package org.codehaus.plexus.component; import; import; import; import org.codehaus.plexus.classworlds.realm.ClassRealm; import static org.codehaus.plexus.PlexusConstants.PLEXUS_DEFAULT_HINT; import; import java.util.ArrayList; import java.util.Arrays; import java.util.Collection; import java.util.Comparator; import java.util.LinkedHashMap; import java.util.LinkedHashSet; import java.util.LinkedList; import java.util.List; import java.util.Map; import java.util.Map.Entry; import java.util.Set; import java.util.SortedMap; import java.util.TreeMap; import java.util.Iterator; import java.util.Collections; public class ComponentIndex<V> { /** * Should values be indexed by all types or simply the supplied type? */ private final boolean indexByAllTypes; /** * This is the actual index. * ClassLoader -> Class -> RoleHint -> Values */ private final Map<ClassLoader, SortedMap<Class<?>, Multimap<String, V>>> index = new LinkedHashMap<ClassLoader, SortedMap<Class<?>, Multimap<String, V>>>(); /** * Creates a component index that indexes by all super types and interfaces of supplied type. */ public ComponentIndex() { this( false ); } /** * Creates a component index. * @param indexByAllTypes if true, values are indexed by all super types and interfaces of supplied type; otherwise * values are only indexed by supplied type */ public ComponentIndex( boolean indexByAllTypes ) { this.indexByAllTypes = indexByAllTypes; } /** * Are values are indexed by all super types and interfaces of supplied type? * @return true, values are indexed by all super types and interfaces of supplied type; otherwise * false and values are only indexed by supplied type */ public boolean isIndexByAllTypes() { return indexByAllTypes; } /** * Gets the value associated with the specified type and roleHint. * * Values are searched for in classloader order starting from the thread context class loader or type class loader * if thread context class loader is not set. * * @param type the type (or super type if enabled) associated with the value; not null * @param roleHint the roleHint associated with the value, or null for the default roleHint * @return the value associated with the type and roleHint, or null */ public synchronized V get( Class<?> type, String roleHint ) { return get( type, roleHint, Thread.currentThread().getContextClassLoader() ); } /** * Gets the value associated with the specified type and roleHint. * * Values are searched for in classloader order starting from the specified class loader, or thread context class * loader or type class loader if specified class loader is null. * * @param type the type (or super type if enabled) associated with the value; not null * @param roleHint the roleHint associated with the value, or null for the default roleHint * @param classLoader the class loader to search from * @return the value associated with the type and roleHint, or null */ public synchronized V get( Class<?> type, String roleHint, ClassLoader classLoader ) { if ( type == null ) { throw new NullPointerException( "type is null" ); } if ( roleHint == null ) { roleHint = PLEXUS_DEFAULT_HINT; } Collection<V> values = findAll( type, classLoader ).get( roleHint ); if ( values.isEmpty() ) { return null; } return values.iterator().next(); } public synchronized Collection<V> getAll( ) { ArrayList<V> values = new ArrayList<V>(); for ( SortedMap<Class<?>, Multimap<String, V>> roleIndex : index.values() ) { for ( Multimap<String, V> roleHintIndex : roleIndex.values() ) { values.addAll(roleHintIndex.values()); } } return values; } /** * Gets all values associated with the specified type. * * Values are searched for in classloader order starting from the thread context class loader or type class loader * if thread context class loader is not set. * * The values are sorted in class loader search order then by registration order. * * @param type the type (or super type if enabled) associated with the value; not null * @return all values associated with the type; never null */ public synchronized List<V> getAll( Class<?> type ) { return getAll( type, Thread.currentThread().getContextClassLoader() ); } /** * Gets all values associated with the specified type. * * Values are searched for in classloader order starting from the specified class loader, or thread context class * loader or type class loader if specified class loader is null. * * The values are sorted in class loader search order then by registration order. * * @param type the type (or super type if enabled) associated with the value; not null * @param classLoader the class loader to search from * @return all values associated with the type; never null */ public synchronized List<V> getAll( Class<?> type, ClassLoader classLoader ) { if ( type == null ) { throw new NullPointerException( "type is null" ); } return new ArrayList<V>( findAll( type, classLoader ).values() ); } /** * Gets a map of all values associated with the specified type indexed by roleHint. * * Values are searched for in classloader order starting from the thread context class loader or type class loader * if thread context class loader is not set. * * @param type the type (or super type if enabled) associated with the value; not null * @return all of the value associated with the type; never null */ public synchronized Map<String, V> getAllAsMap( Class<?> type ) { return getAllAsMap( type, Thread.currentThread().getContextClassLoader() ); } /** * Gets a map of all values associated with the specified type indexed by roleHint. * * Values are searched for in classloader order starting from the specified class loader, or thread context class * loader or type class loader if specified class loader is null. * * @param type the type (or super type if enabled) associated with the value; not null * @param classLoader the class loader to search from * @return all of the value associated with the type; never null */ public synchronized Map<String, V> getAllAsMap( Class<?