package iiuf.awt; import java.awt.Panel; import java.awt.Frame; import java.awt.GridBagLayout; import java.awt.GridBagConstraints; import java.awt.Label; import java.awt.Choice; import java.awt.Component; import java.awt.TextField; import java.awt.Container; import java.awt.Font; import java.awt.event.ItemListener; import java.awt.event.ItemEvent; import java.awt.event.ActionListener; import java.awt.event.ActionEvent; import; import java.util.Vector; import iiuf.util.EventListenerList; import iiuf.util.Strings; import iiuf.util.Unicode; import iiuf.db.Proxy; import iiuf.db.Field; /** Database finder. (c) 1999, 2000, 2001, IIUF, DIUF<p> @author $Author: ohitz $ @version $Name: $ $Revision: 1.1 $ */ public class Find extends Panel implements Unicode, ItemListener { public static String[] ENGLISH = { "", // 0x00 (NOP) "begins with", // 0x01 (BEGINS_WITH) "contains", // 0x02 (CONTAINS) "ends with", // 0x03 (ENDS_WITH) "=", // 0x04 (EQUALS) ">", // 0x05 (GREATER_THAN) ">=", // 0x06 (GREATER_THAN_OR_EQUALS) "<", // 0x07 (LESS_THAN) "<=", // 0x08 (LESS_THAN_OR_EQUALS) "!=", // 0x09 (NOT_EQUALS) "", // 0x0A () "", // 0x0B () "", // 0x0C () "", // 0x0D () "", // 0x0E () "", // 0x0F () "ascending", // 0x10 (ASCENDING) "descending", // 0x11 (DESCENDING) "custom", // 0x12 (CUSTOM) }; public static String[] GERMAN = { "", // 0x00 (NOP) "beginnt mit", // 0x01 (BEGINS_WITH) "enth"+auml+"lt", // 0x02 (CONTAINS) "endet mit", // 0x03 (ENDS_WITH) "=", // 0x04 (EQUALS) ">", // 0x05 (GREATER_THAN) ">=", // 0x06 (GREATER_THAN_OR_EQUALS) "<", // 0x07 (LESS_THAN) "<=", // 0x08 (LESS_THAN_OR_EQUALS) "!=", // 0x09 (NOT_EQUALS) "", // 0x0A () "", // 0x0B () "", // 0x0C () "", // 0x0D () "", // 0x0E () "", // 0x0F () "aufsteigend", // 0x10 (ASCENDING) "absteigend", // 0x11 (DESCENDING) "benutzerdefiniert", // 0x12 (CUSTOM) }; public static String[] FRENCH = { "", // 0x00 (NOP) "", // 0x01 (BEGINS_WITH) "", // 0x02 (CONTAINS) "", // 0x03 (ENDS_WITH) "", // 0x04 (EQUALS) "", // 0x05 (GREATER_THAN) "", // 0x06 (GREATER_THAN_OR_EQUALS) "", // 0x07 (LESS_THAN) "", // 0x08 (LESS_THAN_OR_EQUALS) "", // 0x09 (NOT_EQUALS) "", // 0x0A () "", // 0x0B () "", // 0x0C () "", // 0x0D () "", // 0x0E () "", // 0x0F () "", // 0x10 (ASCENDING) "", // 0x11 (DESCENDING) "", // 0x12 (CUSTOM) }; private Choice and_or = new Choice(); private Font bf = new Font("SansSerif", Font.BOLD, 12); private InfoList sortorder = new InfoList(4); private Proxy proxy; private EventListenerList listeners = new EventListenerList(); private int relop; public Find(Proxy proxy, String[] labels, String field_str, String value, String sort, String sortorder_str, String[] columns, int relop) { this(proxy, labels, field_str, null, value, sort, sortorder_str, columns, relop); } public Find(Proxy proxy, String[] labels, String field_str, String[] and_or_strs, String value, String sort, String sortorder_str, String[] columns) { this(proxy, labels, field_str, and_or_strs, value, sort, sortorder_str, columns, 0); } private Find(Proxy proxy_, String[] labels, String field_str, String[] and_or_strs, String value, String sort, String sortorder_str, String[] columns, int relop_) { proxy = proxy_; relop = relop_; setLayout(new GridBagLayout()); if(and_or_strs != null) { and_or.add(and_or_strs[0]); and_or.add(and_or_strs[1]); and_or.addItemListener(this); } Label tmp = new Label(field_str, Label.RIGHT); tmp.setFont(bf); add(tmp, Awt.constraints(false, GridBagConstraints.HORIZONTAL, 0.0f, 0.0f)); if(relop != Proxy.AND && relop != Proxy.OR) { add(and_or, Awt.constraints(false)); relop = Proxy.AND; } else add(new Component() {}); tmp = new Label(value); tmp.setFont(bf); add(tmp, Awt.constraints(false)); tmp = new Label(sort); tmp.setFont(bf); add(tmp, Awt.constraints(true)); Field[] fields = proxy.getFields(); for(int j = 0; j < columns.length; j++) for(int i = 0; i < fields.length; i++) if(columns[j].equals(fields[i].name)) addField(fields[i], labels); tmp = new Label(sortorder_str); tmp.setFont(bf); add(tmp, Awt.constraints(true)); add(sortorder, Awt.constraints(true, GridBagConstraints.BOTH)); sortorder.addItemListener(this); } public void addFindListener(FindListener