/** * Copyright (c) 2000-present Liferay, Inc. All rights reserved. * * This library is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it under * the terms of the GNU Lesser General Public License as published by the Free * Software Foundation; either version 2.1 of the License, or (at your option) * any later version. * * This library is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT * ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS * FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU Lesser General Public License for more * details. */ package de.uhh.l2g.plugins.migration.model; import com.liferay.portal.kernel.util.Validator; import com.liferay.portal.model.ModelWrapper; import java.util.Date; import java.util.HashMap; import java.util.Map; /** * <p> * This class is a wrapper for {@link LegacyContact}. * </p> * * @author unihh * @see LegacyContact * @generated */ public class LegacyContactWrapper implements LegacyContact, ModelWrapper<LegacyContact> { public LegacyContactWrapper(LegacyContact legacyContact) { _legacyContact = legacyContact; } @Override public Class<?> getModelClass() { return LegacyContact.class; } @Override public String getModelClassName() { return LegacyContact.class.getName(); } @Override public Map<String, Object> getModelAttributes() { Map<String, Object> attributes = new HashMap<String, Object>(); attributes.put("contactId", getContactId()); attributes.put("companyId", getCompanyId()); attributes.put("userId", getUserId()); attributes.put("userName", getUserName()); attributes.put("createDate", getCreateDate()); attributes.put("modifiedDate", getModifiedDate()); attributes.put("accountId", getAccountId()); attributes.put("parentContactId", getParentContactId()); attributes.put("firstName", getFirstName()); attributes.put("middleName", getMiddleName()); attributes.put("lastName", getLastName()); attributes.put("prefixId", getPrefixId()); attributes.put("suffixId", getSuffixId()); attributes.put("male", getMale()); attributes.put("birthday", getBirthday()); attributes.put("smsSn", getSmsSn()); attributes.put("aimSn", getAimSn()); attributes.put("facebookSn", getFacebookSn()); attributes.put("icqSn", getIcqSn()); attributes.put("jabberSn", getJabberSn()); attributes.put("msnSn", getMsnSn()); attributes.put("mySpaceSn", getMySpaceSn()); attributes.put("skypeSn", getSkypeSn()); attributes.put("twitterSn", getTwitterSn()); attributes.put("ymSn", getYmSn()); attributes.put("employeeStatusId", getEmployeeStatusId()); attributes.put("employeeNumber", getEmployeeNumber()); attributes.put("jobTitle", getJobTitle()); attributes.put("jobClass", getJobClass()); attributes.put("hoursOfOperation", getHoursOfOperation()); return attributes; } @Override public void setModelAttributes(Map<String, Object> attributes) { Long contactId = (Long)attributes.get("contactId"); if (contactId != null) { setContactId(contactId); } Long companyId = (Long)attributes.get("companyId"); if (companyId != null) { setCompanyId(companyId); } Long userId = (Long)attributes.get("userId"); if (userId != null) { setUserId(userId); } String userName = (String)attributes.get("userName"); if (userName != null) { setUserName(userName); } Date createDate = (Date)attributes.get("createDate"); if (createDate != null) { setCreateDate(createDate); } Date modifiedDate = (Date)attributes.get("modifiedDate"); if (modifiedDate != null) { setModifiedDate(modifiedDate); } Long accountId = (Long)attributes.get("accountId"); if (accountId != null) { setAccountId(accountId); } Long parentContactId = (Long)attributes.get("parentContactId"); if (parentContactId != null) { setParentContactId(parentContactId); } String firstName = (String)attributes.get("firstName"); if (firstName != null) { setFirstName(firstName); } String middleName = (String)attributes.get("middleName"); if (middleName != null) { setMiddleName(middleName); } String lastName = (String)attributes.get("lastName"); if (lastName != null) { setLastName(lastName); } Integer prefixId = (Integer)attributes.get("prefixId"); if (prefixId != null) { setPrefixId(prefixId); } Integer suffixId = (Integer)attributes.get("suffixId"); if (suffixId != null) { setSuffixId(suffixId); } Boolean male = (Boolean)attributes.get("male"); if (male != null) { setMale(male); } Date birthday = (Date)attributes.get("birthday"); if (birthday != null) { setBirthday(birthday); } String smsSn = (String)attributes.get("smsSn"); if (smsSn != null) { setSmsSn(smsSn); } String