package org.wikibrain.phrases; import; import org.wikibrain.core.dao.DaoException; import org.wikibrain.core.dao.LocalPageDao; import org.wikibrain.core.lang.Language; import org.wikibrain.core.lang.LanguageSet; import org.wikibrain.core.lang.LocalId; import org.wikibrain.core.lang.StringNormalizer; import org.wikibrain.core.model.LocalPage; import org.wikibrain.core.model.Title; import org.wikibrain.utils.WpIOUtils; import*; import java.nio.charset.Charset; import java.text.DecimalFormat; import java.util.*; import org.slf4j.Logger; import org.slf4j.LoggerFactory; /** * Base implementation of a phrase analyzer. * Concrete implementations extending this class need only implement a getCorpus() method. */ public abstract class BasePhraseAnalyzer implements PhraseAnalyzer { private static final Logger LOG = LoggerFactory.getLogger(PhraseAnalyzer.class); /** * An entry in the phrase corpus. * Some implementations may have a local id. * Others will only have a title. */ public static class Entry { Language language; int localId = -1; String title = null; String phrase; int count; public Entry(Language language, int localId, String phrase, int count) { this.language = language; this.localId = localId; this.phrase = phrase; this.count = count; } public Entry(Language language, String title, String phrase, int count) { this.language = language; this.title = title; this.phrase = phrase; this.count = count; } } private final PrunedCounts.Pruner<String> phrasePruner; private final PrunedCounts.Pruner<Integer> pagePruner; private final StringNormalizer normalizer; protected final PhraseAnalyzerDao phraseDao; protected final LocalPageDao pageDao; public BasePhraseAnalyzer(PhraseAnalyzerDao phraseDao, LocalPageDao pageDao, PrunedCounts.Pruner<String> phrasePruner, PrunedCounts.Pruner<Integer> pagePruner) { this.phrasePruner = phrasePruner; this.pagePruner = pagePruner; this.phraseDao = phraseDao; this.pageDao = pageDao; this.normalizer = phraseDao.getStringNormalizer(); } /** * Concrete implementations must override this method to determine what phrases * are stored. * * @return * @throws IOException * @throws DaoException */ protected abstract Iterable<Entry> getCorpus(LanguageSet langs) throws IOException, DaoException; /** * Loads a specific corpus into the dao. * * @throws DaoException * @throws IOException */ @Override public int loadCorpus(LanguageSet langs) throws DaoException, IOException { // create temp files for storing corpus entries by phrase and local id. // these will ultimately be sorted to group together records with the same phrase / id. File byWpIdFile = File.createTempFile("wp_phrases_by_id", "txt"); byWpIdFile.deleteOnExit(); BufferedWriter byWpId = WpIOUtils.openWriter(byWpIdFile); File byPhraseFile = File.createTempFile("wp_phrases_by_phrase", "txt"); byPhraseFile.deleteOnExit(); BufferedWriter byPhrase = WpIOUtils.openWriter(byPhraseFile); // Iterate over each entry in the corpus. // Throws away entries in languages we don't care about. // Resolve titles to ids if necessary. // Write entries to the by phrase / id files. long numEntries = 0; long numEntriesRetained = 0; for (Entry e : getCorpus(langs)) { if (++numEntries % 1000000 == 0) { double p = 100.0 * numEntriesRetained / numEntries;"processing entry: " + numEntries + ", retained " + numEntriesRetained + "(" + new DecimalFormat("#.#").format(p) + "%)"); } if (!langs.containsLanguage(e.language)) { continue; } if (e.phrase == null || e.phrase.trim().isEmpty()) { continue; } if (e.title != null && e.localId < 0) { int localId = pageDao.getIdByTitle(new Title(e.title, e.language)); e.localId = (localId <= 0) ? -1 : localId; } if (e.localId < 0) { continue; } numEntriesRetained++; e.phrase = e.phrase.replace("\n", " ").replace("\t", " "); // phrase is last because it may contain tabs. String line = e.language.getLangCode() + "\t" + e.localId + "\t" + e.count + "\t" + e.phrase + "\n"; byPhrase.write(e.language.getLangCode() + ":" + normalize(e.language, e.phrase) + "\t" + line); byWpId.write(e.language.getLangCode() + ":" + e.localId + "\t" + line); } byWpId.close(); byPhrase.close(); // sort phrases by phrase / id and load them sortInPlace(byWpIdFile); loadFromFile(RecordType.PAGES, byWpIdFile, phrasePruner); sortInPlace(byPhraseFile); loadFromFile(RecordType.PHRASES, byPhraseFile, pagePruner); phraseDao.close(); return (int) Math.min(Integer.MAX_VALUE, numEntriesRetained); } /** * Uses the string's normalizer, but replaces adjacent whitespace white a single