listener) { listeners.add(FindListener.class, listener); } public void addFindListener(FindListener listener, boolean weak) { listeners.add(FindListener.class, listener, weak); } public void removeFindListener(FindListener listener) { listeners.remove(FindListener.class, listener); } void callFindListeners() { FindListener[] l = (FindListener[])listeners.getListeners(FindListener.class); for(int i = 0; i < l.length; i++) l[i].find(proxy, relop); } void sortAdd(FieldLine field, int index) { if(!sortorder.contains( sortorder.add(, index, field); } void sortRemove(String field) { if(sortorder.contains(field)) sortorder.remove(field); } public void itemStateChanged(ItemEvent e) { if(e.getItemSelectable() == sortorder) { FieldLine field = (FieldLine)sortorder.getSelectedInfo(); sortRemove(; sortAdd(field, 0); Object[] infos = sortorder.getInfos(); for(int i = 0; i < infos.length; i++) ((FieldLine)infos[i]).set(); } else { callFindListeners(); relop = and_or.getSelectedIndex() == 0 ? Proxy.AND : Proxy.OR; } } int sortIdx(Field field) { String[] items = sortorder.getItems(); for(int i = 0; i < items.length; i++) if(items[i].equals( return i; return -1; } private void addField(Field field, String[] labels) { new FieldLine(this, field, this, labels); } static Find find; static TableView tv; public static void main(String[] argv) { try { Proxy p = (Proxy)Class.forName(argv[1]).getConstructor(new Class[] {iiuf.db.Connection.class}).newInstance(new Object[] {new iiuf.db.fmpro.Connection(new URL(argv[0]))}); String[] fields = new String[argv.length - 2]; for(int i = 0; i < fields.length; i++) fields[i] = argv[i + 2]; find = new Find(p, Find.ENGLISH, "Field", new String[] {"AND", "OR"}, "Value", "Sorting", "Sort order:", fields); tv = new TableView(p, Proxy.AND); find.addFindListener(tv); for(int i = 0; i < fields.length; i++) tv.addColumn(fields[i]); Frame f = new Frame(); Frame f2 = new Frame(); f.add(find); f.pack(); f.setVisible(true); VNav vnav = new VNav(500); vnav.setMinimum(-20); vnav.setMaximum(20); vnav.invertValue(); f2.setLayout(new GridBagLayout()); f2.add(tv, Awt.constraints(false, GridBagConstraints.BOTH)); f2.add(vnav, Awt.constraints(true, GridBagConstraints.VERTICAL)); vnav.addAdjustmentListener(tv); f2.pack(); f2.setVisible(true); } catch(Exception e) { e.printStackTrace(); } } } class FieldLine implements ItemListener, ActionListener { Choice op; Choice sort; TextField val = new TextField(20); Field field; Find find; FieldLine(Find find_, Field field_, Container c, String[] labels) { find = find_; field = field_; op = newOpChoice(labels); sort = newSortChoice(labels); c.add(new Label(, Label.RIGHT), Awt.constraints(false, GridBagConstraints.HORIZONTAL, 0.0f, 0.0f)); c.add(op, Awt.constraints(false)); c.add(val, Awt.constraints(false, GridBagConstraints.HORIZONTAL, 1.0f, 0.0f)); c.add(sort, Awt.constraints(true)); op.addItemListener(this); sort.addItemListener(this); val.addActionListener(this); } private Choice newOpChoice(String[] labels) { Choice result = new Choice(); for(int i = Field.NOP; i <= Field.NOT_EQUALS; i++) result.add(labels[i]); return result; } private Choice newSortChoice(String[] labels) { Choice result = new Choice(); result.add(labels[Field.NOP]); for(int i = Field.ASCENDING; i <= Field.CUSTOM; i++) result.add(labels[i]); return result; } void set() {, op.getSelectedIndex()); int idx = sort.getSelectedIndex(); if(idx > 0) { idx += (Field.ASCENDING -1); find.sortAdd(this, -1); } else { find.sortRemove(; } field.sort(idx, find.sortIdx(field)); find.callFindListeners(); } public void itemStateChanged(ItemEvent e) {set();} public void actionPerformed(ActionEvent e) {set();} } /* $Log:,v $ Revision 1.1 2002/07/11 09:20:36 ohitz Initial checkin Revision 1.6 2001/01/12 08:26:20 schubige TJGUI update and some TreeView bug fixes Revision 1.5 2001/01/04 16:28:28 schubige Header update for 2001 and DIUF Revision 1.4 2001/01/03 12:40:18 schubige graph stuff beta Revision 1.3 1999/11/26 10:00:30 schubige updated for new awt package Revision 1.2 1999/11/26 09:14:29 schubige intermediate commit Revision 1.1 1999/11/26 08:51:15 schubige *** empty log message *** */