/* * Javassist, a Java-bytecode translator toolkit. * Copyright (C) 1999- Shigeru Chiba. All Rights Reserved. * * The contents of this file are subject to the Mozilla Public License Version * 1.1 (the "License"); you may not use this file except in compliance with * the License. Alternatively, the contents of this file may be used under * the terms of the GNU Lesser General Public License Version 2.1 or later, * or the Apache License Version 2.0. * * Software distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" basis, * WITHOUT WARRANTY OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. See the License * for the specific language governing rights and limitations under the * License. */ package io.github.proxyhotswap.javassist.bytecode.analysis; import io.github.proxyhotswap.javassist.ClassPool; import io.github.proxyhotswap.javassist.CtClass; import io.github.proxyhotswap.javassist.NotFoundException; import java.util.ArrayList; import java.util.HashMap; import java.util.IdentityHashMap; import java.util.Iterator; import java.util.Map; /** * Represents a JVM type in data-flow analysis. This abstraction is necessary since * a JVM type not only includes all normal Java types, but also a few special types * that are used by the JVM internally. See the static field types on this class for * more info on these special types. * * All primitive and special types reuse the same instance, so identity comparison can * be used when examining them. Normal java types must use {@link #equals(Object)} to * compare type instances. * * In most cases, applications which consume this API, only need to call {@link #getCtClass()} * to obtain the needed type information. * * @author Jason T. Greene */ public class Type { private final CtClass clazz; private final boolean special; private static final Map prims = new IdentityHashMap(); /** Represents the double primitive type */ public static final Type DOUBLE = new Type(CtClass.doubleType); /** Represents the boolean primitive type */ public static final Type BOOLEAN = new Type(CtClass.booleanType); /** Represents the long primitive type */ public static final Type LONG = new Type(CtClass.longType); /** Represents the char primitive type */ public static final Type CHAR = new Type(CtClass.charType); /** Represents the byte primitive type */ public static final Type BYTE = new Type(CtClass.byteType); /** Represents the short primitive type */ public static final Type SHORT = new Type(CtClass.shortType); /** Represents the integer primitive type */ public static final Type INTEGER = new Type(CtClass.intType); /** Represents the float primitive type */ public static final Type FLOAT = new Type(CtClass.floatType); /** Represents the void primitive type */ public static final Type VOID = new Type(CtClass.voidType); /** * Represents an unknown, or null type. This occurs when aconst_null is used. * It is important not to treat this type as java.lang.Object, since a null can * be assigned to any reference type. The analyzer will replace these with * an actual known type if it can be determined by a merged path with known type * information. If this type is encountered on a frame then it is guaranteed to * be null, and the type information is simply not available. Any attempts to * infer the type, without further information from the compiler would be a guess. */ public static final Type UNINIT = new Type(null); /** * Represents an internal JVM return address, which is used by the RET * instruction to return to a JSR that invoked the subroutine. */ public static final Type RETURN_ADDRESS = new Type(null, true); /** A placeholder used by the analyzer for the second word position of a double-word type */ public static final Type TOP = new Type(null, true); /** * Represents a non-accessible value. Code cannot access the value this type * represents. It occurs when bytecode reuses a local variable table * position with non-mergable types. An example would be compiled code which * uses the same position for a primitive type in one branch, and a reference type * in another branch. */ public static final Type BOGUS = new Type(null, true); /** Represents the java.lang.Object reference type */ public static final Type OBJECT = lookupType("java.lang.Object"); /** Represents the java.io.Serializable reference type */ public static final Type SERIALIZABLE = lookupType("java.io.Serializable"); /** Represents the java.lang.Coneable reference type */ public static final Type CLONEABLE = lookupType("java.lang.Cloneable"); /** Represents the java.lang.Throwable reference type */ public static final Type THROWABLE = lookupType("java.lang.Throwable"); static { prims.put(CtClass.doubleType, DOUBLE); prims.put(CtClass.longType, LONG); prims.put(CtClass.charType, CHAR); prims.put(CtClass.shortType, SHORT); prims.put(CtClass.intType, INTEGER); prims.put(CtClass.floatType, FLOAT); prims.put(CtClass.byteType, BYTE); prims.put(CtClass.booleanType, BOOLEAN); prims.put(CtClass.voidType, VOID); } /** * Obtain the Type for a given class. If the class is a primitive, * the the unique type instance for the primitive will be returned. * Otherwise a new Type instance representing the class is returned. * * @param clazz The java class * @return a type instance for this class */ public static Type get(CtClass clazz) { Type type = (Type)prims.get(clazz); return type != null ? type : new Type(clazz); } private static Type lookupType(String name) { try { return new Type(ClassPool.getDefault().get(name)); } catch (NotFoundException e) { throw new RuntimeException(e); } } Type(CtClass clazz) { this(clazz, false); } private Type(CtClass clazz, boolean special) { this.clazz = clazz; this.special = special; } // Used to indicate a merge internally triggered a change boolean popChanged() { return false; } /** * Gets the word size of this type. Double-word types, such as long and double * will occupy two positions on the local variable table or stack. * * @return the number of words needed to hold this type */ public int getSize() { return clazz == CtClass.doubleType || clazz == CtClass.longType || this == TOP ? 