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package org.jboss.processFlow.tasks;
import java.util.List;
import java.util.Map;
import org.jbpm.task.OrganizationalEntity;
import org.jbpm.task.Task;
import org.jbpm.task.Status;
import org.jbpm.task.Content;
import org.jbpm.task.admin.TasksAdmin;
import org.jbpm.task.query.TaskSummary;
import org.jbpm.task.service.ContentData;
import org.jbpm.task.service.TaskException;
import org.jbpm.task.service.CannotAddTaskException;
* WS-HT state transitions
* - Provide an EJB based service that allows for manipulation of WS-HT state transitions on human tasks
* - see the following link for an overview of WS-HT defined task states and their transitions:
* http://docs.oasis-open.org/bpel4people/ws-humantask-1.1.html
* section 4.10 : Human Task Behavior and State Transitions
* Interaction with org.jbpm.task.service.TaskServiceSession
* - org.jbpm.task.service.TaskServiceSession provides the majority of the functionality to manage jbpm human tasks
* - implementations of this interface expose various TaskServiceSession derived operations as an EJB 'service'
* - implementations may choose to interact with the TaskServiceSession directly.
* - another approach may be to interact with the TaskServiceSession via any of the numerous jbpm5 human task 'servers' which implement: org.jbpm.task.service.TaskServer
* performance considerations
* - some of these operations will be invoked significantly more than others
* - in particular, implementations will want to ensure that the claimTask(....) operation is implemented in a manner that is very performant
* - the scenario for requiring a performance 'claimTask(...)' implementation is as follows :
* - if human tasks are assigned to a group queue, then clients will want to invoke one of the several 'getTasksAssignedAsPotentialOwner(...)' operations
* - clients then iterate through the List<TaskSummary> returned from getTasksAssignedAsPotentialOwner(...)
* - which each iteration through the List<TaskSummary>, the 'claimTask(..)' operation is invoked
* - in a concurrent environment, it is quite likely that other clients may have already RESERVED some of the tasks
originally returned from 'getTasksAssignedAsPotentialOwner'
* 'guaranteedClaimTask' operation
* - to avoid the heavy network hit imposed by remote clients invoking 'claimTask(...)' as they each iterate through a List<TaskSummary>,
* may want to consider implementing a method called 'guaranteedClaimTask(...)'
* - the purpose of 'guaranteedClaimTask(..)' would be to return a Task to the client that is guaranteed to have been RESERVED by that client
* - this ITaskService implementation would iterate through a List<TaskSummary> rather than having remote clients do so
*<b>WS-HT task state overview</b>
*start states
* Created
*active states:
* Ready, Reserved, InProgress
*final states:
* Completed, Failed, Error, Exited, Obsolete
public interface ITaskService {
public static final String TASK_SERVICE_JNDI = "ejb:/processFlow-taskService//taskProxy!org.jboss.processFlow.tasks.ITaskService";
public static final String TASK_SERVICE_PROVIDER_URL = "org.jboss.processFlow.tasks.TASK_SERVICE_PROVIDER_URL";
public static final String ADMINISTRATOR = "admin";
public static final String HUMAN_TASK = "Human Task";
public static final String SKIP_TASK="pfpSkipTask";
public static final String SKIP_TASK_SIGNAL="skipTaskSignal";
public static final String FAIL_TASK="pfpFailTask";
public static final String FAIL_TASK_SIGNAL="failTaskSignal";
public static final String TASK_ID = "TASK_ID";
public static final String TASK_STATUS="TASK_STATUS";
public static final String DEADLINE_HANDLER = "org.jboss.processFlow.tasks.DeadlineHandler";
*creates a task with status of 'Ready'
* NOTE : this operation will most likely will be invoked by a BRMS customer 'workItemHandler'
public long addTask(Task taskObj, ContentData cData) throws CannotAddTaskException;
* changes task status : Ready --> Reserved
public void claimTask(Long taskId, String idRef, String userId, List<String> roles) throws TaskException;
public TaskSummary guaranteedClaimTaskAssignedAsPotentialOwnerByStatusByGroup(String userId, List<String> groupIds, List<Status> statuses, String language, Integer firstResult, Integer maxResults);
* changes task status : Reserved --> Completed
* <pre>
* NOTE : it's expected that implementations of this operation will actually invoke 2 WS-HT based operations in this single operation :
* 1) TaskServiceSession.start(...) : changes status from Reserved --> InProgress
* 2) TaskServiceSession.complete(...) : changes status from InProgress --> Completed
* please see the following section WS-HT specification: 4.7.1 Normal Processing of a Human Task
* implementations of this function will invoke IKnowledgeSession.completeWorkItem(...) to continue process instance execution
* </pre>
public void completeTask(Long taskId, Map<String, Object> outboundTaskVars, String userId);
* delegateTask
* places task back to a status of "Ready" to be subsequently claimed by "targetUserId"
