/* * Server.java * JCollider * * Copyright (c) 2004-2010 Hanns Holger Rutz. All rights reserved. * * This software is free software; you can redistribute it and/or * modify it under the terms of the GNU General Public License * as published by the Free Software Foundation; either * version 2, june 1991 of the License, or (at your option) any later version. * * This software is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, * but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of * MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU * General Public License for more details. * * You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public * License (gpl.txt) along with this software; if not, write to the Free Software * Foundation, Inc., 59 Temple Place, Suite 330, Boston, MA 02111-1307 USA * * * For further information, please contact Hanns Holger Rutz at * contact@sciss.de , or visit http://www.sciss.de/jcollider * * * JCollider is closely modelled after SuperCollider Language, * often exhibiting a direct translation from Smalltalk to Java. * SCLang is a software originally developed by James McCartney, * which has become an Open Source project. * See http://supercollider.sourceforge.net/ for details. * * * Changelog: * 04-Aug-05 created * 11-Aug-05 getClientAddr() added * 28-Aug-05 correctly determines isLocal * 04-Sep-05 uses OSCTransmitter * 24-Sep-05 boot-completion actions are executed before * any server event notification is fired * 07-Oct-05 sendMsgSync recognized /fail replies ; added sendBundleSync() * 24-Jul-06 uses updated server options with variable block allocator class ; alive thread robust against unresponsive server * ; added extended sendMsgSync and sendBundleSync methods ; responders recreated after quit * 01-Oct-06 uses new NetUtil and allows for TCP mode * 25-Aug-08 OSC buffer size increased to 64K * 11-Jan-10 works with stupidly changed scsynth OSC replies */ package de.sciss.jcollider; import java.awt.event.ActionEvent; import java.awt.event.ActionListener; import java.io.BufferedInputStream; import java.io.File; import java.io.IOException; import java.io.InputStream; import java.io.PrintStream; import java.net.ConnectException; import java.net.InetAddress; import java.net.InetSocketAddress; import java.util.ArrayList; import java.util.Collections; import java.util.HashMap; import java.util.HashSet; import java.util.Iterator; import java.util.List; import java.util.Map; import java.util.Set; import javax.swing.Timer; import de.sciss.app.BasicEvent; import de.sciss.app.EventManager; import de.sciss.net.OSCBundle; import de.sciss.net.OSCChannel; import de.sciss.net.OSCClient; import de.sciss.net.OSCMessage; /** * Closely following SClang's server class, * this is the client side <strong>representation</strong> * of a supercollider server. * <P> * <B>As of v0.29</B>, the server must be started explicitly by calling <code>start()</code> * unless the server is booted. The call to <code>start()</code> tells the <code>OSCClient</code> to * start listening for incoming messages. For TCP connections, this will try to connect to the server. * * @todo the behaviour should be changed to the server * representation automatically sending dumpOSC and * notification status and initializing the tree, * whenever the running status becomes true! * * @warning don't rely on the default group's node ID. it is * planned to use a client specific ID in the next * version, so JCollider and SClang can peacefully * coexist on the same server without killing each * other's groups (which happens at the moment if * you press cmd+period in sclang) * * @synchronization unless specified, all methods should be * regarded thread safe * * @author Hanns Holger Rutz * @version 0.34, 11-Jan-10 */ public class Server implements Constants, EventManager.Processor { /** * We just use the same default scsynth * server port (57110) here as assumed by sclang */ public static final int DEFAULT_PORT = 57110; private static final Set setServers = Collections.synchronizedSet( new HashSet() ); private static final Map mapServerNames = Collections.synchronizedMap( new HashMap() ); private final String name; private final InetSocketAddress addr; private final ServerOptions options; private final int clientID; private final boolean isLocal; private volatile boolean serverRunning = false; protected volatile boolean serverBooting = false; private boolean notified = true; protected Buffer[] bufferArray; protected OSCResponderNode bufInfoResponder; protected boolean waitingForBufInfo; protected int waitingBufs; private NodeIDAllocator nodeAllocator; private BlockAllocator controlBusAllocator, audioBusAllocator, bufferAllocator; private static String program = "scsynth"; private static boolean inform = true; protected static volatile PrintStream printStream = System.err; // protected static final Timer appClock = new Timer(); // nice work-around, eh? private StatusWatcher aliveThread = null; // OSC communication protected final OSCClient c; private final OSCMultiResponder multi; // private final OSCTransmitter trns; // private final DatagramChannel dch; private int dumpMode = kDumpOff; private final Group defaultGroup; // status watcher protected final Status status = new Status(); // messaging private final EventManager em = new EventManager( this ); private final List collBootCompletion = new ArrayList(); protected BootThread bootThread = null; private static final OSCMessage statusMsg = new OSCMessage( "/status" ); protected final Server enc_this = this; protected final Object syncBootThread = new Object(); /** * Creates a new <code>Server</code> representation * object. Note that this will neither "create" * a server, nor boot one, nor contact one. It simply * establishes means of communication to a server * at the given address. The caller is responsible for * contacting the server and, before starting to create * nodes and such, to initialize the default tree * using <code>initTree</code>, and to ping the server * using <code>startAliveThread</code> if one wishes * to be informed about server boots and quits. * * @param name the name of the server. this arbitrary but * must be unique since a set of created servers * is internally maintained. currently no check * on this uniqueness is performed. this is also * the name of the OSC thread and the one shown * in a server panel * @param addr the address at which scsynth responds. as * of this writing, the communication will use * the UDP protocol * @param options an instance of <code>ServerOptions</code> * which needn't reflect the actual server settings * when contacting a remote server, but which are * used when booting a local server. * @param clientID this is a concept taken from sclang, something about * which the server knows nothing. it merely conditions * the node ID allocator to occupy different value * ranges for up to 31 different clients, so they