package de.uhh.l2g.plugins.migration.controller; import java.util.Date; import java.util.List; import javax.portlet.ActionRequest; import com.liferay.counter.service.CounterLocalServiceUtil; import com.liferay.portal.kernel.dao.orm.DynamicQuery; import com.liferay.portal.kernel.dao.orm.DynamicQueryFactoryUtil; import com.liferay.portal.kernel.dao.orm.PropertyFactoryUtil; import com.liferay.portal.kernel.exception.PortalException; import com.liferay.portal.kernel.exception.SystemException; import com.liferay.portal.kernel.log.Log; import com.liferay.portal.kernel.log.LogFactoryUtil; import com.liferay.portal.model.Address; import com.liferay.portal.model.Contact; import com.liferay.portal.model.Group; import com.liferay.portal.model.LayoutSet; import com.liferay.portal.model.Role; import com.liferay.portal.model.User; import com.liferay.portal.service.AddressLocalServiceUtil; import com.liferay.portal.service.ClassNameLocalServiceUtil; import com.liferay.portal.service.ContactLocalServiceUtil; import com.liferay.portal.service.GroupLocalServiceUtil; import com.liferay.portal.service.LayoutSetLocalServiceUtil; import com.liferay.portal.service.RoleLocalServiceUtil; import com.liferay.portal.service.UserLocalServiceUtil; import de.uhh.l2g.plugins.migration.mapper.AddressMapper; import de.uhh.l2g.plugins.migration.mapper.ContactMapper; import de.uhh.l2g.plugins.migration.mapper.UserMapper; import de.uhh.l2g.plugins.migration.model.LegacyAddress; import de.uhh.l2g.plugins.migration.model.LegacyContact; import de.uhh.l2g.plugins.migration.model.LegacyUser; import de.uhh.l2g.plugins.migration.service.LegacyAddressLocalServiceUtil; import de.uhh.l2g.plugins.migration.service.LegacyContactLocalServiceUtil; /** * This Class outsources all relveant opertations to migrate a user. * This class uses the singelton pattern, to ensure to be created once. * @author salow * */ public class UserManager { private static final Log log = LogFactoryUtil.getLog(UserManager.class); private String logInfoString = ""; private static final UserManager INSTANCE = new UserManager(); private UserManager() { } public static UserManager getInstance() { return INSTANCE; } /** * Public method invoked by the overal migration controller. It Creates a user on specific parameters. * * @throws SystemException * @throws PortalException * @throws IOException */ /** * @param legacyUser - LegacyUser Object specified trough service.xml * @param companyId - current Company id of Liferay Target System * @param sites - Sites the user has to be linked to * @param request Action Request to return logging information, and successfull flag. * @throws SystemException * @throws PortalException */ public void createUser(LegacyUser legacyUser, long companyId, String sites, ActionRequest request) throws SystemException, PortalException { long currentUserId = Long.valueOf(request.getRemoteUser()); User currentUser = null; try { currentUser = UserLocalServiceUtil.getUser(currentUserId); } catch (PortalException e) { log.error("There is no current user."); } catch (SystemException e) { log.error("There is no current user."); } /* Read data from LegacyUser and LegacyContact. */ LegacyContact legacyContact; legacyContact = LegacyContactLocalServiceUtil.getLegacyContact(legacyUser.getContactId()); /* * 1) Read out legacy user data * 2) Check if user is valid to be updated * 3) if yes do update of existing user or create a new one ( * a) call createOrGetID Methods * b) call createOrUpdate Methods */ logInfo("Legacy User loaded: " + legacyContact.getFirstName() + " " + legacyContact.getLastName() + " with mailAddress " + legacyUser.getEmailAddress()); User nullOrUserObject = null; try { nullOrUserObject = UserLocalServiceUtil.getUserByEmailAddress(companyId, legacyUser.getEmailAddress()); } catch (Exception e) {"User not found by mailAddress in LF62 DB."); } // Bullet 2) passed? if (currentUser != null && !legacyUser.getEmailAddress().equals("") && !legacyUser.getEmailAddress().equals("default@") && !legacyUser.getEmailAddress().equals(currentUser.getEmailAddress())) { logInfo("Migrating " + legacyContact.getFirstName() + " " + legacyContact.getLastName() + " with