/** * Copyright 2011-2013 Akiban Technologies, Inc. * * Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); * you may not use this file except in compliance with the License. * You may obtain a copy of the License at * * http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0 * * Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software * distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, * WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. * See the License for the specific language governing permissions and * limitations under the License. */ package com.akiban.sql.compiler; import com.akiban.sql.IncomparableException; import com.akiban.sql.parser.*; import com.akiban.sql.StandardException; import com.akiban.sql.types.CharacterTypeAttributes; import com.akiban.sql.types.DataTypeDescriptor; import com.akiban.sql.types.TypeId; /** Calculate types from schema information. */ public class TypeComputer implements Visitor { public TypeComputer() { } public void compute(StatementNode stmt) throws StandardException { stmt.accept(this); } protected ValueNode setType(ValueNode node) throws StandardException { switch (node.getNodeType()) { case NodeTypes.EXPLICIT_COLLATE_NODE: return collateNode((ExplicitCollateNode)node); default: node.setType(computeType(node)); return node; } } /** Probably need to subclass and handle <code>NodeTypes.COLUMN_REFERENCE</code> * to get type propagation started. */ protected DataTypeDescriptor computeType(ValueNode node) throws StandardException { switch (node.getNodeType()) { case NodeTypes.RESULT_COLUMN: return resultColumn((ResultColumn)node); case NodeTypes.AND_NODE: case NodeTypes.OR_NODE: case NodeTypes.IS_NODE: return binaryLogicalOperatorNode((BinaryLogicalOperatorNode)node); case NodeTypes.NOT_NODE: return unaryLogicalOperatorNode((UnaryLogicalOperatorNode)node); case NodeTypes.BINARY_PLUS_OPERATOR_NODE: case NodeTypes.BINARY_TIMES_OPERATOR_NODE: case NodeTypes.BINARY_DIVIDE_OPERATOR_NODE: case NodeTypes.BINARY_DIV_OPERATOR_NODE: case NodeTypes.BINARY_MINUS_OPERATOR_NODE: return binaryArithmeticOperatorNode((BinaryArithmeticOperatorNode)node); case NodeTypes.BINARY_EQUALS_OPERATOR_NODE: case NodeTypes.BINARY_NOT_EQUALS_OPERATOR_NODE: case NodeTypes.BINARY_GREATER_THAN_OPERATOR_NODE: case NodeTypes.BINARY_GREATER_EQUALS_OPERATOR_NODE: case NodeTypes.BINARY_LESS_THAN_OPERATOR_NODE: case NodeTypes.BINARY_LESS_EQUALS_OPERATOR_NODE: return binaryComparisonOperatorNode((BinaryComparisonOperatorNode)node); case NodeTypes.BETWEEN_OPERATOR_NODE: return betweenOperatorNode((BetweenOperatorNode)node); case NodeTypes.IN_LIST_OPERATOR_NODE: return inListOperatorNode((InListOperatorNode)node); case NodeTypes.SUBQUERY_NODE: return subqueryNode((SubqueryNode)node); case NodeTypes.CONDITIONAL_NODE: return conditionalNode((ConditionalNode)node); case NodeTypes.COALESCE_FUNCTION_NODE: return coalesceFunctionNode((CoalesceFunctionNode)node); case NodeTypes.AGGREGATE_NODE: case NodeTypes.GROUP_CONCAT_NODE: return aggregateNode((AggregateNode)node); case NodeTypes.CONCATENATION_OPERATOR_NODE: return concatenationOperatorNode((ConcatenationOperatorNode)node); case NodeTypes.IS_NULL_NODE: case NodeTypes.IS_NOT_NULL_NODE: return new DataTypeDescriptor(TypeId.BOOLEAN_ID, false); case NodeTypes.NEXT_SEQUENCE_NODE: return new DataTypeDescriptor(TypeId.BIGINT_ID, false); case NodeTypes.CURRENT_SEQUENCE_NODE: return new DataTypeDescriptor(TypeId.BIGINT_ID, false); default: // assert false; return null; } } /** Nodes whose type is inferred from the context. */ protected static boolean isParameterOrUntypedNull(ValueNode node) { switch (node.getNodeType()) { case NodeTypes.PARAMETER_NODE: case NodeTypes.UNTYPED_NULL_CONSTANT_NODE: return true; default: return false; } } protected DataTypeDescriptor resultColumn(ResultColumn node) throws StandardException { ValueNode expr = node.getExpression(); if (expr == null) return null; if (isParameterOrUntypedNull(expr) && (expr.getType() == null)) { ColumnReference column = node.getReference(); if (column != null) expr.setType(column.getType()); } return expr.getType(); } protected DataTypeDescriptor unaryLogicalOperatorNode(UnaryLogicalOperatorNode node) throws StandardException { ValueNode operand = node.getOperand(); DataTypeDescriptor type = operand.getType(); if ((type != null) && !type.getTypeId().isBooleanTypeId()) { type = new DataTypeDescriptor(TypeId.BOOLEAN_ID, type.isNullable()); operand = (ValueNode)node.getNodeFactory() .getNode(NodeTypes.CAST_NODE, operand, type, node.getParserContext()); node.setOperand(operand); } if ((type == null) && isParameterOrUntypedNull(operand)) { type = new DataTypeDescriptor(TypeId.BOOLEAN_ID, true); operand.setType(type); } return type; } protected DataTypeDescriptor binaryLogicalOperatorNode(BinaryLogicalOperatorNode node) throws StandardException { ValueNode leftOperand = node.getLeftOperand(); ValueNode rightOperand = node.getRightOperand(); DataTypeDescriptor leftType = leftOperand.getType(); DataTypeDescriptor rightType = rightOperand.getType(); if ((leftType != null) && !leftType.getTypeId().isBooleanTypeId()) { leftType = new DataTypeDescriptor(TypeId.BOOLEAN_ID, leftType.isNullable()); leftOperand = (ValueNode)node.getNodeFactory() .getNode(NodeTypes.CAST_NODE, leftOperand, leftType, node.getParserContext()); node.setLeftOperand(leftOperand); } if ((leftType == null) && isParameterOrUntypedNull(leftOperand)) { leftType = new DataTypeDescriptor(TypeId.BOOLEAN_ID, true); leftOperand.setType(leftType); } if ((rightType != null) && !rightType.getTypeId().isBooleanTypeId()) { rightType = new DataTypeDescriptor(TypeId.BOOLEAN_ID, rightType.isNullable()); rightOperand = (ValueNode)node.getNodeFactory() .getNode(NodeTypes.CAST_NODE, rightOperand, rightType, node.getParserContext()); node.setRightOperand(rightOperand); } if ((rightType == null) && isParameterOrUntypedNull(rightOperand)) { rightType = new DataTypeDescriptor(TypeId.BOOLEAN_ID, true); rightOperand.setType(rightType); } if (node.getNodeType() == NodeTypes.IS_NODE) return new DataTypeDescriptor(TypeId.BOOLEAN_ID, false); if (leftType == null) return rightType; else if (rightType == null) return leftType; else return leftType.getNullabilityType(leftType.isNullable() || rightType.isNullable()); } protected DataTypeDescriptor binaryArithmeticOperatorNode(BinaryArithmeticOperatorNode node) throws StandardException { ValueNode leftOperand = node.getLeftOperand(); ValueNode rightOperand = node.getRightOperand(); DataTypeDescriptor leftType = leftOperand.getType(); DataTypeDescriptor rightType = rightOperand.getType(); if (isParameterOrUntypedNull(leftOperand) && (rightType != null)) { leftType = rightType.getNullabilityType(true); leftOperand.setType(leftType); } else if (isParameterOrUntypedNull(rightOperand) && (leftType != null)) { rightType = leftType.getNullabilityType(true); rightOperand.setType(rightType); } if ((leftType == null) || (rightType == null)) return null; TypeId leftTypeId = leftType.getTypeId(); TypeId rightTypeId = rightType.getTypeId(); /* Do any implicit conversions from (long) (var)char. */ if (leftTypeId.isStringTypeId() && rightTypeId.isNumericTypeId()) { boolean nullableResult; nullableResult = leftType.isNullable() || rightType.isNullable(); /* If