/* * Copyright 2014-2017 Real Logic Ltd. * * Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); * you may not use this file except in compliance with the License. * You may obtain a copy of the License at * * http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0 * * Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software * distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, * WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. * See the License for the specific language governing permissions and * limitations under the License. */ package io.aeron.archiver; import io.aeron.*; import io.aeron.archiver.client.*; import io.aeron.archiver.codecs.RecordingDescriptorDecoder; import io.aeron.driver.*; import io.aeron.logbuffer.*; import io.aeron.protocol.DataHeaderFlyweight; import org.agrona.*; import org.agrona.concurrent.UnsafeBuffer; import org.junit.*; import org.junit.rules.TestWatcher; import org.junit.runner.Description; import java.io.*; import java.util.Random; import java.util.concurrent.CountDownLatch; import static io.aeron.archiver.ArchiveUtil.recordingMetaFileFormatDecoder; import static io.aeron.archiver.ArchiveUtil.recordingMetaFileName; import static io.aeron.archiver.TestUtil.*; import static org.hamcrest.Matchers.lessThanOrEqualTo; import static org.hamcrest.core.Is.is; import static org.junit.Assert.*; public class ArchiveAndReplaySystemTest { public static class FailRecordingEventsListener implements RecordingEventsListener { public void onProgress(final long recordingId, final long joiningPosition, final long currentPosition) { fail(); } public void onStart( final long recordingId, final String source, final int sessionId, final String channel, final int streamId) { fail(); } public void onStop(final long recordingId) { fail(); } } public static class FailResponseListener implements ResponseListener { public void onResponse(final String errorMessage, final long correlationId) { fail(); } public void onReplayStarted(final long replayId, final long correlationId) { fail(); } public void onReplayAborted(final long lastPosition, final long correlationId) { fail(); } public void onRecordingDescriptor( final long recordingId, final int segmentFileLength, final int termBufferLength, final long startTime, final long joiningPosition, final long endTime, final long lastPosition, final String source, final int sessionId, final String channel, final int streamId, final long correlationId) { fail(); } public void onRecordingNotFound(final long recordingId, final long maxRecordingId, final long correlationId) { fail(); } } private static final double MEGABYTE = 1024.0d * 1024.0d; private static final String REPLY_URI = "aeron:udp?endpoint="; private static final int REPLY_STREAM_ID = 100; private static final String REPLAY_URI = "aeron:udp?endpoint="; private static final String PUBLISH_URI = "aeron:udp?endpoint="; private static final int PUBLISH_STREAM_ID = 1; private static final int MAX_FRAGMENT_SIZE = 1024; public static final int REPLAY_STREAM_ID = 101; private final MediaDriver.Context driverCtx = new MediaDriver.Context(); private final Archiver.Context archiverCtx = new Archiver.Context(); private Aeron publishingClient; private Archiver archiver; private MediaDriver driver; private UnsafeBuffer buffer = new UnsafeBuffer(new byte[4096]); private File archiveDir; private long recordingId; private String source; private long remaining; private int fragmentCount; private int[] fragmentLength; private long totalDataLength; private long totalRecordingLength; private long recorded; private volatile long lastPosition = -1; private Throwable trackerError; private Random rnd = new Random(); private long seed; @Rule public TestWatcher testWatcher = new TestWatcher() { protected void failed(final Throwable t, final Description description) { System.err.println( "ArchiveAndReplaySystemTest failed with random seed: " + ArchiveAndReplaySystemTest.this.seed); } }; private Subscription reply; private long correlationId; private long joiningPosition; @Before public void setUp() throws Exception { seed = System.nanoTime(); rnd.setSeed(seed); driverCtx .termBufferSparseFile(true) .threadingMode(ThreadingMode.SHARED) .errorHandler(LangUtil::rethrowUnchecked) .dirsDeleteOnStart(true); driver = MediaDriver.launch(driverCtx); archiveDir = TestUtil.makeTempDir(); archiverCtx.archiveDir(archiveDir); archiver = Archiver.launch(archiverCtx); println("Archiver started, dir: " + archiverCtx.archiveDir().getAbsolutePath()); publishingClient = Aeron.connect(); } @After public void closeEverything() throws Exception { CloseHelper.close(publishingClient); CloseHelper.close(archiver); CloseHelper.close(driver); if (null != archiveDir) { IoUtil.delete(archiveDir, false); } driverCtx.deleteAeronDirectory(); } @Test(timeout = 60000) public void recordAndReplay() throws