/* * Licensed to the Apache Software Foundation (ASF) under one * or more contributor license agreements. See the NOTICE file * distributed with this work for additional information * regarding copyright ownership. The ASF licenses this file * to you under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the * "License"); you may not use this file except in compliance * with the License. You may obtain a copy of the License at * * http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0 * * Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software * distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, * WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. * See the License for the specific language governing permissions and * limitations under the License. */ package org.apache.cassandra.config; import java.io.File; import java.io.FileFilter; import java.net.InetAddress; import java.net.UnknownHostException; import java.util.*; import com.google.common.annotations.VisibleForTesting; import com.google.common.collect.ImmutableSet; import com.google.common.primitives.Longs; import org.slf4j.Logger; import org.slf4j.LoggerFactory; import org.apache.cassandra.auth.*; import org.apache.cassandra.config.Config.RequestSchedulerId; import org.apache.cassandra.config.EncryptionOptions.ClientEncryptionOptions; import org.apache.cassandra.config.EncryptionOptions.ServerEncryptionOptions; import org.apache.cassandra.db.ColumnFamilyStore; import org.apache.cassandra.db.DefsTables; import org.apache.cassandra.db.SystemKeyspace; import org.apache.cassandra.dht.IPartitioner; import org.apache.cassandra.exceptions.ConfigurationException; import org.apache.cassandra.io.FSWriteError; import org.apache.cassandra.io.util.FileUtils; import org.apache.cassandra.io.util.IAllocator; import org.apache.cassandra.locator.DynamicEndpointSnitch; import org.apache.cassandra.locator.EndpointSnitchInfo; import org.apache.cassandra.locator.IEndpointSnitch; import org.apache.cassandra.locator.SeedProvider; import org.apache.cassandra.net.MessagingService; import org.apache.cassandra.scheduler.IRequestScheduler; import org.apache.cassandra.scheduler.NoScheduler; import org.apache.cassandra.service.CacheService; import org.apache.cassandra.utils.Allocator; import org.apache.cassandra.utils.FBUtilities; public class DatabaseDescriptor { private static final Logger logger = LoggerFactory.getLogger(DatabaseDescriptor.class); private static IEndpointSnitch snitch; private static InetAddress listenAddress; // leave null so we can fall through to getLocalHost private static InetAddress broadcastAddress; private static InetAddress rpcAddress; private static SeedProvider seedProvider; private static IInternodeAuthenticator internodeAuthenticator; /* Hashing strategy Random or OPHF */ private static IPartitioner<?> partitioner; private static String paritionerName; private static Config.DiskAccessMode indexAccessMode; private static Config conf; private static IAuthenticator authenticator = new AllowAllAuthenticator(); private static IAuthorizer authorizer = new AllowAllAuthorizer(); private static IRequestScheduler requestScheduler; private static RequestSchedulerId requestSchedulerId; private static RequestSchedulerOptions requestSchedulerOptions; private static long keyCacheSizeInMB; private static IAllocator memoryAllocator; private static String localDC; private static Comparator<InetAddress> localComparator; private static Class<? extends Allocator> memtableAllocator; static { // In client mode, we use a default configuration. Note that the fields of this class will be // left unconfigured however (the partitioner or localDC will be null for instance) so this // should be used with care. try { if (Config.isClientMode()) { conf = new Config(); // at least we have to set memoryAllocator to open SSTable in client mode memoryAllocator = FBUtilities.newOffHeapAllocator(conf.memory_allocator); } else { applyConfig(loadConfig()); } } catch (ConfigurationException e) { logger.error("Fatal configuration error", e); System.err.println(e.getMessage() + "\nFatal configuration error; unable to start. See log for stacktrace."); System.exit(1); } catch (Exception e) { logger.error("Fatal error during configuration loading", e); System.err.println(e.getMessage() + "\nFatal error during configuration loading; unable to start. See log for stacktrace."); System.exit(1); } } @VisibleForTesting static Config loadConfig() throws ConfigurationException { String loaderClass = System.getProperty("cassandra.config.loader"); ConfigurationLoader loader = loaderClass == null ? new YamlConfigurationLoader() : FBUtilities.