/* * Copyright 2012-2015 org.opencloudb. * * Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); * you may not use this file except in compliance with the License. * You may obtain a copy of the License at * * http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0 * * Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software * distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, * WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. * See the License for the specific language governing permissions and * limitations under the License. */ package org.opencloudb.server.parser; import org.opencloudb.parser.util.CharTypes; import org.opencloudb.parser.util.ParseUtil; /** * @author mycat */ public final class ServerParseSelect { public static final int OTHER = -1; public static final int VERSION_COMMENT = 1; public static final int DATABASE = 2; public static final int USER = 3; public static final int LAST_INSERT_ID = 4; public static final int IDENTITY = 5; public static final int VERSION = 6; public static final int SESSION_INCREMENT = 7; public static final int SESSION_ISOLATION = 8; private static final char[] _VERSION_COMMENT = "VERSION_COMMENT" .toCharArray(); private static final char[] _IDENTITY = "IDENTITY".toCharArray(); private static final char[] _LAST_INSERT_ID = "LAST_INSERT_ID" .toCharArray(); private static final char[] _DATABASE = "DATABASE()".toCharArray(); private static final char[] _CURRENT_USER = "CURRENT_USER()".toCharArray(); public static int parse(String stmt, int offset) { int i = offset; for (; i < stmt.length(); ++i) { switch (stmt.charAt(i)) { case ' ': continue; case '/': case '#': i = ParseUtil.comment(stmt, i); continue; case '@': return select2Check(stmt, i); case 'D': case 'd': return databaseCheck(stmt, i); case 'L': case 'l': return lastInsertCheck(stmt, i); case 'U': case 'u': return userCheck(stmt, i); case 'C': case 'c': return currentUserCheck(stmt, i); case 'V': case 'v': return versionCheck(stmt, i); default: return OTHER; } } return OTHER; } /** * SELECT @@session.auto_increment_increment * * @param stmt * @param offset * @return */ private static int sessionVarCheck(String stmt, int offset) { if (stmt.substring(offset).toLowerCase() .startsWith("session.auto_increment_increment")) { return SESSION_INCREMENT; } else if (stmt.substring(offset).toLowerCase() .startsWith("session.tx_isolation")) { return SESSION_ISOLATION; } else { return OTHER; } } // SELECT VERSION private static int versionCheck(String stmt, int offset) { if (stmt.length() > offset + "ERSION".length()) { char c1 = stmt.charAt(++offset); char c2 = stmt.charAt(++offset); char c3 = stmt.charAt(++offset); char c4 = stmt.charAt(++offset); char c5 = stmt.charAt(++offset); char c6 = stmt.charAt(++offset); if ((c1 == 'E' || c1 == 'e') && (c2 == 'R' || c2 == 'r') && (c3 == 'S' || c3 == 's') && (c4 == 'I' || c4 == 'i') && (c5 == 'O' || c5 == 'o') && (c6 == 'N' || c6 == 'n')) { while (stmt.length() > ++offset) { switch (stmt.charAt(offset)) { case ' ': case '\t': case '\r': case '\n': continue; case '(': return versionParenthesisCheck(stmt, offset); default: return OTHER; } } } } return OTHER; } // SELECT VERSION ( private static int versionParenthesisCheck(String stmt, int offset) { while (stmt.length() > ++offset) { switch (stmt.charAt(offset)) { case ' ': case '\t': case '\r': case '\n': continue; case ')': while (stmt.length() > ++offset) { switch (stmt.charAt(offset)) { case ' ': case '\t': case '\r': case '\n': continue; default: return OTHER; } } return VERSION; default: return OTHER; } } return OTHER; } /** * <code>SELECT