IOException, InterruptedException { try (Publication controlPublication = publishingClient.addPublication( archiverCtx.controlRequestChannel(), archiverCtx.controlRequestStreamId()); Subscription recordingEvents = publishingClient.addSubscription( archiverCtx.recordingEventsChannel(), archiverCtx.recordingEventsStreamId())) { final ArchiveClient client = new ArchiveClient(controlPublication, recordingEvents); TestUtil.awaitPublicationIsConnected(controlPublication); TestUtil.awaitSubscriptionIsConnected(recordingEvents); println("Archive service connected"); reply = publishingClient.addSubscription(REPLY_URI, REPLY_STREAM_ID); client.connect(REPLY_URI, REPLY_STREAM_ID); TestUtil.awaitSubscriptionIsConnected(reply); println("Client connected"); verifyEmptyDescriptorList(client); final long startRecordingCorrelationId = this.correlationId++; waitFor(() -> client.startRecording(PUBLISH_URI, PUBLISH_STREAM_ID, startRecordingCorrelationId)); println("Recording requested"); waitForOk(client, reply, startRecordingCorrelationId); final Publication publication = publishingClient.addPublication(PUBLISH_URI, PUBLISH_STREAM_ID); TestUtil.awaitPublicationIsConnected(publication); waitFor(() -> client.pollEvents(new FailRecordingEventsListener() { public void onStart( final long recordingId0, final String iSource, final int sessionId, final String channel, final int streamId) { recordingId = recordingId0; assertThat(streamId, is(PUBLISH_STREAM_ID)); assertThat(sessionId, is(publication.sessionId())); source = iSource; assertThat(channel, is(PUBLISH_URI)); println("Recording started. source: " + source); } }, 1) != 0); verifyDescriptorListOngoingArchive(client, publication); final int messageCount = prepAndSendMessages(client, publication); verifyDescriptorListOngoingArchive(client, publication); assertNull(trackerError); println("All data arrived"); println("Request stop recording"); final long requestStopCorrelationId = this.correlationId++; waitFor(() -> client.stopRecording(recordingId, requestStopCorrelationId)); waitForOk(client, reply, requestStopCorrelationId); waitFor(() -> client.pollEvents(new FailRecordingEventsListener() { public void onStop(final long rId) { assertThat(rId, is(recordingId)); } }, 1) != 0); verifyDescriptorListOngoingArchive(client, publication); println("Recording id: " + recordingId); println("Meta data file printout: "); validateMetaDataFile(publication); validateArchiveFile(messageCount, recordingId); validateReplay(client, publication, messageCount); } } private void verifyEmptyDescriptorList(final ArchiveClient client) { final long requestRecordingsCorrelationId = this.correlationId++; client.listRecordings(0, 100, requestRecordingsCorrelationId); TestUtil.waitForFail(client, reply, requestRecordingsCorrelationId); } private void verifyDescriptorListOngoingArchive( final ArchiveClient client, final Publication publication) { final long requestRecordingsCorrelationId = this.correlationId++; client.listRecordings(recordingId, recordingId, requestRecordingsCorrelationId); println("Await result"); waitFor(() -> client.pollResponses(reply, new FailResponseListener() { public void onRecordingDescriptor( final long rId, final int segmentFileLength, final int termBufferLength, final long startTime, final long joiningPosition, final long endTime, final long lastPosition, final String source, final int sessionId, final String channel, final int streamId, final long correlationId) { assertThat(rId, is(recordingId)); assertThat(termBufferLength, is(publication.termBufferLength())); assertThat(streamId, is(PUBLISH_STREAM_ID)); assertThat(correlationId, is(requestRecordingsCorrelationId)); } }, 1) != 0); } private int prepAndSendMessages( final ArchiveClient client, final Publication publication) throws InterruptedException { final int messageCount = 5000 + rnd.nextInt(10000); fragmentLength = new int[messageCount]; for (int i = 0; i < messageCount; i++) { final int messageLength = 64 + rnd.nextInt(MAX_FRAGMENT_SIZE - 64) - DataHeaderFlyweight.HEADER_LENGTH; fragmentLength[i] = messageLength + DataHeaderFlyweight.HEADER_LENGTH; totalDataLength += fragmentLength[i]; } final CountDownLatch waitForData = new CountDownLatch(1); printf("Sending %d messages, total length=%d %n", messageCount, totalDataLength); trackRecordingProgress(client, waitForData); publishDataToRecorded(publication, messageCount); waitForData.await(); return messageCount; } private void validateMetaDataFile(final Publication publication) throws IOException { final File metaFile = new File(archiveDir, recordingMetaFileName(recordingId)); assertTrue(metaFile.exists()); if (TestUtil.DEBUG) { ArchiveUtil.printMetaFile(metaFile); } final RecordingDescriptorDecoder decoder = recordingMetaFileFormatDecoder(metaFile); assertThat(decoder.sessionId(), is(publication.sessionId())); assertThat(decoder.streamId(), is(publication.streamId())); assertThat(decoder.termBufferLength(), is(publication.termBufferLength())); assertThat(ArchiveUtil.recordingFileFullLength(decoder), is(totalRecordingLength)); // length might exceed data sent due to padding assertThat(totalDataLength, lessThanOrEqualTo(totalRecordingLength)); IoUtil.unmap(decoder.buffer().byteBuffer()); } private void publishDataToRecorded(final Publication publication, final int messageCount) { joiningPosition = publication.position(); // clear out the buffer we write for (int i = 0; i < 1024; i++) { buffer.putByte(i, (byte)'z'); } buffer.putStringAscii(32, "TEST"); for (int i = 0; i < messageCount; i++) { final int dataLength = fragmentLength[i] - DataHeaderFlyweight.HEADER_LENGTH; buffer.putInt(0, i); printf("Sending: index=%d length=%d %n", i, dataLength); TestUtil.offer(publication, buffer, dataLength); } final long position = publication.position(); totalRecordingLength = position - joiningPosition; lastPosition = position; } private void validateReplay( final ArchiveClient client, final Publication publication, final int messageCount) { try (Subscription replay = publishingClient.addSubscription(REPLAY_URI, REPLAY_STREAM_ID)) { final long replayCorrelationId = correlationId++; // request replay waitFor(() -> client.replay( recordingId, joiningPosition, totalRecordingLength, REPLAY_URI, REPLAY_STREAM_ID, correlationId++ )); waitForOk(client, reply, replayCorrelationId); TestUtil.awaitSubscriptionIsConnected(replay); final Image image = replay.images().get(0); assertThat(image.initialTermId(), is(publication.initialTermId())); assertThat(image.mtuLength(), is(publication.maxPayloadLength() + DataHeaderFlyweight.HEADER_LENGTH)); assertThat(image.termBufferLength(), is(publication.termBufferLength())); assertThat(image.position(), is(joiningPosition)); fragmentCount = 0; remaining = totalDataLength; while (remaining > 0) { printf("Fragment [%d of %d]%n", fragmentCount + 1, fragmentLength.length); poll(replay, this::validateFragment2); } assertThat(fragmentCount, is(messageCount)); assertThat(remaining, is(0L)); } } private void validateArchiveFile(final int messageCount, final long recordingId) throws IOException { try (RecordingFragmentReader archiveDataFileReader = new RecordingFragmentReader(recordingId, archiveDir)) { fragmentCount = 0; remaining = totalDataLength; archiveDataFileReader.controlledPoll(this::validateFragment1, messageCount); assertThat(remaining, is(0L)); assertThat(fragmentCount, is(messageCount)); } } private boolean validateFragment1( final DirectBuffer buffer, final int offset, final int length, @SuppressWarnings("unused") final DataHeaderFlyweight header) { assertThat(length, is(fragmentLength[fragmentCount] - DataHeaderFlyweight.HEADER_LENGTH)); assertThat(buffer.getInt(offset), is(fragmentCount)); assertThat(buffer.getByte(offset + 4), is((byte)'z')); remaining -= fragmentLength[fragmentCount]; fragmentCount++; return true; } private void validateFragment2( final DirectBuffer buffer, final int offset, final int length, @SuppressWarnings("unused") final Header header) { assertThat(length, is(fragmentLength[fragmentCount] - DataHeaderFlyweight.HEADER_LENGTH)); assertThat(buffer.getInt(offset), is(fragmentCount)); assertThat(buffer.getByte(offset + 4), is((byte)'z')); remaining -= fragmentLength[fragmentCount]; fragmentCount++; printf("Fragment2: offset=%d length=%d %n", offset, length); } private void trackRecordingProgress(final ArchiveClient client, final CountDownLatch waitForData) { final Thread t = new Thread( () -> { try { recorded = 0; long start = System.currentTimeMillis(); long startBytes = remaining; // each message is fragmentLength[fragmentCount] while (lastPosition == -1 || recorded < totalRecordingLength) { waitFor(() -> (client.pollEvents(new FailRecordingEventsListener() { public void onProgress( final long recordingId0, final long joiningPosition, final long currentPosition) { assertThat(recordingId0, is(recordingId)); recorded = currentPosition - joiningPosition; printf("a=%d total=%d %n", recorded, totalRecordingLength); } }, 1)) != 0); final long end = System.currentTimeMillis(); final long deltaTime = end - start; if (deltaTime > TestUtil.TIMEOUT) { start = end; final long deltaBytes = remaining - startBytes; startBytes = remaining; final double mbps = ((deltaBytes * 1000.0) / deltaTime) / MEGABYTE; printf("Archive reported speed: %f MB/s %n", mbps); } } final long end = System.currentTimeMillis(); final long deltaTime = end - start; final long deltaBytes = remaining - startBytes; final double mbps = ((deltaBytes * 1000.0) / deltaTime) / MEGABYTE; printf("Archive reported speed: %f MB/s %n", mbps); } catch (final Throwable throwable) { throwable.printStackTrace(); trackerError = throwable; } waitForData.countDown(); }); t.setDaemon(true); t.start(); } }