<ConfigurationLoader>construct(loaderClass, "configuration loading"); return loader.loadConfig(); } private static void applyConfig(Config config) throws ConfigurationException { conf = config; logger.info("Data files directories: {}", Arrays.toString(conf.data_file_directories)); logger.info("Commit log directory: {}", conf.commitlog_directory); if (conf.commitlog_sync == null) { throw new ConfigurationException("Missing required directive CommitLogSync"); } if (conf.commitlog_sync == Config.CommitLogSync.batch) { if (conf.commitlog_sync_batch_window_in_ms == null) { throw new ConfigurationException("Missing value for commitlog_sync_batch_window_in_ms: Double expected."); } else if (conf.commitlog_sync_period_in_ms != null) { throw new ConfigurationException("Batch sync specified, but commitlog_sync_period_in_ms found. Only specify commitlog_sync_batch_window_in_ms when using batch sync"); } logger.debug("Syncing log with a batch window of {}", conf.commitlog_sync_batch_window_in_ms); } else { if (conf.commitlog_sync_period_in_ms == null) { throw new ConfigurationException("Missing value for commitlog_sync_period_in_ms: Integer expected"); } else if (conf.commitlog_sync_batch_window_in_ms != null) { throw new ConfigurationException("commitlog_sync_period_in_ms specified, but commitlog_sync_batch_window_in_ms found. Only specify commitlog_sync_period_in_ms when using periodic sync."); } logger.debug("Syncing log with a period of {}", conf.commitlog_sync_period_in_ms); } if (conf.commitlog_total_space_in_mb == null) conf.commitlog_total_space_in_mb = System.getProperty("os.arch").contains("64") ? 1024 : 32; /* evaluate the DiskAccessMode Config directive, which also affects indexAccessMode selection */ if (conf.disk_access_mode == Config.DiskAccessMode.auto) { conf.disk_access_mode = System.getProperty("os.arch").contains("64") ? Config.DiskAccessMode.mmap : Config.DiskAccessMode.standard; indexAccessMode = conf.disk_access_mode; logger.info("DiskAccessMode 'auto' determined to be {}, indexAccessMode is {}", conf.disk_access_mode, indexAccessMode); } else if (conf.disk_access_mode == Config.DiskAccessMode.mmap_index_only) { conf.disk_access_mode = Config.DiskAccessMode.standard; indexAccessMode = Config.DiskAccessMode.mmap; logger.info("DiskAccessMode is {}, indexAccessMode is {}", conf.disk_access_mode, indexAccessMode); } else { indexAccessMode = conf.disk_access_mode; logger.info("DiskAccessMode is {}, indexAccessMode is {}", conf.disk_access_mode, indexAccessMode); } logger.info("disk_failure_policy is {}", conf.disk_failure_policy); /* Authentication and authorization backend, implementing IAuthenticator and IAuthorizer */ if (conf.authenticator != null) authenticator = FBUtilities.newAuthenticator(conf.authenticator); if (conf.authorizer != null) authorizer = FBUtilities.newAuthorizer(conf.authorizer); if (authenticator instanceof AllowAllAuthenticator && !(authorizer instanceof AllowAllAuthorizer)) throw new ConfigurationException("AllowAllAuthenticator can't be used with " + conf.authorizer); if (conf.internode_authenticator != null) internodeAuthenticator = FBUtilities.construct(conf.internode_authenticator, "internode_authenticator"); else internodeAuthenticator = new AllowAllInternodeAuthenticator(); authenticator.validateConfiguration(); authorizer.validateConfiguration(); internodeAuthenticator.validateConfiguration(); /* Hashing strategy */ if (conf.partitioner == null) { throw new ConfigurationException("Missing directive: partitioner"); } try { partitioner = FBUtilities.newPartitioner(System.getProperty("cassandra.partitioner", conf.partitioner)); } catch (Exception e) { throw new ConfigurationException("Invalid partitioner class " + conf.partitioner); } paritionerName = partitioner.getClass().getCanonicalName(); /* phi convict threshold for FailureDetector */ if (conf.phi_convict_threshold < 5 || conf.phi_convict_threshold > 16) { throw new ConfigurationException("phi_convict_threshold must be between 5 and 16"); } /* Thread per pool */ if (conf.concurrent_reads != null && conf.concurrent_reads < 2) { throw new ConfigurationException("concurrent_reads must be at least 2"); } if (conf.concurrent_writes != null && conf.concurrent_writes < 2) { throw new ConfigurationException("concurrent_writes must be at least 2"); } if (conf.concurrent_replicates != null && conf.concurrent_replicates < 2) { throw new ConfigurationException("concurrent_replicates must be at least 2"); } if (conf.file_cache_size_in_mb == null) conf.file_cache_size_in_mb = Math.min(512, (int) (Runtime.getRuntime().maxMemory() / (4 * 1048576))); if (conf.memtable_total_space_in_mb == null) conf.memtable_total_space_in_mb = (int) (Runtime.getRuntime().maxMemory() / (4 * 1048576)); if (conf.memtable_total_space_in_mb <= 0) throw new ConfigurationException("memtable_total_space_in_mb must be positive"); logger.info("Global memtable threshold is enabled at {}MB", conf.memtable_total_space_in_mb); /* Memtable flush writer threads */ if (conf.memtable_flush_writers != null && conf.memtable_flush_writers < 1) { throw new ConfigurationException("memtable_flush_writers must be at least 1"); } else if (conf.memtable_flush_writers == null) { conf.memtable_flush_writers = conf.data_file_directories.length; } /* Local IP or hostname to bind services to */ if (conf.listen_address != null) { try { listenAddress = InetAddress.getByName(conf.listen_address); } catch (UnknownHostException e) { throw new ConfigurationException("Unknown listen_address '" + conf.listen_address + "'"); } } if (conf.listen_address.equals("")) throw new ConfigurationException("listen_address cannot be!"); try { listenAddress = InetAddress.getByName(conf.listen_address); } catch (UnknownHostException e) { throw new ConfigurationException("Unknown listen_address '" + conf.listen_address + "'"); } /* Gossip Address to broadcast */ if (conf.broadcast_address != null) { if (conf.broadcast_address.equals("")) { throw new ConfigurationException("broadcast_address cannot be!"); } try { broadcastAddress = InetAddress.getByName(conf.broadcast_address); } catch (UnknownHostException e) { throw new ConfigurationException("Unknown broadcast_address '" + conf.broadcast_address + "'"); } } /* Local IP or hostname to bind RPC server to */ if (conf.rpc_address != null) { try { rpcAddress = InetAddress.getByName(conf.rpc_address); } catch (UnknownHostException e) { throw new ConfigurationException("Unknown host in rpc_address " + conf.rpc_address); } } else { rpcAddress = FBUtilities.getLocalAddress(); } if (conf.thrift_framed_transport_size_in_mb <= 0) throw new ConfigurationException("thrift_framed_transport_size_in_mb must be positive"); /* end point snitch */ if (conf.endpoint_snitch == null) { throw new ConfigurationException("Missing endpoint_snitch directive"); } snitch = createEndpointSnitch(conf.endpoint_snitch); EndpointSnitchInfo.create(); localDC = snitch.getDatacenter(FBUtilities.getBroadcastAddress()); localComparator = new Comparator<InetAddress>() { public int compare(InetAddress endpoint1, InetAddress endpoint2) { boolean local1 = localDC.equals(snitch.getDatacenter(endpoint1)); boolean local2 = localDC.equals(snitch.getDatacenter(endpoint2)); if (local1 && !local2) return -1; if (local2 && !local1) return 1; return 0; } }; /* Request Scheduler setup */ requestSchedulerOptions = conf.request_scheduler_options; if (conf.request_scheduler != null) { try { if (requestSchedulerOptions == null) { requestSchedulerOptions = new RequestSchedulerOptions(); } Class<?