacity() + " at offset " + result2); } } } } System.out.println("Done sending total messages for stream Id " + STREAM_ID_1 + " = " + (j - 1) + " and stream Id " + STREAM_ID_2 + " = " + (k - 1)); } } }