package iiuf.jai; import java.awt.Color; import java.awt.Graphics2D; import java.awt.Rectangle; import java.awt.event.MouseEvent; import java.util.ArrayList; import java.util.HashMap; import java.util.Iterator; import java.util.ListIterator; /** (c) 1999, IIUF<p> Layer for displaying rectangles. @author $Author: hassan $ @version $Revision: 1.1 $ */ public class RectDisplayImageLayer extends DisplayImageLayer { protected Color foreground =; private int[] ystart, ystop; private HashMap yrect; /** Constructs a RectDisplayImageLayer object. @param rects ArrayList containing the rectangles to display */ public RectDisplayImageLayer(ArrayList rects, DisplayImagePanel panel) { super(panel); initIndexes(rects); } /** Initializes the indexes for faster accessing of the visible rectangles. @param rects ArrayList containing the rectangles to display */ public void setRectangles(ArrayList rects) { initIndexes(rects); } /** Initializes the indexes for faster accessing of the visible rectangles. @param rects ArrayList containing the rectangles to display */ protected void initIndexes(ArrayList rects) { yrect = new HashMap(); int xmax = 0; int ymax = 0; ListIterator li = rects.listIterator(); while (li.hasNext()) { Rectangle r = (Rectangle); HashMap xrect = (HashMap) yrect.get(new Integer(r.y)); if (xrect == null) { xrect = new HashMap(); yrect.put(new Integer(r.y), xrect); } xrect.put(new Integer(r.x), r); ymax = Math.max(r.y, ymax); ymax = Math.max(r.y + r.height, ymax); } ystart = new int[ymax]; ystop = new int[ymax]; for (int y = 0; y < ymax; y++) { ystart[y] = y; ystop[y] = y; } for (int y = 0; y < ymax; y++) { HashMap xrect = (HashMap) yrect.get(new Integer(y)); if (xrect != null) { Iterator values = xrect.values().iterator(); while (values.hasNext()) { Rectangle r = (Rectangle); int rstart = r.y; int rstop = r.y + r.height; for (int yy = rstart; yy < rstop; yy++) { if (ystart[yy] > rstart) ystart[yy] = rstart; if (ystop[yy] < rstop) ystop[yy] = rstop; } } } } } /** Sets the color of the rectangles. @param color Rectangles color. */ public void setColor(Color color) { foreground = color; } /** Paints one of the rectangles. @param g The current graphics context @param r The rectangle to paint */ protected void paintObject(Graphics2D g, Rectangle r) { g.drawRect(r.x, r.y, r.width, r.height); } /** Paints this layer. @param g The current graphics context @param view The currently visible portion of this layer */ public void paintLayer(Graphics2D g, Rectangle view) { int rstart, rstop; // Get start and stop coordinates of possible rectangles in this view if (view.y < ystart.length) { rstart = ystart[view.y]; } else { rstart = ystart.length; } if (view.y + view.height < ystop.length) { rstop = ystop[view.y+view.height]; } else { rstop = ystop.length; } // Set the foreground color if (foreground != null) { g.setColor(foreground); } // Check if the objects at these positions are visible and // draw them if necessary. for (int y = rstart; y < rstop; y++) { HashMap xrect = (HashMap) yrect.get(new Integer(y)); if (xrect != null) { Iterator values = xrect.values().iterator(); while (values.hasNext()) { Rectangle r = (Rectangle); if (view.contains(r) || view.intersects(r)) { if (r instanceof DisplayRect) { ((DisplayRect) r).paintObject(g); } else { paintObject(g, r); } } } } } } }