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package org.jboss.processFlow.knowledgeService;
import java.io.File;
import java.io.Serializable;
import java.net.ConnectException;
import java.util.Map;
import java.util.List;
import org.drools.definition.process.Process;
import org.drools.io.Resource;
import org.jbpm.persistence.processinstance.ProcessInstanceInfo;
* StatefulKnowledgeSession management
* - implementations of this interface manage the lifecycle of one or more org.drools.runtime.StatefulKnowledgeSession objects
* - these StatefulKnowledgeSession objects implement org.drools.runtime.process.ProcessRuntime
* - subsequently, this interface exposes various ProcessRuntime derived operations as an EJB 'service'
* - ksessionId state :
* - some of the methods exposed by this interface take both a 'processInstanceId' and a 'ksessionId' as a parameter
* - the 'ksessionId' is optional depending on several considerations:
* - for an implementation that only maintains one StatefulKnowledgeSession (ie: similar to CommandDelegate of jbpm5 gwt-console-server)
* the ksessionId is irrelevant
* - for an implementation that assigns a StatefulKnowledgeSession to a single process instance or a group of process instances,
* that implementation should maintain a mapping of ksessionIds to processInstanceIds. If null is passed to any of the methods
* accepting a ksessionId, then the implementation should execute a lookup for ksessionId.
* KnowledgeBase management
* - implementations of this interface will typically manage the lifecycle of an org.drools.KnowledgeBase
* - an implementation will use this KnowledgeBase object to create/load the runtime StatefulKnowledgeSession objects
* - the KnowledgeBase object is a repository of all knowledge definitions to include : rules, processes, functions and type models
* - this KnowledgeBase object is typically kept current by interacting with a remote BRMS guvnor service
* - the remote BRMS guvnor service is the actual 'system-of-record' of knowledge definitions
* Business Activity Monitoring (BAM) audit logging
* - implementations of this may or may not feed a BAM data warehouse of process instance events
public interface IKnowledgeSession extends IBaseKnowledgeSession {
public static final String KNOWLEDGE_SESSION_SERVICE_JNDI = "ejb:/processFlow-knowledgeSessionService//prodKSessionProxy!org.jboss.processFlow.knowledgeService.IKnowledgeSession";
public static final String KNOWLEDGE_SERVICE_PROVIDER_URL = "org.jboss.processFlow.knowledgeService.KNOWLEDGE_SERVICE_PROVIDER_URL";
public static final String SPACE_DELIMITED_PROCESS_EVENT_LISTENERS = "space.delimited.process.event.listeners";
public static final String TASK_CLEAN_UP_PROCESS_EVENT_LISTENER_IMPL="task.clean.up.process.event.listener.impl";
public static final String PROCESS_ID = "processid";
public static final String PROCESS_NAME="processName";
public static final String PROCESS_VERSION="processVersion";
public static final String PACKAGE_NAME="packageName";
public static final String PROCESS_INSTANCE_ID = "processInstanceId";
public static final String PROCESS_INSTANCE_STATE = "processInstanceState";
public static final String KSESSION_ID = "ksessionId";
public static final String KSESSION = "ksession";
public static final String WORK_ITEM_ID = "workItemId";
public static final String EMAIL = "Email";
public static final String OPERATION_TYPE="operationType";
public static final String ADD_PROCESS_TO_KNOWLEDGE_BASE="addProcessToKnowledgeBase";
public static final String COMPLETE_WORK_ITEM = "completeWorkItem";
public static final String START_PROCESS_AND_RETURN_ID="startProcessAndReturnId";
public static final String SIGNAL_EVENT="signalEvent";
public static final String SIGNAL_TYPE="signalType";
public static final String BPMN_FILE="bpmnFile";
public static final String NODE_ID="nodeId";
public static final String DELIVER_ASYNC="deliverAsync";
public static final String ASYNC_BAM_PRODUCER="org.jboss.processFlow.knowledgeService.AsyncBAMProducer";
public static final String CHANGE_SET_URLS = "org.jboss.processFlow.space.delimited.change.set.urls";
public static final String USE_JPA_PLACEHOLDER_RESOLVER_STRATEGY = "org.jboss.processFlow.knowledgeService.useJPAPlaceholderResolverStrategy";
* printWorkItemHandlers
* <pre>
* returns a listing of registered workItemHandlers with knowledgeSessions
* will include workItemHandlers loaded programmatically and via configuration
* </pre>
public String printWorkItemHandlers();
* Aborts the process instance with the given id. If the process instance has been completed
* (or aborted), or the process instance cannot be found, this method will throw an
* <code>IllegalArgumentException</code>.
