package org.codehaus.plexus; /* * Copyright 2001-2006 Codehaus Foundation. * * Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); * you may not use this file except in compliance with the License. * You may obtain a copy of the License at * * * * Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software * distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, * WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. * See the License for the specific language governing permissions and * limitations under the License. */ import static org.codehaus.plexus.PlexusConstants.PLEXUS_DEFAULT_HINT; import static org.codehaus.plexus.component.CastUtils.cast; import; import; import; import; import; import java.util.ArrayList; import java.util.List; import java.util.Map; import org.codehaus.plexus.classworlds.ClassWorld; import org.codehaus.plexus.classworlds.realm.ClassRealm; import org.codehaus.plexus.classworlds.realm.DuplicateRealmException; import org.codehaus.plexus.classworlds.realm.NoSuchRealmException; import org.codehaus.plexus.component.discovery.ComponentDiscoverer; import org.codehaus.plexus.component.discovery.ComponentDiscovererManager; import org.codehaus.plexus.component.discovery.ComponentDiscoveryEvent; import org.codehaus.plexus.component.discovery.ComponentDiscoveryListener; import org.codehaus.plexus.component.factory.ComponentFactoryManager; import org.codehaus.plexus.component.repository.ComponentDescriptor; import org.codehaus.plexus.component.repository.ComponentDescriptorListener; import org.codehaus.plexus.component.repository.ComponentSetDescriptor; import org.codehaus.plexus.component.repository.exception.ComponentLifecycleException; import org.codehaus.plexus.component.repository.exception.ComponentLookupException; import org.codehaus.plexus.component.repository.exception.ComponentRepositoryException; import; import org.codehaus.plexus.configuration.PlexusConfiguration; import org.codehaus.plexus.configuration.PlexusConfigurationException; import org.codehaus.plexus.configuration.PlexusConfigurationMerger; import org.codehaus.plexus.configuration.source.ConfigurationSource; import org.codehaus.plexus.configuration.xml.XmlPlexusConfiguration; import org.codehaus.plexus.container.initialization.ContainerInitializationContext; import org.codehaus.plexus.container.initialization.ContainerInitializationPhase; import org.codehaus.plexus.context.Context; import org.codehaus.plexus.context.ContextException; import org.codehaus.plexus.context.ContextMapAdapter; import org.codehaus.plexus.context.DefaultContext; import org.codehaus.plexus.logging.AbstractLogEnabled; import org.codehaus.plexus.logging.Logger; import org.codehaus.plexus.logging.LoggerManager; import org.codehaus.plexus.util.IOUtil; import org.codehaus.plexus.util.InterpolationFilterReader; import org.codehaus.plexus.util.ReaderFactory; /** * Default implementation of PlexusContainer and MutablePlexusContainer. * @author Jason van Zyl * @author Kenney Westerhof */ public class DefaultPlexusContainer extends AbstractLogEnabled implements MutablePlexusContainer { protected static final String DEFAULT_CONTAINER_NAME = "default"; protected static final String DEFAULT_REALM_NAME = "plexus.core"; /** * Arbitrary data associated with the container. Data in the container has highest precedence when configuring * a component to create. */ protected Context containerContext; protected PlexusConfiguration configuration; // todo: don't use a reader protected Reader configurationReader; protected ClassWorld classWorld; protected ClassRealm containerRealm; // ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- // Core components // ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- private ComponentRegistry componentRegistry; /** * Simple index (registry) of ComponentDiscovers and ComponentDiscoveryListener. */ protected ComponentDiscovererManager componentDiscovererManager; /** * Trivial class to look-up ComponentFactory instances in this container. */ protected ComponentFactoryManager componentFactoryManager; /** * Generic logger interface. */ protected LoggerManager loggerManager; /** * Converts a ComponentDescriptor into PlexusConfiguration. */ protected ConfigurationSource