space * @param lang * @param text * @return */ private String normalize(Language lang, String text) { return normalizer.normalize(lang, text).replaceAll("\\s+", " "); } private static enum RecordType { PAGES, PHRASES } protected void loadFromFile(RecordType ltype, File input, PrunedCounts.Pruner pruner) throws IOException, DaoException { BufferedReader reader = WpIOUtils.openBufferedReader(input); String lastKey = null; int maxBufferSize = 1000; List<Entry> buffer = new ArrayList<Entry>(); while (true) { String line = reader.readLine(); if (line == null) { break; } String tokens[] = line.split("\t", 5); if (tokens.length != 5) { LOG.warn("invalid line in file " + input + ": " + line); continue; } // if new id, write out buffer and clear it if (lastKey != null && !tokens[0].equals(lastKey)) { if (ltype == RecordType.PAGES) { writePage(buffer, pruner); } else { writePhrase(buffer, pruner); } buffer.clear(); } Entry e = new Entry( Language.getByLangCode(tokens[1]), new Integer(tokens[2]), tokens[4], new Integer(tokens[3]) ); buffer.add(e); if (buffer.size() > maxBufferSize * 3 / 2) { LOG.warn("large buffer observed: " + buffer.size() + " for string " + lastKey); maxBufferSize = buffer.size(); } lastKey = tokens[0]; } if (ltype == RecordType.PAGES) { writePage(buffer, pruner); } else { writePhrase(buffer, pruner); } } protected void writePage(List<Entry> pageCounts, PrunedCounts.Pruner pruner) throws DaoException { if (pageCounts.isEmpty()) { return; } Language lang = pageCounts.get(0).language; int wpId = pageCounts.get(0).localId; Map<String, Integer> counts = new HashMap<String, Integer>(); for (Entry e : pageCounts) { if (e.localId != wpId) throw new IllegalStateException(); if (e.language != lang) throw new IllegalStateException(); if (counts.containsKey(e.phrase)) { counts.put(e.phrase, counts.get(e.phrase) + e.count); } else { counts.put(e.phrase, e.count); } } PrunedCounts<String> pruned = pruner.prune(counts); if (pruned != null) { phraseDao.savePageCounts(lang, wpId, pruned); } } protected void writePhrase(List<Entry> pageCounts, PrunedCounts.Pruner pruner) throws DaoException { if (pageCounts.isEmpty()) { return; } Language lang = pageCounts.get(0).language; String phrase = normalize(lang, pageCounts.get(0).phrase); Map<Integer, Integer> counts = new HashMap<Integer, Integer>(); for (Entry e : pageCounts) { if (!normalize(lang, e.phrase).equals(phrase)) { LOG.warn("disagreement between phrases " + phrase + " and " + e.phrase); } if (e.language != lang) { LOG.warn("disagreement between languages " + lang+ " and " + e.language); } if (counts.containsKey(e.localId)) { counts.put(e.localId, counts.get(e.localId) + e.count); } else { counts.put(e.localId, e.count); } } PrunedCounts<Integer> pruned = pruner.prune(counts); if (pruned != null) { phraseDao.savePhraseCounts(lang, phrase, pruned); } } private void sortInPlace(File file) throws IOException { int maxFiles = Math.max(100, (int) (file.length() / (Runtime.getRuntime().maxMemory() / 20)));"sorting " + file + " using max of " + maxFiles); Comparator<String> comparator = new Comparator<String>() { public int compare(String r1, String r2){ return r1.compareTo(r2);}}; List<File> l = ExternalSort.sortInBatch(file, comparator, maxFiles, Charset.forName("utf-8"), null, false);"merging " + file); ExternalSort.mergeSortedFiles(l, file, comparator, Charset.forName("utf-8"));"finished sorting" + file); } @Override public LinkedHashMap<String, Float> describe(Language language, LocalPage page, int maxPhrases) throws DaoException { LinkedHashMap<String, Float> result = new LinkedHashMap<String, Float>(); PrunedCounts<String> counts = phraseDao.getPageCounts(language, page.getLocalId(), maxPhrases); if (counts == null) { return null; } for (String phrase : counts.keySet()) { result.put(phrase, (float)1.0 * counts.get(phrase) / counts.getTotal()); if (result.size() >= maxPhrases) { break; } } return result; } @Override public LinkedHashMap<LocalId, Float> resolve(Language language, String phrase, int maxPages) throws DaoException { LinkedHashMap<LocalId, Float> result = new LinkedHashMap<LocalId, Float>(); PrunedCounts<Integer> counts = phraseDao.getPhraseCounts(language, phrase, maxPages); if (counts == null) { return null; } for (Integer wpId : counts.keySet()) { result.put(new LocalId(language, wpId), (float)1.0 * counts.get(wpId) / counts.getTotal()); if (result.size() >= maxPages) { break; } } return result; } public PhraseAnalyzerDao getDao() { return phraseDao; } }