package org.codehaus.plexus.component.repository; import org.codehaus.plexus.PlexusConstants; /* * Copyright 2001-2006 Codehaus Foundation. * * Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); * you may not use this file except in compliance with the License. * You may obtain a copy of the License at * * * * Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software * distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, * WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. * See the License for the specific language governing permissions and * limitations under the License. */ /** * This represents a component this is required by another component. * * @author <a href="">Michal Maczka</a> * @version $Id: 8109 2009-02-11 18:20:25Z dain $ */ public class ComponentRequirement { private String fieldName; private String role; private String roleHint = PlexusConstants.PLEXUS_DEFAULT_HINT; private String fieldMappingType; public ComponentRequirement() { } public ComponentRequirement( String fieldName, String role ) { this( fieldName, role, null ); } public ComponentRequirement( String fieldName, String role, String roleHint ) { this.fieldName = fieldName; this.role = role; if ( roleHint != null ) { this.roleHint = roleHint; } } public ComponentRequirement( String fieldName, Class<?> type ) { this( fieldName, type.getName(), null ); } public ComponentRequirement( String fieldName, Class<?> type, String roleHint ) { this( fieldName, type.getName(), roleHint ); } /** * Returns the field name that this component requirement will inject. * @return the field name that this component requirement will inject */ public String getFieldName() { return fieldName; } /** * Sets the name of the field that will be populated by the required * component. * @param fieldName the name of the field to be populated */ public void setFieldName( String fieldName ) { this.fieldName = fieldName; } /** * Returns the role of the required component. * @return the role of the required component */ public String getRole() { return role; } /** * Sets the role of the require component. * @param role the required component's role */ public void setRole( String role ) { this.role = role; } /** * Returns the role-hint of the required component. * @return the role-hint of the required component */ public String getRoleHint() { return roleHint; } /** * Sets the role-hint of the require component. * Pasing null will set the hint to the default value. * @param roleHint the required component's role-hint */ public void setRoleHint( String roleHint ) { if ( roleHint == null || roleHint.trim().equals( "" ) ) { this.roleHint = PlexusConstants.PLEXUS_DEFAULT_HINT; } else { this.roleHint = roleHint; } } /** * Returns the type of the field this component requirement will inject. * @return the type of the field this component requirement will inject */ public String getFieldMappingType() { return fieldMappingType; } /** * Sets the type of the field that will be populated by the required * component. * @param fieldType the type of the field to be populated */ public void setFieldMappingType( String fieldType ) { this.fieldMappingType = fieldType; } public String toString() { return "ComponentRequirement{" + "role='" + getRole() + "'" + ", " + "roleHint='" + getRoleHint() + "', " + "fieldName='" + getFieldName() + "'" + "}"; } /** * Returns a human-friendly key, suitable for display. * @return a human-friendly key */ public String getHumanReadableKey() { StringBuffer key = new StringBuffer(); key.append( "role: '").append( getRole() ).append( "'" ); if ( getRoleHint() != null ) { key.append( ", role-hint: '" ).append( getRoleHint() ).append( "'. " ); } if ( getFieldName() != null ) { key.append( ", field name: '" ).append( getFieldName() ).append( "' " ); } return key.toString(); } public boolean equals( Object other ) { if ( other instanceof ComponentRequirement ) { String myId = role + ":" + roleHint; ComponentRequirement req = (ComponentRequirement) other; String otherId = req.role + ":" + req.roleHint; return myId.equals( otherId ); } return false; } public int hashCode() { return ( role + ":" + roleHint ).hashCode(); } }