configurationSource; // ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- // // ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- // TODO: Is there a more threadpool-friendly way to do this? private ThreadLocal<ClassRealm> lookupRealm = new ThreadLocal<ClassRealm>(); public void addComponent( Object component, String role ) throws ComponentRepositoryException { ClassRealm classRealm = null; // find a realm for this instance ClassLoader classLoader = Thread.currentThread().getContextClassLoader(); if ( classLoader instanceof ClassRealm ) { classRealm = (ClassRealm) classLoader; } if (classRealm == null) { classRealm = getContainerRealm(); } addComponent( component, getRoleClass( role ), PLEXUS_DEFAULT_HINT, classRealm ); } public <T> void addComponent( T component, Class<?> type, String roleHint, ClassRealm classRealm ) throws ComponentRepositoryException { componentRegistry.addComponent( component, type, roleHint, classRealm ); } public ClassRealm setLookupRealm( ClassRealm realm ) { ClassRealm oldRealm = lookupRealm.get(); lookupRealm.set( realm ); return oldRealm; } public ClassRealm getLookupRealm() { return lookupRealm.get(); } // ---------------------------------------------------------------------- // Constructors // ---------------------------------------------------------------------- public DefaultPlexusContainer() throws PlexusContainerException { construct( new DefaultContainerConfiguration() ); } public DefaultPlexusContainer( ContainerConfiguration c ) throws PlexusContainerException { construct( c ); } public ClassRealm createChildRealm( String id ) { try { return containerRealm.createChildRealm( id ); } catch ( DuplicateRealmException e ) { try { return classWorld.getRealm( id ); } catch ( NoSuchRealmException e1 ) { return null; } } } private void construct( ContainerConfiguration c ) throws PlexusContainerException { configurationSource = c.getConfigurationSource(); // ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- // ClassWorld // ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- classWorld = c.getClassWorld(); // Make sure we have a valid ClassWorld if ( classWorld == null ) { classWorld = new ClassWorld( DEFAULT_REALM_NAME, Thread.currentThread().getContextClassLoader() ); } containerRealm = c.getRealm(); if ( containerRealm == null ) { try { containerRealm = classWorld.getRealm( DEFAULT_REALM_NAME ); } catch ( NoSuchRealmException e ) { containerRealm = (ClassRealm) classWorld.getRealms().iterator().next(); if ( containerRealm == null ) { System.err.println( "No container realm! Expect errors." ); new Throwable().printStackTrace(); } } } setLookupRealm( containerRealm ); // ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- // Context // ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- if ( c.getContext() != null ) { containerContext = new DefaultContext( c.getContext() ); } else { containerContext = new DefaultContext(); } // ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- // Configuration // ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- InputStream in = null; if ( c.getContainerConfiguration() != null ) { in = toStream( c.getContainerConfiguration() ); } try { if ( c.getContainerConfigurationURL() != null ) { in = c.getContainerConfigurationURL().openStream(); } } catch ( IOException e ) { throw new PlexusContainerException( "Error reading configuration URL", e ); } try { configurationReader = in == null ? null : ReaderFactory.newXmlReader( in ); } catch ( IOException e ) { throw new PlexusContainerException( "Error reading configuration file", e ); } try { initialize( c ); start(); } finally { IOUtil.close( configurationReader ); } for( Class clazz : c.getComponentDiscoverers() ) { try { ComponentDiscoverer cd = (ComponentDiscoverer) lookup( clazz ); componentDiscovererManager.addComponentDiscoverer( cd ); } catch ( ComponentLookupException e ) { } } for( Class clazz : c.getComponentDiscoveryListeners() ) { try { ComponentDiscoveryListener cdl = (ComponentDiscoveryListener) lookup( clazz ); componentDiscovererManager.registerComponentDiscoveryListener( cdl ); } catch ( ComponentLookupException e ) { } } } // ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- // Lookup // ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- private Class<?