package; import org.junit.Test; import static org.assertj.core.api.Assertions.assertThat; /** * @author <a href="">@aloyer</a> */ public class HumanReadableRegexTest { @Test public void should_discard_start_operator() { String pattern = "^I order something"; HumanReadableRegex regex = new HumanReadableRegex(pattern); assertThat(regex.humanReadable()).isEqualTo("I order something"); } @Test public void should_discard_end_operator() { String pattern = "I order something$"; HumanReadableRegex regex = new HumanReadableRegex(pattern); assertThat(regex.humanReadable()).isEqualTo("I order something"); } @Test public void should_surround_optional_character_with_parenthesis() { String pattern = "I order an? object"; HumanReadableRegex regex = new HumanReadableRegex(pattern); assertThat(regex.humanReadable()).isEqualTo("I order a(n) object"); } @Test public void should_replace_any_matcher() { String pattern = "I order (.*)"; HumanReadableRegex regex = new HumanReadableRegex(pattern); assertThat(regex.humanReadable()).isEqualTo("I order <anything>"); } @Test public void should_replace_digit_matcher() { String pattern = "I order (\\d+)"; HumanReadableRegex regex = new HumanReadableRegex(pattern); assertThat(regex.humanReadable()).isEqualTo("I order <integer>"); } @Test public void should_replace_decimal_digit_matcher() { String pattern = "I order (\\d+|\\d*\\.\\d+)"; HumanReadableRegex regex = new HumanReadableRegex(pattern); assertThat(regex.humanReadable()).isEqualTo("I order <decimal>"); } @Test public void should_replace_any_non_double_quote() { String pattern = "I order ([^\"]*)"; HumanReadableRegex regex = new HumanReadableRegex(pattern); assertThat(regex.humanReadable()).isEqualTo("I order <anything>"); } @Test public void should_replace_anything_and_number_and_startAndEnd_operator() { String pattern = "^I order an? \"([^\"]*)\" with (\\d+) sugars?$"; HumanReadableRegex regex = new HumanReadableRegex(pattern); assertThat(regex.humanReadable()).isEqualTo("I order a(n) \"<anything>\" with <integer> sugar(s)"); } }