> cls = Class.forName(conf.request_scheduler); requestScheduler = (IRequestScheduler) cls.getConstructor(RequestSchedulerOptions.class).newInstance(requestSchedulerOptions); } catch (ClassNotFoundException e) { throw new ConfigurationException("Invalid Request Scheduler class " + conf.request_scheduler); } catch (Exception e) { throw new ConfigurationException("Unable to instantiate request scheduler", e); } } else { requestScheduler = new NoScheduler(); } if (conf.request_scheduler_id == RequestSchedulerId.keyspace) { requestSchedulerId = conf.request_scheduler_id; } else { // Default to Keyspace requestSchedulerId = RequestSchedulerId.keyspace; } if (logger.isDebugEnabled() && conf.auto_bootstrap != null) { logger.debug("setting auto_bootstrap to {}", conf.auto_bootstrap); } logger.info("{}using multi-threaded compaction", (conf.multithreaded_compaction ? "" : "Not ")); if (conf.in_memory_compaction_limit_in_mb != null && conf.in_memory_compaction_limit_in_mb <= 0) { throw new ConfigurationException("in_memory_compaction_limit_in_mb must be a positive integer"); } if (conf.concurrent_compactors == null) conf.concurrent_compactors = FBUtilities.getAvailableProcessors(); if (conf.concurrent_compactors <= 0) throw new ConfigurationException("concurrent_compactors should be strictly greater than 0"); /* data file and commit log directories. they get created later, when they're needed. */ if (conf.commitlog_directory != null && conf.data_file_directories != null && conf.saved_caches_directory != null) { for (String datadir : conf.data_file_directories) { if (datadir.equals(conf.commitlog_directory)) throw new ConfigurationException("commitlog_directory must not be the same as any data_file_directories"); if (datadir.equals(conf.saved_caches_directory)) throw new ConfigurationException("saved_caches_directory must not be the same as any data_file_directories"); } if (conf.commitlog_directory.equals(conf.saved_caches_directory)) throw new ConfigurationException("saved_caches_directory must not be the same as the commitlog_directory"); } else { if (conf.commitlog_directory == null) throw new ConfigurationException("commitlog_directory missing"); if (conf.data_file_directories == null) throw new ConfigurationException("data_file_directories missing; at least one data directory must be specified"); if (conf.saved_caches_directory == null) throw new ConfigurationException("saved_caches_directory missing"); } if (conf.initial_token != null) for (String token : tokensFromString(conf.initial_token)) partitioner.getTokenFactory().validate(token); try { // if key_cache_size_in_mb option was set to "auto" then size of the cache should be "min(5% of Heap (in MB), 100MB) keyCacheSizeInMB = (conf.key_cache_size_in_mb == null) ? Math.min(Math.max(1, (int) (Runtime.getRuntime().totalMemory() * 0.05 / 1024 / 1024)), 100) : conf.key_cache_size_in_mb; if (keyCacheSizeInMB < 0) throw new NumberFormatException(); // to escape duplicating error message } catch (NumberFormatException e) { throw new ConfigurationException("key_cache_size_in_mb option was set incorrectly to '" + conf.key_cache_size_in_mb + "', supported values are <integer> >= 0."); } memoryAllocator = FBUtilities.newOffHeapAllocator(conf.memory_allocator); if(conf.encryption_options != null) { logger.warn("Please rename encryption_options as server_encryption_options in the yaml"); //operate under the assumption that server_encryption_options is not set in yaml rather than both conf.server_encryption_options = conf.encryption_options; } String allocatorClass = conf.memtable_allocator; if (!allocatorClass.contains(".")) allocatorClass = "org.apache.cassandra.utils." + allocatorClass; memtableAllocator = FBUtilities.classForName(allocatorClass, "allocator"); // Hardcoded system keyspaces List<KSMetaData> systemKeyspaces = Arrays.asList(KSMetaData.systemKeyspace(), KSMetaData.traceKeyspace()); assert systemKeyspaces.size() == Schema.systemKeyspaceNames.size(); for (KSMetaData ksmd : systemKeyspaces) { // install the definition for (CFMetaData cfm : ksmd.cfMetaData().values()) Schema.instance.load(cfm); Schema.instance.setKeyspaceDefinition(ksmd); } /* Load the seeds for node contact points */ if (conf.seed_provider == null) { throw new ConfigurationException("seeds configuration is missing; a minimum of one seed is required."); } try { Class<?