package org.jboss.processFlow.console.binding;
import java.util.Map;
* The interfaces to binding the key/value based properties to the task result mapping.
* <p>
* The typical scenario is the result data of the human task from jbpm-console are generally key/value based in string
* type, but the process instance might required for type other than string, e.g. long, integer, or event complex object
* like list/custom objects, etc.
* </p>
* @author tanxu
* @date Jan 27, 2012
* @since
public interface IDataBinder {
* Set the task name, which is used to query the corresponding {@link BeanDefinition} for {@link BindingContext}
* @param taskName
void setTaskName(String taskName);
* Set the bindingContext from which to query the {@link BeanDefinition}.<br/>
* Generally the <code>bindingContext</code> is shared by several/all dataBinder
* @param bindingContext
void setBindingContext(BindingContext bindingContext);
* do the binding
* @param sourceContext the source context map that tells bind what value to which property. The key in the source
* context map is generally the expression of the property. The expression syntax follow the EL of the
* specified data binder adapter, for example, MVEL, or SeEL.
* <p>
* One exception is if you want to binding to a map, you need to do two things:
* <ul>
* <li>specify the <code>value-type</code> of the property as <code>map</code>, for example:
* <code><entry key="FIELDVALUES" value-type="map"/></code></li>
* <li>pass the properties (generally from ftl) in form of
* "property[$idx].key=keyname, property[$idx].value=val", for example:
* <code>FIELDVALUES[0].key=testkey1, FIELDVALUES[0].value=testvalue1</code>, this will put one entry
* <code>(testkey1, testvalue1)</code> to the target map</li>
* </ul>
* </p>
* @throws Exception
void bind(Map<String, Object> sourceContext) throws Exception;