package iiuf.swing.graph; import java.awt.Graphics2D; import java.awt.Polygon; import java.awt.Component; import java.awt.Rectangle; import java.awt.Color; import iiuf.awt.Awt; /** Orthogonal edge router, connects two points using orthogonal bends only.<p> (c) 2000, 2001, IIUF, DIUF<p> @author $Author: ohitz $ @version $Name: $ $Revision: 1.1 $ */ public final class OrthogonalRouter implements GraphRouter { private static final double PI2 = Math.PI / 2; private static final int MAXLOOP = 10; private static final int DINC = 2; private void hline(int x, int y) { int lastx = xpoints[npoints - 1]; int lasty = ypoints[npoints - 1]; if(lastx < x) lr(lastx, lasty, x, y); else rl(lastx, lasty, x, y); } private void lr(int lastx, int lasty, int x, int y) { hcnt += hdir; if(y < 0 || y >= height) { xpoints[npoints] = x; ypoints[npoints++] = y; return; } int[] idxs = getYCmpsCa[y]; if(idxs == null) { xpoints[npoints] = x; ypoints[npoints++] = y; return; } int is = -1; int minx = Integer.MAX_VALUE; int miny = Integer.MAX_VALUE; int maxy = Integer.MIN_VALUE; int stop = idxs.length; for(int j = 0; j < stop; j++) { int i = idxs[j]; if(x <= x1ca[i]) continue; if(lastx >= x2ca[i]) continue; if(exclude[i]) continue; if(x1ca[i] < minx) { is = i; minx = x1ca[i]; } miny = y1ca[i] < miny ? y1ca[i] : miny; maxy = y2ca[i] > maxy ? y2ca[i] : maxy; } if(minx != Integer.MAX_VALUE) { wbrac[is]++; int dx = minx - lastx; int off = wbrac[is] * DINC; int nx = lastx + (dx > off ? dx - off : dx); xpoints[npoints] = nx; ypoints[npoints++] = y; if(hcnt < 0) { sbrac[is]++; vline(nx, maxy + (sbrac[is] * DINC)); } else { nbrac[is]++; vline(nx, miny - (nbrac[is] * DINC)); } hline(x, ypoints[npoints - 1]); } else { xpoints[npoints] = x; ypoints[npoints++] = y; } } private void rl(int lastx, int lasty, int x, int y) { hcnt -= hdir; int is = -1; int maxx = Integer.MIN_VALUE; int miny = Integer.MAX_VALUE; int maxy = Integer.MIN_VALUE; if(y < 0 || y >= height) { xpoints[npoints] = x; ypoints[npoints++] = y; return; } int[] idxs = getYCmpsCa[y]; if(idxs == null) { xpoints[npoints] = x; ypoints[npoints++] = y; return; } int stop = idxs.length; for(int j = 0; j < stop; j++) { int i = idxs[j]; if(lastx <= x1ca[i]) continue; if(x >= x2ca[i]) continue; if(exclude[i]) continue; if(x2ca[i] > maxx) { is = i; maxx = x2ca[i]; } miny = y1ca[i] < miny ? y1ca[i] : miny; maxy = y2ca[i] > maxy ? y2ca[i] : maxy; } if(maxx != Integer.MIN_VALUE) { ebrac[is]++; int dx = lastx - maxx; int off = ebrac[is] * DINC; int nx = lastx - (dx > off ? dx - off : dx); xpoints[npoints] = nx; ypoints[npoints++] = y; if(hcnt < 0) { sbrac[is]++; vline(nx, maxy + (sbrac[is] * DINC)); } else { nbrac[is]++; vline(nx, miny - (nbrac[is] * DINC)); } hline(x, ypoints[npoints - 1]); } else { xpoints[npoints] = x; ypoints[npoints++] = y; } } private void vline(int x, int y) { int lastx = xpoints[npoints - 1]; int lasty = ypoints[npoints - 1]; if(lasty < y) tb(lastx, lasty, x, y); else bt(lastx, lasty, x, y); } private void tb(int lastx, int lasty, int x, int y) { vcnt += vdir; if(x < 0 || x >= width) { xpoints[npoints] = x; ypoints[npoints++] = y; return; } int[] idxs = getXCmpsCa[x]; if(idxs == null) { xpoints[npoints] = x; ypoints[npoints++] = y; return; } int is = -1; int minx = Integer.MAX_VALUE; int maxx = Integer.MIN_VALUE; int miny = Integer.MAX_VALUE; int stop = idxs.length; for(int j = 0; j < stop; j++) { int i = idxs[j]; if(y <= y1ca[i]) continue; if(lasty >= y2ca[i]) continue; if(exclude[i]) continue; if(y1ca[i] < miny) { is = i; miny = y1ca[i]; } minx = x1ca[i] < minx ? x1ca[i] : minx; maxx = x2ca[i] > maxx ? x2ca[i] : maxx; } if(miny != Integer.MAX_VALUE) { nbrac[is]++; int dy = miny - lasty; int off = nbrac[is] * DINC; int ny = lasty + (dy > off ? dy - off : dy); xpoints[npoints] = x; ypoints[npoints++] = ny; if(vcnt > 0) { wbrac[is]++; hline(minx - (wbrac[is] * DINC), ny); } else { ebrac[is]++; hline(maxx + (ebrac[is] * DINC), ny); } vline(xpoints[npoints - 1], y); } else { xpoints[npoints] = x; ypoints[npoints++] = y; } } private void bt(int lastx, int lasty, int x, int y) { vcnt -= vdir; if(x < 0 || x >= width) { xpoints[npoints] = x; ypoints[npoints++] = y; return; } int[] idxs = getXCmpsCa[x]; if(idxs == null) { xpoints[npoints] = x; ypoints[npoints++] = y; return; } int is = -1; int minx = Integer.MAX_VALUE; int maxx = Integer.MIN_VALUE; int maxy = Integer.MIN_VALUE; int stop = idxs.length; for(int j = 0; j < stop; j++) { int i = idxs[j]; if(lasty <= y1ca[i]) continue; if(y >= y2ca[i]) continue; if(exclude[i]) continue; if(y2ca[i] > maxy) { is = i; maxy = y2ca[i]; } minx = x1ca[i] < minx ? x1ca[i] : minx; maxx = x2ca[i] > maxx ? x2ca[i] : maxx; } if(maxy != Integer.MIN_VALUE) { sbrac[is]++; int dy = lasty - maxy; int off = sbrac[is] * DINC; int ny = lasty - (dy > off ? dy - off : dy); xpoints[npoints] = x; ypoints[npoints++] = ny; if(vcnt > 0) { wbrac[is]++; hline(minx - (wbrac[is] * DINC), ny); } else { ebrac[is]++; hline(maxx + (ebrac[is] * DINC), ny); } vline(xpoints[npoints - 1], y); } else { xpoints[npoints] = x; ypoints[npoints++] = y; } } private void hconnect(int x, int y) { int q = 0; while(xpoints[npoints - 1] != x || ypoints[npoints - 1] != y) { hline(x, ypoints[npoints - 1]); vline(xpoints[npoints - 1], y); if(q++ > MAXLOOP) { xpoints[npoints] = x; ypoints[npoints++] = y; break; } } } private void vconnect(int x, int y) { int q = 0; while(xpoints[npoints - 1] != x || ypoints[npoints - 1] != y) { vline(xpoints[npoints - 1], y); hline(x, ypoints[npoints - 1]); if(q++ > MAXLOOP) { xpoints[npoints] = x; ypoints[npoints++] = y; break; } } } private int vdir; private int hdir; private int hcnt; private int vcnt; private int endx; private int endy; private int startx; private int starty; private int[] x1ca; private int[] y1ca; private int[] x2ca; private int[] y2ca; private int[] rtca; private boolean[] exclude; private int[] nbrac; private int[] ebrac; private int[] sbrac; private int[] wbrac; private int nnodes = -1; private boolean changed; private boolean reinit; private int[][] getYCmpsCa; private int[] getYCmpsCnt; private int[][] getXCmpsCa; private int[] getXCmpsCnt; private int width; private int oldwidth = -1; private int height; private int oldheight = -1; private