aimSn = (String)attributes.get("aimSn"); if (aimSn != null) { setAimSn(aimSn); } String facebookSn = (String)attributes.get("facebookSn"); if (facebookSn != null) { setFacebookSn(facebookSn); } String icqSn = (String)attributes.get("icqSn"); if (icqSn != null) { setIcqSn(icqSn); } String jabberSn = (String)attributes.get("jabberSn"); if (jabberSn != null) { setJabberSn(jabberSn); } String msnSn = (String)attributes.get("msnSn"); if (msnSn != null) { setMsnSn(msnSn); } String mySpaceSn = (String)attributes.get("mySpaceSn"); if (mySpaceSn != null) { setMySpaceSn(mySpaceSn); } String skypeSn = (String)attributes.get("skypeSn"); if (skypeSn != null) { setSkypeSn(skypeSn); } String twitterSn = (String)attributes.get("twitterSn"); if (twitterSn != null) { setTwitterSn(twitterSn); } String ymSn = (String)attributes.get("ymSn"); if (ymSn != null) { setYmSn(ymSn); } String employeeStatusId = (String)attributes.get("employeeStatusId"); if (employeeStatusId != null) { setEmployeeStatusId(employeeStatusId); } String employeeNumber = (String)attributes.get("employeeNumber"); if (employeeNumber != null) { setEmployeeNumber(employeeNumber); } String jobTitle = (String)attributes.get("jobTitle"); if (jobTitle != null) { setJobTitle(jobTitle); } String jobClass = (String)attributes.get("jobClass"); if (jobClass != null) { setJobClass(jobClass); } String hoursOfOperation = (String)attributes.get("hoursOfOperation"); if (hoursOfOperation != null) { setHoursOfOperation(hoursOfOperation); } } /** * Returns the primary key of this legacy contact. * * @return the primary key of this legacy contact */ @Override public long getPrimaryKey() { return _legacyContact.getPrimaryKey(); } /** * Sets the primary key of this legacy contact. * * @param primaryKey the primary key of this legacy contact */ @Override public void setPrimaryKey(long primaryKey) { _legacyContact.setPrimaryKey(primaryKey); } /** * Returns the contact ID of this legacy contact. * * @return the contact ID of this legacy contact */ @Override public long getContactId() { return _legacyContact.getContactId(); } /** * Sets the contact ID of this legacy contact. * * @param contactId the contact ID of this legacy contact */ @Override public void setContactId(long contactId) { _legacyContact.setContactId(contactId); } /** * Returns the company ID of this legacy contact. * * @return the company ID of this legacy contact */ @Override public long getCompanyId() { return _legacyContact.getCompanyId(); } /** * Sets the company ID of this legacy contact. * * @param companyId the company ID of this legacy contact */ @Override public void setCompanyId(long companyId) { _legacyContact.setCompanyId(companyId); } /** * Returns the user ID of this legacy contact. * * @return the user ID of this legacy contact */ @Override public long getUserId() { return _legacyContact.getUserId(); } /** * Sets the user ID of this legacy contact. * * @param userId the user ID of this legacy contact */ @Override public void setUserId(long userId) { _legacyContact.setUserId(userId); } /** * Returns the user uuid of this legacy contact. * * @return the user uuid of this legacy contact * @throws SystemException if a system exception occurred */ @Override public java.lang.String getUserUuid() throws com.liferay.portal.kernel.exception.SystemException { return _legacyContact.getUserUuid(); } /** * Sets the user uuid of this legacy contact. * * @param userUuid the user uuid of this legacy contact */ @Override public void setUserUuid(java.lang.String userUuid) { _legacyContact.setUserUuid(userUuid); } /** * Returns the user name of this legacy contact. * * @return the user name of this legacy contact */ @Override public java.lang.String getUserName() { return _legacyContact.getUserName(); } /** * Sets the user name of this legacy contact. * * @param userName the user name of this legacy contact */ @Override public void setUserName(java.lang.String userName) { _legacyContact.setUserName(userName); } /** * Returns the create date of this legacy contact. * * @return the create date of this legacy contact */ @Override public java.util.Date getCreateDate() { return _legacyContact.getCreateDate(); } /** * Sets the create date of this legacy contact. * * @param createDate the create date of this legacy contact */ @Override public void setCreateDate(java.util.Date createDate) { _legacyContact.setCreateDate(createDate); } /** * Returns the modified date of this legacy contact. * * @return the modified