* Licensed to the Apache Software Foundation (ASF) under one
* or more contributor license agreements. See the NOTICE file
* distributed with this work for additional information
* regarding copyright ownership. The ASF licenses this file
* to you under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the
* "License"); you may not use this file except in compliance
* with the License. You may obtain a copy of the License at
* http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0
* Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
* distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
* See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
* limitations under the License.
package org.apache.cassandra.db.context;
import java.nio.ByteBuffer;
import java.security.MessageDigest;
import java.util.ArrayList;
import java.util.Iterator;
import java.util.List;
import org.apache.cassandra.serializers.MarshalException;
import org.slf4j.Logger;
import org.slf4j.LoggerFactory;
import org.apache.cassandra.db.TypeSizes;
import org.apache.cassandra.db.compaction.CompactionManager;
import org.apache.cassandra.utils.*;
* An implementation of a partitioned counter context.
* A context is primarily a list of tuples (counter id, clock, count) -- called
* shard in the following. But with some shard are flagged as delta (with
* special resolution rules in merge()).
* The data structure has two parts:
* a) a header containing the lists of "delta" (a list of references to the second parts)
* b) a list of shard -- (counter id, logical clock, count) tuples -- (the so-called 'body' below)
* The exact layout is:
* | header | body |
* context : |--|------|----------|
* ^ ^
* | list of indices in the body list (2*#elt bytes)
* #elt in rest of header (2 bytes)
* The body layout being:
* body: |----|----|----|----|----|----|....
* ^ ^ ^ ^ ^ ^
* | | count_1 | | count_2
* | clock_1 | clock_2
* counterid_1 counterid_2
* The rules when merging two shard with the same counterid are:
* - delta + delta = sum counts (and logical clock)
* - delta + other = keep the delta one
* - other + other = keep the shard with highest logical clock
* For a detailed description of the meaning of a delta and why the merging
* rules work this way, see CASSANDRA-1938 - specifically the 1938_discussion
* attachment.
public class CounterContext implements IContext
private static final int HEADER_SIZE_LENGTH = TypeSizes.NATIVE.sizeof(Short.MAX_VALUE);
private static final int HEADER_ELT_LENGTH = TypeSizes.NATIVE.sizeof(Short.MAX_VALUE);
private static final int CLOCK_LENGTH = TypeSizes.NATIVE.sizeof(Long.MAX_VALUE);
private static final int COUNT_LENGTH = TypeSizes.NATIVE.sizeof(Long.MAX_VALUE);
private static final int STEP_LENGTH = CounterId.LENGTH + CLOCK_LENGTH + COUNT_LENGTH;
private static final Logger logger = LoggerFactory.getLogger(CounterContext.class);
// lazy-load singleton
private static class LazyHolder
private static final CounterContext counterContext = new CounterContext();
public static CounterContext instance()
return LazyHolder.counterContext;
* Creates an initial counter context with an initial value for the local node.
* @param value the value for this initial update
* @param allocator
* @return an empty counter context.
public ByteBuffer create(long value, Allocator allocator)
ByteBuffer context = allocator.allocate(HEADER_SIZE_LENGTH + HEADER_ELT_LENGTH + STEP_LENGTH);
// The first (and only) elt is a delta
context.putShort(context.position(), (short)1);
context.putShort(context.position() + HEADER_SIZE_LENGTH, (short)0);
writeElementAtOffset(context, context.position() + HEADER_SIZE_LENGTH + HEADER_ELT_LENGTH, CounterId.getLocalId(), 1L, value);
return context;
// Provided for use by unit tests
public ByteBuffer create(CounterId id, long clock, long value, boolean isDelta)
ByteBuffer context = ByteBuffer.allocate(HEADER_SIZE_LENGTH + (isDelta ? HEADER_ELT_LENGTH : 0) + STEP_LENGTH);
context.putShort(context.position(), (short)(isDelta ? 1 : 0));
if (isDelta)
context.putShort(context.position() + HEADER_SIZE_LENGTH, (short)0);
writeElementAtOffset(context, context.position() + HEADER_SIZE_LENGTH + (isDelta ? HEADER_ELT_LENGTH : 0), id, clock, value);
return context;
// write a tuple (counter id, clock, count) at an absolute (bytebuffer-wise) offset
private static void writeElementAtOffset(ByteBuffer context, int offset, CounterId id, long clock, long count)
context = context.duplicate();
private static int headerLength(ByteBuffer context)
return HEADER_SIZE_LENGTH + Math.abs(context.getShort(context.position())) * HEADER_ELT_LENGTH;
private static int compareId(ByteBuffer bb1, int pos1, ByteBuffer bb2, int pos2)
return ByteBufferUtil.compareSubArrays(bb1, pos1, bb2, pos2, CounterId.LENGTH);
* Determine the count relationship between two contexts.