mailAddress " + legacyUser.getEmailAddress()); // Get (new) IDs // following bullet a) call createOrGetID Methods long contactId = createOrGetContactId(nullOrUserObject); long userId = createOrGetUserId(nullOrUserObject); long personalGroupId = createOrGetPersonalGroupId(companyId, String.valueOf(userId)); // Call as mentioned in bullet b) createOrUpdate Methods logInfo("Creating Contact"); Contact contact = createOrUpdateContact(companyId,contactId,userId,legacyContact); logInfo("Contact created"); logInfo("Creating User with legacyContactID " + legacyContact.getContactId() + " contactId: " + contactId); User user = createOrUpdateUser(companyId, nullOrUserObject, userId, legacyUser, legacyContact, contactId); createOrUpdateAddress(companyId, user, legacyUser, contact); createPersonalGroupIfNotExistent(companyId, personalGroupId, userId, currentUserId, String.valueOf(userId), user.getScreenName()); logInfo("Group created"); createPersonalLayoutIfNotExistent(companyId,personalGroupId, true); logInfo(" Private Layout created"); createPersonalLayoutIfNotExistent(companyId, personalGroupId, false); logInfo(" Public Layout created"); // ADD Power User and User role addRolesToUser(user.getUserId(), companyId); logInfo(" Roles added"); //update sites to user addUserToSite(sites, userId, companyId); logInfo("Added user with id: " + user.getUserId()); } } private long createOrGetUserId(User userByMail) throws SystemException { long userId; if (userByMail == null) { userId = CounterLocalServiceUtil.increment(); } else { userId = userByMail.getUserId(); } return userId; } private long createOrGetContactId(User userByMail) throws SystemException, PortalException { long contactId; if (userByMail == null) { contactId = CounterLocalServiceUtil.increment(); } else { contactId = userByMail.getContactId(); } return contactId; } private Contact createOrUpdateContact(long companyId, long contactId, long userId, LegacyContact legacyContact) throws SystemException { Contact contact; try { contact = ContactLocalServiceUtil.getContact(contactId); contact = ContactMapper.mapContact(contact, legacyContact, userId, companyId); ContactLocalServiceUtil.updateContact(contact); } catch (Exception e) { contact = ContactLocalServiceUtil.createContact(contactId); contact = ContactMapper.mapContact(contact, legacyContact, userId, companyId); ContactLocalServiceUtil.addContact(contact); } return contact; } private void createOrUpdateAddress(long companyId, User user, LegacyUser legacyUser, Contact contact) throws SystemException { LegacyAddress legacyAddress = null; Address address = null; try { // if legacy user has address legacyAddress = LegacyAddressLocalServiceUtil.getAdressByUserIdFirst(legacyUser.getUserId()); // load address by LF 62 user } catch (SystemException e1) { logInfo("LegacyUser did not have any address - create nothing"); return; } if (legacyAddress != null) { try { // get first adress by created user -- (success on re-import) DynamicQuery query = DynamicQueryFactoryUtil.forClass(Address.class).add(PropertyFactoryUtil.forName("userId").eq(user.getUserId())).add(PropertyFactoryUtil.forName("companyId").eq(companyId)); @SuppressWarnings("unchecked") List<Address> addresses = AddressLocalServiceUtil.dynamicQuery(query); // get first Address of user address = addresses.get(0); address = AddressMapper.mapAddress(address, legacyAddress, user, companyId, contact); AddressLocalServiceUtil.updateAddress(address); } catch (Exception e) { // created new address address = AddressLocalServiceUtil.createAddress(CounterLocalServiceUtil.increment()); address = AddressMapper.mapAddress(address, legacyAddress, user, companyId, contact); AddressLocalServiceUtil.addAddress(address); } } } private User createOrUpdateUser(long companyId, User nullOrUserObject, long userId, LegacyUser legacyUser, LegacyContact contact, long contactId) { // Only create User if user was not imported before if (nullOrUserObject == null) { nullOrUserObject = UserLocalServiceUtil.createUser(userId); nullOrUserObject = UserMapper.mapUser(companyId, nullOrUserObject, legacyUser, contact, contactId); try { UserLocalServiceUtil.addUser(nullOrUserObject); } catch (SystemException e) { logInfo("Error adding User - please check log for further details!"); log.warn("Error adding User:" + nullOrUserObject, e); } } else { nullOrUserObject = UserMapper.mapUser(companyId, nullOrUserObject, legacyUser, contact, contactId); try { UserLocalServiceUtil.updateUser(nullOrUserObject); } catch (SystemException e) { logInfo("Error updating User - please check log for further details!"); log.warn("Error updating User:" + nullOrUserObject, e); } } return nullOrUserObject; } private void addUserToSite(String sites, long userId, long companyId) throws SystemException, PortalException { String[] siteIdStrings = sites.split(","); for (String site: siteIdStrings) { log.debug("Fetching group / site with id: \"" + site + "\""); long siteId = Long.valueOf(site); Group group = null; try { group = GroupLocalServiceUtil.getGroup(siteId); if (group != null) { GroupLocalServiceUtil.addUserGroup(userId, group); logInfo("Link user to Site/Group with name: \"" + group.getName() + "\""); } else { log.error("NO group / site with id found : \"" + site + "\" - user not linked to group"); } } catch (Exception e) { log.error("NO group / site with id found : \"" + site + "\" - user not linked to group"); } } } private void createPersonalGroupIfNotExistent(long companyId, long groupId, long userId, long creatorId, String groupName, String friendlyUrl) throws SystemException { if (groupId < 1) { log.error("Personal Group with id:" + groupId + " is invalid, skip creation of group"); return; } Group userGroup = null; try { userGroup = GroupLocalServiceUtil.getGroup(groupId); logInfo("Personal Group found:" + groupId + " - do nothing"); } catch (PortalException e) { logInfo("No existing Personal Group found with groupId:" + groupId + " - create new one"); userGroup = GroupLocalServiceUtil.createGroup(groupId); userGroup.setClassNameId(ClassNameLocalServiceUtil.getClassNameId(User.class)); userGroup.setClassPK(userId); userGroup.setCompanyId(companyId); userGroup.setName(groupName); userGroup.setFriendlyURL("/" + friendlyUrl); userGroup.setCreatorUserId(creatorId); userGroup.setTreePath("/" + groupId + "/"); userGroup.setActive(true); GroupLocalServiceUtil.addGroup(userGroup); } } private long createOrGetPersonalGroupId(long companyId, String userIdAsString) throws SystemException, PortalException { long groupId = 0; try { groupId = GroupLocalServiceUtil.getGroup(companyId, userIdAsString).getGroupId(); } catch (Exception e) { logInfo("Can't get groupId for user with ID: " + userIdAsString + " : createId by CounterLocalServiceUtil" ); groupId = CounterLocalServiceUtil.increment(); } return groupId; } private void createPersonalLayoutIfNotExistent(long companyId, long groupId, boolean privateLayout) { LayoutSet layoutSet = null; try { layoutSet = LayoutSetLocalServiceUtil.getLayoutSet(groupId, privateLayout);"Layout Set for groupId (userId) : " + groupId + " existing - do nothing"); } catch (Exception e) { long layoutSetId; try { layoutSetId = CounterLocalServiceUtil.increment(); layoutSet = LayoutSetLocalServiceUtil.createLayoutSet(layoutSetId); layoutSet.setCompanyId(companyId); layoutSet.setPrivateLayout(privateLayout); layoutSet.setGroupId(groupId); layoutSet.setThemeId("classic"); layoutSet.setCreateDate(new Date()); layoutSet.setModifiedDate(new Date()); LayoutSetLocalServiceUtil.addLayoutSet(layoutSet); } catch (SystemException e1) { log.warn("Can't create Layout Set for groupId (userId) : " + groupId + " - user will not be able to login"); } } } private void addRolesToUser(long userId, long companyId) { /* Adding user to 'Power User' and 'User' role. */ Role powerUser; try { powerUser = RoleLocalServiceUtil.fetchRole(companyId, "Power User"); Role user = RoleLocalServiceUtil.fetchRole(companyId, "User"); if (powerUser != null) { RoleLocalServiceUtil.addUserRole(userId, powerUser.getRoleId()); } if (user != null) { RoleLocalServiceUtil.addUserRole(userId, user.getRoleId()); } } catch (SystemException e) { log.warn("can't load Role PowerUser and/or User Role and add Role to userid" + userId); } } private void logInfo(String string) {; this.logInfoString = this.logInfoString.concat(string + "\n"); } }