/******************************************************************************* * Copyright (c) 2010 Oak Ridge National Laboratory. * All rights reserved. This program and the accompanying materials * are made available under the terms of the Eclipse Public License v1.0 * which accompanies this distribution, and is available at * http://www.eclipse.org/legal/epl-v10.html ******************************************************************************/ package org.csstudio.swt.xygraph.figures; import org.csstudio.swt.xygraph.Preferences; import org.csstudio.swt.xygraph.dataprovider.IDataProvider; import org.csstudio.swt.xygraph.dataprovider.IDataProviderListener; import org.csstudio.swt.xygraph.dataprovider.ISample; import org.csstudio.swt.xygraph.linearscale.Range; import org.csstudio.swt.xygraph.undo.MovingAnnotationCommand; import org.csstudio.swt.xygraph.undo.MovingAnnotationLabelCommand; import org.eclipse.draw2d.Cursors; import org.eclipse.draw2d.Figure; import org.eclipse.draw2d.Graphics; import org.eclipse.draw2d.InputEvent; import org.eclipse.draw2d.Label; import org.eclipse.draw2d.MouseEvent; import org.eclipse.draw2d.MouseListener; import org.eclipse.draw2d.MouseMotionListener; import org.eclipse.draw2d.geometry.Dimension; import org.eclipse.draw2d.geometry.Point; import org.eclipse.draw2d.geometry.Rectangle; import org.eclipse.swt.SWT; import org.eclipse.swt.graphics.Color; import org.eclipse.swt.graphics.Font; import org.eclipse.swt.graphics.FontData; import org.eclipse.swt.graphics.RGB; /** * Annotation Figure. Annotation could be used to indicate the information for a particular * point. * @author Xihui Chen * */ public class Annotation extends Figure implements IAxisListener, IDataProviderListener { /** The way how the cursor line will be drawn. */ /** * @author Xihui Chen * */ public enum CursorLineStyle { NONE(0, "None"), UP_DOWN(1, "Up&Down"), LEFT_RIGHT(2, "Left&Right"), FOUR_DIRECTIONS(3, "Four Directions"); private CursorLineStyle(int index, String description) { this.index = index; this.description = description; } private int index; private String description; @Override public String toString() { return description; } public static String[] stringValues(){ String[] sv = new String[values().length]; int i=0; for(CursorLineStyle p : values()) sv[i++] = p.toString(); return sv; } /** * @return the index */ public int getIndex() { return index; } } private Axis xAxis; private Axis yAxis; private String name; private FontData fontData; private CursorLineStyle cursorLineStyle = CursorLineStyle.NONE; private Point currentPosition; private double xValue; private double yValue; private Trace trace; private ISample currentSnappedSample; private boolean showName = true; private boolean showSampleInfo = true; private boolean showPosition = true; private Color annotationColor = null; private RGB annotationColorRGB = null; private Label infoLabel; //label's relative position to currentPosition private double dx = 40; private double dy = -40; //label's relative center position to currentPosition private double x0, y0; private boolean knowX0Y0 = false; private boolean infoLabelArmed = false; private Pointer pointer; private XYGraph xyGraph; private final static int POINT_SIZE = 6; private final static int CURSOR_LINE_LENGTH = 3; private final static int ARROW_LINE_LENGTH = 12; private boolean pointerDragged; /**Construct an annotation on a trace. * @param name the name of the annotation. * @param trace the trace which the annotation will snap to. */ public Annotation(String name, Trace trace) { this(name, trace.getXAxis(), trace.getYAxis()); this.trace = trace; trace.getDataProvider().addDataProviderListener(this); } /**Construct a free annotation. * @param xAxis the xAxis of the annotation. * @param yAxis the yAxis of the annotation. * @param name the name of the annotation. */ public Annotation(String name, Axis xAxis, Axis yAxis) { this.xAxis = xAxis; this.yAxis = yAxis; this.name = name; trace = null; infoLabel = new Label(); infoLabel.setOpaque(false); infoLabel.setCursor(Cursors.SIZEALL); add(infoLabel); InfoLabelDragger infoLabelDragger = new InfoLabelDragger(); infoLabel.addMouseMotionListener(infoLabelDragger); infoLabel.addMouseListener(infoLabelDragger); pointer = new Pointer(); add(pointer); updateToDefaultPosition(); xAxis.addListener(this); yAxis.addListener(this); } @Override public boolean containsPoint(int x, int y) { return infoLabel.containsPoint(x, y) || pointer.containsPoint(x,y); } @Override protected void paintFigure(Graphics graphics) { super.paintFigure(graphics); if(trace != null && currentSnappedSample == null &&!pointerDragged) updateToDefaultPosition(); if (Preferences.useAdvancedGraphics()) graphics.setAntialias(SWT.ON); Color tempColor; if(annotationColor == null){ tempColor = yAxis.getForegroundColor(); }else tempColor = annotationColor; infoLabel.setForegroundColor(tempColor); pointer.setForegroundColor(tempColor); graphics.setForegroundColor(tempColor); Dimension size = infoLabel.getPreferredSize(); updateX0Y0Fromdxdy(size); //System.out.println(x0 +": " +y0 + " "); Rectangle infoBounds = new Rectangle((int) (currentPosition.x + x0 - size.width/2.0), (int) (currentPosition.y +y0 - size.height/2.0), size.width, size.height); infoLabel.setBounds(infoBounds); pointer.setBounds(new Rectangle(currentPosition.x - POINT_SIZE, currentPosition.y - POINT_SIZE, 2*POINT_SIZE, 2*POINT_SIZE)); if(infoLabelArmed) //draw infoLabel Armed rect graphics.drawRectangle(infoBounds); //draw indicate line graphics.drawLine(currentPosition.x + (int)dx, currentPosition.y + (int)dy, currentPosition.x, currentPosition.y); //draw Arrow int x1 = (int) (ARROW_LINE_LENGTH*Math.cos(Math.atan(-dy/dx)-Math.PI/9)); int y1 = (int) (ARROW_LINE_LENGTH*Math.sin(Math.atan(-dy/dx)-Math.PI/9)); if(dx <0){ x1 = -x1; y1 = -y1; } graphics.drawLine(currentPosition.x + x1, currentPosition.y - y1, currentPosition.x, currentPosition.y); x1 = (int) (ARROW_LINE_LENGTH*Math.cos(Math.atan(-dy/dx)+Math.PI/9)); y1 = (int) (ARROW_LINE_LENGTH*Math.sin(Math.atan(-dy/dx)+Math.PI/9)); if(dx <0){ x1 = -x1; y1 = -y1; } graphics.drawLine(currentPosition.x + x1, currentPosition.y - y1, currentPosition.x, currentPosition.y); //draw Cursor Line switch (cursorLineStyle) { case NONE: //left graphics.drawLine(currentPosition.x - POINT_SIZE/2, currentPosition.y, currentPosition.x - POINT_SIZE/2 - CURSOR_LINE_LENGTH, currentPosition.y); //right graphics.drawLine(currentPosition.x + POINT_SIZE/2, currentPosition.y, currentPosition.x + POINT_SIZE/2 + CURSOR_LINE_LENGTH, currentPosition.y); //up graphics.drawLine(currentPosition.x , currentPosition.y - POINT_SIZE/2, currentPosition.x, currentPosition.y - POINT_SIZE/2 - CURSOR_LINE_LENGTH); //down graphics.drawLine(currentPosition.x , currentPosition.y + POINT_SIZE/2, currentPosition.x, currentPosition.y + POINT_SIZE/2 + CURSOR_LINE_LENGTH); break; case FOUR_DIRECTIONS: case LEFT_RIGHT: //left graphics.drawLine(currentPosition.x - POINT_SIZE/2, currentPosition.y, xAxis.getValuePosition(xAxis.getRange().getLower(), false), currentPosition.y); //right graphics.drawLine(currentPosition.x + POINT_SIZE/2, currentPosition.y, xAxis.getValuePosition(xAxis.getRange().getUpper(), false), currentPosition.y); if(cursorLineStyle != CursorLineStyle.FOUR_DIRECTIONS) break; case