> getInterfaceClass( String role, String hint ) { if ( hint == null ) hint = PLEXUS_DEFAULT_HINT; try { ClassRealm realm = getLookupRealm(); if ( realm != null ) { return realm.loadClass( role ); } } catch ( Throwable e ) { } try { ClassLoader loader = Thread.currentThread().getContextClassLoader(); if ( loader != null ) { return loader.loadClass( role ); } } catch ( Throwable e ) { } try { ComponentDescriptor<?> cd = componentRegistry.getComponentDescriptor( Object.class, hint ); if ( cd != null ) { ClassLoader loader = cd.getImplementationClass().getClassLoader(); if ( loader != null ) { return loader.loadClass( role ); } } } catch ( Throwable ignored ) { } return Object.class; } private Class<?> getRoleClass( String role ) { return getInterfaceClass( role, null ); } private Class<?> getRoleClass( String role, String hint ) { return getInterfaceClass( role, hint ); } public Object lookup( String role ) throws ComponentLookupException { return componentRegistry.lookup( getRoleClass( role ), PLEXUS_DEFAULT_HINT ); } public Object lookup( String role, String roleHint ) throws ComponentLookupException { return componentRegistry.lookup( getRoleClass( role, roleHint ), roleHint ); } public <T> T lookup( Class<T> type ) throws ComponentLookupException { return componentRegistry.lookup( type, PLEXUS_DEFAULT_HINT ); } public <T> T lookup( Class<T> type, String roleHint ) throws ComponentLookupException { return componentRegistry.lookup( type, roleHint ); } @Deprecated public <T> T lookup( Class<T> type, String role, String roleHint ) throws ComponentLookupException { return componentRegistry.lookup( type, roleHint ); } public <T> T lookup( ComponentDescriptor<T> descriptor ) throws ComponentLookupException { return componentRegistry.lookup( descriptor ); } public List<Object> lookupList( String role ) throws ComponentLookupException { return cast(componentRegistry.lookupList( getRoleClass( role ), null)); } public List<Object> lookupList( String role, List<String> roleHints ) throws ComponentLookupException { return cast(componentRegistry.lookupList( getRoleClass( role ), roleHints )); } public <T> List<T> lookupList( Class<T> type ) throws ComponentLookupException { return componentRegistry.lookupList( type, null ); } public <T> List<T> lookupList( Class<T> type, List<String> roleHints ) throws ComponentLookupException { return componentRegistry.lookupList( type, roleHints ); } public Map<String, Object> lookupMap( String role ) throws ComponentLookupException { return cast(componentRegistry.lookupMap( getRoleClass( role ), null )); } public Map<String, Object> lookupMap( String role, List<String> roleHints ) throws ComponentLookupException { return cast(componentRegistry.lookupMap( getRoleClass( role ), roleHints )); } public <T> Map<String, T> lookupMap( Class<T> type ) throws ComponentLookupException { return componentRegistry.lookupMap( type, null ); } public <T> Map<String, T> lookupMap( Class<T> type, List<String> roleHints ) throws ComponentLookupException { return componentRegistry.lookupMap( type, roleHints ); } // ---------------------------------------------------------------------- // Component Descriptor Lookup // ---------------------------------------------------------------------- public boolean hasComponent( String role ) { return componentRegistry.getComponentDescriptor( getRoleClass( role ), PLEXUS_DEFAULT_HINT ) != null; } public boolean hasComponent( String role, String roleHint ) { return componentRegistry.getComponentDescriptor( getRoleClass( role ), roleHint ) != null; } public boolean hasComponent( Class<?> type ) { return componentRegistry.getComponentDescriptor( type, PLEXUS_DEFAULT_HINT ) != null; } public boolean hasComponent( Class<?> type, String roleHint ) { return componentRegistry.getComponentDescriptor( type, roleHint ) != null; } public ComponentDescriptor<?> getComponentDescriptor( String role ) { return componentRegistry.getComponentDescriptor( getRoleClass( role ), PLEXUS_DEFAULT_HINT ); } public ComponentDescriptor<?