package; import com.itextpdf.text.DocumentException; import gutenberg.itext.Emitter; import gutenberg.itext.ITextContext; import gutenberg.itext.PostProcessor; import gutenberg.itext.SimpleEmitter; import; import org.slf4j.Logger; import org.slf4j.LoggerFactory; import tzatziki.analysis.exec.model.FeatureExec; import; import; import tzatziki.analysis.tag.TagDictionary; import tzatziki.pdf.Settings; import; import; /** * @author <a href="">@aloyer</a> */ public class PdfReport { private Logger log = LoggerFactory.getLogger(PdfReport.class); private final Configuration configuration; private ITextContext iTextContext; private File outputDst, outputTmp; public PdfReport(Configuration configuration) { this.configuration = configuration; } public void startReport(File output) throws FileNotFoundException, DocumentException { this.outputDst = output; this.outputTmp = new File(output.getAbsolutePath() + "~"); this.iTextContext = new ITextContextBuilder() .usingDocumentMargin(configuration.getDocumentMargin()) .build(); configuration.configureContext(iTextContext);; } public ITextContext iTextContext() { if (iTextContext == null) throw new IllegalStateException("Context is only available once the report is started"); return iTextContext; } public <T> void emit(T value) { iTextContext.emit(value); } public void emit(SimpleEmitter emitter) { emitter.emit(iTextContext); } public <T> void emit(Emitter<T> emitter, T arg) { emitter.emit(arg, iTextContext); } public void emit(FeatureExec featureExec) { iTextContext.emitterFor(FeatureExec.class).emit(featureExec, iTextContext); } public void emit(Grammar grammar) { iTextContext.emitterFor(Grammar.class).emit(grammar, iTextContext); } public void emit(TagDictionary tagDictionary) { iTextContext.emitterFor(TagDictionary.class).emit(tagDictionary, iTextContext); } public void emit(TagView tagView) { iTextContext.emitterFor(TagView.class).emit(tagView, iTextContext); } /** * Indicates content start. * This usually change the page numbering, and indicates the position of the Table of Contents. */ public void startContent() { iTextContext.pageNumber().startMainMatter(); } public void endReport(PostProcessor... postProcessors) { iTextContext.close(); File tmp = outputTmp; for (int i = 0; i < postProcessors.length; i++) { PostProcessor postProcessor = postProcessors[i]; File tmp2 = new File(outputTmp.getAbsolutePath() + i); postProcessor.postProcess(iTextContext, tmp, tmp2); tmp = tmp2; } if (!tmp.renameTo(outputDst)) log.warn("Fail to rename generated file {}", tmp); } public void newPage() { iTextContext().getDocument().newPage(); } }