won't * conflict. beware, that as of this writing, there is * no mechanism to coordinate the use of buffers and * busses between different concurrent clients. * the ID can be something between <code>0</code> (default) and * <code>NodeIDAllocator.getUserMax()</code> * * @throws IOException if a networking error occurs * * @see #startAliveThread() * @see #boot() * @see #initTree() */ public Server( String name, InetSocketAddress addr, ServerOptions options, int clientID ) throws IOException { this.name = name; this.addr = addr; this.options = options; this.clientID = clientID; // this doesn't work XXX // isLocal = addr.getAddress().isAnyLocalAddress(); // isLocal = true; final InetAddress host = addr.getAddress(); if( host == null ) throw new IOException( "Server.new : unresolved network address " + addr ); isLocal = host.isLoopbackAddress() || host.equals( InetAddress.getLocalHost() ); Server.mapServerNames.put( name, this ); Server.setServers.add( this ); // defaultGroup = Group.basicNew( this, 1 ); // XXX should be changed defaultGroup = Group.basicNew( this, 0 ); try { // its crucial to create a multi responder with our server's // address here, because we need to use it's channel for // sendMsg/sendBundle in order for responders to get the replies!! c = OSCClient.newUsing( options.getProtocol(), 0, host.isLoopbackAddress() ); // c.start(); c.setBufferSize( 0x10000 ); multi = new OSCMultiResponder( c ); // dch = (DatagramChannel) multi.getChannel(); // XXX // trns = new OSCTransmitter( dch, addr ); // trns = OSCTransmitter.newUsing( dch ); c.setTarget( addr ); createNewAllocators(); resetBufferAutoInfo(); } catch( IOException e1 ) { Server.mapServerNames.remove( name ); Server.setServers.remove( this ); throw e1; } // ---- listeners and processors ---- // XXX there is no class level listener registration // at the moment, also it's not too useful anyway // Server.changed(\serverAdded, this); } // // when SC quits, the DatagramChannel is closed // // ; if we continue to use it, we might end up with // // java.nio.channels.ClosedChannelException s. // // hence, we re-create the responders // // ; NO WE DON'T XXX // private void initCommunication() // throws IOException // { ////System.err.println( "initCommunication" ); // if( multi != null ) { ////System.err.println( " dipose "+multi.hashCode() ); // multi.dispose(); //// multi = null; // } ////System.err.println( " recreate multi" ); // multi = new OSCMultiResponder( addr ); // dch = multi.getChannel(); ////System.err.println( " recreate trns; multi = "+multi.hashCode() ); // trns = new OSCTransmitter( dch, addr ); ////System.err.println( " recreate done" ); // // createNewAllocators(); // resetBufferAutoInfo(); // } /** * Creates a server representation * for the default client (<code>0</code>). */ public Server( String name, InetSocketAddress addr, ServerOptions options ) throws IOException { this( name, addr, options, 0 ); } /** * Creates a server representation * for the default client (<code>0</code>), * using default options. * * @see ServerOptions#ServerOptions() */ public Server( String name, InetSocketAddress addr ) throws IOException { this( name, addr, new ServerOptions() ); } /** * Creates a representation for a * server which listens at the loopback * address (<code></code>). */ public Server( String name ) throws IOException { this( name, new InetSocketAddress( "", DEFAULT_PORT )); } /** * Returns the address which is * assumed to be the one at which * the server listens * * @return the address (IP plus port) * which was used to instantiate * the server representation */ public InetSocketAddress getAddr() { return addr; } protected OSCMultiResponder getMultiResponder() { return multi; } public void start() throws IOException { c.start(); } /** * Returns the socket address that the client * (that's us) is using to send messages to the server * * @return the socket address which is used * to send messages to the server * (i.e. the sender of <code>sendMsg</code> and <code>sendBundle</code>) * * @see AbstractOSCCommunicator#getChannel() */ // public InetSocketAddress getClientAddr() // { // final DatagramSocket ds = ((DatagramChannel) multi.getChannel()).socket(); // XXX // // return new InetSocketAddress( ds.getLocalAddress(), ds.getLocalPort() ); // } /** * Queries the server representation's name * * @return the name which was used to * instantiate the <code>Server</code> class */ public String getName() { return name; } /** * Queries the options for booting the server. * The returned object is not a copy, and it's * mutable, so any changes made to the returned * objects will become effective when calling * the <code>boot</code> method. * * @return the server options describing the * options to pass to scsynth when booting it */ public ServerOptions getOptions() { return options; } /** * Queries the client ID used * for allocating node IDs. * * @return the ID used in the <code>Server</code> * constructor */ public int getClientID() { return clientID; } /** * Queries the application path * to scsynth. * * @return the pathname stored for * the location of scsynth. this is the * path which will be used when booting * the server. the default value being * the cwd will probably not work for your * application, therefore it's advised to set * the path using <code>setProgram</code> before * trying to boot */ public static String getProgram() { return program; } /** * Changes the path at which scsynth is supposed * to located on the local harddisk. This is the * path used to boot a local server. Note that this * path is stored globally (for all server instances). * For simplicity, this is a string and not a <code>File</code> * object. To convert from a file, use * <code>File.getAbsolutePath()</code>. * * @param program full pathname to scsynth(.exe) * * @see File#getAbsolutePath() */ public static void setProgram( String program ) { Server.program = program; } /** * Turns on or off verbose messaging * of the server representation. This has * little effect at the moment, but when turned * on, a few more messages will be printed to the * console. * * @param onOff <code>true</code> means, be * a bit more verbose */ public static void setInform( boolean onOff ) { Server.inform = onOff; } /** * Changes the stream to which messages are * printed. By default, <code>Server</code> will * print on <code>System.err</code>. This is * a global method and affects all server instances. * This method is particularly important because * it's value will be read by the <code>boot</code> * method to determine the print stream to which * a locally booted server will print. Changing * the stream after the server was booted, will not * affect it's print out at all, so that needs to * be done in advance. * * @param printStream the new print stream to use */ public static void setPrintStream( PrintStream printStream ) { Server.printStream = printStream; } /** * Queries