> seedProviderClass = Class.forName(conf.seed_provider.class_name); seedProvider = (SeedProvider)seedProviderClass.getConstructor(Map.class).newInstance(conf.seed_provider.parameters); } // there are about 5 checked exceptions that could be thrown here. catch (Exception e) { logger.error("Fatal configuration error", e); System.err.println(e.getMessage() + "\nFatal configuration error; unable to start server. See log for stacktrace."); System.exit(1); } if (seedProvider.getSeeds().size() == 0) throw new ConfigurationException("The seed provider lists no seeds."); } private static IEndpointSnitch createEndpointSnitch(String snitchClassName) throws ConfigurationException { if (!snitchClassName.contains(".")) snitchClassName = "org.apache.cassandra.locator." + snitchClassName; IEndpointSnitch snitch = FBUtilities.construct(snitchClassName, "snitch"); return conf.dynamic_snitch ? new DynamicEndpointSnitch(snitch) : snitch; } /** load keyspace (keyspace) definitions, but do not initialize the keyspace instances. */ public static void loadSchemas() { ColumnFamilyStore schemaCFS = SystemKeyspace.schemaCFS(SystemKeyspace.SCHEMA_KEYSPACES_CF); // if keyspace with definitions is empty try loading the old way if (schemaCFS.estimateKeys() == 0) { logger.info("Couldn't detect any schema definitions in local storage."); // peek around the data directories to see if anything is there. if (hasExistingNoSystemTables()) logger.info("Found keyspace data in data directories. Consider using cqlsh to define your schema."); else logger.info("To create keyspaces and column families, see 'help create' in cqlsh."); } else { Schema.instance.load(DefsTables.loadFromKeyspace()); } Schema.instance.updateVersion(); } private static boolean hasExistingNoSystemTables() { for (String dataDir : getAllDataFileLocations()) { File dataPath = new File(dataDir); if (dataPath.exists() && dataPath.isDirectory()) { // see if there are other directories present. int dirCount = dataPath.listFiles(new FileFilter() { public boolean accept(File pathname) { return (pathname.isDirectory() && !Schema.systemKeyspaceNames.contains(pathname.getName())); } }).length; if (dirCount > 0) return true; } } return false; } public static IAuthenticator getAuthenticator() { return authenticator; } public static IAuthorizer getAuthorizer() { return authorizer; } public static int getPermissionsValidity() { return conf.permissions_validity_in_ms; } public static int getThriftFramedTransportSize() { return conf.thrift_framed_transport_size_in_mb * 1024 * 1024; } /** * Creates all storage-related directories. */ public static void createAllDirectories() { try { if (conf.data_file_directories.length == 0) throw new ConfigurationException("At least one DataFileDirectory must be specified"); for (String dataFileDirectory : conf.data_file_directories) { FileUtils.createDirectory(dataFileDirectory); } if (conf.commitlog_directory == null) throw new ConfigurationException("commitlog_directory must be specified"); FileUtils.createDirectory(conf.commitlog_directory); if (conf.saved_caches_directory == null) throw new ConfigurationException("saved_caches_directory must be specified"); FileUtils.createDirectory(conf.saved_caches_directory); } catch (ConfigurationException e) { logger.error("Fatal error: {}", e.getMessage()); System.err.println("Bad configuration; unable to start server"); System.exit(1); } catch (FSWriteError e) { logger.error("Fatal error: {}", e.getMessage()); System.err.println(e.getCause().getMessage() + "; unable to start server"); System.exit(1); } } public static IPartitioner<?> getPartitioner() { return partitioner; } public static String getPartitionerName() { return paritionerName; } /* For tests ONLY, don't use otherwise or all hell will break loose */ public static void setPartitioner(IPartitioner<?> newPartitioner) { partitioner = newPartitioner; } public static IEndpointSnitch getEndpointSnitch() { return snitch; } public static void setEndpointSnitch(IEndpointSnitch eps) { snitch = eps; } public static IRequestScheduler getRequestScheduler() { return requestScheduler; } public static RequestSchedulerOptions getRequestSchedulerOptions() { return requestSchedulerOptions; } public static RequestSchedulerId getRequestSchedulerId() { return requestSchedulerId; } public static int getColumnIndexSize() { return conf.column_index_size_in_kb * 1024; } public static Collection<String> getInitialTokens() { return tokensFromString(System.getProperty("cassandra.initial_token", conf.initial_token)); } public