package de.twenty11.unitprofile.callback; import java.util.ArrayDeque; import java.util.ArrayList; import java.util.List; import org.slf4j.Logger; import org.slf4j.LoggerFactory; import de.twenty11.unitprofile.agent.Agent; import de.twenty11.unitprofile.domain.MethodDescriptor; import de.twenty11.unitprofile.domain.MethodInvocation; import de.twenty11.unitprofile.output.OutputGenerator; /** * the class called from the instrumented methods. * */ public class ProfilerCallback { private static final Logger logger = LoggerFactory.getLogger(ProfilerCallback.class); /** * contains all profiling information after profiling */ private static List<MethodInvocation> invocations = new ArrayList<MethodInvocation>(); /** * a stack keeping track of the nested method calls. Starts empty and stops with the top-level (root) invocation. */ private static ArrayDeque<MethodInvocation> callstack = new ArrayDeque<MethodInvocation>(); /** * the first invocation for this profiling session. * * @param objectName * @param methodName * @return */ public static MethodInvocation start(String objectName, String methodName, int lineNumber) { bigMessage("Starting profiling... " + objectName + "#" + methodName + " (" + lineNumber + ")"); if (profiling()) { logger.error("Profiling was already started for '{}'", callstack.getFirst().getCls() + "#" + callstack.getFirst().getMethod()); throw new IllegalStateException(); } MethodDescriptor methodDescriptor = new MethodDescriptor(objectName, methodName, lineNumber); MethodInvocation rootInvocation = new MethodInvocation(methodDescriptor); invocations.add(rootInvocation); callstack.add(rootInvocation); Agent.setRootInvocation(rootInvocation); return rootInvocation; } public static void stop(String objectName, String methodName) { bigMessage("Profiling... done."); long now = System.currentTimeMillis(); invocations.get(invocations.size() - 1).setEnd(now); MethodInvocation last = callstack.pollLast();"Calculating data..."); last.calc();"Profiling output:\n");;"Creating files..."); new OutputGenerator().renderFromBootstrapTemplate(last); new OutputGenerator().renderDebugInfo();"Instrumentation execution... done."); } public static void before(String objectName, String methodName, int lineNumber) { // , int depth) { if (!profiling()) { return; } handleInvocation(objectName, methodName, lineNumber); } public static void after(String objectName, String methodName) { if (!profiling()) { return; } long now = System.currentTimeMillis(); MethodInvocation pollLast = callstack.pollLast(); pollLast.setEnd(now); } public static boolean profiling() { return callstack.size() > 0; } public static List<MethodInvocation> getInvocations() { return invocations; } private static void handleInvocation(String objectName, String methodName, int lineNumber) { MethodInvocation existingInvocation = getInvocation(callstack.peekLast(), objectName, methodName); if (existingInvocation != null) { // logger.debug("invocation '{}' exists, incrementing count", existingInvocation); existingInvocation.increment(); callstack.add(existingInvocation); return; } MethodDescriptor methodDescriptor = new MethodDescriptor(objectName, methodName, lineNumber); MethodInvocation invocation = new MethodInvocation(callstack.peekLast(), methodDescriptor); //"invocation of '{}'", invocation); invocations.add(invocation); callstack.add(invocation); } private static MethodInvocation getInvocation(MethodInvocation peekLast, String objectName, String methodName) { for (MethodInvocation invocation : invocations) { if (invocation.getParent() == null && peekLast != null) { continue; } if (invocation.getParent().equals(peekLast) && invocation.getCls().equals(objectName) && invocation.getMethod().equals(methodName)) { return invocation; } } return null; } private static void bigMessage(String msg) {"");"=====================");;"=====================");""); } }