package de.twenty11.unitprofile.agent; import java.lang.instrument.Instrumentation; import java.util.List; import org.slf4j.Logger; import org.slf4j.LoggerFactory; import de.twenty11.unitprofile.domain.MethodInvocation; import de.twenty11.unitprofiler.annotations.Profile; /** * A javaagent providing a premain method which adds the {@link ProfilingClassFileTransformer} to the provided * {@link Instrumentation} class. * * The {@link ProfilingClassFileTransformer} will search for {@link Profile}-annotated test methods and will add * profiling instrumentation to all the code "below" that methods. * * The whole process is done in a couple of steps: * * 1) Instrumentation: see {@link ProfilingClassFileTransformer} * * 2) Profiling: see {@link ProfilingCallback} * * 3) Calculation * * 4) Output Rendering * */ public class Agent { private static final Logger logger = LoggerFactory.getLogger(Agent.class); private static ProfilingClassFileTransformer transformer; private static MethodInvocation rootInvocation; public static void premain(String agentArgs, Instrumentation inst) {"Starting instrumentation for profiling..."); transformer = new ProfilingClassFileTransformer(inst); if (inst.isRetransformClassesSupported()) { inst.addTransformer(transformer, true); } else { logger.warn("Retransformation is not supported be the current JVM..."); logger.warn("No profiling will be performed by unitprofiler."); } } public static List<de.twenty11.unitprofile.domain.MethodDescriptor> getInstrumentations() { return transformer.getInstrumentations(); } public static void setRootInvocation(MethodInvocation rootInvocation) { Agent.rootInvocation = rootInvocation; } public static MethodInvocation getRootInvocation() { return rootInvocation; } }