int[] xpoints = new int[1024]; private int[] ypoints = new int[1024]; private int[] cummlen = new int[1024]; private int npoints; private Rectangle tmpRect = new Rectangle(); public void init() { nnodes = -1; } private void stateUpdate(Component[] nodes, GraphEdge[] edges) { changed = false; reinit = false; if(nnodes != nodes.length) { nnodes = nodes.length; x1ca = new int[nnodes]; y1ca = new int[nnodes]; x2ca = new int[nnodes]; y2ca = new int[nnodes]; rtca = new int[nnodes]; } nbrac = new int[nnodes]; ebrac = new int[nnodes]; sbrac = new int[nnodes]; wbrac = new int[nnodes]; width = Integer.MIN_VALUE; height = Integer.MIN_VALUE; int chx1 = 0; int chy1 = 0; int chx2 = 0; int chy2 = 0; int chi = -1; for(int i = 0; i < nnodes; i++) { Component node = nodes[i]; tmpRect = node.getBounds(tmpRect); int x1 = tmpRect.x; int y1 = tmpRect.y; int x2 = x1 + tmpRect.width; int y2 = y1 + tmpRect.height; int r = node instanceof GraphNodeComponent ? ((GraphNodeComponent)node).getRotation() : 0; if(x1 != x1ca[i] || y1 != y1ca[i] || x2 != x2ca[i] || y2 != y2ca[i] || r != rtca[i]) { if(!changed) { chx1 = x1ca[i]; chy1 = y1ca[i]; chx2 = x2ca[i]; chy2 = y2ca[i]; chi = i; changed = true; } else reinit = true; } x1ca[i] = x1; y1ca[i] = y1; x2ca[i] = x2; y2ca[i] = y2; rtca[i] = r; width = x2 > width ? x2 : width; height = y2 > height ? y2 : height; } width++; height++; if(oldwidth != width) { reinit = true; oldwidth = width; } if(oldheight != height) { reinit = true; oldheight = height; } if(changed) { exclude = new boolean[nnodes]; for(int j = 0; j < nnodes; j++) for(int k = j + 1; k < nnodes; k++) { boolean inter = x2ca[j] >= x1ca[k] - 3 && x2ca[k] >= x1ca[j] - 3 && y2ca[j] >= y1ca[k] - 3 && y2ca[k] >= y1ca[j] - 3; exclude[k] |= inter; exclude[j] |= inter; } if(reinit) { getYCmpsCnt = new int[height]; getXCmpsCnt = new int[width]; // calc array sizes for(int i = 0; i < nnodes; i++) { int stop = y2ca[i]; for(int k = y1ca[i] < 1 ? 1 : y1ca[i] + 1; k < stop; k++) getYCmpsCnt[k]++; stop = x2ca[i]; for(int k = x1ca[i] < 1 ? 1 : x1ca[i] + 1; k < stop; k++) getXCmpsCnt[k]++; } // alloc arrays getYCmpsCa = new int[height][]; for(int i = 0; i < height; i++) if(getYCmpsCnt[i] > 0) { getYCmpsCa[i] = new int[getYCmpsCnt[i]]; getYCmpsCnt[i] = 0; } getXCmpsCa = new int[width][]; for(int i = 0; i < width; i++) if(getXCmpsCnt[i] > 0) { getXCmpsCa[i] = new int[getXCmpsCnt[i]]; getXCmpsCnt[i] = 0; } // setup array for(int i = 0; i < nnodes; i++) { int stop = y2ca[i]; for(int k = y1ca[i] < 1 ? 1 : y1ca[i] + 1; k < stop; k++) { getYCmpsCa[k][getYCmpsCnt[k]] = i; getYCmpsCnt[k]++; } stop = x2ca[i]; for(int k = x1ca[i] < 1 ? 1 : x1ca[i] + 1; k < stop; k++) { getXCmpsCa[k][getXCmpsCnt[k]] = i; getXCmpsCnt[k]++; } } } else { // remove changed component int stop = chy2; for(int k = chy1 < 1 ? 1 : chy1 + 1; k < stop; k++) { getYCmpsCnt[k]--; if(getYCmpsCnt[k] == 0) { getYCmpsCa[k] = null; continue; } int[] a = getYCmpsCa[k]; int[] result = new int[getYCmpsCnt[k]]; int ri = 0; for(int i = 0; i < a.length; i++) if(a[i] != chi) result[ri++] = a[i]; getYCmpsCa[k] = result; } stop = chx2; for(int k = chx1 < 1 ? 