the currently used print stream for * outputting messages * * @return the print stream used for message printout * and for the locally booted server */ public static PrintStream getPrintStream() { return printStream; } /** * Queries the booting state * * @return <code>true</code> if the local server is being booted * at the moment, <code>false</code> otherwise. * * @see #isRunning() */ public boolean isBooting() { return serverBooting; } protected void setBooting( boolean serverBooting ) { this.serverBooting = serverBooting; } /** * Queries the running state. To become automatically * informed about changes of this state, register a * listener using the <code>addListener</code> method. * * @return <code>true</code> if a connection is established * to a supercollider server. <code>false</code> if the * server is not running or communication broke down. * note that this value will only be valid, when the * ping-thread is running, which is either started * automatically when booting the server (<code>boot</code>) * or manually by invoking <code>startAliveThread()</code>. * * @todo a future version may incorporate automatic service * discovery. * * @see #addListener( ServerListener ) * @see #boot() * @see #startAliveThread() */ public boolean isRunning() { return serverRunning; } protected void setRunning( boolean serverRunning ) { //System.err.println( "ici : "+serverRunning ); synchronized( syncBootThread ) { if( this.serverRunning != serverRunning ) { this.serverRunning = serverRunning; if( !serverRunning ) { // recordNode = nil; changed( ServerEvent.STOPPED ); if( bootThread != null ) { try { bootThread.keepScRunning = false; syncBootThread.wait( 4000 ); } catch( InterruptedException e1 ) { /* empty */ } } } else { //System.err.println( "ici" ); while( !collBootCompletion.isEmpty() ) { ((CompletionAction) collBootCompletion.remove( 0 )).completion( this ); } changed( ServerEvent.RUNNING ); } } } } private void createNewAllocators() { nodeAllocator = new NodeIDAllocator( getClientID() ); controlBusAllocator = options.getBlockAllocFactory().create( options.getNumControlBusChannels() ); audioBusAllocator = options.getBlockAllocFactory().create( options.getNumAudioBusChannels(), options.getFirstPrivateBus() ); bufferAllocator = options.getBlockAllocFactory().create( options.getNumBuffers() ); } /** * Automatic buffer ID allocator * for package internal use only. */ protected BlockAllocator getBufferAllocator() { return bufferAllocator; } /** * Automatic audio bus allocator * for package internal use only. */ protected BlockAllocator getAudioBusAllocator() { return audioBusAllocator; } /** * Automatic control bus allocator * for package internal use only. */ protected BlockAllocator getControlBusAllocator() { return controlBusAllocator; } /** * Queries the server's (audio) sampling rate. * This is the <strong>nominal</strong> rate * as returned by the <code>/status.reply</code> * message from the server. This is only valid * when the server is running and the ping-thread * was started. To be automatically informed about * status changes, you can register a listener * using <code>addListener</code>. * * @return the nominal (i.e. constant) sampling rate * of the server * * @see #addListener( ServerListener ) * @see #startAliveThread() * @see #getStatus() */ public double getSampleRate() { return status.sampleRate; } /** * Queries the latest reported server status. * The returned object is a snapshot of what * the server last send using a <code>/status.reply</code> * message. It's only valid when the server is * running and the ping-thread is running. * * @return the <code>Status</code> with fields * for number of UGens, Nodes etc. */ public Status getStatus() { return Status.copyFrom( status ); } /** * Queries the current OSC dumping mode. * Note that the value reflects just what * <strong>we</strong> know about the status. * When the server is booted, a dump message * is automatically send, so the reported * value should be considered correct, until * a different client sends a dumpOSC message * or the server is terminated and restarted. * * @return the mode at which the server * dumps OSC messages it receives. this * can be either of <code>kDumpOff</code>, * <code>kDumpText</code>, <code>kDumpHex</code> * or <code>kDumpBoth</code>. * * @see Constants#kDumpText */ public int getDumpMode() { return dumpMode; } /** * Returns the "default" group * of the server. This is the one used as * target when no explicit target is specified * for node creation, such as in * <code>new Synth( defName, argNames, argValues, null )</code>. * * @return the default group. the value is * only valid (i.e. representing a group * that really exists), when the server representation * has initialized it's node tree, which is done * automatically after booting, or by calling * <code>initTree</code> explicitly. * * @see #initTree() * * @warning do not rely on a particular * group returned here, since it is * likely that it will change in a future version */ public Group getDefaultGroup() { return defaultGroup; } /** * Returns a group representation of the * server, which at the moment is a synonym for * <code>getDefaultGroup</code>. This will change in * one of the next version to return the root node * (ID 0) however!! */ public Group asTarget() { return defaultGroup; } protected static void inform( String txt ) { if( inform ) printStream.println( txt ); } /** * Starts booting a local server * and establishes the ping-thread when done * * @synchronization must be called in the event thread */ public void boot() throws IOException { boot( true ); } /** * Starts booting a local server. A local * server can only be booted, when the server's address * is local. Be sure to set the appropriate application * path using <code>setProgram</code> before calling this method. * <p> * This method does nothing, when * the booting process is assumed to be ongoing already, * or when the server has already been successfully booted. * <p> * When booting is finished, the ping-thread is established * depending on the <code>startAliveThread</code> flag, * the node tree is initialized (<code>initTree</code>), * and all actions registered through <code>addDoWhenBooted</code> * are executed. Independantly, when the ping-thread receives * the first reply, the running status is updated, hence * informing all listeners registered using <code>addListener</code>. * * @param startAliveThread <code>true</code> to start a ping-thread * once the server was booted. this is required * if you wish to read the running status using * <code>isRunning()</code> or using listeners * * @throws IOException if an error occurs when starting server, * particularly if the path to the server application * is wrong. * @throws IllegalStateException if you try to boot a remote server * * @see #setProgram( String ) * @see #isLocal() * @see #isBooting() * @see #isRunning() * @see Server#addDoWhenBooted( Server.CompletionAction ) * @see #startAliveThread() * * @synchronization must be called in the event thread */ public void boot( boolean startAliveThread ) throws IOException { if( isRunning() ) { printStream.println( "server already running" ); return; } if( isBooting() ) { printStream.println( "server already booting" ); return; } if( !isLocal ) throw new IllegalStateException( "Server.boot() : only allowed for local servers!" ); final CompletionAction whenBooted = new CompletionAction() { public void completion( Server s ) { try { s.setBooting( false ); if( s.getDumpMode() != kDumpOff ) { s.dumpOSC( s.getDumpMode() ); } if( s.isNotified() ) { Server.inform( "notification is on" ); s.notify( true ); } else { Server.inform( "notification is off" ); } s.initTree(); // XXX inefficient since it re-created the node allocator } catch( IOException e1 ) { printError( "Server.boot", e1 ); } } }; setBooting( true ); try { // if( startAliveThread ) startAliveThread(); // XXX inefficient since it was created already in constructor, should use reset instead // (serverOptions is immutable here) createNewAllocators(); resetBufferAutoInfo(); addDoWhenBooted( whenBooted ); bootServerApp( startAliveThread ); } catch( IOException e1 ) { removeDoWhenBooted( whenBooted ); try { stopAliveThread(); } catch( IOException e2 ) { printError( "Server.boot", e2 ); } setBooting( false ); throw e1; } } /** * Sends a message to the server * requesting OSC dump (text format). * * @throws IOException if the message failed to be sent */ public void dumpOSC() throws IOException { dumpOSC( kDumpText ); } /** * Sends a message to the server * requesting OSC dumping being turned on or off * * @param dumpMode either of <code>kDumpOff</code> (do not dump), * <code>kDumpText</code> (dump text format), * <code>kDumpHex</code> (hexadecimal printout), * <code>kDumpBoth</code> (both text + hex) * * @see Constants#kDumpText * * @throws IOException if the message failed to be sent */ public void dumpOSC( int dumpMode ) throws IOException { sendMsg( dumpOSCMsg( dumpMode )); } /** * Creates the OSC message which will ask the * server to turn on or off OSC dumping * * @param dumpMode see <code>dumpOSC( int )</code> for details * * @see #dumpOSC( int ) */ public OSCMessage dumpOSCMsg( int dumpMode ) { this.dumpMode = dumpMode; return new OSCMessage( "/dumpOSC", new Object[] { new Integer( dumpMode )}); } /** * Changes the way incoming messages are dumped * to the console. By default incoming messages are not * dumped. Incoming messages are those received * by the client from the server, before they * get delivered to registered <code>OSCResponderNode</code>s. * * @param dumpMode see <code>dumpOSC( int )</code> for details * * @see #dumpOSC( int ) */ public void dumpIncomingOSC( int dumpMode ) { // multi.dumpOSC( dumpMode, printStream ); c.dumpIncomingOSC( dumpMode, printStream ); } /** * Changes the way outgoing messages are dumped * to the console. By default outgoing messages are not * dumped. Outgoing messages are those send via * <code>sendMsg</code> or <code>sendBundle</code>. * * @param dumpMode see <code>dumpOSC( int )</code> for details * * @see #dumpOSC( int ) */ public void dumpOutgoingOSC( int dumpMode ) { // trns.dumpOSC( dumpMode, printStream ); c.dumpOutgoingOSC( dumpMode, printStream ); } /** * Sends a message to the server * requesting to be notified about server actions * such as nodes being added and deleted. This * is also required to receive <code>/tr</code> * messages from a <code>sendTrig</code> UGen. * The status of the notification flag is saved * internally, so when a local server is booted * and notification was turned on, a new * <code>/notify</code> message is sent. * <p> * By default (when creating a new instance of * <code>Server</code>), the notification flag * is <code>true</code>. * * @param notified <code>true</code> to turn notification on, * <code>false</code> to turn it off * * @warning if you boot a local server, the flag * is sent to the server. However, * if you wish to contact a server manually, you * will have to call this method explicitly. In * a future version this behaviour will change, * so the server representation automatically * sends dumpOSC and notification flag as well * as tree initialization, whenever the server * becomes available. * * @throws IOException if the message failed to be sent */ public void notify( boolean notified ) throws IOException { this.notified = notified; sendMsg( new OSCMessage( "/notify", new Object[] { new Integer( notified ? 1 : 0 )})); } /** * Queries the server notification status. * By default, notification is turned on. * However, the flag represents the true * notification state only, when it was send * to the server, which happens after a local * boot but not when simply starting the ping-thread! * this will change in a future version. * * @return <code>true</code> if notification is turned on. */ public boolean isNotified() { return notified; } /** * After the server has been contacted, * calling this method will create the default group. * This is automatically called after booting, * but not automatically when starting the ping-thread * manually. * this behaviour will change in a future version. * * @synchronization must be called in the event thread */ public void initTree() throws IOException { nodeAllocator = new NodeIDAllocator( getClientID() ); // sendMsg( new OSCMessage( "/g_new", new Object[] { new Integer( 1 )})); } /** * Registers an action to be executed * after the boot process is complete. * Often it may be more convenient to simply * add a server listener. * * @param action action to be executed, * when the server running status * becomes true after the boot process */ public void addDoWhenBooted( CompletionAction action ) { collBootCompletion.add( action ); } /** * Unregisters an action from being executed * after the boot process. Note that the * action is automatically removed after it has * been executed, so you have to call this method * only if you wish to <strong>cancel</strong> * the action. * * @param action action to be removed */ public void removeDoWhenBooted( CompletionAction action ) { collBootCompletion.remove( action ); } /** * Registers a listener to be informed about * server status changes. These changes include * the server starting to run (or more precisely * being successfully contact), the server being * stopped (or more precisely having lost contact), * and status changes, which are updated regularly * when the ping-thread was started. * * @param l listener to be added */ public void addListener( ServerListener l ) { em.addListener( l ); } /** * Unregisters a listener from being informed about * server status changes. * * @param l listener to be removed */ public void removeListener( ServerListener l ) { em.removeListener( l ); } protected void changed( int id ) { em.dispatchEvent( new