2 : 1; } /** * Returns the class this type represents. If the type is special, null will be returned. * * @return the class for this type, or null if special */ public CtClass getCtClass() { return clazz; } /** * Returns whether or not this type is a normal java reference, i.e. it is or extends java.lang.Object. * * @return true if a java reference, false if a primitive or special */ public boolean isReference() { return !special && (clazz == null || !clazz.isPrimitive()); } /** * Returns whether or not the type is special. A special type is one that is either used * for internal tracking, or is only used internally by the JVM. * * @return true if special, false if not */ public boolean isSpecial() { return special; } /** * Returns whether or not this type is an array. * * @return true if an array, false if not */ public boolean isArray() { return clazz != null && clazz.isArray(); } /** * Returns the number of dimensions of this array. If the type is not an * array zero is returned. * * @return zero if not an array, otherwise the number of array dimensions. */ public int getDimensions() { if (!isArray()) return 0; String name = clazz.getName(); int pos = name.length() - 1; int count = 0; while (name.charAt(pos) == ']' ) { pos -= 2; count++; } return count; } /** * Returns the array component if this type is an array. If the type * is not an array null is returned. * * @return the array component if an array, otherwise null */ public Type getComponent() { if (this.clazz == null || !this.clazz.isArray()) return null; CtClass component; try { component = this.clazz.getComponentType(); } catch (NotFoundException e) { throw new RuntimeException(e); } Type type = (Type)prims.get(component); return (type != null) ? type : new Type(component); } /** * Determines whether this type is assignable, to the passed type. * A type is assignable to another if it is either the same type, or * a sub-type. * * @param type the type to test assignability to * @return true if this is assignable to type, otherwise false */ public boolean isAssignableFrom(Type type) { if (this == type) return true; if ((type == UNINIT && isReference()) || this == UNINIT && type.isReference()) return true; if (type instanceof MultiType) return ((MultiType)type).isAssignableTo(this); if (type instanceof MultiArrayType) return ((MultiArrayType)type).isAssignableTo(this); // Primitives and Special types must be identical if (clazz == null || clazz.isPrimitive()) return false; try { return type.clazz.subtypeOf(clazz); } catch (Exception e) { throw new RuntimeException(e); } } /** * Finds the common base type, or interface which both this and the specified * type can be assigned. If there is more than one possible answer, then a {@link MultiType}, * or a {@link MultiArrayType} is returned. Multi-types have special rules, * and successive merges and assignment tests on them will alter their internal state, * as well as other multi-types they have been merged with. This method is used by * the data-flow analyzer to merge the type state from multiple branches. * * @param type the type to merge with * @return the merged type */ public Type merge(Type type) { if (type == this) return this; if (type == null) return this; if (type == Type.UNINIT) return this; if (this == Type.UNINIT) return type; // Unequal primitives and special types can not be merged if (! type.isReference() || ! this.isReference()) return BOGUS; // Centralize merging of multi-interface types if (type instanceof MultiType) return type.merge(this); if (type.isArray() && this.isArray()) return mergeArray(type); try { return mergeClasses(type); } catch (NotFoundException e) { throw new RuntimeException(e); } } Type getRootComponent(Type type) { while (type.isArray()) type = type.getComponent(); return type; } private Type createArray(Type rootComponent, int dims) { if (rootComponent instanceof MultiType) return new MultiArrayType((MultiType) rootComponent, dims); String name = arrayName(rootComponent.clazz.getName(), dims); Type type; try { type = Type.get(getClassPool(rootComponent).get(name)); } catch (NotFoundException e) { throw new RuntimeException(e); } return type; } String arrayName(String component, int dims) { // Using char[] since we have no StringBuilder in JDK4, and StringBuffer is slow. // Although, this is more efficient even if we did have one. int i = component.length(); int size = i + dims * 2; char[] string = new char[size]; component.getChars(0, i, string, 0); while (i < size) { string[i++] = '['; string[i++] = ']'; } component = new String(string); return component; } private ClassPool getClassPool(Type rootComponent) { ClassPool pool = rootComponent.clazz.getClassPool(); return pool != null ? pool : ClassPool.getDefault(); } private Type mergeArray(Type type) { Type typeRoot = getRootComponent(type); Type thisRoot = getRootComponent(this); int typeDims = type.getDimensions(); int thisDims = this.getDimensions(); // Array commponents can be merged when the dimensions are equal if (typeDims == thisDims) { Type mergedComponent = thisRoot.merge(typeRoot); // If the components can not be merged (a primitive component mixed with a different type) // then Object is the common type. if (mergedComponent == Type.BOGUS) return Type.OBJECT; return createArray(mergedComponent, thisDims); } Type targetRoot; int targetDims; if (typeDims < thisDims) { targetRoot = typeRoot; targetDims = typeDims; } else { targetRoot = thisRoot; targetDims = thisDims; } // Special case, arrays are cloneable and serializable, so prefer them when dimensions differ if (eq(CLONEABLE.clazz, targetRoot.clazz) || eq(SERIALIZABLE.clazz, targetRoot.clazz)) return createArray(targetRoot, targetDims); return createArray(OBJECT, targetDims); } private static CtClass findCommonSuperClass(CtClass one, CtClass two) throws NotFoundException { CtClass deep = one; CtClass shallow = two; CtClass backupShallow = shallow; CtClass backupDeep = deep; // Phase 1 - Find the deepest hierarchy, set deep and shallow correctly for (;;) { // In case we get lucky, and find a match early if (eq(deep, shallow) && deep.getSuperclass() != null) return deep; CtClass deepSuper = deep.getSuperclass(); CtClass shallowSuper = shallow.getSuperclass(); if (shallowSuper == null) { // right, now reset shallow shallow = backupShallow; break; } if (deepSuper == null) { // wrong, swap them, since deep is now useless, its our tmp before we swap it deep = backupDeep; backupDeep = backupShallow; backupShallow = deep; deep = shallow; shallow = backupShallow; break; } deep = deepSuper; shallow = shallowSuper; } // Phase 2 - Move deepBackup up by (deep end - deep) for (;;) { deep = deep.getSuperclass(); if (deep == null) break; backupDeep = backupDeep.getSuperclass(); } deep = backupDeep; // Phase 3 - The hierarchy positions are now aligned // The common super class is easy to find now while (!eq(deep, shallow)) { deep = deep.getSuperclass(); shallow = shallow.getSuperclass(); } return deep; } private Type mergeClasses(Type type) throws NotFoundException { CtClass superClass = findCommonSuperClass(this.clazz, type.clazz); // If its Object, then try and find a common interface(s) if (superClass.getSuperclass() == null) { Map interfaces = findCommonInterfaces(type); if (interfaces.size() == 1) return new Type((CtClass) interfaces.values().iterator().next()); if (interfaces.size() > 1) return new MultiType(interfaces); // Only Object is in common return new Type(superClass); } // Check for a common interface that is not on the found supertype Map commonDeclared = findExclusiveDeclaredInterfaces(type, superClass); if (commonDeclared.size() > 0) { return new MultiType(commonDeclared, new Type(superClass)); } return new Type(superClass); } private Map findCommonInterfaces(Type type) { Map typeMap = getAllInterfaces(type.clazz, null); Map thisMap = getAllInterfaces(this.clazz, null); return findCommonInterfaces(typeMap, thisMap); } private Map findExclusiveDeclaredInterfaces(Type type, CtClass exclude) { Map typeMap = getDeclaredInterfaces(type.clazz, null); Map thisMap = getDeclaredInterfaces(this.clazz, null); Map excludeMap = getAllInterfaces(exclude, null); Iterator i = excludeMap.keySet().iterator(); while (i.hasNext()) { Object intf = i.next(); typeMap.remove(intf); thisMap.remove(intf); } return findCommonInterfaces(typeMap, thisMap); } Map findCommonInterfaces(Map typeMap, Map alterMap) { Iterator i = alterMap.keySet().iterator(); while (i.hasNext()) { if (! typeMap.containsKey(i.next())) i.remove(); } // Reduce to subinterfaces // This does not need to be recursive since we make a copy, // and that copy contains all super types for the whole hierarchy i = new ArrayList(alterMap.values()).iterator(); while (i.hasNext()) { CtClass intf = (CtClass) i.next(); CtClass[] interfaces; try { interfaces = intf.getInterfaces(); } catch (NotFoundException e) { throw new RuntimeException(e); } for (int c = 0; c < interfaces.length; c++) alterMap.remove(interfaces[c].getName()); } return alterMap; } Map getAllInterfaces(CtClass clazz, Map map) { if (map == null) map = new HashMap(); if (clazz.isInterface()) map.put(clazz.getName(), clazz); do { try { CtClass[] interfaces = clazz.getInterfaces(); for (int i = 0; i < interfaces.length; i++) { CtClass intf = interfaces[i]; map.put(intf.getName(), intf); getAllInterfaces(intf, map); } clazz = clazz.getSuperclass(); } catch (NotFoundException e) { throw new RuntimeException(e); } } while (clazz != null); return map; } Map getDeclaredInterfaces(CtClass clazz, Map map) { if (map == null) map = new HashMap(); if (clazz.isInterface()) map.put(clazz.getName(), clazz); CtClass[] interfaces; try { interfaces = clazz.getInterfaces(); } catch (NotFoundException e) { throw new RuntimeException(e); } for (int i = 0; i < interfaces.length; i++) { CtClass intf = interfaces[i]; map.put(intf.getName(), intf); getDeclaredInterfaces(intf, map); } return map; } public boolean equals(Object o) { if (! (o instanceof Type)) return false; return o.getClass() == getClass() && eq(clazz, ((Type)o).clazz); } static boolean eq(CtClass one, CtClass two) { return one == two || (one != null && two != null && one.getName().equals(two.getName())); } public String toString() { if (this == BOGUS) return "BOGUS"; if (this == UNINIT) return "UNINIT"; if (this == RETURN_ADDRESS) return "RETURN ADDRESS"; if (this == TOP) return "TOP"; return clazz == null ? "null" : clazz.getName(); } }