> type, ClassLoader classLoader ) { if ( type == null ) { throw new NullPointerException( "type is null" ); } Map<String, V> descriptors = new TreeMap<String, V>(); for ( Entry<String, V> entry : findAll( type, classLoader ).entries() ) { if ( !descriptors.containsKey( entry.getKey() ) ) { descriptors.put( entry.getKey(), entry.getValue() ); } } return descriptors; } private synchronized Multimap<String, V> findAll( Class<?> type, ClassLoader classLoader ) { if ( classLoader == null ) { classLoader = type.getClassLoader(); } // Determine class loaders to search LinkedHashSet<ClassLoader> classLoaders = new LinkedHashSet<ClassLoader>(); for ( ClassLoader cl = classLoader; cl != null; cl = cl.getParent() ) { if ( cl instanceof ClassRealm ) { ClassRealm realm = (ClassRealm) cl; while ( realm != null ) { classLoaders.add( realm ); realm = realm.getParentRealm(); } } else { // todo lots of plexus code depends on a global search when there is a class loader associated with // the thread but the cl is not a class realm // classLoaders.add( cl ); } } // todo remove this when plexus code is updated to manage thread context class loader correctly if ( classLoaders.isEmpty() ) { classLoaders.addAll( index.keySet() ); } // Get all valid component descriptors Multimap<String, V> roleHintIndex = Multimaps.newHashMultimap(); for ( ClassLoader cl : classLoaders ) { SortedMap<Class<?>, Multimap<String, V>> roleIndex = index.get( cl ); if ( roleIndex != null ) { Multimap<String, V> values = roleIndex.get( type ); if ( values != null ) { roleHintIndex.putAll( values ); } } } return Multimaps.unmodifiableMultimap( roleHintIndex ); } /** * Associate a value with the specified class loader, type and roleHint. The value is also associated with all * superclasses and interfaces of the specified type unless index by all types is disabled. */ public synchronized void add( ClassLoader classLoader, Class<?> type, String roleHint, V value ) { if ( classLoader == null ) { throw new NullPointerException( "classLoader is null" ); } if ( type == null ) { throw new NullPointerException( "type is null" ); } if ( roleHint == null ) { roleHint = PLEXUS_DEFAULT_HINT; } if ( value == null ) { throw new NullPointerException( "value is null" ); } SortedMap<Class<?>, Multimap<String, V>> roleIndex = index.get( classLoader ); if ( roleIndex == null ) { roleIndex = new TreeMap<Class<?>, Multimap<String, V>>( ClassComparator.INSTANCE ); index.put( classLoader, roleIndex ); } for ( Class<?> clazz : getAllTypes( type ) ) { Multimap<String, V> roleHintIndex = roleIndex.get( clazz ); if ( roleHintIndex == null ) { roleHintIndex = new ArrayListMultimap<String, V>(); roleIndex.put( clazz, roleHintIndex ); } roleHintIndex.put( roleHint, value ); } } /** * Removes the specified value from the index. This is operation requires a linear search of the whole index, and * is therefor very expensive. * @param value the value to remove */ public synchronized void remove( V value ) { if ( value == null ) { throw new NullPointerException( "value is null" ); } for ( SortedMap<Class<?>, Multimap<String, V>> roleIndex : index.values() ) { for ( Multimap<String, V> roleHintIndex : roleIndex.values() ) { for ( Iterator<V> iterator = roleHintIndex.values().iterator(); iterator.hasNext(); ) { V v =; if ( value.equals( v ) ) { iterator.remove(); } } } } } /** * Removes all values associated with the specified class loader. This operation is very fast. */ public synchronized List<V> removeAll( ClassLoader classLoader ) { if ( classLoader == null ) { throw new NullPointerException( "classLoader is null" ); } ArrayList<V> values = new ArrayList<V>(); SortedMap<Class<?>, Multimap<String, V>> roleIndex = index.remove( classLoader ); for ( Multimap<String, V> roleHintIndex : roleIndex.values() ) { values.addAll(roleHintIndex.values()); } return values; } /** * Removes all values from this index. */ public synchronized Collection<V> clear() { Collection<V> all = getAll(); index.clear(); return all; } private Set<Class<?>> getAllTypes( Class<?> type ) { if ( type.isArray() ) { throw new IllegalArgumentException( "type is an array: type=" + type ); } // if we are not indexing by all types, simply return a set containing the source type if ( !indexByAllTypes ) { return Collections.<Class<?>>singleton( type ); } // All found types Set<Class<?>> allTypes = new LinkedHashSet<Class<?>>(); // Types that must still be processed... may contain entries that // have already been added to allTypes, so check all types before // actuall processing to avoid infinite loops LinkedList<Class<?>> typesToProcess = new LinkedList<Class<?>>(); typesToProcess.add( type ); while ( !typesToProcess.isEmpty() ) { Class<?> clazz = typesToProcess.removeFirst(); // have we already processed this type if ( !allTypes.contains( clazz ) ) { allTypes.add( clazz ); // schedule superclass for processing Class<?> superclass = clazz.getSuperclass(); if ( superclass != null ) { typesToProcess.addFirst( superclass ); } // schedule all interfaces for processing typesToProcess.addAll( 0, Arrays.<Class<?>>asList( clazz.getInterfaces() ) ); } } return allTypes; } private static final class ClassComparator implements Comparator<Class<?>>, Serializable { private static final ClassComparator INSTANCE = new ClassComparator(); public int compare( Class<?> class1, Class<?> class2 ) { return class1.getName().compareTo( class2.getName() ); } } }