ServerEvent( this, id, System.currentTimeMillis(), this )); } private void bootServerApp( boolean startAliveThread ) { final int port = getAddr().getPort(); final List cmdList = getOptions().toOptionList( port ); cmdList.add( 0, Server.program ); final String[] cmdArray = ServerOptions.optionListToStringArray( cmdList ); Server.inform( "Booting SuperCollider server at " + getOptions().getProtocol().toUpperCase() + " port " + port + " ..." ); // bootThread = new BootThread( this, cmdArray, getOptions().getEnvMap(), startAliveThread ); synchronized( syncBootThread ) { bootThread = new BootThread( this, cmdArray, startAliveThread ); } } /** * Returns <code>true</code> if the * server has an address on the same * machine as the client. */ public boolean isLocal() { return isLocal; } /** * Returns <code>true</code> if the * server was locally booted by this client. * * @return <code>true</code> if we booted * the server ourselves. this suggests * that we are also responsible for shutting * it down when quitting the client */ public boolean didWeBootTheServer() { return( bootThread != null ); } /** * Begins to ping the server in regular intervals * to detect a newly established connection, the * loss of the connection and the current server status. * By default, this thread is started after booting * the local server. In other cases, for the running * status to become valid and for the listeners to * be informed about server starts and stops, this * method needs to be called manually. * <p> * If the ping-thread is already running, this method does nothing. * * @throws IOException if a networking error occurs * * @synchronization must be called in the event thread */ public void startAliveThread() throws IOException { startAliveThread( 2.0f, 0.7f, 4 ); } /** * Starts the ping-thread with specified * initial delay and ping period. * <p> * If the ping-thread is already running, this method does nothing. * * @param delay delay in seconds after which * the first ping is send (defaults to 2 seconds) * @param period period in seconds at which pings * are send (defaults to 0.7 seconds). * note that the behaviour of lost pings might * change in a future version. As of now, a lost * ping will result in server running status becoming * false and firing a corresponding server event to * registered listeners. The can be inappropriate * if the listener starts to dispose internals while * actually the server was just too slow and keeps * playing orphaned synths. * * @throws IOException if a networking error occurs * * @synchronization must be called in the event thread */ public void startAliveThread( float delay, float period, int deathBounces ) throws IOException { synchronized( syncBootThread ) { if( aliveThread == null ) { aliveThread = new StatusWatcher( delay, period, deathBounces ); aliveThread.start(); } } } /** * Stops the ping-thread. * Note that the thread is a demon. Therefore * it will not block quitting the java VM and will * automatically terminate <code>System.exit</code> is called. * * @throws IOException if a networking error occurs * * @synchronization must be called in the event thread */ public void stopAliveThread() throws IOException { synchronized( syncBootThread ) { if( aliveThread != null ) { aliveThread.stop(); aliveThread = null; } } } // private static void resumeThreads() // throws IOException // { // Server server; // // for( Iterator iter = setServers.iterator(); iter.hasNext(); ) { // server = (Server) iter.next(); // server.stopAliveThread(); // server.startAliveThread( 0.7f, 0.7f); // } // } protected void status() throws IOException { sendMsg( statusMsg ); } /** * Sends an OSC message to the server * * @param msg the message to send * * @throws IOException if sending the message fails. * this can happen because of a network error, * because of a malformed message or because of * a buffer overflow (message exceeding 8K) */ public void sendMsg( OSCMessage msg ) throws IOException { // trns.send( msg ); c.send( msg ); } /** * Sends an OSC bundle for scheduling to the server * * @param bndl the bundle to send * * @throws IOException if sending the bundle fails. * this can happen because of a network error, * because of a malformed bundle or its contained messages * or because of a buffer overflow (bundle exceeding 8K) */ public void sendBundle( OSCBundle bndl ) throws IOException { // trns.send( bndl ); c.send( bndl ); } /** * Sends a message and waits for a corresponding <code>/done</code> * reply from the server. * * @param msg the message to send * @param timeout the maximum amount of time in seconds to wait * @return <code>true</code> if the successfull reply was * receivied within the timeout; <code>false</code> if * no reply was received in time or a <code>/fail</code> * message was received. * * @throws IOException if sending the message or receiving the reply fails */ public boolean sendMsgSync( OSCMessage msg, float timeout ) throws IOException { final OSCMessage result = sendMsgSync( msg, "/done", "/fail", 0, msg.getName(), timeout ); return( (result != null) && result.getName().equals( "/done" )); } /** * Sends a message and waits for a corresponding reply or failure message * from the server. * * @param msg the message to send * @param doneCmd the OSC command with which the server replies upon success * @param failCmd the OSC command with which the server replies upon failure (can be <code>null</code>) * @param doneArgIdx the OSC reply message argument index to match * @param doneArgMatch the OSC reply message argument value to match * @param timeout the maximum amount of time in seconds to wait * @return the reply message or <code>null</code> if * no reply was received in time * * @throws IOException if sending the message or receiving the reply fails */ public OSCMessage sendMsgSync( OSCMessage msg, String doneCmd, String failCmd, int doneArgIdx, Object doneArgMatch, float timeout ) throws IOException { return sendMsgSync( msg, doneCmd, failCmd, new int[] { doneArgIdx }, new Object[] { doneArgMatch }, new int[] { 0 }, new Object[] { msg.getName() }, timeout ); } /** * Sends a message and waits for a corresponding reply or failure message * from the server. * * @param msg the message to send * @param doneCmd the OSC command with which the server replies upon success * @param failCmd the OSC command with which the server replies upon failure (can be <code>null</code>) * @param doneArgIndices the OSC reply message argument indices to match for success * @param doneArgMatches the OSC reply message argument values to match for success * @param failArgIndices the OSC reply message argument indices to match for failure * @param failArgMatches the OSC reply message argument values to match for failure * @param timeout the maximum amount of time in seconds to wait * @return the reply message or <code>null</code> if * no reply was received in time * * @throws IOException