package; import gnu.trove.list.array.TDoubleArrayList; import; import gnu.trove.set.TIntSet; import gnu.trove.set.hash.TIntHashSet; import; import org.apache.commons.math3.stat.regression.OLSMultipleLinearRegression; import; import; import*; import java.util.ArrayList; import java.util.Collections; import java.util.List; import org.slf4j.Logger; import org.slf4j.LoggerFactory; /** *@author Matt Lesicko */ public class LinearEnsemble implements Ensemble{ private static final Logger LOG = LoggerFactory.getLogger(LinearEnsemble.class); final int numMetrics; private final int numTrainingCandidateArticles; TDoubleArrayList simlarityCoefficients; TDoubleArrayList mostSimilarCoefficients; Interpolator similarityInterpolator; Interpolator mostSimilarInterpolator; public LinearEnsemble(int numMetrics, int numTrainingCandidateArticles){ this.numTrainingCandidateArticles = numTrainingCandidateArticles; this.numMetrics = numMetrics; simlarityCoefficients = new TDoubleArrayList(); simlarityCoefficients.add(0.0); for (int i=0; i<numMetrics; i++){ simlarityCoefficients.add(1.0 / numMetrics); } mostSimilarCoefficients = new TDoubleArrayList(); mostSimilarCoefficients.add(0.0); for (int i=0; i<numMetrics; i++){ mostSimilarCoefficients.add(1.0/numMetrics); mostSimilarCoefficients.add(0); } similarityInterpolator = new Interpolator(numMetrics); mostSimilarInterpolator = new Interpolator(numMetrics); } public String getName(){ return "LinearEnsemble"; } @Override public void trainSimilarity(List<EnsembleSim> simList) { if (simList.isEmpty()) { throw new IllegalArgumentException("no examples to train on!"); } similarityInterpolator.trainSimilarity(simList); double[][] X = new double[simList.size()][numMetrics]; double[] Y = new double[simList.size()]; for (int i = 0; i<simList.size(); i++){ Y[i]=simList.get(i).knownSim.similarity; EnsembleSim es = similarityInterpolator.interpolate(simList.get(i)); for (int j=0; j<numMetrics; j++){ X[i][j]=es.getScores().get(j); } } OLSMultipleLinearRegression regression = new OLSMultipleLinearRegression(); regression.newSampleData(Y, X); simlarityCoefficients = new TDoubleArrayList(regression.estimateRegressionParameters()); double pearson = Math.sqrt(regression.calculateRSquared());"coefficients are " + simlarityCoefficients.toString());"pearson for multiple regression is " + pearson); } @Override public void trainMostSimilar(List<EnsembleSim> simList) { if (simList.isEmpty()){ throw new IllegalStateException("no examples to train on!"); } mostSimilarInterpolator.trainMostSimilar(simList); // Remove things that have no observed metrics List<EnsembleSim> pruned = new ArrayList<EnsembleSim>(); for (EnsembleSim es : simList) { if (es != null && es.getNumMetricsWithScore() > 0) { pruned.add(es); } } double[][] X = new double[pruned.size()][numMetrics*2]; double[] Y = new double[pruned.size()]; for (int i=0; i<pruned.size(); i++){ Y[i]=pruned.get(i).knownSim.similarity; EnsembleSim es = mostSimilarInterpolator.interpolate(pruned.get(i)); for (int j=0; j<numMetrics; j++){ X[i][2*j]= es.getScores().get(j); X[i][2*j+1]= Math.log(es.getRanks().get(j)+1); } } OLSMultipleLinearRegression regression = new OLSMultipleLinearRegression(); regression.newSampleData(Y,X); mostSimilarCoefficients = new TDoubleArrayList(regression.estimateRegressionParameters()); double pearson = Math.sqrt(regression.calculateRSquared());"coefficients are "+mostSimilarCoefficients.toString());"pearson for multiple regression is "+pearson); } @Override public SRResult predictSimilarity(List<SRResult> scores) { if (scores.size()+1!= simlarityCoefficients.size()){ throw new IllegalStateException(); } double weightedScore = simlarityCoefficients.get(0); for (int i=0; i<scores.size(); i++){ double s = scores.get(i) == null ? Double.NaN : scores.get(i).getScore(); if (Double.isNaN(s) || Double.isInfinite(s)) { s = similarityInterpolator.getInterpolatedScore(i); } weightedScore+=(s * simlarityCoefficients.get(i+1)); } return new SRResult(weightedScore); } public static boolean debug = false; @Override public SRResultList predictMostSimilar(List<SRResultList> scores, int maxResults, TIntSet validIds) { if (2*scores.size()+1!