other side is decimal/numeric, then we need to diddle * with the precision, scale and max width in order to handle * computations like: 1.1 + '0.111' */ int precision = rightType.getPrecision(); int scale = rightType.getScale(); int maxWidth = rightType.getMaximumWidth(); if (rightTypeId.isDecimalTypeId()) { int charMaxWidth = leftType.getMaximumWidth(); precision += (2 * charMaxWidth); scale += charMaxWidth; maxWidth = precision + 3; } leftOperand = (ValueNode)node.getNodeFactory() .getNode(NodeTypes.CAST_NODE, leftOperand, new DataTypeDescriptor(rightTypeId, precision, scale, nullableResult, maxWidth), node.getParserContext()); node.setLeftOperand(leftOperand); } else if (rightTypeId.isStringTypeId() && leftTypeId.isNumericTypeId()) { boolean nullableResult; nullableResult = leftType.isNullable() || rightType.isNullable(); /* If other side is decimal/numeric, then we need to diddle * with the precision, scale and max width in order to handle * computations like: 1.1 + '0.111' */ int precision = leftType.getPrecision(); int scale = leftType.getScale(); int maxWidth = leftType.getMaximumWidth(); if (leftTypeId.isDecimalTypeId()) { int charMaxWidth = rightType.getMaximumWidth(); precision += (2 * charMaxWidth); scale += charMaxWidth; maxWidth = precision + 3; } rightOperand = (ValueNode)node.getNodeFactory() .getNode(NodeTypes.CAST_NODE, rightOperand, new DataTypeDescriptor(leftTypeId, precision, scale, nullableResult, maxWidth), node.getParserContext()); node.setRightOperand(rightOperand); } /* ** Set the result type of this operator based on the operands. ** By convention, the left operand gets to decide the result type ** of a binary operator. */ return getTypeCompiler(leftOperand). resolveArithmeticOperation(leftOperand.getType(), rightOperand.getType(), node.getOperator()); } protected DataTypeDescriptor binaryComparisonOperatorNode(BinaryComparisonOperatorNode node) throws StandardException { ValueNode leftOperand = node.getLeftOperand(); ValueNode rightOperand = node.getRightOperand(); // Infer type for parameters from other comparand. if (isParameterOrUntypedNull(leftOperand)) { DataTypeDescriptor rightType = rightOperand.getType(); if (rightType != null) leftOperand.setType(rightType.getNullabilityType(true)); } else if (isParameterOrUntypedNull(rightOperand)) { DataTypeDescriptor leftType = leftOperand.getType(); if (leftType != null) rightOperand.setType(leftType.getNullabilityType(true)); } TypeId leftTypeId = leftOperand.getTypeId(); TypeId rightTypeId = rightOperand.getTypeId(); if ((leftTypeId == null) || (rightTypeId == null)) return null; /* * If we are comparing a non-string with a string type, then we * must prevent the non-string value from being used to probe into * an index on a string column. This is because the string types * are all of low precedence, so the comparison rules of the non-string * value are used, so it may not find values in a string index because * it will be in the wrong order. */ if (!leftTypeId.isStringTypeId() && rightTypeId.isStringTypeId()) { DataTypeDescriptor leftType = leftOperand.getType(); DataTypeDescriptor rightType = rightOperand.getType(); rightOperand = (ValueNode)node.getNodeFactory() .getNode(NodeTypes.CAST_NODE, rightOperand, leftType.getNullabilityType(rightType.isNullable()), node.getParserContext()); node.setRightOperand(rightOperand); } else if (!rightTypeId.isStringTypeId() && leftTypeId.isStringTypeId()) { DataTypeDescriptor leftType = leftOperand.getType(); DataTypeDescriptor rightType = rightOperand.getType(); leftOperand = (ValueNode)node.getNodeFactory() .getNode(NodeTypes.CAST_NODE, leftOperand, rightType.getNullabilityType(leftType.isNullable()), node.getParserContext()); node.setLeftOperand(leftOperand); } // Bypass the comparable check if this is a rewrite from the // optimizer. We will assume Mr. Optimizer knows what he is doing. if (!node.isForQueryRewrite()) { String operator = node.getOperator(); boolean forEquals = operator.equals("=") || operator.equals("<>"); boolean cmp = leftOperand.getType().comparable(rightOperand.getType(), forEquals); if (!cmp) { throw new IncomparableException("Types not comparable: " + leftOperand.getType().getTypeName() + " and " + rightOperand.getType().getTypeName()); } } /* ** Set the result type of this comparison operator based on the ** operands. The result type is always Boolean - the only question ** is whether it is nullable or not. If either of the operands is ** nullable, the result of the comparison must be nullable, too, so ** we can represent the unknown truth value. */ boolean nullableResult = leftOperand.getType().isNullable() || rightOperand.getType().isNullable(); return new DataTypeDescriptor(TypeId.BOOLEAN_ID, nullableResult); } protected DataTypeDescriptor betweenOperatorNode(BetweenOperatorNode node) throws StandardException { ValueNode leftOperand = node.getLeftOperand(); DataTypeDescriptor leftType = leftOperand.getType(); if (leftType == null) return null; ValueNodeList rightOperands = node.getRightOperandList(); ValueNode lowOperand = rightOperands.get(0); ValueNode highOperand = rightOperands.get(1); if (isParameterOrUntypedNull(lowOperand)) { lowOperand.setType(leftType.getNullabilityType(true)); } if (isParameterOrUntypedNull(highOperand)) { highOperand.setType(leftType.getNullabilityType(true)); } TypeId leftTypeId = leftOperand.getTypeId(); DataTypeDescriptor lowType = lowOperand.getType(); DataTypeDescriptor highType = highOperand.getType(); if (!leftTypeId.isStringTypeId()) { if ((lowType != null) && lowType.getTypeId().isStringTypeId()) { lowOperand = (ValueNode)node.getNodeFactory() .getNode(NodeTypes.CAST_NODE, lowOperand, leftType.getNullabilityType(lowType.isNullable()), node.getParserContext()); rightOperands.set(0, lowOperand); } if ((highType != null) && highType.getTypeId().isStringTypeId()) { highOperand = (ValueNode)node.getNodeFactory() .getNode(NodeTypes.CAST_NODE, highOperand, leftType.getNullabilityType(highType.isNullable()), node.getParserContext()); rightOperands.set(1, highOperand); } } if ((lowType == null) || (highType == null)) return null; boolean nullableResult = leftType.isNullable() || lowType.isNullable() || highType.isNullable(); return new DataTypeDescriptor(TypeId.BOOLEAN_ID, nullableResult); } protected DataTypeDescriptor inListOperatorNode(InListOperatorNode node) throws StandardException { RowConstructorNode leftOperand = node.getLeftOperand(); if (leftOperand.getNodeList().size() == 1) { DataTypeDescriptor leftType = leftOperand.getNodeList().get(0).getType(); if (leftType == null) return null; boolean nullableResult = leftType.isNullable(); for (ValueNode rightOperand : node.getRightOperandList().getNodeList()) { DataTypeDescriptor rightType; if (isParameterOrUntypedNull(rightOperand)) { rightType = leftType.getNullabilityType(true); rightOperand.setType(rightType); } else { rightType = rightOperand.getType(); } if ((rightType == null) || rightType.isNullable()) nullableResult = true; } return new DataTypeDescriptor(TypeId.BOOLEAN_ID, nullableResult); } else { boolean nullable = isNestedTupleNullable(leftOperand) || isNestedTupleNullable(node.getRightOperandList()); return new DataTypeDescriptor(TypeId.BOOLEAN_ID, nullable); } } protected boolean