/* * Copyright 2014-2017 Real Logic Ltd. * * Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); * you may not use this file except in compliance with the License. * You may obtain a copy of the License at * * http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0 * * Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software * distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, * WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. * See the License for the specific language governing permissions and * limitations under the License. */ package io.aeron; import org.agrona.IoUtil; import org.agrona.concurrent.AtomicBuffer; import org.agrona.concurrent.UnsafeBuffer; import org.agrona.concurrent.errors.ErrorLogReader; import org.agrona.concurrent.ringbuffer.ManyToOneRingBuffer; import java.io.File; import java.io.PrintStream; import java.nio.MappedByteBuffer; import java.text.SimpleDateFormat; import java.util.Date; import java.util.UUID; import java.util.function.Consumer; import static io.aeron.CncFileDescriptor.CNC_VERSION; import static java.lang.System.getProperty; /** * This class provides the Media Driver and client with common configuration for the Aeron directory. * * This class should have {@link #conclude()} called before the methods are used or at least * {@link #concludeAeronDirectory()} to avoid NPEs. * * Properties * <ul> * <li><code>aeron.dir</code>: Use value as directory name for Aeron buffers and status.</li> * </ul> */ public class CommonContext implements AutoCloseable { /** * The top level Aeron directory used for communication between a Media Driver and client. */ public static final String AERON_DIR_PROP_NAME = "aeron.dir"; /** * The value of the top level Aeron directory unless overridden by {@link #aeronDirectoryName(String)} */ public static final String AERON_DIR_PROP_DEFAULT; /** * URI used for IPC {@link Publication}s and {@link Subscription}s */ public static final String IPC_CHANNEL = "aeron:ipc"; /** * URI used for Spy {@link Subscription}s whereby an outgoing unicast or multicast publication can be spied on * by IPC without receiving it again via the network. */ public static final String SPY_PREFIX = "aeron-spy:"; /** * Timeout in which the driver is expected to respond. */ public static final long DEFAULT_DRIVER_TIMEOUT_MS = 10_000; /** * Initial term id to be used when creating an {@link ExclusivePublication}. */ public static final String INITIAL_TERM_ID_PARAM_NAME = "init-term-id"; /** * Current term id to be used when creating an {@link ExclusivePublication}. */ public static final String TERM_ID_PARAM_NAME = "term-id"; /** * Current term offset to be used when creating an {@link ExclusivePublication}. */ public static final String TERM_OFFSET_PARAM_NAME = "term-offset"; /** * The param name to be used for the term length as a channel URI param. */ public static final String TERM_LENGTH_PARAM_NAME = "term-length"; /** * MTU length parameter name for using as a channel URI param. */ public static final String MTU_LENGTH_URI_PARAM_NAME = "mtu"; /** * Key for the mode of control that such be used for multi-destination-cast semantics. */ public static final String MDC_CONTROL_MODE = "control-mode"; /** * Valid value for {@link #MDC_CONTROL_MODE} when manual control is desired. */ public static final String MDC_CONTROL_MODE_MANUAL = "manual"; /** * Parameter name for channel URI param to indicate if a subscribed must be reliable or not. Value is boolean. */ public static final String RELIABLE_STREAM_PARAM_NAME = "reliable"; private long driverTimeoutMs = DEFAULT_DRIVER_TIMEOUT_MS; private String aeronDirectoryName; private File aeronDirectory; private File cncFile; private UnsafeBuffer countersMetaDataBuffer; private UnsafeBuffer countersValuesBuffer; static { String baseDirName = null; if ("Linux".equalsIgnoreCase(System.getProperty("os.name"))) { final File devShmDir = new File("/dev/shm"); if (devShmDir.exists()) { baseDirName = "/dev/shm/aeron"; } } if (null == baseDirName) { baseDirName = IoUtil.tmpDirName() + "aeron"; } AERON_DIR_PROP_DEFAULT = baseDirName + '-' + System.getProperty("user.name", "default"); } /** * Convert the default Aeron directory name to be a random name for use with embedded drivers. * * @return random directory name