1 : chx1 + 1; k < stop; k++) { getXCmpsCnt[k]--; if(getXCmpsCnt[k] == 0) { getXCmpsCa[k] = null; continue; } int[] a = getXCmpsCa[k]; int[] result = new int[getXCmpsCnt[k]]; int ri = 0; for(int i = 0; i < a.length; i++) if(a[i] != chi) result[ri++] = a[i]; getXCmpsCa[k] = result; } // add changed component stop = y2ca[chi]; for(int k = y1ca[chi] < 1 ? 1 : y1ca[chi] + 1; k < stop; k++) { getYCmpsCnt[k]++; int[] tmp = getYCmpsCa[k]; getYCmpsCa[k] = new int[getYCmpsCnt[k]]; if(getYCmpsCnt[k] > 1) System.arraycopy(tmp, 0, getYCmpsCa[k], 1, tmp.length); getYCmpsCa[k][0] = chi; } stop = x2ca[chi]; for(int k = x1ca[chi] < 1 ? 1 : x1ca[chi] + 1; k < stop; k++) { getXCmpsCnt[k]++; int[] tmp = getXCmpsCa[k]; getXCmpsCa[k] = new int[getXCmpsCnt[k]]; if(getXCmpsCnt[k] > 1) System.arraycopy(tmp, 0, getXCmpsCa[k], 1, tmp.length); getXCmpsCa[k][0] = chi; } } } } public synchronized void setupEdges(GraphPanel panel, GraphEdge[] edges, Component[] nodes) { if(edges.length == 0) return; stateUpdate(nodes, edges); if(changed) { for(int i = 0; i < edges.length; i++) { GraphEdge edge = edges[i]; hcnt = vcnt = 0; tmpRect = edge.endcmp.getBounds(tmpRect); int ecx1 = tmpRect.x; int ecy1 = tmpRect.y; int ecx2 = tmpRect.width; int ecy2 = tmpRect.height; tmpRect = edge.startcmp.getBounds(tmpRect); int scx1 = tmpRect.x; int scy1 = tmpRect.y; int scx2 = tmpRect.width; int scy2 = tmpRect.height; endx = (int)(edge.endport.x * ecx2) + ecx1; endy = (int)(edge.endport.y * ecy2) + ecy1; startx = (int)(edge.startport.x * scx2) + scx1; starty = (int)(edge.startport.y * scy2) + scy1; hdir = endx > startx ? -1 : 1; vdir = endy > starty ? -1 : 1; Polygon hpoly = null; Polygon vpoly = null; npoints = 0; xpoints[npoints] = startx; ypoints[npoints++] = starty; int eci = -1; int sci = -1; boolean endsv = false; boolean startsv = false; boolean endC = edge.endport.x == 0.5 && edge.endport.y == 0.5; boolean startC = edge.startport.x == 0.5 && edge.startport.y == 0.5; if(endC || startC) { for(int j = 0; j < nodes.length; j++) if(nodes[j] == edge.endcmp) { eci = j; break; } for(int j = 0; j < nodes.length; j++) if(nodes[j] == edge.startcmp) { sci = j; break; } endsv = exclude[eci]; startsv = exclude[sci]; exclude[eci] = true; exclude[sci] = true; hconnect(endx, endy); hpoly = new Polygon(xpoints, ypoints, npoints); npoints = 1; vconnect(endx, endy); vpoly = new Polygon(xpoints, ypoints, npoints); } else { ecx2 += ecx1; ecy2 += ecy1; scx2 += scx1; scy2 += scy1; int minc = 0; int min = startx - scx1; int tmp = scx2 - startx; if(tmp < min) {min = tmp; minc = 1;} tmp = starty - scy1; if(tmp < min) {min = tmp; minc = 2;} tmp = scy2 - starty; if(tmp < min) {min = tmp; minc = 3;} switch(minc) { case 0: xpoints[npoints] = scx1 - DINC * edge.startport.index; ypoints[npoints++] = starty; break; case 1: xpoints[npoints] = scx2 + DINC * edge.startport.index; ypoints[npoints++] = starty; break; case 2: xpoints[npoints] = startx; ypoints[npoints++] = scy1 - DINC * edge.startport.index; break; case 3: xpoints[npoints] = startx; ypoints[npoints++] = scy2 + DINC * edge.startport.index; break; } minc = 0; min = endx - ecx1; tmp = ecx2 - endx; if(tmp < min) {min = tmp; minc = 1;} tmp = endy - ecy1; if(tmp < min) {min = tmp; minc = 2;} tmp = ecy2 - endy; if(tmp < min) {min = tmp; minc = 3;} switch(minc) { case 0: ecx1 -= DINC * edge.endport.index; hconnect(ecx1, endy); hpoly = new Polygon(xpoints, ypoints, npoints); npoints = 2; vconnect(ecx1, endy); vpoly = new Polygon(xpoints, ypoints, npoints); break; case 1: ecx2 += DINC * edge.endport.index; hconnect(ecx2, endy); hpoly = new Polygon(xpoints, ypoints, npoints); npoints = 2; vconnect(ecx2, endy); vpoly = new Polygon(xpoints, ypoints, npoints); break; case 2: ecy1 -= DINC * edge.endport.index; hconnect(endx, ecy1); hpoly = new Polygon(xpoints, ypoints, npoints); npoints = 2; vconnect(endx, ecy1); vpoly = new Polygon(xpoints, ypoints, npoints); break; case 3: ecy2 += DINC * edge.endport.index; hconnect(endx, ecy2); hpoly = new Polygon(xpoints, ypoints, npoints); npoints = 2; vconnect(endx, ecy2); vpoly = new Polygon(xpoints, ypoints, npoints); break; } } edge.polyline = hpoly.npoints < vpoly.npoints ? hpoly : vpoly; if(endC || startC) { exclude[eci] = endsv; exclude[sci] = startsv; } else edge.polyline.addPoint(endx, endy); } } for(int i = 0; i < edges.length; i++) { GraphEdge edge = edges[i]; // setup markers if(edge.markers.length > 0) { int ns = edge.polyline.npoints; int[] xs = edge.polyline.xpoints; int[] ys = edge.polyline.ypoints; int len = 0; for(int j = 1; j < ns; j++) { int l = xs[j] - xs[j - 1] + ys[j] - ys[j - 1]; if(l < 0) l = -l; len += l; cummlen[j - 1] = len; } if(ns < 3) { for(int j = 0; j < edge.markers.length; j++) GraphEdgeUtils.setupMTrans(edge, j, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0); } else { ns--; for(int j = 0; j < edge.markers.length; j++) { int mp = (int)(edge.markerpos[j] * len); int k = 0; while(cummlen[k] < mp && k < ns) k++; GraphEdgeUtils.setupMTrans(edge, j, Awt.getAngle(xs[k], ys[k], xs[k + 1], ys[k + 1]) + PI2, xs[k], ys[k], xs[k + 1], ys[k + 1]); } } } } } } /* $Log:,v $ Revision 1.1 2002/07/11 12:09:52 ohitz Initial checkin Revision 1.7 2001/03/16 18:08:20 schubige improved orthogonal router Revision 1.6 2001/03/11 17:59:39 schubige Fixed various soundium and iiuf.swing.graph bugs Revision 1.5 2001/03/09 21:24:58 schubige Added preferences to edge editor Revision 1.4 2001/03/09 15:30:51 schubige Added markers to graph panel Revision 1.3 2001/02/22 15:59:23 schubige Worked on FileReader soundlet Revision 1.2 2001/02/19 15:10:38 schubige Fixed graph edge port location bug Revision 1.1 2001/02/17 09:54:22 schubige moved graph stuff to iiuf.swing.graph, started work on rotatable GraphNodeComponents Revision 1.6 2001/01/04 16:28:39 schubige Header update for 2001 and DIUF Revision 1.5 2000/12/29 08:03:55 schubige SourceWatch beta debug iter 1 Revision 1.4 2000/12/28 09:29:10 schubige SourceWatch beta Revision 1.3 2000/12/18 12:39:09 schubige Added ports to iiuf.util.graph Revision 1.2 2000/10/03 08:39:39 schubige Added tree view and contect menu stuff Revision 1.1 2000/08/17 16:22:14 schubige Swing cleanup & TreeView added Revision 1.1 2000/07/28 12:07:58 schubige Graph stuff update */