package de.twenty11.unitprofiler.maven.plugin; import; import java.util.Map; import java.util.Properties; import org.apache.maven.artifact.Artifact; import org.codehaus.plexus.util.StringUtils; /** * Prepares a property pointing to the unitProfiler runtime agent that can be passed as a VM argument to the application * under test. * * @phase initialize * @goal prepare-agent * @requiresProject true * @requiresDependencyResolution runtime * @threadSafe */ public class AgentMojo extends AbstractUnitProfilerMojo { private static final String AGENT_ARTIFACT_NAME = "de.twentyeleven.unitprofiler:unitprofiler.core"; private static final String SUREFIRE_ARG_LINE = "argLine"; /** * @parameter expression="${plugin.artifactMap}" * @required * @readonly */ private Map<String, Artifact> pluginArtifactMap; /** * Allows to specify property which will contains settings for UnitProfiler Agent, see default if not specified. * * @parameter expression="${jacoco.propertyName}" */ private String propertyName; @Override public void executeMojo() { String formattedString = "-javaagent:" + getAgentJarFile().getAbsolutePath(); getLog().info(formattedString); final String vmArgument = StringUtils.quoteAndEscape(formattedString, '"'); getLog().info(vmArgument); prependProperty(vmArgument); } private void prependProperty(final String vmArgument) { if (isPropertyNameSpecified()) { getLog().info("propertynamespecified"); prependProperty(propertyName, vmArgument); } else { getLog().info("propertynamespecified - Else"); prependProperty(SUREFIRE_ARG_LINE, vmArgument); } } private File getAgentJarFile() { final Artifact unitProfilerAgentJar = pluginArtifactMap.get(AGENT_ARTIFACT_NAME); return unitProfilerAgentJar.getFile(); } private boolean isPropertyNameSpecified() { return propertyName != null && !"".equals(propertyName); } private void prependProperty(final String name, final String value) { final Properties projectProperties = getProject().getProperties(); final String oldValue = projectProperties.getProperty(name); final String newValue = oldValue == null ? value : value + ' ' + oldValue; getLog().info(name + " set to " + newValue); projectProperties.put(name, newValue); } }