with default directory name as base */ public static String generateRandomDirName() { return AERON_DIR_PROP_DEFAULT + "-" + UUID.randomUUID().toString(); } /** * Create a new context with Aeron directory and delete on exit values based on the current system properties. */ public CommonContext() { aeronDirectoryName = getProperty(AERON_DIR_PROP_NAME, AERON_DIR_PROP_DEFAULT); } /** * This completes initialization of the CommonContext object. It is automatically called by subclasses. * * @return this Object for method chaining. */ public CommonContext conclude() { concludeAeronDirectory(); cncFile = new File(aeronDirectory, CncFileDescriptor.CNC_FILE); return this; } /** * Conclude the {@link #aeronDirectory()} so it does not need to keep being recreated. * * @return this for a fluent API. */ public CommonContext concludeAeronDirectory() { if (null == aeronDirectory) { aeronDirectory = new File(aeronDirectoryName); } return this; } /** * Get the top level Aeron directory used for communication between the client and Media Driver, and * the location of the data buffers. * * @return The top level Aeron directory. */ public String aeronDirectoryName() { return aeronDirectoryName; } /** * Get the directory in which the aeron config files are stored. * * This is valid after a call to {@link #conclude()}. * * @return the directory in which the aeron config files are stored. * @see #aeronDirectoryName() */ public File aeronDirectory() { return aeronDirectory; } /** * Set the top level Aeron directory used for communication between the client and Media Driver, and the location * of the data buffers. * * @param dirName New top level Aeron directory. * @return this Object for method chaining. */ public CommonContext aeronDirectoryName(final String dirName) { this.aeronDirectoryName = dirName; return this; } /** * Create a new command and control file in the administration directory. * * @return The newly created File. */ public static File newDefaultCncFile() { return new File(getProperty(AERON_DIR_PROP_NAME, AERON_DIR_PROP_DEFAULT), CncFileDescriptor.CNC_FILE); } /** * Get the buffer containing the counter meta data. * * @return The buffer storing the counter meta data. */ public UnsafeBuffer countersMetaDataBuffer() { return countersMetaDataBuffer; } /** * Set the buffer containing the counter meta data. * * @param countersMetaDataBuffer The new counter meta data buffer. * @return this Object for method chaining. */ public CommonContext countersMetaDataBuffer(final UnsafeBuffer countersMetaDataBuffer) { this.countersMetaDataBuffer = countersMetaDataBuffer; return this; } /** * Get the buffer containing the counters. * * @return The buffer storing the counters. */ public UnsafeBuffer countersValuesBuffer() { return countersValuesBuffer; } /** * Set the buffer containing the counters * * @param countersValuesBuffer The new counters buffer. * @return this Object for method chaining. */ public CommonContext countersValuesBuffer(final UnsafeBuffer countersValuesBuffer) { this.countersValuesBuffer = countersValuesBuffer; return this; } /** * Get the command and control file. * * @return The command and control file. */ public File cncFile() { return cncFile; } /** * Set the driver timeout in milliseconds * * @param driverTimeoutMs to indicate liveness of driver * @return driver timeout in milliseconds */ public CommonContext driverTimeoutMs(final long driverTimeoutMs) { this.driverTimeoutMs = driverTimeoutMs; return this; } /** * Get the driver timeout in milliseconds. * * @return driver timeout in milliseconds. */ public long driverTimeoutMs() { return driverTimeoutMs; } /** * Delete the current Aeron directory, throwing errors if not possible. */ public void deleteAeronDirectory() { IoUtil.delete(aeronDirectory, false); } /** * Map the CnC file if it exists. * * @param logProgress for feedback * @return a new mapping for the file if it exists otherwise null; */ public MappedByteBuffer mapExistingCncFile(final Consumer<String> logProgress) { final File cncFile = new File(aeronDirectory, CncFileDescriptor.CNC_FILE); if (cncFile.exists()) { if (null != logProgress) { logProgress.accept("INFO: Aeron CnC file " + cncFile + " exists"); } return IoUtil.mapExistingFile(cncFile, CncFileDescriptor.CNC_FILE); } return