* Licensed to the Apache Software Foundation (ASF) under one
* or more contributor license agreements. See the NOTICE file
* distributed with this work for additional information
* regarding copyright ownership. The ASF licenses this file
* to you under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the
* "License"); you may not use this file except in compliance
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package org.apache.cassandra.db;
import java.nio.ByteBuffer;
import java.util.*;
import com.google.common.base.Function;
import com.google.common.collect.AbstractIterator;
import com.google.common.collect.Iterables;
import com.google.common.collect.Lists;
import org.apache.cassandra.config.CFMetaData;
import org.apache.cassandra.db.filter.ColumnSlice;
import org.apache.cassandra.db.marshal.AbstractType;
import org.apache.cassandra.utils.Allocator;
* A ColumnFamily backed by an ArrayList.
* This implementation is not synchronized and should only be used when
* thread-safety is not required. This implementation makes sense when the
* main operations performed are iterating over the map and adding columns
* (especially if insertion is in sorted order).
public class ArrayBackedSortedColumns extends AbstractThreadUnsafeSortedColumns
private final boolean reversed;
private final ArrayList<Column> columns;
public static final ColumnFamily.Factory<ArrayBackedSortedColumns> factory = new Factory<ArrayBackedSortedColumns>()
public ArrayBackedSortedColumns create(CFMetaData metadata, boolean insertReversed)
return new ArrayBackedSortedColumns(metadata, insertReversed);
private ArrayBackedSortedColumns(CFMetaData metadata, boolean reversed)
this.reversed = reversed;
this.columns = new ArrayList<Column>();
private ArrayBackedSortedColumns(Collection<Column> columns, CFMetaData metadata, boolean reversed)
this.reversed = reversed;
this.columns = new ArrayList<Column>(columns);
public ColumnFamily.Factory getFactory()
return factory;
public ColumnFamily cloneMe()
return new ArrayBackedSortedColumns(columns, metadata, reversed);
public boolean isInsertReversed()
return reversed;
private Comparator<ByteBuffer> internalComparator()
return reversed ? getComparator().reverseComparator : getComparator();
public Column getColumn(ByteBuffer name)
int pos = binarySearch(name);
return pos >= 0 ? columns.get(pos) : null;
* AddColumn throws an exception if the column added does not sort after
* the last column in the map.
* The reasoning is that this implementation can get slower if too much
* insertions are done in unsorted order and right now we only use it when
* *all* insertion (with this method) are done in sorted order. The
* assertion throwing is thus a protection against performance regression
* without knowing about (we can revisit that decision later if we have
* use cases where most insert are in sorted order but a few are not).
public void addColumn(Column column, Allocator allocator)
if (columns.isEmpty())
// Fast path if inserting at the tail
int c = internalComparator().compare(columns.get(getColumnCount() - 1).name(), column.name());
// note that we want an assertion here (see addColumn javadoc), but we also want that if
// assertion are disabled, addColumn works correctly with unsorted input
assert c <= 0 : "Added column does not sort as the " + (reversed ? "first" : "last") + " column";
if (c < 0)
// Insert as last
else if (c == 0)
// Resolve against last
resolveAgainst(getColumnCount() - 1, column, allocator);
int pos = binarySearch(column.name());
if (pos >= 0)
resolveAgainst(pos, column, allocator);
columns.add(-pos-1, column);
* Resolve against element at position i.
* Assume that i is a valid position.
private void resolveAgainst(int i, Column column, Allocator allocator)
Column oldColumn = columns.get(i);
// calculate reconciled col from old (existing) col and new col
Column reconciledColumn = column.reconcile(oldColumn, allocator);
columns.set(i, reconciledColumn);
private int binarySearch(ByteBuffer name)
return binarySearch(columns, internalComparator(), name, 0);
* Simple binary search for a given column name.
* The return value has the exact same meaning that the one of Collections.binarySearch().