* @param id the id of the process instance
* @param ksessionId the id of the KnowledgeSession that is managing the lifecycle of the process instance
public void abortProcessInstance(Long processInstanceId, Integer ksessionId);
* refreshKnowledgeBase and knowledgeAgent managed by PFP knowledgeSessionService
* use in conjunction with various guvnor.* properties include in META-INF/jbpm-console.properties of the knowledgeSessionService implementation artifact
* should see a similar log statement from guvnor as follows:
* INFO [PackageAssembler] Following assets have been included in package build: simpleHumanTask, defaultemailicon, defaultlogicon, WorkDefinitions, pfpFailTask, pfpSkipTask, task_skip_by_signalIntermediateEvent, simpleTask-taskform, nominateAndAwardBonusTask-taskform, simpleTask-image, pInstance_terminate_by_signalIntermediateEvent
* @throws ConnectException
public void rebuildKnowledgeBaseViaKnowledgeAgent() throws ConnectException;
* intention of this function is to create a knowledgeBase without a strict dependency on guvnor
* will still query guvnor for packages but will continue on even if problems communicating with guvnor exists
* this function could be of use in those scenarious where guvnor is not accessible
* knowledgeBase can subsequently be populated via one of the addProcessToKnowledgeBase(....) functions
* in all cases, the knowledgeBase created by this function will NOT be registered with a knowledgeAgent that receives updates from guvnor
public void rebuildKnowledgeBaseViaKnowledgeBuilder();
* initial attempt is to create kbase via guvnor through a knowledgeAgent
* if that fails, then fall back is to create kbase via knowledgeBuilder
public void createOrRebuildKnowledgeBaseViaKnowledgeAgentOrBuilder();
*return a snapshot of all process definitions that the KnowledgeBase is currently aware of
public String printKnowledgeBaseContent();
* Uses GuvnorConnectionUtils to query guvnor for 'assets' of a particular package using the following URL convention:
* <guvnor.protocol>://<guvnor.host>/<guvnorsubdomain>/rest/packages/<guvnor.package>/assets
public String getAllProcessesInPackage(String pkgName) throws ConnectException;
*retrieve a list of all Process definition objects that the KnowledgeBase is currently aware of
public List<SerializableProcessMetaData> retrieveProcesses() throws Exception ;
public void addProcessToKnowledgeBase(Process processObj, Resource resourceObj);
public void addProcessToKnowledgeBase(File bpmnFile);
*given an optional Map of query criteria, return a List of ProcessInstance objects
*currently, only one type of query criteria is supported and is keyed by PROCESS_ID
*NOTE: org.jbpm.persistence.processinstance.ProcessInstanceInfo does not implement java.io.Serializable ... so don't invoke directly from an EJB client
public List<ProcessInstanceInfo> getActiveProcessInstances(Map<String,Object> queryCriteria);
public String printActiveProcessInstances(Map<String,Object> queryCriteria);
public SerializableProcessMetaData getProcess(String processId);
public void removeProcess(String processId);
public String printActiveProcessInstanceVariables(Long processInstanceId, Integer ksessionId);
public Map<String, Object> getActiveProcessInstanceVariables(Long processInstanceId, Integer ksessionId);
public void setProcessInstanceVariables(Long processInstanceId, Map<String, Object> variables, Integer ksessionId);
* returns a snapshot of all KnowledgeSessions and the state that each session is currently in
public String dumpSessionStatusInfo();
* knowledgeSessionService may have a process event listener that sends events asynchroneously to a message broker
* these events will subsequently be stored in a business activity monitoring data wharehouse for future analysis
* this function lists the # of active and idle producers from a pool of JMS producers
public String dumpBAMProducerPoolInfo();
* for details, please see: http://docs.jboss.org/jbpm/v5.1/userguide/ch05.html#d0e1768
public void upgradeProcessInstance(long processInstanceId, String processId, Map<String, Long> nodeMapping);
public void completeWorkItem(Long workItemId, Map<String, Object> pInstanceVariables, Long pInstanceId, Integer ksessionId);