null; } /** * Is a media driver active in the given directory? * * @param directory to check * @param driverTimeoutMs for the driver liveness check. * @param logProgress for feedback as liveness checked. * @return true if a driver is active or false if not. */ public static boolean isDriverActive( final File directory, final long driverTimeoutMs, final Consumer<String> logProgress) { final File cncFile = new File(directory, CncFileDescriptor.CNC_FILE); if (cncFile.exists()) { logProgress.accept("INFO: Aeron CnC file " + cncFile + " exists"); final MappedByteBuffer cncByteBuffer = IoUtil.mapExistingFile(cncFile, "CnC file"); try { return isDriverActive(driverTimeoutMs, logProgress, cncByteBuffer); } finally { IoUtil.unmap(cncByteBuffer); } } return false; } /** * Is a media driver active in the current Aeron directory? * * @param driverTimeoutMs for the driver liveness check. * @param logHandler for feedback as liveness checked. * @return true if a driver is active or false if not. */ public boolean isDriverActive(final long driverTimeoutMs, final Consumer<String> logHandler) { final MappedByteBuffer cncByteBuffer = mapExistingCncFile(logHandler); try { return isDriverActive(driverTimeoutMs, logHandler, cncByteBuffer); } finally { IoUtil.unmap(cncByteBuffer); } } /** * Is a media driver active in the current mapped CnC buffer? * * @param driverTimeoutMs for the driver liveness check. * @param logProgress for feedback as liveness checked. * @param cncByteBuffer for the existing CnC file. * @return true if a driver is active or false if not. */ public static boolean isDriverActive( final long driverTimeoutMs, final Consumer<String> logProgress, final MappedByteBuffer cncByteBuffer) { if (null == cncByteBuffer) { return false; } final UnsafeBuffer cncMetaDataBuffer = CncFileDescriptor.createMetaDataBuffer(cncByteBuffer); final int cncVersion = cncMetaDataBuffer.getInt(CncFileDescriptor.cncVersionOffset(0)); if (CNC_VERSION != cncVersion) { throw new IllegalStateException( "Aeron CnC version does not match: version=" + cncVersion + " required=" + CNC_VERSION); } final ManyToOneRingBuffer toDriverBuffer = new ManyToOneRingBuffer( CncFileDescriptor.createToDriverBuffer(cncByteBuffer, cncMetaDataBuffer)); final long timestamp = toDriverBuffer.consumerHeartbeatTime(); final long now = System.currentTimeMillis(); final long diff = now - timestamp; logProgress.accept("INFO: Aeron toDriver consumer heartbeat is " + diff + "ms old"); return diff <= driverTimeoutMs; } /** * Read the error log to a given {@link PrintStream} * * @param out to write the error log contents to. * @return the number of observations from the error log. */ public int saveErrorLog(final PrintStream out) { final MappedByteBuffer cncByteBuffer = mapExistingCncFile(null); try { return saveErrorLog(out, cncByteBuffer); } finally { IoUtil.unmap(cncByteBuffer); } } /** * Read the error log to a given {@link PrintStream} * * @param out to write the error log contents to. * @param cncByteBuffer containing the error log. * @return the number of observations from the error log. */ public int saveErrorLog(final PrintStream out, final MappedByteBuffer cncByteBuffer) { if (null == cncByteBuffer) { return 0; } final UnsafeBuffer cncMetaDataBuffer = CncFileDescriptor.createMetaDataBuffer(cncByteBuffer); final int cncVersion = cncMetaDataBuffer.getInt(CncFileDescriptor.cncVersionOffset(0)); if (CNC_VERSION != cncVersion) { throw new IllegalStateException( "Aeron CnC version does not match: version=" + cncVersion + " required=" + CNC_VERSION); } final AtomicBuffer buffer = CncFileDescriptor.createErrorLogBuffer(cncByteBuffer, cncMetaDataBuffer); final SimpleDateFormat dateFormat = new SimpleDateFormat("yyyy-MM-dd HH:mm:ss.SSSZ"); final int distinctErrorCount = ErrorLogReader.read( buffer, (observationCount, firstObservationTimestamp, lastObservationTimestamp, encodedException) -> out.format( "***%n%d observations from %s to %s for:%n %s%n", observationCount, dateFormat.format(new Date(firstObservationTimestamp)), dateFormat.format(new Date(lastObservationTimestamp)), encodedException)); out.format("%n%d distinct errors observed.%n", distinctErrorCount); return distinctErrorCount; } /** * Release resources used by the CommonContext. */ public void close() { } }