> getComponentDescriptor( String role, String roleHint ) { return componentRegistry.getComponentDescriptor( getRoleClass( role ), roleHint ); } public <T> ComponentDescriptor<T> getComponentDescriptor( Class<T> type ) { return componentRegistry.getComponentDescriptor( type, PLEXUS_DEFAULT_HINT ); } public <T> ComponentDescriptor<T> getComponentDescriptor( Class<T> type, String roleHint ) { return componentRegistry.getComponentDescriptor( type, roleHint ); } public Map<String, ComponentDescriptor<?>> getComponentDescriptorMap( String role ) { return cast(componentRegistry.getComponentDescriptorMap( getRoleClass( role ) )); } @Deprecated public <T> Map<String, ComponentDescriptor<T>> getComponentDescriptorMap( Class<T> type, String role ) { return componentRegistry.getComponentDescriptorMap( type ); } public List<ComponentDescriptor<?>> getComponentDescriptorList( String role ) { return cast(componentRegistry.getComponentDescriptorList( getRoleClass( role ) )); } public <T> List<ComponentDescriptor<T>> getComponentDescriptorList( Class<T> type ) { return componentRegistry.getComponentDescriptorList( type ); } public void addComponentDescriptor( ComponentDescriptor<?> componentDescriptor ) throws ComponentRepositoryException { if ( componentDescriptor.getRealm() == null ) { componentDescriptor.setRealm( this.containerRealm ); // throw new ComponentImplementationNotFoundException( "ComponentDescriptor is missing realmId" ); } componentRegistry.addComponentDescriptor( componentDescriptor ); } // ---------------------------------------------------------------------- // Component Release // ---------------------------------------------------------------------- public void release( Object component ) throws ComponentLifecycleException { componentRegistry.release( component ); } public void releaseAll( Map<String, ?> components ) throws ComponentLifecycleException { for ( Object component : components.values() ) { release( component ); } } public void releaseAll( List<?> components ) throws ComponentLifecycleException { for ( Object component : components ) { release( component ); } } // ---------------------------------------------------------------------- // Lifecycle Management // ---------------------------------------------------------------------- protected void initialize( ContainerConfiguration containerConfiguration ) throws PlexusContainerException { try { initializeConfiguration( containerConfiguration ); initializePhases( containerConfiguration ); containerContext.put( PlexusConstants.PLEXUS_KEY, this ); discoverComponents( getContainerRealm() ); PlexusConfiguration[] loadOnStartComponents = getConfiguration().getChild( "load-on-start" ).getChildren( "component" ); getLogger().debug( "Found " + loadOnStartComponents.length + " components to load on start" ); ClassLoader prevCl = Thread.currentThread().getContextClassLoader(); try { for ( PlexusConfiguration loadOnStartComponent : loadOnStartComponents ) { String role = loadOnStartComponent.getChild( "role" ).getValue( null ); String roleHint = loadOnStartComponent.getChild( "role-hint" ).getValue( null ); if ( role == null ) { throw new PlexusContainerException( "Missing 'role' element from load-on-start." ); } if ( roleHint == null ) { roleHint = PlexusConstants.PLEXUS_DEFAULT_HINT; } if ( roleHint.equals( "*" ) ) { getLogger().info( "Loading on start all components with [role]: " + "[" + role + "]" ); lookupList( role ); } else { getLogger().info( "Loading on start [role,roleHint]: " + "[" + role + "," + roleHint + "]" ); lookup( role, roleHint ); } } } catch ( ComponentLookupException e ) { throw new PlexusContainerException( "Error looking up load-on-start component.", e ); } finally { Thread.currentThread().setContextClassLoader( prevCl ); } } catch ( ContextException e ) { throw new PlexusContainerException( "Error processing configuration", e ); } catch ( PlexusConfigurationException e ) { throw new PlexusContainerException( "Error configuring components", e ); } catch ( IOException e ) { throw new PlexusContainerException( "Error reading configuration file", e ); } catch ( ComponentRepositoryException e ) { throw new PlexusContainerException( "Error discoverying components.", e ); } } protected void initializePhases( ContainerConfiguration containerConfiguration ) throws PlexusContainerException { ContainerInitializationPhase[] initPhases = containerConfiguration.getInitializationPhases(); ContainerInitializationContext initializationContext = new ContainerInitializationContext( this, classWorld, containerRealm, configuration, containerConfiguration ); for ( ContainerInitializationPhase phase : initPhases ) { try { phase.execute( initializationContext ); } catch ( Exception e ) { throw new PlexusContainerException( "Error initializaing container in " + phase.getClass().getName() + ".", e ); } } } protected void start() throws PlexusContainerException { // XXX this is called after initializeConfiguration - is this correct? configuration = null; } public void dispose() { try { componentRegistry.dispose(); boolean needToDisposeRealm = false; try { containerRealm.setParentRealm( null ); if ( needToDisposeRealm ) { classWorld.disposeRealm( containerRealm.getId() ); } } catch ( NoSuchRealmException e ) { getLogger().debug( "Failed to dispose realm." ); } } finally { lookupRealm.set( null ); } } public void addContextValue( Object key, Object value ) { containerContext.put( key, value ); } // ---------------------------------------------------------------------- // Misc Configuration // ---------------------------------------------------------------------- public ClassWorld getClassWorld() { return classWorld; } public void setClassWorld( ClassWorld classWorld ) { this.classWorld = classWorld; } public ClassRealm getContainerRealm() { return containerRealm; } public void setContainerRealm( ClassRealm containerRealm ) { this.containerRealm = containerRealm; } // ---------------------------------------------------------------------- // Context // ---------------------------------------------------------------------- public Context getContext() { return containerContext; } // ---------------------------------------------------------------------- // ComponentListener // ---------------------------------------------------------------------- public void addComponentDescriptorListener( ComponentDescriptorListener<?> listener ) { componentRegistry.addComponentDescriptorListener( listener ); } public void removeComponentDescriptorListener( ComponentDescriptorListener<?> listener ) { componentRegistry.removeComponentDescriptorListener( listener ); } // ---------------------------------------------------------------------- // Configuration // ---------------------------------------------------------------------- // This is the default PlexusXmlDiscovery protected void initializeConfiguration( ContainerConfiguration c ) throws PlexusConfigurationException, ContextException, IOException { // We need an empty plexus configuration for merging. This is a function of removing the // plexus-boostrap.xml file. configuration = new XmlPlexusConfiguration( "plexus" ); if ( configurationReader != null ) { // User userConfiguration PlexusConfiguration userConfiguration = PlexusTools.buildConfiguration( "<User Specified Configuration Reader>", getInterpolationConfigurationReader( configurationReader ) ); // Merger of bootstrapConfiguration and user userConfiguration configuration = PlexusConfigurationMerger.merge( userConfiguration, configuration ); } } protected Reader getInterpolationConfigurationReader( Reader reader ) { return new InterpolationFilterReader( reader, new ContextMapAdapter( containerContext ) ); } public Logger getLogger() { return super.getLogger(); } // ---------------------------------------------------------------------- // Discovery // ---------------------------------------------------------------------- public void registerComponentDiscoveryListener( ComponentDiscoveryListener listener ) { componentDiscovererManager.registerComponentDiscoveryListener( listener ); } public void removeComponentDiscoveryListener( ComponentDiscoveryListener listener ) { componentDiscovererManager.removeComponentDiscoveryListener( listener ); } // ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- // Mutable Container Interface // ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- public ComponentRegistry getComponentRegistry() { return componentRegistry; } public void setComponentRegistry( ComponentRegistry componentRegistry ) { this.componentRegistry = componentRegistry; } public