LAST_INSERT_ID() AS id, </code> * * @param offset * index of 'i', offset == stmt.length() is possible * @return index of ','. return stmt.length() is possible. -1 if not alias */ private static int skipAlias(String stmt, int offset) { offset = ParseUtil.move(stmt, offset, 0); if (offset >= stmt.length()) return offset; switch (stmt.charAt(offset)) { case '\'': return skipString(stmt, offset); case '"': return skipString2(stmt, offset); case '`': return skipIdentifierEscape(stmt, offset); default: if (CharTypes.isIdentifierChar(stmt.charAt(offset))) { for (; offset < stmt.length() && CharTypes.isIdentifierChar(stmt.charAt(offset)); ++offset) ; return offset; } } return -1; } /** * <code>`abc`d</code> * * @param offset * index of first <code>`</code> * @return index of 'd'. return stmt.length() is possible. -1 if string * invalid */ private static int skipIdentifierEscape(String stmt, int offset) { for (++offset; offset < stmt.length(); ++offset) { if (stmt.charAt(offset) == '`') { if (++offset >= stmt.length() || stmt.charAt(offset) != '`') { return offset; } } } return -1; } /** * <code>"abc"d</code> * * @param offset * index of first <code>"</code> * @return index of 'd'. return stmt.length() is possible. -1 if string * invalid */ private static int skipString2(String stmt, int offset) { int state = 0; for (++offset; offset < stmt.length(); ++offset) { char c = stmt.charAt(offset); switch (state) { case 0: switch (c) { case '\\': state = 1; break; case '"': state = 2; break; } break; case 1: state = 0; break; case 2: switch (c) { case '"': state = 0; break; default: return offset; } break; } } if (offset == stmt.length() && state == 2) { return stmt.length(); } return -1; } /** * <code>'abc'd</code> * * @param offset * index of first <code>'</code> * @return index of 'd'. return stmt.length() is possible. -1 if string * invalid */ private static int skipString(String stmt, int offset) { int state = 0; for (++offset; offset < stmt.length(); ++offset) { char c = stmt.charAt(offset); switch (state) { case 0: switch (c) { case '\\': state = 1; break; case '\'': state = 2; break; } break; case 1: state = 0; break; case 2: switch (c) { case '\'': state = 0; break; default: return offset; } break; } } if (offset == stmt.length() && state == 2) { return stmt.length(); } return -1; } /** * <code>SELECT LAST_INSERT_ID() AS id</code> * * @param offset * index of first ' ' after LAST_INSERT_ID(), offset == * stmt.length() is possible * @return index of 'i'. return stmt.length() is possible */ public static int skipAs(String stmt, int offset) { offset = ParseUtil.move(stmt, offset, 0); if (stmt.length() > offset + "AS".length() && (stmt.charAt(offset) == 'A' || stmt.charAt(offset) == 'a') && (stmt.charAt(offset + 1) == 'S' || stmt.charAt(offset + 1) == 's') && (stmt.charAt(offset + 2) == ' ' || stmt.charAt(offset + 2) == '\r' || stmt.charAt(offset + 2) == '\n' || stmt.charAt(offset + 2) == '\t' || stmt.charAt(offset + 2) == '/' || stmt .charAt(offset + 2) == '#')) { offset = ParseUtil.move(stmt, offset + 2, 0); } return offset; } /** * @param offset * <code>stmt.charAt(offset) == first 'L' OR 'l'</code> * @return index after LAST_INSERT_ID(), might equals to length. -1 if not * LAST_INSERT_ID */ public static int indexAfterLastInsertIdFunc(String stmt, int offset) { if (stmt.length() >= offset + "LAST_INSERT_ID()".length()) { if (ParseUtil.compare(stmt, offset, _LAST_INSERT_ID)) { offset = ParseUtil.move(stmt, offset + _LAST_INSERT_ID.length, 0); if (offset + 1 < stmt.length() && stmt.charAt(offset) == '(') { offset = ParseUtil.move(stmt, offset + 1, 