static Collection<String> tokensFromString(String tokenString) { List<String> tokens = new ArrayList<String>(); if (tokenString != null) for (String token : tokenString.split(",")) tokens.add(token.replaceAll("^\\s+", "").replaceAll("\\s+$", "")); return tokens; } public static Integer getNumTokens() { return conf.num_tokens; } public static Collection<String> getReplaceTokens() { return tokensFromString(System.getProperty("cassandra.replace_token", null)); } public static UUID getReplaceNode() { try { return UUID.fromString(System.getProperty("cassandra.replace_node", null)); } catch (NullPointerException e) { return null; } } public static boolean isReplacing() { return 0 != getReplaceTokens().size() || getReplaceNode() != null; } public static String getClusterName() { return conf.cluster_name; } public static int getMaxStreamingRetries() { return conf.max_streaming_retries; } public static int getStoragePort() { return Integer.parseInt(System.getProperty("cassandra.storage_port", conf.storage_port.toString())); } public static int getSSLStoragePort() { return Integer.parseInt(System.getProperty("cassandra.ssl_storage_port", conf.ssl_storage_port.toString())); } public static int getRpcPort() { return Integer.parseInt(System.getProperty("cassandra.rpc_port", conf.rpc_port.toString())); } public static long getRpcTimeout() { return conf.request_timeout_in_ms; } public static void setRpcTimeout(Long timeOutInMillis) { conf.request_timeout_in_ms = timeOutInMillis; } public static long getReadRpcTimeout() { return conf.read_request_timeout_in_ms; } public static void setReadRpcTimeout(Long timeOutInMillis) { conf.read_request_timeout_in_ms = timeOutInMillis; } public static long getRangeRpcTimeout() { return conf.range_request_timeout_in_ms; } public static void setRangeRpcTimeout(Long timeOutInMillis) { conf.range_request_timeout_in_ms = timeOutInMillis; } public static long getWriteRpcTimeout() { return conf.write_request_timeout_in_ms; } public static void setWriteRpcTimeout(Long timeOutInMillis) { conf.write_request_timeout_in_ms = timeOutInMillis; } public static long getCasContentionTimeout() { return conf.cas_contention_timeout_in_ms; } public static void setCasContentionTimeout(Long timeOutInMillis) { conf.cas_contention_timeout_in_ms = timeOutInMillis; } public static long getTruncateRpcTimeout() { return conf.truncate_request_timeout_in_ms; } public static void setTruncateRpcTimeout(Long timeOutInMillis) { conf.truncate_request_timeout_in_ms = timeOutInMillis; } public static boolean hasCrossNodeTimeout() { return conf.cross_node_timeout; } // not part of the Verb enum so we can change timeouts easily via JMX public static long getTimeout(MessagingService.Verb verb) { switch (verb) { case READ: return getReadRpcTimeout(); case RANGE_SLICE: return getRangeRpcTimeout(); case TRUNCATE: return getTruncateRpcTimeout(); case READ_REPAIR: case MUTATION: return getWriteRpcTimeout(); default: return getRpcTimeout(); } } /** * @return the minimum configured {read, write, range, truncate, misc} timeout */ public static long getMinRpcTimeout() { return Longs.min(getRpcTimeout(), getReadRpcTimeout(), getRangeRpcTimeout(), getWriteRpcTimeout(), getTruncateRpcTimeout()); } public static double getPhiConvictThreshold() { return conf.phi_convict_threshold; } public static void setPhiConvictThreshold(double phiConvictThreshold) { conf.phi_convict_threshold = phiConvictThreshold; } public static int getConcurrentReaders() { return conf.concurrent_reads; } public static int getConcurrentWriters() { return conf.concurrent_writes; } public static int getConcurrentReplicators() { return conf.concurrent_replicates; } public static int getFlushWriters() { return conf.memtable_flush_writers; } public static int getInMemoryCompactionLimit() { return conf.in_memory_compaction_limit_in_mb * 1024 * 1024; } public static void setInMemoryCompactionLimit(int sizeInMB) { conf.in_memory_compaction_limit_in_mb = sizeInMB; } public static int getConcurrentCompactors() { return conf.concurrent_compactors; } public static boolean isMultithreadedCompaction() { return conf.multithreaded_compaction; } public static int getCompactionThroughputMbPerSec() { return