* as per WS-HT spec, original status of task can be either Ready, Reserved or InProgress
* as the task remains in an 'active' state, the the work flow branch that this task is a part of does not continue
* @param taskId
* @param userId
* @param targetUserId
public void delegateTask(Long taskId, String userId, String targetUserId);
* failTask
* places task in a status of "Failed" and continues process instance execution
* as per WS-HT specification, section 4.7 , task status must already be "InProgress" for this operation to be valid
* @param taskId
* @param outboundTaskVars
* @param userId
* @param faultName
public void failTask(Long taskId, Map<String, Object> outboundTaskVars, String userId, String faultName);
* exitTask
* places task in a status of "Exited" and continues process instance execution
* as per WS-HT specification, section 4.7 , task status must either be "Created, Ready, Reserved or InProgress" for this operation to be valid
* @param taskId
* @param userId
public void exitTask(Long taskId, String userId);
public TaskSummary getTask(Long taskId);
* Note: returns a Hibernate lazy-loaded entity. Subsequently client to this function
* should use the Task entity within the same transaction used to invoke this function
* @param workItemId
* @return
public Task getTaskByWorkItemId(Long workItemId);
* skipTask
* places task in a status of "Obsolete" and continues execution of work flow branch that this task is a part of
* <pre>
* NOTE: underlying jbpm5 TaskServiceSession does not allow for outbound task variables with Operation.Skip
* will still use the "outboundTaskVars" passed in this function to populate process instance variables with completeWorkItem() invocation
* </pre>
public void skipTask(Long taskId, String userId, Map<String, Object> outboundTaskVars);
* invoked internally be PFPAddHumanTaskHandler
* will place task in status of Obsolete
* @param workItemId
public void skipTaskByWorkItemId(Long workItemId);
* changes task status : Reserved --> InProgress
public void startTask(Long taskId, String userId);
* sets list of potentialOwners to an existing task
* <pre>
* provides similar functionality to section 4.7.3 of WS-HT
* however, jbpm5 TaskServiceSession does not seem to change task state as described in 4.7.3
* </pre>
public void nominateTask(final long taskId, String userId, final List<OrganizationalEntity> potentialOwners);
public List<TaskSummary> getTasksAssignedAsPotentialOwner(String userId, List<String> groupIds, String language);
public List<TaskSummary> getTasksAssignedAsPotentialOwner(String userId, List<String> groupIds, String language, Integer firstResult, Integer maxResults);
public List<TaskSummary> getTasksAssignedAsPotentialOwnerByStatusByGroup(String userId, List<String> groupIds, List<Status> statuses, String language, Integer firstResult, Integer maxResults);
public List<TaskSummary> getTasksAssignedAsPotentialOwnerByStatus(String userId, List<Status> statuses, String language, Integer firstResult, Integer maxResults);
*- NOTE: Status taskStatus parameter is optional
public List<TaskSummary> getTasksByProcessInstance(Long processInstanceId, Status taskStatus);
* getTaskContent
* <pre>
* to invoke this method, provide taskId and boolean dictating whether to return :
* 1) inbound task variables (true)
* or
* 2) outbound task variables (false)
* <pre>
public Map<String,Object> getTaskContent(Long taskId, Boolean inbound);
* setTaskContent
* <pre>
* to invoke this method, provide jbpm5 Task, Map of task variables and boolean dictating whether to set these variables as :
* 1) inbound task variables (true)
* or
* 2) outbound task variables (false)
* <pre>
public void setTaskContent(Task taskObj, Boolean inbound, Map<String, Object> taskContent);
* Sets the {@link Task}'s inbound or outbound task variables.
* <p/>
* Note that the <code>userId</code> is only required when setting outbound tasks, as jBPM only allows the owner of a task to set these variables.
* @param taskId the id of the {@link Task}.
* @param userId the userid of the user that's changing the task variables. Note that the userId is only required when setting outbound variables.
* @param inbound defines whether the {@link Task}'s inbound or outbound variables will be changed.
* @param taskContent the content to set.
public void setTaskContent(Long taskId, String userId, Boolean inbound, Map<String, Object> taskContent);
* printTaskContent
* @param taskId taskId
* @param inbound indicates whether to print inbound(true) or outbound(false) task variables
* @return
public String printTaskContent(Long taskId, Boolean inbound);
public String getTaskName(Long taskId, String language);
public List<TaskSummary> getAssignedTasks(String userId, List<Status> statuses, String language);
public List query(String qlString, Integer size, Integer offset);
public Content getContent(Long contentId);
public Map populateHashWithTaskContent(Content contentObj, String keyName);
public void releaseTask(Long taskId, String userId);