/******************************************************************************* * Copyright (c) 2010 Oak Ridge National Laboratory. * All rights reserved. This program and the accompanying materials * are made available under the terms of the Eclipse Public License v1.0 * which accompanies this distribution, and is available at * http://www.eclipse.org/legal/epl-v10.html ******************************************************************************/ package org.csstudio.swt.xygraph.dataprovider; import org.csstudio.swt.xygraph.linearscale.Range; /** * Interface for the data provider of trace. This gives the possibilities to implement * different data provider, which could have different data source or data storage structure. * For example: the data source could be from user input, database, files, etc,. * The storage structure could be array, queue, circular buffer, bucket buffer, etc,. * <p> * An API like * <code> * public ISample[] getSamples() * </code> * would be much easier to use by the XY Graph, but it forces the data * provider to copy its samples into an array, which might be a performance * and memory problem if considerable amounts of data are held in some other * data structure that is more suitable to the application. * <p> * The API is therefore based on single-sample access, allowing the application * to store the samples in arbitrary data structures. * <p> * <b>Synchronization</b><br> * Since the application data might change dynamically, the XY Graph * <code>synchronizes</code> on the <code>IDataProvider</code> like this * to assert that the sample count does not change while accessing individual * samples: * <pre> * IDataProvider data = ...; * synchronized (data) * { * int count = data.getSize(); * ... * ... getSample(i) ... * } * </pre> * Implementations of the <code>IDataProvider</code> should likewise synchronize * on it whenever the data is changed, and other methods like * <code>getXDataMinMax</code> should probably be synchronized implementations. * * @author Xihui Chen * @author Kay Kasemir (synchronization) */ public interface IDataProvider { /**Total number of samples. * @return the size. * @see #getSample(int) */ public int getSize(); /**Get sample by index * <p> * <b>Synchronization:</b> * Since the data might change dynamically, <code>synchronize</code> on the * <code>IDataProvider</code> around calls to <code>getSize()</code> * and <code>getSample()</code>. * * @param index Sample index, 0...<code>getSize()-1</code> * @return the sample. */ public ISample getSample(int index); /**Get the minimum and maximum xdata. * @return a range includes the min and max as lower and upper. * return null if there is no data. */ public Range getXDataMinMax(); /**Get the minimum and maximum ydata. * @return a range includes the min and max as lower and upper. * return null if there is no data. */ public Range getYDataMinMax(); /** * @return true if data is ascending sorted on X axis; false otherwise */ public boolean isChronological(); /** @param listener New listener to notify when data changes */ public void addDataProviderListener( final IDataProviderListener listener); /** @param listener Listener to no longer notify when data changes * @return <code>true</code> if listener was known and removed */ public boolean removeDataProviderListener( final IDataProviderListener listener); }