* EQUAL: Equal set of nodes and every count is equal.
* GREATER_THAN: Superset of nodes and every count is equal or greater than its corollary.
* LESS_THAN: Subset of nodes and every count is equal or less than its corollary.
* DISJOINT: Node sets are not equal and/or counts are not all greater or less than.
* Strategy: compare node logical clocks (like a version vector).
* @param left counter context.
* @param right counter context.
* @return the ContextRelationship between the contexts.
public ContextRelationship diff(ByteBuffer left, ByteBuffer right)
ContextRelationship relationship = ContextRelationship.EQUAL;
ContextState leftState = new ContextState(left, headerLength(left));
ContextState rightState = new ContextState(right, headerLength(right));
while (leftState.hasRemaining() && rightState.hasRemaining())
// compare id bytes
int compareId = leftState.compareIdTo(rightState);
if (compareId == 0)
long leftClock = leftState.getClock();
long rightClock = rightState.getClock();
long leftCount = leftState.getCount();
long rightCount = rightState.getCount();
// advance
// process clock comparisons
if (leftClock == rightClock)
if (leftCount != rightCount)
// Inconsistent shard (see the corresponding code in merge()). We return DISJOINT in this
// case so that it will be treated as a difference, allowing read-repair to work.
return ContextRelationship.DISJOINT;
else if ((leftClock >= 0 && rightClock > 0 && leftClock > rightClock)
|| (leftClock < 0 && (rightClock > 0 || leftClock < rightClock)))
if (relationship == ContextRelationship.EQUAL)
relationship = ContextRelationship.GREATER_THAN;
else if (relationship == ContextRelationship.GREATER_THAN)
// relationship == ContextRelationship.LESS_THAN
return ContextRelationship.DISJOINT;
if (relationship == ContextRelationship.EQUAL)
relationship = ContextRelationship.LESS_THAN;
else if (relationship == ContextRelationship.GREATER_THAN)
return ContextRelationship.DISJOINT;
// relationship == ContextRelationship.LESS_THAN
else if (compareId > 0)
// only advance the right context
if (relationship == ContextRelationship.EQUAL)
relationship = ContextRelationship.LESS_THAN;
else if (relationship == ContextRelationship.GREATER_THAN)
return ContextRelationship.DISJOINT;
// relationship == ContextRelationship.LESS_THAN
else // compareId < 0
// only advance the left context
if (relationship == ContextRelationship.EQUAL)
relationship = ContextRelationship.GREATER_THAN;
else if (relationship == ContextRelationship.GREATER_THAN)
// relationship == ContextRelationship.LESS_THAN
return ContextRelationship.DISJOINT;
// check final lengths
if (leftState.hasRemaining())
if (relationship == ContextRelationship.EQUAL)
return ContextRelationship.GREATER_THAN;
else if (relationship == ContextRelationship.LESS_THAN)
return ContextRelationship.DISJOINT;
else if (rightState.hasRemaining())
if (relationship == ContextRelationship.EQUAL)
return ContextRelationship.LESS_THAN;
else if (relationship == ContextRelationship.GREATER_THAN)
return ContextRelationship.DISJOINT;
return relationship;
* Return a context w/ an aggregated count for each counter id.