date of this legacy contact */ @Override public java.util.Date getModifiedDate() { return _legacyContact.getModifiedDate(); } /** * Sets the modified date of this legacy contact. * * @param modifiedDate the modified date of this legacy contact */ @Override public void setModifiedDate(java.util.Date modifiedDate) { _legacyContact.setModifiedDate(modifiedDate); } /** * Returns the account ID of this legacy contact. * * @return the account ID of this legacy contact */ @Override public long getAccountId() { return _legacyContact.getAccountId(); } /** * Sets the account ID of this legacy contact. * * @param accountId the account ID of this legacy contact */ @Override public void setAccountId(long accountId) { _legacyContact.setAccountId(accountId); } /** * Returns the parent contact ID of this legacy contact. * * @return the parent contact ID of this legacy contact */ @Override public long getParentContactId() { return _legacyContact.getParentContactId(); } /** * Sets the parent contact ID of this legacy contact. * * @param parentContactId the parent contact ID of this legacy contact */ @Override public void setParentContactId(long parentContactId) { _legacyContact.setParentContactId(parentContactId); } /** * Returns the first name of this legacy contact. * * @return the first name of this legacy contact */ @Override public java.lang.String getFirstName() { return _legacyContact.getFirstName(); } /** * Sets the first name of this legacy contact. * * @param firstName the first name of this legacy contact */ @Override public void setFirstName(java.lang.String firstName) { _legacyContact.setFirstName(firstName); } /** * Returns the middle name of this legacy contact. * * @return the middle name of this legacy contact */ @Override public java.lang.String getMiddleName() { return _legacyContact.getMiddleName(); } /** * Sets the middle name of this legacy contact. * * @param middleName the middle name of this legacy contact */ @Override public void setMiddleName(java.lang.String middleName) { _legacyContact.setMiddleName(middleName); } /** * Returns the last name of this legacy contact. * * @return the last name of this legacy contact */ @Override public java.lang.String getLastName() { return _legacyContact.getLastName(); } /** * Sets the last name of this legacy contact. * * @param lastName the last name of this legacy contact */ @Override public void setLastName(java.lang.String lastName) { _legacyContact.setLastName(lastName); } /** * Returns the prefix ID of this legacy contact. * * @return the prefix ID of this legacy contact */ @Override public int getPrefixId() { return _legacyContact.getPrefixId(); } /** * Sets the prefix ID of this legacy contact. * * @param prefixId the prefix ID of this legacy contact */ @Override public void setPrefixId(int prefixId) { _legacyContact.setPrefixId(prefixId); } /** * Returns the suffix ID of this legacy contact. * * @return the suffix ID of this legacy contact */ @Override public int getSuffixId() { return _legacyContact.getSuffixId(); } /** * Sets the suffix ID of this legacy contact. * * @param suffixId the suffix ID of this legacy contact */ @Override public void setSuffixId(int suffixId) { _legacyContact.setSuffixId(suffixId); } /** * Returns the male of this legacy contact. * * @return the male of this legacy contact */ @Override public boolean getMale() { return _legacyContact.getMale(); } /** * Returns <code>true</code> if this legacy contact is male. * * @return <code>true</code> if this legacy contact is male; <code>false</code> otherwise */ @Override public boolean isMale() { return _legacyContact.isMale(); } /** * Sets whether this legacy contact is male. * * @param male the male of this legacy contact */ @Override public void setMale(boolean male) { _legacyContact.setMale(male); } /** * Returns the birthday of this legacy contact. * * @return the birthday of this legacy contact */ @Override public java.util.Date getBirthday() { return _legacyContact.getBirthday(); } /** * Sets the birthday of this legacy contact. * * @param birthday the birthday of this legacy contact */ @Override public void setBirthday(java.util.Date birthday) { _legacyContact.setBirthday(birthday); } /** * Returns the sms sn of this legacy contact. * * @return the sms sn of this legacy contact */ @Override public java.lang.String getSmsSn() { return _legacyContact.getSmsSn(); } /** * Sets the sms sn of this legacy contact. * * @param smsSn the sms sn of this legacy contact */ @Override public void setSmsSn(java.lang.String smsSn) { _legacyContact.setSmsSn(smsSn); } /** * Returns the aim sn of this legacy contact. * * @return the aim sn of this legacy contact */ @Override public java.lang.String getAimSn() { return _legacyContact.getAimSn(); } /** * Sets the aim sn of this legacy contact. * * @param aimSn the aim sn of this legacy contact */ @Override public void setAimSn(java.lang.String aimSn) { _legacyContact.setAimSn(aimSn); } /** * Returns the facebook sn of this legacy contact. * * @return the facebook sn of this legacy contact */ @Override public java.lang.String getFacebookSn() { return _legacyContact.getFacebookSn(); } /** * Sets the facebook sn of this legacy contact. * * @param facebookSn the facebook sn of this legacy contact */ @Override public void setFacebookSn(java.lang.String facebookSn) { _legacyContact.setFacebookSn(facebookSn); } /** * Returns the icq sn of this legacy contact. * * @return the icq sn of this legacy contact */ @Override public java.lang.String getIcqSn() { return _legacyContact.getIcqSn(); } /** * Sets the icq sn of this legacy contact. * * @param icqSn the icq sn of this legacy contact */ @Override public void setIcqSn(java.lang.String icqSn) { _legacyContact.setIcqSn(icqSn); } /** * Returns the jabber sn of this legacy contact. * * @return the jabber sn of this legacy contact */ @Override public java.lang.String getJabberSn() { return _legacyContact.getJabberSn(); } /** * Sets the jabber sn of this legacy contact. * * @param jabberSn the jabber sn of this legacy contact */ @Override public void setJabberSn(java.lang.String jabberSn) { _legacyContact.setJabberSn(jabberSn); } /** * Returns the msn sn of this legacy contact. * * @return the msn sn of this legacy contact */ @Override public java.lang.String getMsnSn() { return _legacyContact.getMsnSn(); } /** * Sets the msn sn of this legacy contact. * * @param msnSn the msn sn of this legacy contact */ @Override public void setMsnSn(java.lang.String msnSn) { _legacyContact.setMsnSn(msnSn); } /** * Returns the my space sn of this legacy contact. * * @return the my space sn of this legacy contact */ @Override public java.lang.String getMySpaceSn() { return _legacyContact.getMySpaceSn(); } /** * Sets the my space sn of this legacy contact. * * @param mySpaceSn the my space sn of this legacy contact */ @Override public void setMySpaceSn(java.lang.String mySpaceSn) { _legacyContact.setMySpaceSn(mySpaceSn); } /** * Returns the skype sn of this legacy contact. * * @return the skype sn of this legacy contact */ @Override public java.lang.String getSkypeSn() { return _legacyContact.getSkypeSn(); } /** * Sets the skype sn of this legacy contact. * * @param skypeSn the skype sn of this legacy contact */ @Override public void setSkypeSn(java.lang.String skypeSn) { _legacyContact.setSkypeSn(skypeSn); } /** * Returns the twitter sn of this legacy contact. * * @return the twitter sn of this legacy contact */ @Override public java.lang.String getTwitterSn() { return _legacyContact.getTwitterSn(); } /** * Sets the twitter sn of this legacy contact. * * @param twitterSn the twitter sn of this legacy contact */ @Override public void setTwitterSn(java.lang.String twitterSn) { _legacyContact.setTwitterSn(twitterSn); } /** * Returns the ym sn of this legacy contact. * * @return the ym sn of this legacy contact */ @Override public java.lang.String getYmSn() { return _legacyContact.getYmSn(); } /** * Sets the ym sn of this legacy contact. * * @param ymSn the ym sn of this legacy contact */ @Override public void setYmSn(java.lang.String ymSn) { _legacyContact.setYmSn(ymSn); } /** * Returns the employee status ID of this legacy contact. * * @return the employee status ID of this legacy contact */ @Override public java.lang.String getEmployeeStatusId() { return _legacyContact.getEmployeeStatusId(); } /** * Sets the employee status ID of this legacy contact. * * @param employeeStatusId the employee status ID of this legacy contact */ @Override public void setEmployeeStatusId(java.lang.String employeeStatusId) { _legacyContact.setEmployeeStatusId(employeeStatusId); } /** * Returns the employee number of this legacy contact. * * @return the employee number of this legacy contact */ @Override public java.lang.String getEmployeeNumber() { return _legacyContact.getEmployeeNumber(); } /** * Sets the employee number of this legacy contact. * * @param employeeNumber the employee number of this legacy contact */ @Override public void setEmployeeNumber(java.lang.String employeeNumber) { _legacyContact.setEmployeeNumber(employeeNumber); } /** * Returns the job title of this legacy contact. * * @return the job title of this legacy contact */ @Override public java.lang.String getJobTitle() { return _legacyContact.getJobTitle(); } /** * Sets the job title of this legacy contact. * * @param jobTitle the job title of this legacy contact */ @Override public void setJobTitle(java.lang.String jobTitle) { _legacyContact.setJobTitle(jobTitle); } /** * Returns the job class of this legacy contact. * * @return the job class of this legacy contact */ @Override public java.lang.String getJobClass() { return _legacyContact.getJobClass(); } /** * Sets the job class of this legacy contact. * * @param jobClass the job class of this legacy contact */ @Override public void setJobClass(java.lang.String jobClass) { _legacyContact.setJobClass(jobClass); } /** * Returns the hours of operation of this legacy contact. * * @return the hours of operation of this legacy contact */ @Override public java.lang.String getHoursOfOperation() { return _legacyContact.getHoursOfOperation(); } /** * Sets the hours of operation of this legacy contact. * * @param hoursOfOperation the hours of operation of this legacy contact */ @Override public void setHoursOfOperation(java.lang.String hoursOfOperation) { _legacyContact.setHoursOfOperation(hoursOfOperation); } @Override public boolean isNew() { return _legacyContact.isNew(); } @Override public void setNew(boolean n) { _legacyContact.setNew(n); } @Override public boolean isCachedModel() { return _legacyContact.isCachedModel(); } @Override public void setCachedModel(boolean cachedModel) { _legacyContact.setCachedModel(cachedModel); } @Override public boolean isEscapedModel() { return _legacyContact.isEscapedModel(); } @Override public java.io.Serializable getPrimaryKeyObj() { return _legacyContact.getPrimaryKeyObj(); } @Override public void setPrimaryKeyObj(java.io.Serializable primaryKeyObj) { _legacyContact.setPrimaryKeyObj(primaryKeyObj); } @Override public com.liferay.portlet.expando.model.ExpandoBridge getExpandoBridge() { return _legacyContact.getExpandoBridge(); } @Override public void setExpandoBridgeAttributes( com.liferay.portal.model.BaseModel<?> baseModel) { _legacyContact.setExpandoBridgeAttributes(baseModel); } @Override public void setExpandoBridgeAttributes( com.liferay.portlet.expando.model.ExpandoBridge expandoBridge) { _legacyContact.setExpandoBridgeAttributes(expandoBridge); } @Override public void setExpandoBridgeAttributes( com.liferay.portal.service.ServiceContext serviceContext) { _legacyContact.setExpandoBridgeAttributes(serviceContext); } @Override public java.lang.Object clone() { return new LegacyContactWrapper((LegacyContact)_legacyContact.clone()); } @Override public int compareTo( de.uhh.l2g.plugins.migration.model.LegacyContact legacyContact) { return _legacyContact.compareTo(legacyContact); } @Override public int hashCode() { return _legacyContact.hashCode(); } @Override public com.liferay.portal.model.CacheModel<de.uhh.l2g.plugins.migration.model.LegacyContact> toCacheModel() { return _legacyContact.toCacheModel(); } @Override public de.uhh.l2g.plugins.migration.model.LegacyContact toEscapedModel() { return new LegacyContactWrapper(_legacyContact.toEscapedModel()); } @Override public de.uhh.l2g.plugins.migration.model.LegacyContact toUnescapedModel() { return new LegacyContactWrapper(_legacyContact.toUnescapedModel()); } @Override public java.lang.String toString() { return _legacyContact.toString(); } @Override public java.lang.String toXmlString() { return _legacyContact.toXmlString(); } @Override public void persist() throws com.liferay.portal.kernel.exception.SystemException { _legacyContact.persist(); } @Override public boolean equals(Object obj) { if (this == obj) { return true; } if (!(obj instanceof LegacyContactWrapper)) { return false; } LegacyContactWrapper legacyContactWrapper = (LegacyContactWrapper)obj; if (Validator.equals(_legacyContact, legacyContactWrapper._legacyContact)) { return true; } return false; } /** * @deprecated As of 6.1.0, replaced by {@link #getWrappedModel} */ public LegacyContact getWrappedLegacyContact() { return _legacyContact; } @Override public LegacyContact getWrappedModel() { return _legacyContact; } @Override public void resetOriginalValues() { _legacyContact.resetOriginalValues(); } private LegacyContact _legacyContact; }