= mostSimilarCoefficients.size()){ throw new IllegalStateException(); } TIntSet allIds = new TIntHashSet(); // ids returned by at least one metric for (SRResultList resultList : scores){ if (resultList != null) { for (SRResult result : resultList){ allIds.add(result.getId()); } } } TIntDoubleHashMap scoreMap = new TIntDoubleHashMap(); for (int id : allIds.toArray()) { scoreMap.put(id, mostSimilarCoefficients.get(0)); } int i =1; for (SRResultList resultList : scores){ TIntSet unknownIds = new TIntHashSet(allIds); double c1 = mostSimilarCoefficients.get(i); // score coeff double c2 = mostSimilarCoefficients.get(i+1); // rank coefficient if (resultList != null) { for (int j = 0; j < resultList.numDocs(); j++) { int rank = j + 1; // expand or contract ranks proportionately if (validIds != null) { double k = 1.0 * numTrainingCandidateArticles / validIds.size(); rank = (int) (rank * k); } SRResult result = resultList.get(j); unknownIds.remove(result.getId()); double value = c1 * result.getScore() + c2 * Math.log(rank); if (debug) { System.err.format("%s %d. %.3f (id=%d), computing %.3f * %.3f + %.3f * (log(%d) = %.3f)\n", "m" + i, j, value, result.getId(), c1, result.getScore(), c2, rank, Math.log(rank)); } scoreMap.adjustValue(result.getId(), value); } } // interpolate scores for unknown ids double value = c1 * mostSimilarInterpolator.getInterpolatedScore(i/2) + c2 * Math.log(mostSimilarInterpolator.getInterpolatedRank(i/2)); for (int id : unknownIds.toArray()) { scoreMap.adjustValue(id, value); } i+=2; } List<SRResult> resultList = new ArrayList<SRResult>(); for (int id : scoreMap.keys()){ resultList.add(new SRResult(id,scoreMap.get(id))); } Collections.sort(resultList); Collections.reverse(resultList); int size = maxResults>resultList.size()? resultList.size() : maxResults; SRResultList result = new SRResultList(size); for (i=0; i<size;i++){ result.set(i,resultList.get(i)); } return result; } @Override public void read(String path) throws IOException { File dir = FileUtils.getFile(path, "ensemble", getName()); if (!dir.isDirectory()) { return; } try { ObjectInputStream oip = new ObjectInputStream( new FileInputStream(new File(dir, "similarityCoefficients"))); this.simlarityCoefficients = (TDoubleArrayList)oip.readObject(); oip.close(); oip = new ObjectInputStream( new FileInputStream(new File(dir, "mostSimilarCoefficients"))); this.mostSimilarCoefficients = (TDoubleArrayList)oip.readObject(); oip.close(); oip = new ObjectInputStream( new FileInputStream(new File(dir, "similarityInterpolator"))); this.similarityInterpolator = (Interpolator) oip.readObject(); oip.close(); oip = new ObjectInputStream( new FileInputStream(new File(dir, "mostSimilarInterpolator"))); this.mostSimilarInterpolator = (Interpolator) oip.readObject(); oip.close(); } catch (ClassNotFoundException e){ throw new IOException("Malformed coefficient file(s)",e); } } @Override public void write(String path) throws IOException{ File dir = FileUtils.getFile(path, "ensemble", getName()); if (!dir.isDirectory()) { dir.mkdirs(); } ObjectOutputStream oop = new ObjectOutputStream( new FileOutputStream(new File(dir, "similarityCoefficients"))); oop.writeObject(simlarityCoefficients); oop.flush(); oop.close(); oop = new ObjectOutputStream( new FileOutputStream(new File(dir, "mostSimilarCoefficients"))); oop.writeObject(mostSimilarCoefficients); oop.flush(); oop.close(); oop = new ObjectOutputStream( new FileOutputStream(new File(dir, "similarityInterpolator"))); oop.writeObject(similarityInterpolator); oop.flush(); oop.close(); oop = new ObjectOutputStream( new FileOutputStream(new File(dir, "mostSimilarInterpolator"))); oop.writeObject(mostSimilarInterpolator); oop.flush(); oop.close(); } }