* @param left counter context.
* @param right counter context.
* @param allocator An allocator for the merged value.
public ByteBuffer merge(ByteBuffer left, ByteBuffer right, Allocator allocator)
ContextState leftState = new ContextState(left, headerLength(left));
ContextState rightState = new ContextState(right, headerLength(right));
// Compute size of result
int mergedHeaderLength = HEADER_SIZE_LENGTH;
int mergedBodyLength = 0;
while (leftState.hasRemaining() && rightState.hasRemaining())
int cmp = leftState.compareIdTo(rightState);
if (cmp == 0)
mergedBodyLength += STEP_LENGTH;
if (leftState.isDelta() || rightState.isDelta())
mergedHeaderLength += HEADER_ELT_LENGTH;
else if (cmp > 0)
mergedBodyLength += STEP_LENGTH;
if (rightState.isDelta())
mergedHeaderLength += HEADER_ELT_LENGTH;
else // cmp < 0
mergedBodyLength += STEP_LENGTH;
if (leftState.isDelta())
mergedHeaderLength += HEADER_ELT_LENGTH;
mergedHeaderLength += leftState.remainingHeaderLength() + rightState.remainingHeaderLength();
mergedBodyLength += leftState.remainingBodyLength() + rightState.remainingBodyLength();
// Do the actual merge
ByteBuffer merged = allocator.allocate(mergedHeaderLength + mergedBodyLength);
merged.putShort(merged.position(), (short) ((mergedHeaderLength - HEADER_SIZE_LENGTH) / HEADER_ELT_LENGTH));
ContextState mergedState = new ContextState(merged, mergedHeaderLength);
while (leftState.hasRemaining() && rightState.hasRemaining())
int cmp = leftState.compareIdTo(rightState);
if (cmp == 0)
if (leftState.isDelta() || rightState.isDelta())
// Local id and at least one is a delta
if (leftState.isDelta() && rightState.isDelta())
// both delta, sum
long clock = leftState.getClock() + rightState.getClock();
long count = leftState.getCount() + rightState.getCount();
mergedState.writeElement(leftState.getCounterId(), clock, count, true);
// Only one have delta, keep that one
(leftState.isDelta() ? leftState : rightState).copyTo(mergedState);
long leftClock = leftState.getClock();
long rightClock = rightState.getClock();
if (leftClock == rightClock)
// We should never see non-delta shards w/ same id+clock but different counts. However, if we do
// we should "heal" the problem by being deterministic in our selection of shard - and
// log the occurrence so that the operator will know something is wrong.
long leftCount = leftState.getCount();
long rightCount = rightState.getCount();
if (leftCount != rightCount && CompactionManager.isCompactionManager.get())
logger.warn("invalid counter shard detected; ({}, {}, {}) and ({}, {}, {}) differ only in "
+ "count; will pick highest to self-heal on compaction",
leftState.getCounterId(), leftClock, leftCount, rightState.getCounterId(), rightClock, rightCount);
if (leftCount > rightCount)
if ((leftClock >= 0 && rightClock > 0 && leftClock >= rightClock)
|| (leftClock < 0 && (rightClock > 0 || leftClock < rightClock)))
else if (cmp > 0)
else // cmp < 0
while (leftState.hasRemaining())
while (rightState.hasRemaining())
return merged;
* Human-readable String from context.
* @param context counter context.
* @return a human-readable String of the context.
public String toString(ByteBuffer context)
ContextState state = new ContextState(context, headerLength(context));
StringBuilder sb = new StringBuilder();
while (state.hasRemaining())
if (state.elementIdx() > 0)
sb.append(state.getCounterId().toString()).append(", ");
sb.append(state.getClock()).append(", ");;
if (state.isDelta())
return sb.toString();
* Returns the aggregated count across all counter ids.
