package tzatziki.analysis.exec.model; import; import; import; import; import; import; import java.util.List; import static tzatziki.analysis.exec.model.ResultExec.*; /** * @author <a href="">@aloyer</a> */ public class StepExec extends EmbeddingAndWriteContainer { public static Function<StepExec, ResultExec> stepResultLens = new Function<StepExec, ResultExec>() { @Override public ResultExec apply(StepExec step) { return step.resultExec; } }; public static Predicate<StepExec> statusPassed = Predicates.compose(resultPassed, stepResultLens); public static Predicate<StepExec> statusPending = Predicates.compose(resultPending, stepResultLens); public static Predicate<StepExec> statusFailed = Predicates.compose(resultFailed, stepResultLens); public static Predicate<StepExec> statusSkipped = Predicates.compose(resultSkipped, stepResultLens); public static Predicate<StepExec> statusUndefined = Predicates.compose(resultUndefined, stepResultLens); private final String keyword; private final String name; private ResultExec resultExec; private MatchExec matchExec; private List<String> comments = Lists.newArrayList(); private String docString; private DataTable dataTable; public StepExec(String keyword, String name) { this.keyword = keyword; = name; } public String keyword() { return keyword; } public String name() { return name; } public StepExec declareDocString(String docString) { this.docString = docString; return this; } public String docString() { return docString; } public boolean hasDocString() { return docString != null; } public StepExec declareTable(DataTable dataTable) { this.dataTable = dataTable; return this; } public DataTable table() { return dataTable; } public boolean hasTable() { return dataTable != null && !dataTable.isEmpty(); } public ResultExec result() { return resultExec; } public StepExec declareResult(ResultExec resultExec) { if (this.resultExec != null) throw new IllegalStateException("Result already assigned"); this.resultExec = resultExec; return this; } public StepExec declareMatch(MatchExec matchExec) { if (this.matchExec != null) throw new IllegalStateException("Match already assigned"); this.matchExec = matchExec; return this; } public StepExec declareComments(List<String> comments) { this.comments.addAll(comments); return this; } public FluentIterable<String> comments() { return FluentIterable.from(comments); } public boolean isMatching() { return matchExec != null && !Strings.isNullOrEmpty(matchExec.getLocation()); } @Override public String toString() { return "StepExec{" + keyword + "'" + name + "'}"; } public StepExec recursiveCopy() { StepExec copy = new StepExec(keyword, name); // in case of outline result and match are nulls copy.resultExec = resultExec != null ? resultExec.recursiveCopy() : null; copy.matchExec = matchExec != null ? matchExec.recursiveCopy() : null; copy.comments.addAll(comments); copy.docString = docString; copy.dataTable = dataTable; // clone? super.recursiveCopy(copy); return copy; } public static class Tok { public final String value; public final boolean param; public Tok(String value, boolean param) { this.value = value; this.param = param; } } public List<Tok> tokenizeBody() { String full = name(); int lastIndex = 0; List<Tok> toks = Lists.newArrayList(); for (MatchExec.Arg arg : matchExec.getArgs()) { if (arg.getOffset() > lastIndex) { toks.add(new Tok(full.substring(lastIndex, arg.getOffset()), false)); } toks.add(new Tok(arg.getVal(), true)); lastIndex = arg.getOffset() + arg.getVal().length(); } if (lastIndex < full.length()) toks.add(new Tok(full.substring(lastIndex), false)); return toks; } }