ComponentDiscovererManager getComponentDiscovererManager() { return componentDiscovererManager; } public void setComponentDiscovererManager( ComponentDiscovererManager componentDiscovererManager ) { this.componentDiscovererManager = componentDiscovererManager; } public ComponentFactoryManager getComponentFactoryManager() { return componentFactoryManager; } public void setComponentFactoryManager( ComponentFactoryManager componentFactoryManager ) { this.componentFactoryManager = componentFactoryManager; } // Configuration public PlexusConfiguration getConfiguration() { return configuration; } public void setConfiguration( PlexusConfiguration configuration ) { this.configuration = configuration; } // ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- // Component Realms // ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- public ClassRealm getComponentRealm( String realmId ) { ClassRealm realm = null; try { realm = classWorld.getRealm( realmId ); } catch ( NoSuchRealmException e ) { // This should never happen: when a component is discovered, it is discovered from a realm and // it is at that point the realm id is assigned to the component descriptor. } if ( realm == null ) { // The core components need the container realm. realm = containerRealm; } return realm; } public void removeComponentRealm( ClassRealm realm ) throws PlexusContainerException { if ( getContainerRealm().getId().equals( realm.getId() ) ) { throw new IllegalArgumentException( "Cannot remove container realm: " + realm.getId() + "\n(trying to remove container realm as if it were a component realm)." ); } componentRegistry.removeComponentRealm( realm ); ClassRealm lookupRealm = getLookupRealm(); if ( ( lookupRealm != null ) && lookupRealm.getId().equals( realm.getId() ) ) { setLookupRealm( getContainerRealm() ); } } private InputStream toStream( String resource ) throws PlexusContainerException { if ( resource == null ) { return null; } String relativeResource = resource; if ( resource.startsWith( "/" ) ) { relativeResource = resource.substring( 1 ); } InputStream is = getClass().getClassLoader().getResourceAsStream( relativeResource ); if ( is == null ) { try { return new FileInputStream( resource ); } catch ( FileNotFoundException e ) { return null; } } return is; } /** * Utility method to get a default lookup realm for a component. */ public ClassRealm getLookupRealm( Object component ) { if ( component.getClass().getClassLoader() instanceof ClassRealm ) { return ( (ClassRealm) component.getClass().getClassLoader() ); } else { return getLookupRealm(); } } public void setConfigurationSource( ConfigurationSource configurationSource ) { this.configurationSource = configurationSource; } public ConfigurationSource getConfigurationSource() { return configurationSource; } public LoggerManager getLoggerManager() { // TODO Auto-generated method stub return loggerManager; } public void setLoggerManager( LoggerManager loggerManager ) { this.loggerManager = loggerManager; } // Discovery public List<ComponentDescriptor<?>> discoverComponents( ClassRealm realm ) throws PlexusConfigurationException, ComponentRepositoryException { List<ComponentSetDescriptor> componentSetDescriptors = new ArrayList<ComponentSetDescriptor>(); List<ComponentDescriptor<?>> discoveredComponentDescriptors = new ArrayList<ComponentDescriptor<?>>(); for ( ComponentDiscoverer componentDiscoverer : getComponentDiscovererManager().getComponentDiscoverers() ) { for ( ComponentSetDescriptor componentSetDescriptor : componentDiscoverer.findComponents( getContext(), realm ) ) { // Here we should collect all the urls // do the interpolation against the context // register all the components // allow interception and replacement of the components componentSetDescriptors.add(componentSetDescriptor); for( ComponentDescriptor<?> componentDescriptor : componentSetDescriptor.getComponents() ) { addComponentDescriptor( componentDescriptor ); discoveredComponentDescriptors.add( componentDescriptor ); } // Fire the event ComponentDiscoveryEvent event = new ComponentDiscoveryEvent( componentSetDescriptor ); componentDiscovererManager.fireComponentDiscoveryEvent( event ); } } return discoveredComponentDescriptors; } }