package de.uhh.l2g.plugins.service.persistence; import java.util.ArrayList; import java.util.List; import org.apache.commons.lang.StringUtils; import com.liferay.portal.kernel.dao.orm.QueryUtil; import com.liferay.portal.kernel.dao.orm.SQLQuery; import com.liferay.portal.kernel.dao.orm.Session; import com.liferay.portal.kernel.dao.orm.Type; import com.liferay.portal.kernel.exception.SystemException; import com.liferay.portal.service.persistence.impl.BasePersistenceImpl; import de.uhh.l2g.plugins.model.Category; import de.uhh.l2g.plugins.model.impl.CategoryImpl; public class CategoryFinderImpl extends BasePersistenceImpl<Category> implements CategoryFinder { public List<Category> findCategoriesByLectureseriesIdsAndVideoIds (ArrayList<Long> lectureseriesIds, ArrayList<Long> videoIds) { Session session = null; try { session = openSession(); String sql = sqlCategoriesByLectureseriesIdsAndVideoIds(lectureseriesIds,videoIds); SQLQuery q = session.createSQLQuery(sql); q.addScalar("categoryId", Type.LONG); q.addScalar("parentId", Type.LONG); q.addScalar("languageId", Type.STRING); q.addScalar("name", Type.STRING); q.addScalar("translation", Type.STRING); q.setCacheable(false); @SuppressWarnings("unchecked") List <Object[]> fl = (List<Object[]>) QueryUtil.list(q, getDialect(),com.liferay.portal.kernel.dao.orm.QueryUtil.ALL_POS , com.liferay.portal.kernel.dao.orm.QueryUtil.ALL_POS); return assembleCategories(fl); } catch (Exception e) { try { throw new SystemException(e); } catch (SystemException se) { se.printStackTrace(); } } finally { closeSession(session); } return null; } private String sqlCategoriesByLectureseriesIdsAndVideoIds (ArrayList<Long> lectureseriesIds, ArrayList<Long> videoIds) { boolean hasLectureseries = !lectureseriesIds.isEmpty(); boolean hasVideos = !videoIds.isEmpty(); String lquery = ""; String vquery = ""; if (hasLectureseries) { // convert the list of ids to a comma-seperated string for the sql query String lectureseriesIdsQuery = StringUtils.join(lectureseriesIds, ','); lquery = "SELECT categoryId FROM LG_Lectureseries WHERE lectureseriesId IN (" + lectureseriesIdsQuery + ")"; } if (hasVideos) { // convert the list of ids to a comma-seperated string for the sql query String videoIdsQuery = StringUtils.join(videoIds, ','); vquery = "SELECT categoryId FROM LG_Video_Category WHERE videoId IN (" + videoIdsQuery + ")"; } String query = "SELECT DISTINCT t.categoryId,t.parentId,t.languageId,,t.translation FROM ("; if (hasLectureseries && hasVideos) { query += lquery + " UNION " + vquery; } else if (hasLectureseries) { query += lquery; } else if (hasVideos) { query += vquery; } else { //surpress sql error on empty lists query += "SELECT categoryId FROM LG_Video_Category WHERE videoId IN (0)"; } query += ") AS a JOIN LG_Category AS t ON a.categoryId = t.categoryId"; return query; } private List<Category> assembleCategories(List<Object[]> objectList){ List<Category> fl = new ArrayList<Category>(); for (Object[] category: objectList){ CategoryImpl f = new CategoryImpl(); f.setCategoryId((Long) category[0]); f.setParentId((Long) category[1]); f.setLanguageId((String) category[2]); f.setName((String) category[3]); f.setTranslation((String) category[4]); fl.add(f); } return fl; } }