* (We don't use Collections.binarySearch() directly because it would require us to create
* a fake Column (as well as an Column comparator) to do the search, which is ugly.
private static int binarySearch(List<Column> columns, Comparator<ByteBuffer> comparator, ByteBuffer name, int start)
int low = start;
int mid = columns.size();
int high = mid - 1;
int result = -1;
while (low <= high)
mid = (low + high) >> 1;
if ((result = comparator.compare(name, columns.get(mid).name())) > 0)
low = mid + 1;
else if (result == 0)
return mid;
high = mid - 1;
return -mid - (result < 0 ? 1 : 2);
public void addAll(ColumnFamily cm, Allocator allocator, Function<Column, Column> transformation)
if (cm.getColumnCount() == 0)
Column[] copy = columns.toArray(new Column[getColumnCount()]);
int idx = 0;
Iterator<Column> other = reversed ? cm.reverseIterator(ColumnSlice.ALL_COLUMNS_ARRAY) : cm.iterator();
Column otherColumn = other.next();
while (idx < copy.length && otherColumn != null)
int c = internalComparator().compare(copy[idx].name(), otherColumn.name());
if (c < 0)
else if (c > 0)
otherColumn = other.hasNext() ? other.next() : null;
else // c == 0
resolveAgainst(getColumnCount() - 1, transformation.apply(otherColumn), allocator);
otherColumn = other.hasNext() ? other.next() : null;
while (idx < copy.length)
while (otherColumn != null)
otherColumn = other.hasNext() ? other.next() : null;
public boolean replace(Column oldColumn, Column newColumn)
if (!oldColumn.name().equals(newColumn.name()))
throw new IllegalArgumentException();
int pos = binarySearch(oldColumn.name());
if (pos >= 0)
columns.set(pos, newColumn);
return pos >= 0;
public Collection<Column> getSortedColumns()
return reversed ? new ReverseSortedCollection() : columns;
public Collection<Column> getReverseSortedColumns()
// If reversed, the element are sorted reversely, so we could expect
// to return *this*, but *this* redefine the iterator to be in sorted
// order, so we need a collection that uses the super constructor
return reversed ? new ForwardSortedCollection() : new ReverseSortedCollection();
public int getColumnCount()
return columns.size();
public void clear()
public Iterable<ByteBuffer> getColumnNames()
return Iterables.transform(columns, new Function<Column, ByteBuffer>()
public ByteBuffer apply(Column column)
return column.name;
public Iterator<Column> iterator()
return reversed ? Lists.reverse(columns).iterator() : columns.iterator();
public Iterator<Column> iterator(ColumnSlice[] slices)
return new SlicesIterator(columns, getComparator(), slices, reversed);
public Iterator<Column> reverseIterator(ColumnSlice[] slices)
return new SlicesIterator(columns, getComparator(), slices, !reversed);
private static class SlicesIterator extends AbstractIterator<Column>
private final List<Column> list;
private final ColumnSlice[] slices;
private final Comparator<ByteBuffer> comparator;
private int idx = 0;
private int previousSliceEnd = 0;
private Iterator<Column> currentSlice;
public SlicesIterator(List<Column> list, AbstractType<?> comparator, ColumnSlice[] slices, boolean reversed)
this.list = reversed ? Lists.reverse(list) : list;
this.slices = slices;
this.comparator = reversed ? comparator.reverseComparator : comparator;
protected Column computeNext()
if (currentSlice == null)
if (idx >= slices.length)
return endOfData();
ColumnSlice slice = slices[idx++];
// The first idx to include
int startIdx = slice.start.remaining() == 0 ? 0 : binarySearch(list, comparator, slice.start, previousSliceEnd);
if (startIdx < 0)
startIdx = -startIdx - 1;
// The first idx to exclude
int finishIdx = slice.finish.remaining() == 0 ? list.size() - 1 : binarySearch(list, comparator, slice.finish, previousSliceEnd);
if (finishIdx >= 0)
finishIdx = -finishIdx - 1;
if (startIdx == 0 && finishIdx == list.size())
currentSlice = list.iterator();
currentSlice = list.subList(startIdx, finishIdx).iterator();
previousSliceEnd = finishIdx > 0 ? finishIdx - 1 : 0;
if (currentSlice.hasNext())
return currentSlice.next();
currentSlice = null;
return computeNext();
private class ReverseSortedCollection extends AbstractCollection<Column>
public int size()
return columns.size();
public Iterator<Column> iterator()
return new Iterator<Column>()
int idx = size() - 1;
public boolean hasNext()
return idx >= 0;
public Column next()
return columns.get(idx--);
public void remove()
private class ForwardSortedCollection extends AbstractCollection<Column>
public int size()
return columns.size();
public Iterator<Column> iterator()
return columns.iterator();