UP_DOWN: //up graphics.drawLine(currentPosition.x , currentPosition.y - POINT_SIZE/2, currentPosition.x, yAxis.getValuePosition(yAxis.getRange().getUpper(), false)); //down graphics.drawLine(currentPosition.x , currentPosition.y + POINT_SIZE/2, currentPosition.x, yAxis.getValuePosition(yAxis.getRange().getLower(), false)); break; default: break; } } /**update (x0, y0) if it is unknown. * @param size the label size * @return */ public void updateX0Y0Fromdxdy(Dimension size) { if(!knowX0Y0){ // System.out.print(dx + ": " + dy + " " + x0 +": " +y0 + " " + size); knowX0Y0 = true; int h = size.height; int w = size.width; if(dy != 0){ //assume this is the intersection y0 = dy-h/2.0; x0 = (dx/dy)*y0; if(new Range(0, x0).inRange(dx) && new Range(0, y0).inRange(dy) && new Range(x0-w/2.0, x0 + w/2.0).inRange(dx)) return; y0 = dy+h/2.0; x0 = (dx/dy)*y0; if(new Range(0, x0).inRange(dx) && new Range(0, y0).inRange(dy) && new Range(x0-w/2.0, x0 + w/2.0).inRange(dx)) return; }else{ } if(dx!=0){ x0 = dx+w/2.0; y0 = (dy/dx)*x0; if(new Range(0, x0).inRange(dx) && new Range(0, y0).inRange(dy) && new Range(y0-h/2.0, y0+h/2.0).inRange(dy)) return; x0 = dx-w/2.0; y0 = (dy/dx)*x0; if(new Range(0, x0).inRange(dx) && new Range(0, y0).inRange(dy) && new Range(y0-h/2.0, y0+h/2.0).inRange(dy)) return; } }else return; } /**update (dx, dy) if (x0, y0) has been updated by dragging. * @param size the label size * @return */ private void updatedxdyFromX0Y0() { Dimension size = infoLabel.getPreferredSize(); int h = size.height; int w = size.width; if(y0 != 0){ dy = y0+h/2.0; dx = x0*dy/y0; if(new Range(0, x0).inRange(dx) && new Range(0, y0).inRange(dy) && new Range(x0-w/2.0, x0 + w/2.0).inRange(dx)) return; dy = y0-h/2.0; dx = x0*dy/y0; if(new Range(0, x0).inRange(dx) && new Range(0, y0).inRange(dy) && new Range(x0-w/2.0, x0 + w/2.0).inRange(dx)) return; } else dy=0; if(x0 != 0){ dx = x0-size.width/2.0; dy = y0*dx/x0; if(new Range(0, x0).inRange(dx) && new Range(0, y0).inRange(dy) && new Range(y0-h/2.0, y0+h/2.0).inRange(dy)) return; dx = x0+size.width/2.0; dy = y0*dx/x0; if(new Range(0, x0).inRange(dx) && new Range(0, y0).inRange(dy) && new Range(y0-h/2.0, y0+h/2.0).inRange(dy)) return; }else dx=0; } /** * move the annotation to the center of the plot area or trace. */ private void updateToDefaultPosition(){ if(trace != null && trace.getHotSampleList().size()>0){ currentSnappedSample = trace.getHotSampleList().get(trace.getHotSampleList().size()/2); currentPosition = new Point(xAxis.getValuePosition(currentSnappedSample.getXValue(), false), yAxis.getValuePosition(currentSnappedSample.getXValue(), false)); xValue = currentSnappedSample.getXValue(); yValue = currentSnappedSample.getYValue(); }else{ currentSnappedSample = null; if(xAxis.isLogScaleEnabled()) xValue = Math.pow(10, (Math.log10(xAxis.getRange().getLower()) + Math.log10(xAxis.getRange().getUpper()))/2); else xValue = (xAxis.getRange().getLower() + xAxis.getRange().getUpper())/2; if(yAxis.isLogScaleEnabled()) yValue = Math.pow(10, (Math.log10(yAxis.getRange().getLower()) + Math.log10(yAxis.getRange().getUpper()))/2); else yValue = (yAxis.getRange().getLower() + yAxis.getRange().getUpper())/2; currentPosition = new Point(xAxis.getValuePosition(xValue, false), yAxis.getValuePosition(yValue, false)); } updateInfoLableText(true); } /** Set the position of the annotation based on plot values * @param x Position as value on the X axis * @param y Position as value on the Y axis * @see #setCurrentPosition(Point, boolean) for setting the position based on screen coordinates */ public void setValues(final double x, final double y) { xValue = x; yValue = y; currentPosition = new Point(xAxis.getValuePosition(xValue, false), yAxis.getValuePosition(yValue, false)); updateInfoLableText(true); } /** * */ private void updateInfoLableText(boolean updateX0Y0) { String info = ""; if(showName) info = name; if(showSampleInfo && currentSnappedSample != null && !currentSnappedSample.getInfo().equals("")) info += "\n" + currentSnappedSample.getInfo(); if(showPosition) info += "\n" + "(" + xAxis.format(xValue) + ", " + (Double.isNaN(yValue) ? "NaN" : yAxis.format(yValue)) + ")"; infoLabel.setText(info); knowX0Y0 = !updateX0Y0; } private void updateInfoLableText(){ updateInfoLableText(true); } /** * @param axis the xAxis to set */ public void setXAxis(Axis axis) { if(this.xAxis == axis) return; xAxis = axis; updateToDefaultPosition(); repaint(); } /** * @param axis the yAxis to set */ public void setYAxis(Axis axis) { if(this.yAxis == axis) return; yAxis = axis; updateToDefaultPosition(); repaint(); } /** * @param name the name to set */ public void setName(String name) { this.name = name; updateInfoLableText(); } @Override public void setFont(Font f) { // TODO Auto-generated method stub super.setFont(f); if(f != null) this.fontData = getFont().getFontData()[0]; } public FontData getFontData() { return fontData; } /** * @param trace the trace to set */ public void setTrace(Trace trace) { if(this.trace == trace) return; this.xAxis = trace.getXAxis(); this.yAxis = trace.getYAxis(); if(!isFree() && this.trace != trace) this.trace.getDataProvider().removeDataProviderListener(this); if(isFree() || this.trace != trace){ this.trace = trace; updateToDefaultPosition(); } this.trace = trace; trace.getDataProvider().addDataProviderListener(this); repaint(); } /**Make the annotation free. * @param xAxis * @param yAxis */ public void setFree(Axis xAxis, Axis yAxis){ if(trace != null){ trace.getDataProvider().removeDataProviderListener(this); trace = null; updateToDefaultPosition(); } setXAxis(xAxis); setYAxis(yAxis); repaint(); } /** * @return true if the annotation is free. */ public boolean isFree(){ return trace == null; } /** * @param showName the showName to set */ public void setShowName(boolean showName) { this.showName = showName; updateInfoLableText(); } /** * @param showSampleInfo the showSampleInfo to set */ public void setShowSampleInfo(boolean showSampleInfo) { this.showSampleInfo = showSampleInfo; updateInfoLableText(); } /** * @param showPosition the showPosition to set */ public void setShowPosition(boolean showPosition) { this.showPosition = showPosition; updateInfoLableText(); } /** * @param annotationColor the annotationColor to set */ public void setAnnotationColor(Color annotationColor) { this.annotationColor = annotationColor; if(annotationColor != null) this.annotationColorRGB = annotationColor.getRGB(); infoLabel.setForegroundColor(annotationColor); pointer.setForegroundColor(annotationColor); } /** * @param annotationFont the annotationFont to set */ public void setAnnotationFont(Font annotationFont) { infoLabel.setFont(annotationFont); } /** * @param cursorLineStyle the cursorLineStyle to set */ public void setCursorLineStyle(CursorLineStyle cursorLineStyle) { this.cursorLineStyle = cursorLineStyle; } /** * @param currentPosition the currentPosition to set */ public void setCurrentPosition(Point currentPosition, boolean keepLablePosition, boolean calcValueFromPosition) { if(keepLablePosition){ int deltaX = this.currentPosition.x - currentPosition.x; int deltaY = this.currentPosition.y - currentPosition.y; //System.out.print(x0 +": " +y0 + " "); x0 +=deltaX; y0 +=deltaY; knowX0Y0 = true; updatedxdyFromX0Y0(); //System.out.println(x0 + ":" + y0 +" " + dx + ": " + dy + " " + this.currentPosition + " " +currentPosition); } this.currentPosition = currentPosition; if(calcValueFromPosition){ xValue = xAxis.getPositionValue(currentPosition.x, false); yValue = yAxis.getPositionValue(currentPosition.y, false); } updateInfoLableText(keepLablePosition); repaint(); } public void setCurrentPosition(Point currentPosition, boolean keepLablePosition){ setCurrentPosition(currentPosition, keepLablePosition, true); } /** * @param currentSnappedSample the currentSnappedSample to set * @param keepLabelPosition */ public void setCurrentSnappedSample(ISample currentSnappedSample, boolean keepLabelPosition) { if(!trace.getHotSampleList().contains(currentSnappedSample)) updateToDefaultPosition(); else{ this.currentSnappedSample = currentSnappedSample; Point newPosition = new Point(xAxis.getValuePosition(currentSnappedSample.getXValue(), false), yAxis.getValuePosition(currentSnappedSample.getYValue(), false)); xValue = currentSnappedSample.getXValue(); yValue = currentSnappedSample.getYValue(); if(Double.isNaN(currentSnappedSample.getXPlusError())) yValue = Double.NaN; setCurrentPosition(newPosition, keepLabelPosition, false); } repaint(); } public void axisRevalidated(Axis axis) { currentPosition = new Point(xAxis.getValuePosition(xValue, false), yAxis.getValuePosition(yValue, false)); updateInfoLableText(); } public void axisRangeChanged(Axis axis, Range old_range, Range new_range) { //do nothing } public void dataChanged(IDataProvider dataProvider) { if(trace == null) return; if(trace.getHotSampleList().contains(currentSnappedSample)){ if (yValue != currentSnappedSample.getYValue()) { // When waveform index is changed, Y value of the // snapped sample is also changed. In that case, // the position of this annotation must be updated // accordingly. yValue = currentSnappedSample.getYValue(); } if (xValue != currentSnappedSample.getXValue()) { xValue = currentSnappedSample.getXValue(); } currentPosition = new Point(xAxis.getValuePosition(xValue, false), yAxis.getValuePosition(yValue, false)); } else if(trace.getHotSampleList().size() > 0){ updateToDefaultPosition(); pointerDragged = false; } } /** * @param xyGraph the xyGraph to set */ public void setxyGraph(XYGraph xyGraph) { this.xyGraph = xyGraph; } public void setdxdy(double dx, double dy){ this.dx = dx; this.dy = dy; knowX0Y0 = false; repaint(); } /** * @return the xAxis */ public Axis getXAxis() { return xAxis; } /** * @return the yAxis */ public Axis getYAxis() { return yAxis; } /** * @return the name */ public String getName() { return name; } /** @return X value, i.e. value of this annotation on the X Axis */ public double getXValue() { return xValue; } /** @return Y value, i.e. value of this annotation on the Y Axis */ public double getYValue() { return yValue; } /** * @return the cursorLineStyle */ public CursorLineStyle getCursorLineStyle() { return cursorLineStyle; } /** * @return the trace */ public Trace getTrace() { return trace; } /** * @return the showName */ public boolean isShowName() { return showName; } /** * @return the showSampleInfo */ public boolean isShowSampleInfo() { return showSampleInfo; } /** * @return the showPosition */ public boolean isShowPosition() { return showPosition; } /** * @return the annotationColor */ public Color getAnnotationColor() { return annotationColor; } class InfoLabelDragger extends MouseMotionListener.Stub implements MouseListener{ private MovingAnnotationLabelCommand command; @Override public void mouseDragged(MouseEvent me) { x0 = me.getLocation().x - currentPosition.x; y0 = me.getLocation().y - currentPosition.y; knowX0Y0 = true; updatedxdyFromX0Y0(); Annotation.this.repaint(); me.consume(); } public void mouseDoubleClicked(MouseEvent me) {} public void mousePressed(MouseEvent me) { command = new MovingAnnotationLabelCommand(Annotation.this); command.setBeforeMovingDxDy(dx, dy); infoLabelArmed = true; Annotation.this.repaint(); me.consume(); //it must be consumed to make dragging smoothly. } public void mouseReleased(MouseEvent me) { command.setAfterMovingDxDy(dx, dy); xyGraph.getOperationsManager().addCommand(command); infoLabelArmed = false; Annotation.this.repaint(); me.consume(); } } class Pointer extends Figure{ class PointerDragger extends MouseMotionListener.Stub implements MouseListener{ private MovingAnnotationCommand command; @Override public void mouseDragged(MouseEvent me) { //System.out.println("Annotation.Pointer.PointerDragger.mouseDragged()"); //free if(trace == null){ setCurrentPosition(me.getLocation(), me.getState() == (InputEvent.BUTTON1 | InputEvent.CONTROL)); }else{ //snap to trace //double tempX = xAxis.getPositionValue(me.getLocation().x, false); //double tempY = yAxis.getPositionValue(me.getLocation().y, false); ISample tempSample = null; double minD = Double.POSITIVE_INFINITY; double d; for(ISample s : trace.getHotSampleList()){ d = Math.sqrt(Math.pow( xAxis.getValuePosition(s.getXValue(), false) - me.getLocation().x, 2) + Math.pow(yAxis.getValuePosition(s.getYValue(), false) - me.getLocation().y, 2)); if(minD > d){ minD = d; tempSample = s; } } if(tempSample != null && currentSnappedSample != tempSample) setCurrentSnappedSample(tempSample, me.getState() == (InputEvent.BUTTON1 | InputEvent.CONTROL)); else if(tempSample == null){ setCurrentPosition(me.getLocation(), me.getState() == (InputEvent.BUTTON1 | InputEvent.CONTROL)); pointerDragged = true; } } me.consume(); } public void mouseDoubleClicked(MouseEvent me) {} public void mousePressed(MouseEvent me) { command = new MovingAnnotationCommand(Annotation.this); if(isFree()) command.setBeforeMovePosition(currentPosition); else command.setBeforeMoveSnappedSample(currentSnappedSample); command.setBeforeDxDy(dx, dy); me.consume(); //it must be consumed to make dragging smoothly. } public void mouseReleased(MouseEvent me) { if(command != null){ if(isFree()) command.setAfterMovePosition(currentPosition); else command.setAfterMoveSnappedSample(currentSnappedSample); command.setAfterDxDy(dx, dy); xyGraph.getOperationsManager().addCommand(command); } } } public Pointer() { setCursor(Cursors.CROSS); PointerDragger dragger = new PointerDragger(); addMouseMotionListener(dragger); addMouseListener(dragger); } @Override protected void paintClientArea(Graphics graphics) { super.paintClientArea(graphics); if (Preferences.useAdvancedGraphics()) graphics.setAntialias(SWT.ON); //draw X-cross point Rectangle clientArea = getClientArea().getCopy().shrink(POINT_SIZE/2, POINT_SIZE/2); graphics.drawLine(clientArea.x, clientArea.y, clientArea.x + clientArea.width, clientArea.y + clientArea.height); graphics.drawLine(clientArea.x + clientArea.width, clientArea.y, clientArea.x, clientArea.y + clientArea.height); } } public void axisForegroundColorChanged(Axis axis, Color oldColor, Color newColor) { // TODO Auto-generated method stub } public void axisTitleChanged(Axis axis, String oldTitle, String newTitle) { // TODO Auto-generated method stub } public void axisAutoScaleChanged(Axis axis, boolean oldAutoScale, boolean newAutoScale) { // TODO Auto-generated method stub } public void axisLogScaleChanged(Axis axis, boolean old, boolean logScale) { // TODO Auto-generated method stub } public RGB getAnnotationColorRGB() { // TODO Auto-generated method stub return annotationColorRGB; } }