/* * Copyright 2014 - 2017 Real Logic Ltd. * Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); * you may not use this file except in compliance with the License. * You may obtain a copy of the License at * * http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0 * * Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software * distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, * WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. * See the License for the specific language governing permissions and * limitations under the License. * */ package io.aeron.archiver.workloads; import io.aeron.*; import io.aeron.archiver.*; import io.aeron.archiver.client.ArchiveClient; import io.aeron.archiver.codecs.*; import io.aeron.driver.*; import io.aeron.logbuffer.LogBufferDescriptor; import io.aeron.protocol.DataHeaderFlyweight; import org.agrona.*; import org.agrona.concurrent.UnsafeBuffer; import org.junit.*; import org.junit.rules.TestWatcher; import org.junit.runner.Description; import java.io.*; import java.util.Random; import java.util.concurrent.CountDownLatch; import java.util.concurrent.locks.LockSupport; import static io.aeron.archiver.TestUtil.*; import static io.aeron.archiver.workloads.ArchiveReplayLoadTest.REPLY_STREAM_ID; import static io.aeron.archiver.workloads.ArchiveReplayLoadTest.REPLY_URI; import static org.hamcrest.core.Is.is; import static org.junit.Assert.*; @Ignore public class ArchiveRecordingLoadTest { private static final String PUBLISH_URI = "aeron:ipc?endpoint="; private static final int PUBLISH_STREAM_ID = 1; private static final int MAX_FRAGMENT_SIZE = 1024; private static final double MEGABYTE = 1024.0d * 1024.0d; private final MediaDriver.Context driverCtx = new MediaDriver.Context(); private final Archiver.Context archiverCtx = new Archiver.Context(); private Aeron publishingClient; private Archiver archiver; private MediaDriver driver; private UnsafeBuffer buffer = new UnsafeBuffer(new byte[4096]); private File archiveDir; private long recordingId; private String source; private int[] fragmentLength; private long totalDataLength; private long totalRecordingLength; private long recorded; private volatile int lastTermId = -1; private Throwable trackerError; private Random rnd = new Random(); private long seed; @Rule public TestWatcher ruleExample = new TestWatcher() { protected void failed(final Throwable t, final Description description) { System.err.println( "ArchiveAndReplaySystemTest failed with random seed: " + ArchiveRecordingLoadTest.this.seed); } }; private Subscription reply; private long correlationId; @Before public void setUp() throws Exception { seed = System.nanoTime(); rnd.setSeed(seed); driverCtx .termBufferSparseFile(false) .threadingMode(ThreadingMode.DEDICATED) .errorHandler(LangUtil::rethrowUnchecked) .dirsDeleteOnStart(true); driver = MediaDriver.launch(driverCtx); archiveDir = TestUtil.makeTempDir(); archiverCtx.archiveDir(archiveDir); archiver = Archiver.launch(archiverCtx); println("Archiver started, dir: " + archiverCtx.archiveDir().getAbsolutePath()); publishingClient = Aeron.connect(); } @After public void closeEverything() throws Exception { CloseHelper.quietClose(publishingClient); CloseHelper.quietClose(archiver); CloseHelper.quietClose(driver); if (null != archiveDir) { IoUtil.delete(archiveDir, false); } driverCtx.deleteAeronDirectory(); } @Test public void archive() throws IOException, InterruptedException { try (Publication control = publishingClient.addPublication( archiverCtx.controlRequestChannel(), archiverCtx.controlRequestStreamId()); Subscription recordingEvents = publishingClient.addSubscription( archiverCtx.recordingEventsChannel(), archiverCtx.recordingEventsStreamId())) { final ArchiveClient client = new ArchiveClient(control, recordingEvents); TestUtil.awaitPublicationIsConnected(control); TestUtil.awaitSubscriptionIsConnected(recordingEvents); println("Archive service connected"); reply = publishingClient.addSubscription(REPLY_URI, REPLY_STREAM_ID); client.connect(REPLY_URI, REPLY_STREAM_ID); TestUtil.awaitSubscriptionIsConnected(reply); println("Client connected"); final long startRecordingCorrelationId = this.correlationId++; waitFor(() -> client.startRecording(PUBLISH_URI, PUBLISH_STREAM_ID, startRecordingCorrelationId)); println("Recording requested"); waitForOk(client, reply, startRecordingCorrelationId); final Publication publication = publishingClient.addPublication(PUBLISH_URI, PUBLISH_STREAM_ID); awaitPublicationIsConnected(publication); awaitStartedRecordingNotification(recordingEvents, publication); for (int i = 0; i < 100; i++) { prepAndSendMessages(recordingEvents, publication, 200000); System.out.printf("Sent %d : %d %n", i, totalRecordingLength); } assertNull(trackerError); println("All data arrived"); } } private void prepAndSendMessages( final Subscription recordingEvents, final Publication publication, final int messageCount) throws InterruptedException { fragmentLength = new int[messageCount]; for (int i = 0; i < messageCount; i++) { final int messageLength = 64 + rnd.nextInt(MAX_FRAGMENT_SIZE - 64) - DataHeaderFlyweight.HEADER_LENGTH; fragmentLength[i] = messageLength + DataHeaderFlyweight.HEADER_LENGTH; totalDataLength += fragmentLength[i]; } final CountDownLatch waitForData = new CountDownLatch(1); printf("Sending %d messages, total length=%d %n", messageCount, totalDataLength); lastTermId = -1; trackRecordingProgress(publication, recordingEvents, waitForData); publishDataToBeRecorded(publication, messageCount); waitForData.await(); } private void awaitStartedRecordingNotification( final Subscription recordingEvents, final Publication publication) { // the archiver has subscribed to the publication, now we wait for the recording start message poll( recordingEvents, (buffer, offset, length, header) -> { final MessageHeaderDecoder hDecoder = new MessageHeaderDecoder().wrap(buffer, offset); assertThat(hDecoder.templateId(), is(RecordingStartedDecoder.TEMPLATE_ID)); final RecordingStartedDecoder decoder = new RecordingStartedDecoder() .wrap( buffer, offset + MessageHeaderDecoder.ENCODED_LENGTH, hDecoder.blockLength(), hDecoder.version()); recordingId = decoder.recordingId(); assertThat(decoder.streamId(), is(PUBLISH_STREAM_ID)); assertThat(decoder.sessionId(), is(publication.sessionId())); source = decoder.source(); assertThat(decoder.channel(), is(PUBLISH_URI)); println("Recording started. source: " + source); } ); } private void publishDataToBeRecorded(final Publication publication, final int messageCount) { final int positionBitsToShift = Integer.numberOfTrailingZeros(publication.termBufferLength()); // clear out the buffer we write for (int i = 0; i < 1024; i++) { buffer.putByte(i, (byte) 'z'); } buffer.putStringAscii(32, "TEST"); final long joiningPosition = publication.position(); final int startTermOffset = LogBufferDescriptor.computeTermOffsetFromPosition( joiningPosition, positionBitsToShift); final int startTermIdFromPosition = LogBufferDescriptor.computeTermIdFromPosition( joiningPosition, positionBitsToShift, publication.initialTermId()); for (int i = 0; i < messageCount; i++) { final int dataLength = fragmentLength[i] - DataHeaderFlyweight.HEADER_LENGTH; buffer.putInt(0, i); printf("Sending: index=%d length=%d %n", i, dataLength); offer(publication, buffer, 0, dataLength, TIMEOUT); } final long lastPosition = publication.position(); final int lastTermOffset = LogBufferDescriptor.computeTermOffsetFromPosition( lastPosition, positionBitsToShift); final int lastTermIdFromPosition = LogBufferDescriptor.computeTermIdFromPosition( lastPosition, positionBitsToShift, publication.initialTermId()); totalRecordingLength = (lastTermIdFromPosition - startTermIdFromPosition) * publication.termBufferLength() + (lastTermOffset - startTermOffset); assertThat(lastPosition - joiningPosition, is(totalRecordingLength)); lastTermId = lastTermIdFromPosition; } private void trackRecordingProgress( final Publication publication, final Subscription recordingEvents, final CountDownLatch waitForData) { final Thread t = new Thread( () -> { try { long start = System.currentTimeMillis(); final long initialRecorded = recorded; long startBytes = recorded; // each message is fragmentLength[fragmentCount] while (lastTermId == -1 || (recorded - initialRecorded) < totalRecordingLength) { if (recordingEvents.poll( (buffer, offset, length, header) -> { final MessageHeaderDecoder hDecoder = new MessageHeaderDecoder().wrap(buffer, offset); assertThat(hDecoder.templateId(), is(RecordingProgressDecoder.TEMPLATE_ID)); final RecordingProgressDecoder mDecoder = new RecordingProgressDecoder().wrap( buffer, offset + MessageHeaderDecoder.ENCODED_LENGTH, hDecoder.blockLength(), hDecoder.version()); assertThat(mDecoder.recordingId(), is(recordingId)); println(mDecoder.toString()); recorded = mDecoder.currentPosition() - mDecoder.joiningPosition(); System.out.printf("a=%d total=%d %n", (recorded - initialRecorded), totalRecordingLength); }, 1) == 0) { LockSupport.parkNanos(1000000); } final long end = System.currentTimeMillis(); final long deltaTime = end - start; if (deltaTime > 1000) { start = end; final long deltaBytes = recorded - startBytes; startBytes = recorded; final double mbps = ((deltaBytes * 1000.0) / deltaTime) / MEGABYTE; System.out.printf("Archive reported speed: %f MB/s %n", mbps); } } final long end = System.currentTimeMillis(); final long deltaTime = end - start; final long deltaBytes = recorded - startBytes; final double mbps = ((deltaBytes * 1000.0) / deltaTime) / MEGABYTE; System.out.printf("-Archive reported speed: %f MB/s %n", mbps); } catch (final Throwable throwable) { throwable.printStackTrace(); trackerError = throwable; } waitForData.countDown(); }); t.setDaemon(true); t.start(); } private long offer( final Publication publication, final UnsafeBuffer buffer, final int offset, final int length, final long timeout) { final long limit = System.currentTimeMillis() + timeout; final long newPosition; if ((newPosition = publication.offer(buffer, offset, length)) < 0) { return slowOffer(publication, buffer, offset, length, limit); } return newPosition; } private long slowOffer( final Publication publication, final UnsafeBuffer buffer, final int offset, final int length, final long limit) { long newPosition; for (int i = 0; i < 100; i++) { if ((newPosition = publication.offer(buffer, offset, length)) > 0) { return newPosition; } } for (int i = 0; i < 100; i++) { if ((newPosition = publication.offer(buffer, offset, length)) > 0) { return newPosition; } Thread.yield(); } while ((newPosition = publication.offer(buffer, offset, length)) < 0) { LockSupport.parkNanos(TIMEOUT); if (limit < System.currentTimeMillis()) { fail("Offer has timed out"); } } return newPosition; } }