if sending the message or receiving the reply fails */ public OSCMessage sendMsgSync( OSCMessage msg, String doneCmd, String failCmd, int[] doneArgIndices, Object[] doneArgMatches, int[] failArgIndices, Object[] failArgMatches, float timeout ) throws IOException { final SyncResponder resp = new SyncResponder( doneCmd, failCmd, doneArgIndices, doneArgMatches, failArgIndices, failArgMatches ); try { synchronized( resp ) { resp.add(); sendMsg( msg ); resp.wait( (long) (timeout * 1000) ); } } catch( InterruptedException e1 ) { /* ignored */ } finally { resp.remove(); } return resp.replyMsg; } /** * Sends a bundle and waits for a <code>/done</code> * reply for a given command name from the server. * * @param bndl the bundle to send * @param cmdName to name of the message command to be replied to * @param timeout the maximum amount of time in seconds to wait * @return <code>true</code> if the successfull reply was * receivied within the timeout; <code>false</code> if * no reply was received in time or a <code>/fail</code> * message was received. * * @throws IOException if sending the bundle or receiving the reply fails */ public boolean sendBundleSync( OSCBundle bndl, String cmdName, float timeout ) throws IOException { final OSCMessage result = sendBundleSync( bndl, "/done", "/fail", 0, cmdName, timeout ); return( (result != null) && result.getName().equals( "/done" ) ); } /** * Sends a bundle and waits for a corresponding reply or failure message * from the server. * * @param bndl the bundle to send * @param doneCmd the OSC command with which the server replies upon success * @param failCmd the OSC command with which the server replies upon failure (can be <code>null</code>) * @param argIdx the OSC reply message argument index to match * @param argMatch the OSC reply message argument value to match * @param timeout the maximum amount of time in seconds to wait * @return the reply message or <code>null</code> if * no reply was received in time * * @throws IOException if sending the bundle or receiving the reply fails */ public OSCMessage sendBundleSync( OSCBundle bndl, String doneCmd, String failCmd, int argIdx, Object argMatch, float timeout ) throws IOException { return sendBundleSync( bndl, doneCmd, failCmd, new int[] { argIdx }, new Object[] { argMatch }, new int[ 0 ], new Object[ 0 ], timeout ); } /** * Sends a bundle and waits for a corresponding reply or failure message * from the server. * * @param bndl the bundle to send * @param doneCmd the OSC command with which the server replies upon success * @param failCmd the OSC command with which the server replies upon failure (can be <code>null</code>) * @param doneArgIndices the OSC reply message argument indices to match * @param doneArgMatches the OSC reply message argument values to match * @param timeout the maximum amount of time in seconds to wait * @return the reply message or <code>null</code> if * no reply was received in time * * @throws IOException if sending the bundle or receiving the reply fails */ public OSCMessage sendBundleSync( OSCBundle bndl, String doneCmd, String failCmd, int[] doneArgIndices, Object[] doneArgMatches, int[] failArgIndices, Object[] failArgMatches, float timeout ) throws IOException { final SyncResponder resp = new SyncResponder( doneCmd, failCmd, doneArgIndices, doneArgMatches, failArgIndices, failArgMatches ); try { synchronized( resp ) { resp.add(); sendBundle( bndl ); resp.wait( (long) (timeout * 1000) ); } } catch( InterruptedException e1 ) { /* ignored */ } finally { resp.remove(); } return resp.replyMsg; } /** * Sends a <code>/sync</code> message to the server and waits for a * corresponding <code>/synced</code> reply. * * @param timeout the maximum amount of time in seconds to wait * @return <code>true</code> if the successfull reply was * receivied within the timeout. * * @throws IOException if sending the message or receiving the reply fails */ public boolean sync( float timeout ) throws IOException { return sync( null, timeout ); } /** * Attaches a <code>/sync</code> message to the list of messages in a * bundle and sends the bundle to server, waiting for a * corresponding <code>/synced</code> reply. * * @param bndl the bundle to send. a <code>/sync</code> message * is appended to this bundle. <code>bndl</code> may * be <code>null</code>, in this case the <code>/sync</code> * is send alone. * @param timeout the maximum amount of time in seconds to wait * @return <code>true</code> if the successfull reply was * receivied within the timeout. * * @throws IOException if sending the message or receiving the reply fails */ public boolean sync( OSCBundle bndl, float timeout ) throws IOException { final Integer id = new Integer( UniqueID.next() ); if( bndl == null ) bndl = new OSCBundle(); bndl.addPacket( new OSCMessage( "/sync", new Object[] { id })); return( sendBundleSync( bndl, "/synced", null, 0, id, timeout ) != null ); } /** * Allocates a new free node ID for a group or synth. * * @return the new node ID. * * @todo should be accompanied by a nextPermanentNodeID method * @todo should throw a RuntimeException if the allocator * reaches its limit? */ public int nextNodeID() { return nodeAllocator.alloc(); } /** * For internal use by <code>Buffer</code> objects. * Do not use yourself. */ protected void addBuf( Buffer buf ) { // Buffer objects are cached in an Array for easy // auto buffer info updating bufferArray[ buf.getBufNum() ] = buf; } /** * For internal use by <code>Buffer</code> objects. * Do not use yourself. */ protected void freeBuf( int idx ) { bufferArray[ idx ] = null; } /** * For internal use by <code>Buffer</code> objects. * Do not use yourself. */ protected void waitForBufInfo() throws IOException { // /b_info on the way // keeps a reference count of waiting Buffers so that only one responder is needed if( !waitingForBufInfo ) { bufInfoResponder = new OSCResponderNode( this, "/b_info", new OSCResponderNode.Action() { public void respond( OSCResponderNode r, OSCMessage msg, long time ) { if( msg.getArgCount() < 4 ) return; try { final Buffer buf = bufferArray[ ((Number) msg.getArg( 0 )).intValue() ]; if( buf != null ) { buf.setNumFrames( ((Number) msg.getArg( 1 )).intValue() ); buf.setNumChannels( ((Number) msg.getArg( 2 )).intValue() ); buf.setSampleRate( ((Number) msg.getArg( 3 )).doubleValue() ); buf.queryDone(); if( --waitingBufs == 0 ) { waitingForBufInfo = false; r.remove(); } } } catch( ClassCastException e2 ) { printError( "Server.waitForBufInfo", e2 ); } } }).add(); waitingForBufInfo = true; } waitingBufs++; } private void resetBufferAutoInfo() throws IOException { bufferArray = new Buffer[ options.getNumBuffers() ]; waitingBufs = 0; waitingForBufInfo = false; if( bufInfoResponder != null ) { bufInfoResponder.remove(); } } /** * Prints a textual representation of this * object onto the given stream * * @param stream the stream to print on */ public void printOn( PrintStream