conf.compaction_throughput_mb_per_sec; } public static void setCompactionThroughputMbPerSec(int value) { conf.compaction_throughput_mb_per_sec = value; } public static int getStreamThroughputOutboundMegabitsPerSec() { return conf.stream_throughput_outbound_megabits_per_sec; } public static void setStreamThroughputOutboundMegabitsPerSec(int value) { conf.stream_throughput_outbound_megabits_per_sec = value; } public static String[] getAllDataFileLocations() { return conf.data_file_directories; } public static String getCommitLogLocation() { return conf.commitlog_directory; } public static int getTombstoneWarnThreshold() { return conf.tombstone_warn_threshold; } public static void setTombstoneWarnThreshold(int threshold) { conf.tombstone_warn_threshold = threshold; } public static int getTombstoneFailureThreshold() { return conf.tombstone_failure_threshold; } public static void setTombstoneFailureThreshold(int threshold) { conf.tombstone_failure_threshold = threshold; } /** * size of commitlog segments to allocate */ public static int getCommitLogSegmentSize() { return conf.commitlog_segment_size_in_mb * 1024 * 1024; } public static String getSavedCachesLocation() { return conf.saved_caches_directory; } public static Set<InetAddress> getSeeds() { return ImmutableSet.<InetAddress>builder().addAll(seedProvider.getSeeds()).build(); } public static InetAddress getListenAddress() { return listenAddress; } public static InetAddress getBroadcastAddress() { return broadcastAddress; } public static IInternodeAuthenticator getInternodeAuthenticator() { return internodeAuthenticator; } public static void setBroadcastAddress(InetAddress broadcastAdd) { broadcastAddress = broadcastAdd; } public static boolean startRpc() { return conf.start_rpc; } public static InetAddress getRpcAddress() { return rpcAddress; } public static String getRpcServerType() { return conf.rpc_server_type; } public static boolean getRpcKeepAlive() { return conf.rpc_keepalive; } public static Integer getRpcMinThreads() { return conf.rpc_min_threads; } public static Integer getRpcMaxThreads() { return conf.rpc_max_threads; } public static Integer getRpcSendBufferSize() { return conf.rpc_send_buff_size_in_bytes; } public static Integer getRpcRecvBufferSize() { return conf.rpc_recv_buff_size_in_bytes; } public static Integer getInternodeSendBufferSize() { return conf.internode_send_buff_size_in_bytes; } public static Integer getInternodeRecvBufferSize() { return conf.internode_recv_buff_size_in_bytes; } public static boolean startNativeTransport() { return conf.start_native_transport; } public static InetAddress getNativeTransportAddress() { return getRpcAddress(); } public static int getNativeTransportPort() { return Integer.parseInt(System.getProperty("cassandra.native_transport_port", conf.native_transport_port.toString())); } public static Integer getNativeTransportMaxThreads() { return conf.native_transport_max_threads; } public static double getCommitLogSyncBatchWindow() { return conf.commitlog_sync_batch_window_in_ms; } public static int getCommitLogSyncPeriod() { return conf.commitlog_sync_period_in_ms; } public static int getCommitLogPeriodicQueueSize() { return conf.commitlog_periodic_queue_size; } public static Config.CommitLogSync getCommitLogSync() { return conf.commitlog_sync; } public static Config.DiskAccessMode getDiskAccessMode() { return conf.disk_access_mode; } public static Config.DiskAccessMode getIndexAccessMode() { return indexAccessMode; } public static void setDiskFailurePolicy(Config.DiskFailurePolicy policy) { conf.disk_failure_policy = policy; } public static Config.DiskFailurePolicy getDiskFailurePolicy() { return conf.disk_failure_policy; } public static boolean isSnapshotBeforeCompaction() { return conf.snapshot_before_compaction; } public static boolean isAutoSnapshot() { return conf.auto_snapshot; } public static boolean isAutoBootstrap() { return conf.auto_bootstrap; } public static void setHintedHandoffEnabled(boolean hintedHandoffEnabled) { conf.hinted_handoff_enabled = hintedHandoffEnabled; } public static boolean hintedHandoffEnabled() { return conf.hinted_handoff_enabled; } public static void setMaxHintWindow(int ms) { conf.max_hint_window_in_ms = ms; } public static int getMaxHintWindow() { return conf.max_hint_window_in_ms; } @Deprecated public static Integer getIndexInterval() { return conf.index_interval; } public static File getSerializedCachePath(String ksName, String cfName, CacheService.CacheType cacheType, String version) { return new File(conf.saved_caches_directory + File.separator + ksName + "-" + cfName + "-" + cacheType + (version == null ? "" : "-" + version + ".db")); } public static int getDynamicUpdateInterval() { return conf.dynamic_snitch_update_interval_in_ms; } public static void setDynamicUpdateInterval(Integer dynamicUpdateInterval) { conf.dynamic_snitch_update_interval_in_ms = dynamicUpdateInterval; } public static int getDynamicResetInterval() { return conf.dynamic_snitch_reset_interval_in_ms; } public static void setDynamicResetInterval(Integer dynamicResetInterval) { conf.dynamic_snitch_reset_interval_in_ms = dynamicResetInterval; } public static double getDynamicBadnessThreshold() { return conf.dynamic_snitch_badness_threshold; } public static void setDynamicBadnessThreshold(Double dynamicBadnessThreshold) { conf.dynamic_snitch_badness_threshold = dynamicBadnessThreshold; } public static ServerEncryptionOptions getServerEncryptionOptions() { return conf.server_encryption_options; } public static ClientEncryptionOptions getClientEncryptionOptions() { return conf.client_encryption_options; } public static int getHintedHandoffThrottleInKB() { return conf.hinted_handoff_throttle_in_kb; } public static int getMaxHintsThread() { return conf.max_hints_delivery_threads; } public static boolean getPreheatKeyCache() { return conf.compaction_preheat_key_cache; } public static boolean isIncrementalBackupsEnabled() { return conf.incremental_backups; } public static void setIncrementalBackupsEnabled(boolean value) { conf.incremental_backups = value; } public static int getFlushQueueSize() { return conf.memtable_flush_queue_size; } public static int getFileCacheSizeInMB() { return conf.file_cache_size_in_mb; } public static int getTotalMemtableSpaceInMB() { // should only be called if estimatesRealMemtableSize() is true assert conf.memtable_total_space_in_mb > 0; return conf.memtable_total_space_in_mb; } public static long getTotalCommitlogSpaceInMB() { return conf.commitlog_total_space_in_mb; } public static boolean getTrickleFsync() { return conf.trickle_fsync; } public static int getTrickleFsyncIntervalInKb() { return conf.trickle_fsync_interval_in_kb; } public static long getKeyCacheSizeInMB() { return keyCacheSizeInMB; } public static int getKeyCacheSavePeriod() { return conf.key_cache_save_period; } public static void setKeyCacheSavePeriod(int keyCacheSavePeriod) { conf.key_cache_save_period = keyCacheSavePeriod; } public static int getKeyCacheKeysToSave() { return conf.key_cache_keys_to_save; } public static void setKeyCacheKeysToSave(int keyCacheKeysToSave) { conf.key_cache_keys_to_save = keyCacheKeysToSave; } public static long getRowCacheSizeInMB() { return conf.row_cache_size_in_mb; } public static int getRowCacheSavePeriod() { return conf.row_cache_save_period; } public static void setRowCacheSavePeriod(int rowCacheSavePeriod) { conf.row_cache_save_period = rowCacheSavePeriod; } public static int getRowCacheKeysToSave() { return conf.row_cache_keys_to_save; } public static IAllocator getoffHeapMemoryAllocator() { return memoryAllocator; } public static void setRowCacheKeysToSave(int rowCacheKeysToSave) { conf.row_cache_keys_to_save = rowCacheKeysToSave; } public static int getStreamingSocketTimeout() { return conf.streaming_socket_timeout_in_ms; } public static String getLocalDataCenter() { return localDC; } public static Comparator<InetAddress> getLocalComparator() { return localComparator; } public static Config.InternodeCompression internodeCompression() { return conf.internode_compression; } public static boolean getInterDCTcpNoDelay() { return conf.inter_dc_tcp_nodelay; } public static boolean shouldPreheatPageCache() { return conf.preheat_kernel_page_cache; } public static Allocator getMemtableAllocator() { try { return memtableAllocator.newInstance(); } catch (InstantiationException | IllegalAccessException e) { throw new RuntimeException(e); } } }