package org.wikibrain.matrix; import gnu.trove.set.hash.TIntHashSet; import; import; import java.util.*; public class TestUtils { /** /** * Creates a new random matrix with nRows rows. * Each row has a random length chosen uniformly from 0 to maxRowLen. * If sameIds is true, the column ids are chosen from the row ids. * @param nRows * @param maxRowLen * @param sameIds * @return */ public static List<SparseMatrixRow> createSparseTestMatrixRows(int nRows, int maxRowLen, boolean sameIds) throws IOException { return createSparseTestMatrixRowsInternal(nRows, maxRowLen, sameIds, null); } public static List<DenseMatrixRow> createDenseTestMatrixRows(int nRows, int numCols) throws IOException { return createDenseTestMatrixRowsInternal(nRows, numCols, null); } /** * Creates a new random matrix with nRows rows. * Each row has a random length chosen uniformly from 0 to maxRowLen. * If sameIds is true, the column ids are chosen from the row ids. * @param nRows * @param maxRowLen * @param sameIds * @return */ public static SparseMatrix createSparseTestMatrix(int nRows, int maxRowLen, boolean sameIds) throws IOException { File tmpFile = File.createTempFile("matrix", null); tmpFile.deleteOnExit(); SparseMatrixWriter writer = new SparseMatrixWriter(tmpFile, new ValueConf()); createSparseTestMatrixRowsInternal(nRows, maxRowLen, sameIds, writer); writer.finish(); return new SparseMatrix(tmpFile); } /* public static DenseMatrix createDenseTestMatrix(int nRows, int numCols) throws IOException { return createDenseTestMatrix(nRows, numCols, SparseMatrix.DEFAULT_LOAD_ALL_PAGES, SparseMatrix.DEFAULT_MAX_PAGE_SIZE); } public static DenseMatrix createDenseTestMatrix(int nRows, int numCols, boolean readAllRows, int pageSize) throws IOException { File tmpFile = File.createTempFile("matrix", null); tmpFile.deleteOnExit(); DenseMatrixWriter writer = new DenseMatrixWriter(tmpFile, new ValueConf()); createDenseTestMatrixRowsInternal(nRows, numCols, writer); writer.finish(); return new DenseMatrix(tmpFile, readAllRows, pageSize); } */ /** * Either writes or returns the sparse matrix rows depending on whether the writer is passed. * @param nRows * @param maxRowLen * @param sameIds * @param writer * @return if writer == null the list of rows, else null */ private static List<SparseMatrixRow> createSparseTestMatrixRowsInternal( int nRows, int maxRowLen, boolean sameIds, SparseMatrixWriter writer) throws IOException { Random random = new Random(); List<SparseMatrixRow> rows = new ArrayList<SparseMatrixRow>(); int rowIds[] = pickIds(nRows, nRows * 2); for (int id1 : rowIds) { LinkedHashMap<Integer, Float> data = new LinkedHashMap<Integer, Float>(); int numCols = Math.max(1, random.nextInt(maxRowLen)); int colIds[] = sameIds ? pickIdsFrom(rowIds, numCols) : pickIds(numCols, maxRowLen * 2); for (int id2 : colIds) { data.put(id2, random.nextFloat()); } SparseMatrixRow row = new SparseMatrixRow(new ValueConf(), id1, data); if (writer == null) { rows.add(row); } else { writer.writeRow(row); } } return (writer == null) ? rows : null; } /** * Either writes or returns the sparse matrix rows depending on whether the writer is passed. * @param nRows * @param numCols * @param writer * @return if writer == null the list of rows, else null */ private static List<DenseMatrixRow> createDenseTestMatrixRowsInternal( int nRows, int numCols, DenseMatrixWriter writer) throws IOException { Random random = new Random(); List<DenseMatrixRow> rows = new ArrayList<DenseMatrixRow>(); int rowIds[] = pickIds(nRows, nRows * 2); int colIds[] = pickIds(numCols, numCols * 2); Arrays.sort(colIds); for (int id1 : rowIds) { LinkedHashMap<Integer, Float> data = new LinkedHashMap<Integer, Float>(); for (int id2 : colIds) { data.put(id2, random.nextFloat()); } DenseMatrixRow row = new DenseMatrixRow(new ValueConf(), id1, data); if (writer == null) { rows.add(row); } else { writer.writeRow(row); } } return (writer == null) ? rows : null; } /** * Returns a set of n unique ids from 1 through maxId in random order. * @param n * @param maxId * @return */ public static int[] pickIds(int n, int maxId) { assert(n < maxId); Random random = new Random(); TIntHashSet picked = new TIntHashSet(); for (int i = 0; i < n; i++) { while (true) { int id = random.nextInt(maxId - 1) + 1; if (!picked.contains(id)) { picked.add(id); break; } } } return picked.toArray(); } /** * Selects n random unique ids from the array of ids. * @param ids * @param n * @return */ public static int[] pickIdsFrom(int ids[], int n) { assert(ids.length >= n); Random random = new Random(); TIntHashSet picked = new TIntHashSet(); for (int i = 0; i < n; i++) { while (true) { int id = ids[random.nextInt(ids.length)]; if (!picked.contains(id)) { picked.add(id); break; } } } return picked.toArray(); } }