* @param context a counter context
* @return the aggregated count represented by {@code context}
public long total(ByteBuffer context)
long total = 0L;
// we could use a ContextState but it is easy enough that we avoid the object creation
for (int offset = context.position() + headerLength(context); offset < context.limit(); offset += STEP_LENGTH)
long count = context.getLong(offset + CounterId.LENGTH + CLOCK_LENGTH);
total += count;
return total;
* Mark context to delete delta afterward.
* Marking is done by multiply #elt by -1 to preserve header length
* and #elt count in order to clear all delta later.
* @param context a counter context
* @return context that marked to delete delta
public ByteBuffer markDeltaToBeCleared(ByteBuffer context)
int headerLength = headerLength(context);
if (headerLength == 0)
return context;
ByteBuffer marked = context.duplicate();
short count = context.getShort(context.position());
// negate #elt to mark as deleted, without changing its size.
if (count > 0)
marked.putShort(marked.position(), (short) (count * -1));
return marked;
* Remove all the delta of a context (i.e, set an empty header).
* @param context a counter context
* @return a version of {@code context} where no count are a delta.
public ByteBuffer clearAllDelta(ByteBuffer context)
int headerLength = headerLength(context);
if (headerLength == 0)
return context;
ByteBuffer cleaned = ByteBuffer.allocate(context.remaining() - headerLength + HEADER_SIZE_LENGTH);
cleaned.putShort(cleaned.position(), (short)0);
context.position() + headerLength,
cleaned.position() + HEADER_SIZE_LENGTH,
context.remaining() - headerLength);
return cleaned;
public void validateContext(ByteBuffer context) throws MarshalException
int headerLength = headerLength(context);
if (headerLength < 0 || (context.remaining() - headerLength) % STEP_LENGTH != 0)
throw new MarshalException("Invalid size for a counter context");
* Update a MessageDigest with the content of a context.
* Note that this skips the header entirely since the header information
* has local meaning only, while digests a meant for comparison across
* nodes. This means in particular that we always have:
* updateDigest(ctx) == updateDigest(clearAllDelta(ctx))
public void updateDigest(MessageDigest message, ByteBuffer context)
int hlength = headerLength(context);
ByteBuffer dup = context.duplicate();
dup.position(context.position() + hlength);
* Checks whether the provided context has a count for the provided
* CounterId.
* TODO: since the context is sorted, we could implement a binary search.
* This is however not called in any critical path and contexts will be
* fairly small so it doesn't matter much.
public boolean hasCounterId(ByteBuffer context, CounterId id)
// we could use a ContextState but it is easy enough that we avoid the object creation
for (int offset = context.position() + headerLength(context); offset < context.limit(); offset += STEP_LENGTH)
if (id.equals(CounterId.wrap(context, offset)))
return true;
return false;
* Compute a new context such that if applied to context yields the same
* total but with old local counter ids nulified and there content merged to
* the current localCounterId.
public ByteBuffer computeOldShardMerger(ByteBuffer context, List<CounterId.CounterIdRecord> oldIds, long mergeBefore)
long now = System.currentTimeMillis();
int hlength = headerLength(context);
CounterId localId = CounterId.getLocalId();
Iterator<CounterId.CounterIdRecord> recordIterator = oldIds.iterator();
CounterId.CounterIdRecord currRecord = recordIterator.hasNext() ? recordIterator.next() : null;
ContextState state = new ContextState(context, hlength);
List<CounterId> toMerge = new ArrayList<CounterId>();
long mergeTotal = 0;
while (state.hasRemaining() && currRecord != null)
assert !currRecord.id.equals(localId);
CounterId counterId = state.getCounterId();
int c = counterId.compareTo(currRecord.id);
if (c > 0)
currRecord = recordIterator.hasNext() ? recordIterator.next() : null;
if (state.isDelta())
if (state.getClock() < 0)
// Already merged shard, waiting to be collected
if (counterId.equals(localId))
// we should not get there, but we have been creating problematic context prior to #2968
throw new RuntimeException("Current counterId with a negative clock (likely due to #2968). You need to restart this node with -Dcassandra.renew_counter_id=true to fix.");
if (state.getCount() != 0)
// This should not happen, but previous bugs have generated this (#2968 in particular) so fixing it.
