/* * Javassist, a Java-bytecode translator toolkit. * Copyright (C) 1999- Shigeru Chiba. All Rights Reserved. * * The contents of this file are subject to the Mozilla Public License Version * 1.1 (the "License"); you may not use this file except in compliance with * the License. Alternatively, the contents of this file may be used under * the terms of the GNU Lesser General Public License Version 2.1 or later, * or the Apache License Version 2.0. * * Software distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" basis, * WITHOUT WARRANTY OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. See the License * for the specific language governing rights and limitations under the * License. */ package io.github.proxyhotswap.javassist.compiler.ast; import io.github.proxyhotswap.javassist.compiler.CompileError; /** * A linked list. * The right subtree must be an ASTList object or null. */ public class ASTList extends ASTree { private ASTree left; private ASTList right; public ASTList(ASTree _head, ASTList _tail) { left = _head; right = _tail; } public ASTList(ASTree _head) { left = _head; right = null; } public static ASTList make(ASTree e1, ASTree e2, ASTree e3) { return new ASTList(e1, new ASTList(e2, new ASTList(e3))); } public ASTree getLeft() { return left; } public ASTree getRight() { return right; } public void setLeft(ASTree _left) { left = _left; } public void setRight(ASTree _right) { right = (ASTList)_right; } /** * Returns the car part of the list. */ public ASTree head() { return left; } public void setHead(ASTree _head) { left = _head; } /** * Returns the cdr part of the list. */ public ASTList tail() { return right; } public void setTail(ASTList _tail) { right = _tail; } public void accept(Visitor v) throws CompileError { v.atASTList(this); } public String toString() { StringBuffer sbuf = new StringBuffer(); sbuf.append("(<"); sbuf.append(getTag()); sbuf.append('>'); ASTList list = this; while (list != null) { sbuf.append(' '); ASTree a = list.left; sbuf.append(a == null ? "<null>" : a.toString()); list = list.right; } sbuf.append(')'); return sbuf.toString(); } /** * Returns the number of the elements in this list. */ public int length() { return length(this); } public static int length(ASTList list) { if (list == null) return 0; int n = 0; while (list != null) { list = list.right; ++n; } return n; } /** * Returns a sub list of the list. The sub list begins with the * n-th element of the list. * * @param nth zero or more than zero. */ public ASTList sublist(int nth) { ASTList list = this; while (nth-- > 0) list = list.right; return list; } /** * Substitutes <code>newObj</code> for <code>oldObj</code> in the * list. */ public boolean subst(ASTree newObj, ASTree oldObj) { for (ASTList list = this; list != null; list = list.right) if (list.left == oldObj) { list.left = newObj; return true; } return false; } /** * Appends an object to a list. */ public static ASTList append(ASTList a, ASTree b) { return concat(a, new ASTList(b)); } /** * Concatenates two lists. */ public static ASTList concat(ASTList a, ASTList b) { if (a == null) return b; else { ASTList list = a; while (list.right != null) list = list.right; list.right = b; return a; } } }