0); if (offset < stmt.length() && stmt.charAt(offset) == ')') { return ++offset; } } } } return -1; } /** * @param offset * <code>stmt.charAt(offset) == first '`' OR 'i' OR 'I' OR '\'' OR '"'</code> * @return index after identity or `identity` or "identity" or 'identity', * might equals to length. -1 if not identity or `identity` or * "identity" or 'identity' */ public static int indexAfterIdentity(String stmt, int offset) { char first = stmt.charAt(offset); switch (first) { case '`': case '\'': case '"': if (stmt.length() < offset + "identity".length() + 2) { return -1; } if (stmt.charAt(offset + "identity".length() + 1) != first) { return -1; } ++offset; break; case 'i': case 'I': if (stmt.length() < offset + "identity".length()) { return -1; } break; default: return -1; } if (ParseUtil.compare(stmt, offset, _IDENTITY)) { offset += _IDENTITY.length; switch (first) { case '`': case '\'': case '"': return ++offset; } return offset; } return -1; } /** * SELECT LAST_INSERT_ID() */ static int lastInsertCheck(String stmt, int offset) { offset = indexAfterLastInsertIdFunc(stmt, offset); if (offset < 0) { return OTHER; } offset = skipAs(stmt, offset); offset = skipAlias(stmt, offset); if (offset < 0) { return OTHER; } offset = ParseUtil.move(stmt, offset, 0); if (offset < stmt.length()) { return OTHER; } return LAST_INSERT_ID; } /** * select @@identity<br/> * select @@identiTy aS iD */ static int identityCheck(String stmt, int offset) { offset = indexAfterIdentity(stmt, offset); if (offset < 0) { return OTHER; } offset = skipAs(stmt, offset); offset = skipAlias(stmt, offset); if (offset < 0) { return OTHER; } offset = ParseUtil.move(stmt, offset, 0); if (offset < stmt.length()) { return OTHER; } return IDENTITY; } static int select2Check(String stmt, int offset) { if (stmt.length() > ++offset && stmt.charAt(offset) == '@') { if (stmt.length() > ++offset) { switch (stmt.charAt(offset)) { case 'V': case 'v': return versionCommentCheck(stmt, offset); case 'i': case 'I': return identityCheck(stmt, offset); case 's': case 'S': return sessionVarCheck(stmt, offset); default: return OTHER; } } } return OTHER; } /** * SELECT DATABASE() */ static int databaseCheck(String stmt, int offset) { int length = offset + _DATABASE.length; if (stmt.length() >= length && ParseUtil.compare(stmt, offset, _DATABASE)) { if (stmt.length() > length && stmt.charAt(length) != ' ') { return OTHER; } else { return DATABASE; } } return OTHER; } /** * SELECT USER() */ static int userCheck(String stmt, int offset) { if (stmt.length() > offset + 5) { char c1 = stmt.charAt(++offset); char c2 = stmt.charAt(++offset); char c3 = stmt.charAt(++offset); char c4 = stmt.charAt(++offset); char c5 = stmt.charAt(++offset); if ((c1 == 'S' || c1 == 's') && (c2 == 'E' || c2 == 'e') && (c3 == 'R' || c3 == 'r') && (c4 == '(') && (c5 == ')') && (stmt.length() == ++offset || ParseUtil.isEOF(stmt .charAt(offset)))) { return USER; } } return OTHER; } /** * SELECT USER() */ static int currentUserCheck(String stmt, int offset) { int length = offset + _CURRENT_USER.length; if (stmt.length() >= length) { if (ParseUtil.compare(stmt, offset, _CURRENT_USER)) { if (stmt.length() > length && stmt.charAt(length) != ' ') { return OTHER; } return USER; } } return OTHER; } /** * SELECT @@VERSION_COMMENT */ static int versionCommentCheck(String stmt, int offset) { int length = offset + _VERSION_COMMENT.length; if (stmt.length() >= length && ParseUtil.compare(stmt, offset, _VERSION_COMMENT)) { if (stmt.length() > length && stmt.charAt(length) != ' ') { return OTHER; } else { return VERSION_COMMENT; } } return OTHER; } }