logger.error(String.format("Invalid counter context (clock is %d and count is %d for CounterId %s), will fix", state.getCount(), state.getCount(), counterId.toString()));
mergeTotal += state.getCount();
else if (c == 0)
// Found an old id. However, merging an oldId that has just been renewed isn't safe, so
// we check that it has been renewed before mergeBefore.
if (currRecord.timestamp < mergeBefore)
mergeTotal += state.getCount();
if (c == 0)
currRecord = recordIterator.hasNext() ? recordIterator.next() : null;
// Continuing the iteration so that we can repair invalid shards
while (state.hasRemaining())
CounterId counterId = state.getCounterId();
if (state.isDelta() && state.getClock() < 0)
if (counterId.equals(localId))
// we should not get there, but we have been creating problematic context prior to #2968
throw new RuntimeException("Current counterId with a negative clock (likely due to #2968). You need to restart this node with -Dcassandra.renew_counter_id=true to fix.");
if (state.getCount() != 0)
// This should not happen, but previous bugs have generated this (#2968 in particular) so fixing it.
logger.error(String.format("Invalid counter context (clock is %d and count is %d for CounterId %s), will fix", state.getClock(), state.getCount(), counterId.toString()));
mergeTotal += state.getCount();
if (toMerge.isEmpty())
return null;
ContextState merger = ContextState.allocate(toMerge.size() + 1, toMerge.size() + 1);
int i = 0;
int removedTotal = 0;
boolean localWritten = false;
while (state.hasRemaining())
CounterId counterId = state.getCounterId();
if (counterId.compareTo(localId) > 0)
merger.writeElement(localId, 1L, mergeTotal, true);
localWritten = true;
else if (i < toMerge.size() && counterId.compareTo(toMerge.get(i)) == 0)
long count = state.getCount();
removedTotal += count;
merger.writeElement(counterId, -now - state.getClock(), -count, true);
if (!localWritten)
merger.writeElement(localId, 1L, mergeTotal, true);
// sanity check
assert mergeTotal == removedTotal;
return merger.context;
* Remove shards that have been canceled through computeOldShardMerger
* since a time older than gcBefore.
* Used by compaction to strip context of unecessary information,
* shrinking them.
public ByteBuffer removeOldShards(ByteBuffer context, int gcBefore)
int hlength = headerLength(context);
ContextState state = new ContextState(context, hlength);
int removedShards = 0;
int removedDelta = 0;
while (state.hasRemaining())
long clock = state.getClock();
if (clock < 0)
// We should never have a count != 0 when clock < 0.
// We know that previous may have created those situation though, so:
// * for delta shard: we throw an exception since computeOldShardMerger should
// have corrected that situation
// * for non-delta shard: it is a much more crappier situation because there is
// not much we can do since we are not responsible for that shard. So we simply
// ignore the shard.
if (state.getCount() != 0)
if (state.isDelta())
throw new IllegalStateException("Counter shard with negative clock but count != 0; context = " + toString(context));
logger.debug("Ignoring non-removable non-delta corrupted shard in context {}", toString(context));
if (-((int)(clock / 1000)) < gcBefore)
if (state.isDelta())
if (removedShards == 0)
return context;
int removedHeaderSize = removedDelta * HEADER_ELT_LENGTH;
int removedBodySize = removedShards * STEP_LENGTH;
int newSize = context.remaining() - removedHeaderSize - removedBodySize;
int newHlength = hlength - removedHeaderSize;
ByteBuffer cleanedContext = HeapAllocator.instance.allocate(newSize);
cleanedContext.putShort(cleanedContext.position(), (short) ((newHlength - HEADER_SIZE_LENGTH) / HEADER_ELT_LENGTH));
ContextState cleaned = new ContextState(cleanedContext, newHlength);
while (state.hasRemaining())
long clock = state.getClock();
if (clock >= 0 || state.getCount() != 0 || -((int)(clock / 1000)) >= gcBefore)
return cleanedContext;
* Helper class to work on contexts (works by iterating over them).