isNestedTupleNullable(RowConstructorNode row) { boolean ret = false; for (ValueNode node : row.getNodeList()) { if (ret) return ret; if (node instanceof RowConstructorNode) ret |= isNestedTupleNullable((RowConstructorNode)node); else if (node.getType() == null) ret = true; else { ret |= node.getType().isNullable(); } } return ret; } protected DataTypeDescriptor subqueryNode(SubqueryNode node) throws StandardException { if (node.getSubqueryType() == SubqueryNode.SubqueryType.EXPRESSION) { DataTypeDescriptor col1Type = node.getResultSet().getResultColumns().get(0).getType(); if (col1Type == null) return null; else return col1Type.getNullabilityType(true); } else return new DataTypeDescriptor(TypeId.BOOLEAN_ID, true); } protected DataTypeDescriptor conditionalNode(ConditionalNode node) throws StandardException { checkBooleanClause(node.getTestCondition(), "WHEN"); return dominantType(node.getThenElseList()); } protected DataTypeDescriptor coalesceFunctionNode(CoalesceFunctionNode node) throws StandardException { return dominantType(node.getArgumentsList()); } protected DataTypeDescriptor aggregateNode(AggregateNode node) throws StandardException { if (node.getAggregateName().equals("COUNT") || node.getAggregateName().equals("COUNT(*)")) return new DataTypeDescriptor(TypeId.BIGINT_ID, false); ValueNode operand = node.getOperand(); if ((operand == null) || (operand.getType() == null)) return null; if (node.getAggregateName().equals("AVG") && operand.getType().getTypeId().isIntegerTypeId()) return new DataTypeDescriptor(TypeId.DOUBLE_ID, true); return operand.getType().getNullabilityType(true); } protected DataTypeDescriptor concatenationOperatorNode(ConcatenationOperatorNode node) throws StandardException { ValueNode leftOperand = node.getLeftOperand(); ValueNode rightOperand = node.getRightOperand(); DataTypeDescriptor leftType = leftOperand.getType(); DataTypeDescriptor rightType = rightOperand.getType(); if ((leftType != null) && !leftType.getTypeId().isStringTypeId()) { leftType = new DataTypeDescriptor(TypeId.VARCHAR_ID, leftType.isNullable(), leftType.getMaximumWidth()); leftOperand = (ValueNode)node.getNodeFactory() .getNode(NodeTypes.CAST_NODE, leftOperand, leftType, node.getParserContext()); node.setLeftOperand(leftOperand); } else if (isParameterOrUntypedNull(leftOperand)) { leftType = new DataTypeDescriptor(TypeId.VARCHAR_ID, true); leftOperand.setType(leftType); } if ((rightType != null) && !rightType.getTypeId().isStringTypeId()) { rightType = new DataTypeDescriptor(TypeId.VARCHAR_ID, rightType.isNullable(), rightType.getMaximumWidth()); rightOperand = (ValueNode)node.getNodeFactory() .getNode(NodeTypes.CAST_NODE, rightOperand, rightType, node.getParserContext()); node.setRightOperand(rightOperand); } else if (isParameterOrUntypedNull(rightOperand)) { rightType = new DataTypeDescriptor(TypeId.VARCHAR_ID, true); rightOperand.setType(rightType); } if ((leftType == null) || (rightType == null)) return null; return new DataTypeDescriptor(TypeId.VARCHAR_ID, leftType.isNullable() || rightType.isNullable(), leftType.getMaximumWidth() + rightType.getMaximumWidth(), CharacterTypeAttributes.mergeCollations(leftType.getCharacterAttributes(), rightType.getCharacterAttributes())); } protected ValueNode collateNode(ExplicitCollateNode node) throws StandardException { ValueNode operand = node.getOperand(); DataTypeDescriptor origType = operand.getType(); if (origType != null) { if (!origType.getTypeId().isStringTypeId()) throw new StandardException("Collation not allowed for " + origType); CharacterTypeAttributes characterAttributes = CharacterTypeAttributes.forCollation(origType.getCharacterAttributes(), node.getCollation()); operand.setType(new