stream ) { stream.print( "Server(" + getName() + "," + getAddr() + "," + getOptions() + "," + getClientID() + ")" ); } /** * Sends an asynchronous <code>/quit</code> * to the server and cleans up the client's resources * * @throws IOException if the message failed to be sent * or if cleanup failed * * @warning unlike in SClang, this stops the alive thread, * so in case you want to recognize remote server starts, * call <code>startAliveThread</code> afterwards. * * @synchronization must be called in the event thread */ public void quit() throws IOException { sendMsg( quitMsg() ); Server.inform( "/quit sent" ); cleanUpAfterQuit(); } /** * Constructs a quit message for the server * * @return OSCMessage requesting the server to quit */ public OSCMessage quitMsg() { return new OSCMessage( "/quit", OSCMessage.NO_ARGS ); } private void cleanUpAfterQuit() { try { stopAliveThread(); // alive = false; dumpMode = 0; setBooting( false ); setRunning( false ); // if(scopeWindow.notNil) { scopeWindow.quit }; // new RootNode( this ).freeAll(); // // sendMsg( new OSCMessage( "/g_freeAll", new Object[] { new Integer( 0 )})); //try { // Thread.sleep( 1000 ); //} //catch( InterruptedException e1 ) {} // initCommunication(); createNewAllocators(); resetBufferAutoInfo(); } catch( IOException e1 ) { printError( "Server.cleanUpAfterQuit", e1 ); } } /** * Disposes any resources * allocated by this representation. * This shuts down OSC communication * and server event dispatching. * Do not use this object any more * after calling this method. * * @synchronization must be called in the event thread */ public void dispose() { multi.dispose(); setServers.remove( this ); mapServerNames.remove( getName() ); em.dispose(); } /** * Synchronously quit the server. If the server is not * booting and not running according to the running status, * this method returns immediately. Otherwise sends a <code>/quit</code> * message and waits for the reply. If no reply is received, * and the server was locally booted, terminates the server process. * * @return <code>true</code> if the server has successfully quit * * @throws IOException if the message failed to be sent * or if cleanup failed * * @synchronization must be called in the event thread */ public boolean quitAndWait() throws IOException { try { if( !isBooting() && !isRunning() ) return true; final OSCMessage msg = quitMsg(); for( int i = 0; i < 16; i++ ) { if( sendMsgSync( msg, 0.5f )) { cleanUpAfterQuit(); return true; } } // ok, now last chance : if local, kill the process if( isLocal ) { try { synchronized( syncBootThread ) { if( bootThread != null ) { bootThread.keepScRunning = false; syncBootThread.wait( 4000 ); } } } catch( InterruptedException e1 ) { /* ignored */ } } if( !isBooting() && !isRunning() ) return true; printOn( printStream ); printStream.println( " : failed to quit!" ); return false; } finally { cleanUpAfterQuit(); } } /** * Synchronously quits all known servers. * That is all servers for which a <code>Server</code> * representation instance has been created. * Cathes all thrown exceptions. * * @synchronization must be called in the event thread */ public static void quitAll() { Server s; for( Iterator iter = setServers.iterator(); iter.hasNext(); ) { s = (Server) iter.next(); if( s.isLocal ) { try { s.quitAndWait(); } catch( IOException e1 ) { printError( "Server.quitAll", e1 ); } } s.dispose(); } } protected static void printError( String name, Throwable t ) { // printStream.println( name + " : " + t.getClass().getName() + " : " + t.getLocalizedMessage() ); printStream.print( name + " : " ); t.printStackTrace( printStream ); } // ----------- EventManager.Processor interface ----------- /** * This is used to dispatch * server events. Do not call this method. */ public void processEvent( BasicEvent e ) { ServerListener listener; final ServerEvent sce = (ServerEvent) e; for( int i = 0; i < em.countListeners(); i++ ) { listener = (ServerListener) em.getListener( i ); listener.serverAction( sce ); } } // ----------- internal clases and interfaces ----------- /** * This interface is used to describe an action * to be executed after some process such as * booting the server has completed. * * @see Server#addDoWhenBooted( Server.CompletionAction ) */ public static interface CompletionAction { /** * Requests the implementing class to * perform any action it wishes. This is * called after the corresponding process * to which this action was attached, has completed. * * @param server the server representation * for which the process completed */ public void completion( Server server ); } private class BootThread extends Thread { private final String[] cmdArray; // private final String[] envArray; protected volatile boolean keepScRunning = true; protected final Server server; private final boolean startAliveThread; // private BootThread( Server server, String[] cmdArray, Map envMap, boolean startAliveThread ) protected BootThread( Server server, String[] cmdArray, boolean startAliveThread ) { super( server.getName() ); this.cmdArray = cmdArray; this.server = server; this.startAliveThread = startAliveThread; // if( envMap != null ) { // Map.Entry me; // final Iterator iter = envMap.entrySet().iterator(); // envArray = new String[ envMap.size() ]; // for( int i = 0; iter.hasNext(); i++ ) { // me = (Map.Entry) iter.next(); // envArray[ i ] = me.getKey().toString() + "=" + me.getValue().toString(); // } // } else { // envArray = null; // } setDaemon( true ); start(); } public void run() { Process p = null; int resultCode = -1; boolean pRunning = true; boolean cStarted = false; InputStream inStream, errStream; final byte[] inBuf = new byte[128]; final byte[] errBuf = new byte[128]; final File cwd = new File( cmdArray[0] ).getParentFile(); try { // NOTE: using envArray will make some scsynth versions (e.g. PPC G3) fail to boot // because they seem to rely on some environment variables that get lost this way // (providing a null argument preserves the current environment variables) // p = Runtime.getRuntime().exec( cmdArray, envArray, cwd ); p = Runtime.getRuntime().exec( cmdArray, null, cwd ); // "Implementation note: It is a good idea for the input stream to be buffered." inStream = new BufferedInputStream( p.getInputStream() ); errStream = new BufferedInputStream( p.getErrorStream() ); while( keepScRunning && pRunning ) { if( !cStarted ) { try { //System.err.println( "...try" ); server.start(); //System.err.println( "...succeeded" ); cStarted = true; if( startAliveThread ) server.startAliveThread( 2.0f, 0.7f, 8 ); // allow really long unresponsiveness as a real server quit is recognized instantly } // thrown when in TCP mode and socket not yet available catch( ConnectException e1 ) { //e1.printStackTrace(); } } try { Thread.sleep( 500 ); // a kind of cheesy way to wait for the program to end } catch( InterruptedException e5 ) { /* ignored */ } handleConsole( inStream, inBuf ); handleConsole( errStream, errBuf ); try { resultCode = p.exitValue(); pRunning = false; p = null; printStream.println( "scsynth terminated (" + resultCode +")" ); } // gets thrown if we call exitValue() while sc still running catch( IllegalThreadStateException e1 ) { /* ignored */ } } // while( keepScRunning && pRunning ) } catch( IOException e3 ) { printError( "BootThread.run", e3 ); } finally { if( p != null ) { // printStream.println( "scsynth didn't quit. we're killing it!" ); p.destroy(); } synchronized( syncBootThread ) { try { server.stopAliveThread(); } catch( IOException e1 ) { printError( "Server.stopAliveThread", e1 ); } server.bootThread = null; // ! must be before setRunning ! server.setBooting( false ); server.setRunning( false ); syncBootThread.notifyAll(); } } } // redirect console private void handleConsole( InputStream stream, byte[] buf ) { int i; try { while( stream.available() > 0 ) { i = Math.min( buf.length, stream.available() ); stream.read( buf, 0, i ); printStream.write( buf, 0, i ); } } catch( IOException e1 ) { /* ignored XXX */ } } } /** * A static field only class * describing the snapshot of the server status * as delivered by <code>getStatus</code> * * @see #getStatus() */ public static class Status { public int numUGens; public int numSynths; public int numGroups; public int numSynthDefs; public float avgCPU; public float peakCPU; public volatile double sampleRate; public volatile double actualSampleRate; protected static Status copyFrom( Status s ) { final Status result = new Status(); synchronized( s ) { result.numUGens = s.numUGens; result.numSynths = s.numSynths; result.numGroups = s.numGroups; result.numSynthDefs = s.numSynthDefs; result.avgCPU = s.avgCPU; result.peakCPU = s.peakCPU; result.sampleRate = s.sampleRate; result.actualSampleRate = s.actualSampleRate; } return result; } } private class StatusWatcher // extends TimerTask implements OSCResponderNode.Action, ActionListener { private int alive = 0; private final int delayMillis; private final int periodMillis; private final OSCResponderNode resp; private final int deathBounces; private final Timer timer; // private StatusWatcher( float delay, float period ) // { // this( delay, period, 4 ); // } // protected StatusWatcher( float delay, float period, int deathBounces ) { delayMillis = (int) (delay * 1000); periodMillis = (int) (period * 1000); resp = new OSCResponderNode( enc_this, "/status.reply", this ); this.deathBounces = deathBounces; timer = new Timer( periodMillis, this ); timer.setInitialDelay( delayMillis ); } protected void start() throws IOException { //System.err.println( "start" ); //new Throwable().printStackTrace(); resp.add(); timer.restart(); // appClock.schedule( this, delayMillis, periodMillis ); } protected void stop() throws IOException { //System.err.println( "stop" ); //new Throwable().printStackTrace(); // this.cancel(); timer.stop(); resp.remove(); } public void actionPerformed( ActionEvent e ) { //System.err.println( "setRunning( "+alive+" )" ); if( alive > 0 ) { setRunning( true ); alive--; } else { setRunning( false ); } if( serverBooting && getOptions().getProtocol().equals( OSCChannel.TCP ) && !c.isConnected() ) { try { // c.connect(); c.start(); } catch( IOException e1 ) { printError( "Server.status", e1 ); } } else { try { status(); } catch( IOException e1 ) { printError( "Server.status", e1 ); } } } // XXX create specific osc message decoder public void respond( OSCResponderNode r, OSCMessage msg, long time ) { if( msg.getArgCount() < 9 ) return; alive = deathBounces; try { // msg.at( 0 ) == 1 synchronized( status ) { status.numUGens = ((Number) msg.getArg( 1 )).intValue(); status.numSynths = ((Number) msg.getArg( 2 )).intValue(); status.numGroups = ((Number) msg.getArg( 3 )).intValue(); status.numSynthDefs = ((Number) msg.getArg( 4 )).intValue(); status.avgCPU = ((Number) msg.getArg( 5 )).floatValue(); status.peakCPU = ((Number) msg.getArg( 6 )).floatValue(); status.sampleRate = ((Number) msg.getArg( 7 )).doubleValue(); status.actualSampleRate = ((Number) msg.getArg( 8 )).doubleValue(); } // setRunning( true ); // should be thread safe ? changed( ServerEvent.COUNTS ); } catch( ClassCastException e1 ) { printError( "StatusWatcher.messageReceived", e1 ); } } } /* * A helper OSC responder * for asynchronous communication. */ private class SyncResponder implements OSCResponderNode.Action { protected volatile OSCMessage replyMsg = null; private final OSCResponderNode doneResp; private final OSCResponderNode failResp; private final String doneCmdName; private final int[] doneArgIndices; private final Object[] doneArgMatches; private final int doneMinArgNum; private final String failCmdName; private final int[] failArgIndices; private final Object[] failArgMatches; private final int failMinArgNum; // protected SyncResponder( String doneCmdName, String failCmdName, int argIdx, Object argMatch ) // throws IOException // { // this( doneCmdName, failCmdName, new int[] { argIdx }, new Object[] { argMatch }); // } protected SyncResponder( String doneCmdName, String failCmdName, int[] doneArgIndices, Object[] doneArgMatches, int[] failArgIndices, Object[] failArgMatches ) throws IOException { this.doneCmdName = doneCmdName; this.doneArgIndices = doneArgIndices; this.doneArgMatches = doneArgMatches; this.failCmdName = failCmdName; this.failArgIndices = failArgIndices; this.failArgMatches = failArgMatches; int i = 0; for( int j = 0; j < doneArgIndices.length; j++ ) i = Math.max( i, doneArgIndices[ j ]); doneMinArgNum = i; doneResp = new OSCResponderNode( enc_this, doneCmdName, this ); if( failCmdName != null ) { i = 0; for( int j = 0; j < failArgIndices.length; j++ ) i = Math.max( i, failArgIndices[ j ]); failMinArgNum = i; failResp = new OSCResponderNode( enc_this, failCmdName, this ); } else { failMinArgNum = 0; failResp = null; } } protected void add() throws IOException { doneResp.add(); if( failResp != null ) failResp.add(); } protected void remove() { doneResp.remove(); if( failResp != null ) failResp.remove(); } public void respond( OSCResponderNode r, OSCMessage msg, long time ) { if( msg.getName().equals( doneCmdName )) { doneMessageReceived( msg ); } else if( msg.getName().equals( failCmdName )) { failMessageReceived( msg ); } else { assert false : msg.getName(); } } private void doneMessageReceived( OSCMessage msg ) { if( msg.getArgCount() < doneMinArgNum ) return; for( int i = 0; i < doneArgIndices.length; i++ ) { if( !msg.getArg( doneArgIndices[ i ]).equals( doneArgMatches[ i ])) return; } replyMsg = msg; remove(); synchronized( this ) { this.notifyAll(); } } private void failMessageReceived( OSCMessage msg ) { if( msg.getArgCount() < failMinArgNum ) return; for( int i = 0; i < failArgIndices.length; i++ ) { if( !msg.getArg( failArgIndices[ i ]).equals( failArgMatches[ i ])) return; } replyMsg = msg; remove(); synchronized( this ) { this.notifyAll(); } } } }