/* * Javassist, a Java-bytecode translator toolkit. * Copyright (C) 1999- Shigeru Chiba. All Rights Reserved. * * The contents of this file are subject to the Mozilla Public License Version * 1.1 (the "License"); you may not use this file except in compliance with * the License. Alternatively, the contents of this file may be used under * the terms of the GNU Lesser General Public License Version 2.1 or later, * or the Apache License Version 2.0. * * Software distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" basis, * WITHOUT WARRANTY OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. See the License * for the specific language governing rights and limitations under the * License. */ package io.github.proxyhotswap.javassist.bytecode.analysis; import io.github.proxyhotswap.javassist.CtClass; import java.util.HashMap; import java.util.Iterator; import java.util.Map; /** * MultiType represents an unresolved type. Whenever two <literal>Type</literal> * instances are merged, if they share more than one super type (either an * interface or a superclass), then a <literal>MultiType</literal> is used to * represent the possible super types. The goal of a <literal>MultiType</literal> * is to reduce the set of possible types down to a single resolved type. This * is done by eliminating non-assignable types from the typeset when the * <literal>MultiType</literal> is passed as an argument to * {@link Type#isAssignableFrom(Type)}, as well as removing non-intersecting * types during a merge. * * Note: Currently the <litera>MultiType</literal> instance is reused as much * as possible so that updates are visible from all frames. In addition, all * <literal>MultiType</literal> merge paths are also updated. This is somewhat * hackish, but it appears to handle most scenarios. * * @author Jason T. Greene */ /* TODO - A better, but more involved, approach would be to track the instruction * offset that resulted in the creation of this type, and * whenever the typeset changes, to force a merge on that position. This * would require creating a new MultiType instance every time the typeset * changes, and somehow communicating assignment changes to the Analyzer */ public class MultiType extends Type { private Map interfaces; private Type resolved; private Type potentialClass; private MultiType mergeSource; private boolean changed = false; public MultiType(Map interfaces) { this(interfaces, null); } public MultiType(Map interfaces, Type potentialClass) { super(null); this.interfaces = interfaces; this.potentialClass = potentialClass; } /** * Gets the class that corresponds with this type. If this information * is not yet known, java.lang.Object will be returned. */ public CtClass getCtClass() { if (resolved != null) return resolved.getCtClass(); return Type.OBJECT.getCtClass(); } /** * Always returns null since this type is never used for an array. */ public Type getComponent() { return null; } /** * Always returns 1, since this type is a reference. */ public int getSize() { return 1; } /** * Always reutnrs false since this type is never used for an array */ public boolean isArray() { return false; } /** * Returns true if the internal state has changed. */ boolean popChanged() { boolean changed = this.changed; this.changed = false; return changed; } public boolean isAssignableFrom(Type type) { throw new UnsupportedOperationException("Not implemented"); } public boolean isAssignableTo(Type type) { if (resolved != null) return type.isAssignableFrom(resolved); if (Type.OBJECT.equals(type)) return true; if (potentialClass != null && !type.isAssignableFrom(potentialClass)) potentialClass = null; Map map = mergeMultiAndSingle(this, type); if (map.size() == 1 && potentialClass == null) { // Update previous merge paths to the same resolved type resolved = Type.get((CtClass)map.values().iterator().next()); propogateResolved(); return true; } // Keep all previous merge paths up to date if (map.size() >= 1) { interfaces = map; propogateState(); return true; } if (potentialClass != null) { resolved = potentialClass; propogateResolved(); return true; } return false; } private void propogateState() { MultiType source = mergeSource; while (source != null) { source.interfaces = interfaces; source.potentialClass = potentialClass; source = source.mergeSource; } } private void propogateResolved() { MultiType source = mergeSource; while (source != null) { source.resolved = resolved; source = source.mergeSource; } } /** * Always returns true, since this type is always a reference. * * @return true */ public boolean isReference() { return true; } private Map getAllMultiInterfaces(MultiType type) { Map map = new HashMap(); Iterator iter = type.interfaces.values().iterator(); while (iter.hasNext()) { CtClass intf = (CtClass)iter.next(); map.put(intf.getName(), intf); getAllInterfaces(intf, map); } return map; } private Map mergeMultiInterfaces(MultiType type1, MultiType type2) { Map map1 = getAllMultiInterfaces(type1); Map map2 = getAllMultiInterfaces(type2); return findCommonInterfaces(map1, map2); } private Map mergeMultiAndSingle(MultiType multi, Type single) { Map map1 = getAllMultiInterfaces(multi); Map map2 = getAllInterfaces(single.getCtClass(), null); return findCommonInterfaces(map1, map2); } private boolean inMergeSource(MultiType source) { while (source != null) { if (source == this) return true; source = source.mergeSource; } return false; } public Type merge(Type type) { if (this == type) return this; if (type == UNINIT) return this; if (type == BOGUS) return BOGUS; if (type == null) return this; if (resolved != null) return resolved.merge(type); if (potentialClass != null) { Type mergePotential = potentialClass.merge(type); if (! mergePotential.equals(potentialClass) || mergePotential.popChanged()) { potentialClass = Type.OBJECT.equals(mergePotential) ? null : mergePotential; changed = true; } } Map merged; if (type instanceof MultiType) { MultiType multi = (MultiType)type; if (multi.resolved != null) { merged = mergeMultiAndSingle(this, multi.resolved); } else { merged = mergeMultiInterfaces(multi, this); if (! inMergeSource(multi)) mergeSource = multi; } } else { merged = mergeMultiAndSingle(this, type); } // Keep all previous merge paths up to date if (merged.size() > 1 || (merged.size() == 1 && potentialClass != null)) { // Check for changes if (merged.size() != interfaces.size()) { changed = true; } else if (changed == false){ Iterator iter = merged.keySet().iterator(); while (iter.hasNext()) if (! interfaces.containsKey(iter.next())) changed = true; } interfaces = merged; propogateState(); return this; } if (merged.size() == 1) { resolved = Type.get((CtClass) merged.values().iterator().next()); } else if (potentialClass != null){ resolved = potentialClass; } else { resolved = OBJECT; } propogateResolved(); return resolved; } public boolean equals(Object o) { if (! (o instanceof MultiType)) return false; MultiType multi = (MultiType) o; if (resolved != null) return resolved.equals(multi.resolved); else if (multi.resolved != null) return false; return interfaces.keySet().equals(multi.interfaces.keySet()); } public String toString() { if (resolved != null) return resolved.toString(); StringBuffer buffer = new StringBuffer("{"); Iterator iter = interfaces.keySet().iterator(); while (iter.hasNext()) { buffer.append(iter.next()); buffer.append(", "); } buffer.setLength(buffer.length() - 2); if (potentialClass != null) buffer.append(", *").append(potentialClass.toString()); buffer.append("}"); return buffer.toString(); } }