DataTypeDescriptor(origType, characterAttributes)); } return operand; } protected DataTypeDescriptor dominantType(ValueNodeList nodeList) throws StandardException { DataTypeDescriptor result = null; for (ValueNode node : nodeList) { if (node.getType() == null) continue; if (result == null) result = node.getType(); else result = result.getDominantType(node.getType()); } if (result != null) { for (int i = 0; i < nodeList.size(); i++) { ValueNode node = nodeList.get(i); if (isParameterOrUntypedNull(node)) node.setType(result.getNullabilityType(true)); else if (addDominantCast(result, node.getType())) { node = (ValueNode)node.getNodeFactory() .getNode(NodeTypes.CAST_NODE, node, result.getNullabilityType(node.getType().isNullable()), node.getParserContext()); nodeList.set(i, node); } } } return result; } protected boolean addDominantCast(DataTypeDescriptor toType, DataTypeDescriptor fromType) { if (fromType == null) return false; if (toType.getTypeId().isStringTypeId()) return !fromType.getTypeId().isStringTypeId(); return !fromType.getTypeId().equals(toType.getTypeId()); } protected void selectNode(SelectNode node) throws StandardException { // Probably the only possible case syntactically is a // ColumnReference to a non-boolean column. checkBooleanClause(node.getWhereClause(), "WHERE"); checkBooleanClause(node.getHavingClause(), "HAVING"); // Children first wasn't enough to ensure that subqueries were done first. if (node.getResultColumns() != null) node.getResultColumns().accept(this); } private void checkBooleanClause(ValueNode clause, String which) throws StandardException { if (clause != null) { DataTypeDescriptor type = clause.getType(); if (type == null) { assert false : "Type not set yet"; return; } if (!type.getTypeId().isBooleanTypeId()) throw new StandardException("Non-boolean " + which + " clause"); } } protected void fromSubquery(FromSubquery node) throws StandardException { if (node.getResultColumns() != null) { ResultColumnList rcl1 = node.getResultColumns(); ResultColumnList rcl2 = node.getSubquery().getResultColumns(); int size = rcl1.size(); for (int i = 0; i < size; i++) { rcl1.get(i).setType(rcl2.get(i).getType()); } } } protected void insertNode(InsertNode node) throws StandardException { } /* Visitor interface. */ public Visitable visit(Visitable node) throws StandardException { if (node instanceof ValueNode) { // Value nodes compute type if necessary. ValueNode valueNode = (ValueNode)node; if (valueNode.getType() == null) { return setType(valueNode); } } else { // Some structural nodes require special handling. switch (((QueryTreeNode)node).getNodeType()) { case NodeTypes.SELECT_NODE: selectNode((SelectNode)node); break; case NodeTypes.FROM_SUBQUERY: fromSubquery((FromSubquery)node); break; case NodeTypes.INSERT_NODE: insertNode((InsertNode)node); break; } } return node; } public boolean skipChildren(Visitable node) throws StandardException { return false; } public boolean visitChildrenFirst(Visitable node) { return true; } public boolean stopTraversal() { return false; } /** * Get the TypeCompiler associated with the given TypeId * * @param typeId The TypeId to get a TypeCompiler for * * @return The corresponding TypeCompiler * */ protected TypeCompiler getTypeCompiler(TypeId typeId) { return TypeCompiler.getTypeCompiler(typeId); } /** * Get the TypeCompiler from this ValueNode, based on its TypeId * using getTypeId(). * * @return This ValueNode's TypeCompiler * */ protected TypeCompiler getTypeCompiler(ValueNode valueNode) throws StandardException { return getTypeCompiler(valueNode.getTypeId()); } }