* A context being abstractly a list of tuple (counterid, clock, count), a
* ContextState encapsulate a context and a position to one of the tuple.
* It also allow to create new context iteratively.
* Note: this is intrinsically a private class intended for use by the
* methods of CounterContext only. It is however public because it is
* convenient to create handcrafted context for unit tests.
public static class ContextState
public final ByteBuffer context;
public final int headerLength;
private int headerOffset; // offset from context.position()
private int bodyOffset; // offset from context.position()
private boolean currentIsDelta;
public ContextState(ByteBuffer context, int headerLength)
this(context, headerLength, HEADER_SIZE_LENGTH, headerLength, false);
public ContextState(ByteBuffer context)
this(context, headerLength(context));
private ContextState(ByteBuffer context, int headerLength, int headerOffset, int bodyOffset, boolean currentIsDelta)
this.context = context;
this.headerLength = headerLength;
this.headerOffset = headerOffset;
this.bodyOffset = bodyOffset;
this.currentIsDelta = currentIsDelta;
public boolean isDelta()
return currentIsDelta;
private void updateIsDelta()
currentIsDelta = (headerOffset < headerLength) && context.getShort(context.position() + headerOffset) == (short) elementIdx();
public boolean hasRemaining()
return bodyOffset < context.remaining();
public int remainingHeaderLength()
return headerLength - headerOffset;
public int remainingBodyLength()
return context.remaining() - bodyOffset;
public void moveToNext()
bodyOffset += STEP_LENGTH;
if (currentIsDelta)
headerOffset += HEADER_ELT_LENGTH;
// This advance other to the next position (but not this)
public void copyTo(ContextState other)
ByteBufferUtil.arrayCopy(context, context.position() + bodyOffset, other.context, other.context.position() + other.bodyOffset, STEP_LENGTH);
if (currentIsDelta)
other.context.putShort(other.context.position() + other.headerOffset, (short) other.elementIdx());
other.currentIsDelta = currentIsDelta;
public int compareIdTo(ContextState other)
return compareId(context, context.position() + bodyOffset, other.context, other.context.position() + other.bodyOffset);
public void reset()
this.headerOffset = HEADER_SIZE_LENGTH;
this.bodyOffset = headerLength;
public CounterId getCounterId()
return CounterId.wrap(context, context.position() + bodyOffset);
public long getClock()
return context.getLong(context.position() + bodyOffset + CounterId.LENGTH);
public long getCount()
return context.getLong(context.position() + bodyOffset + CounterId.LENGTH + CLOCK_LENGTH);
// Advance this to the next position
public void writeElement(CounterId id, long clock, long count, boolean isDelta)
writeElementAtOffset(context, context.position() + bodyOffset, id, clock, count);
if (isDelta)
context.putShort(context.position() + headerOffset, (short)elementIdx());
currentIsDelta = isDelta;
public void writeElement(CounterId id, long clock, long count)
writeElement(id, clock, count, false);
public int elementIdx()
return (bodyOffset - headerLength) / STEP_LENGTH;
public ContextState duplicate()
return new ContextState(context, headerLength, headerOffset, bodyOffset, currentIsDelta);
* Allocate a new context big enough for {@code elementCount} elements
* with {@code deltaCount} of them being delta, and return the initial
* ContextState corresponding.
public static ContextState allocate(int elementCount, int deltaCount)
return allocate(elementCount, deltaCount, HeapAllocator.instance);
public static ContextState allocate(int elementCount, int deltaCount, Allocator allocator)
assert deltaCount <= elementCount;
int hlength = HEADER_SIZE_LENGTH + deltaCount * HEADER_ELT_LENGTH;
ByteBuffer context = allocator.allocate(hlength + elementCount * STEP_LENGTH);
context.putShort(context.position(), (short)deltaCount);
return new ContextState(context, hlength);