package org.opencloudb.backend; import java.util.ArrayList; import java.util.Collection; import java.util.Iterator; import java.util.LinkedList; import java.util.Map; import java.util.Random; import java.util.concurrent.CopyOnWriteArrayList; import java.util.concurrent.locks.ReentrantLock; import org.apache.log4j.Logger; import org.opencloudb.config.Alarms; import org.opencloudb.heartbeat.DBHeartbeat; import org.opencloudb.mysql.nio.handler.GetConnectionHandler; import org.opencloudb.mysql.nio.handler.ResponseHandler; public class PhysicalDBPool { private static final int BALANCE_NONE = 0; private static final int BALANCE_ALL_BACK = 1; private static final int BALANCE_ALL = 2; protected static final Logger LOGGER = Logger .getLogger(PhysicalDBPool.class); private final String hostName; protected PhysicalDatasource[] sources; protected Map<Integer, PhysicalDatasource[]> readSources; protected volatile int activedIndex; protected volatile boolean initSuccess; protected final ReentrantLock switchLock = new ReentrantLock(); private final Collection<PhysicalDatasource> allDs; private final int banlance; private final Random random = new Random(); public PhysicalDBPool(String name, PhysicalDatasource[] writeSources, Map<Integer, PhysicalDatasource[]> readSources, int balance) { this.hostName = name; this.sources = writeSources; this.banlance = balance; Iterator<Map.Entry<Integer, PhysicalDatasource[]>> entryItor = readSources .entrySet().iterator(); while (entryItor.hasNext()) { PhysicalDatasource[] values =; if (values.length == 0) { entryItor.remove(); } } this.readSources = readSources; this.allDs = this.genAllDataSources();"total resouces of dataHost " + this.hostName + " is :" + allDs.size()); setDataSourceProps(); } private void setDataSourceProps() { for (PhysicalDatasource ds : this.allDs) { ds.setDbPool(this); } } public PhysicalDatasource findDatasouce(PhysicalConnection exitsCon) { for (PhysicalDatasource ds : this.allDs) { if (ds.isReadNode() == exitsCon.isFromSlaveDB()) { if (ds.isMyConnection(exitsCon)) { return ds; } } } LOGGER.warn("can't find connection in pool " + this.hostName + " con:" + exitsCon); return null; } public String getHostName() { return hostName; } public PhysicalDatasource[] getSources() { return sources; } public PhysicalDatasource getSource() { return sources[activedIndex]; } public int getActivedIndex() { return activedIndex; } public boolean isInitSuccess() { return initSuccess; } public int next(int i) { if (checkIndex(i)) { return (++i == sources.length) ? 0 : i; } else { return 0; } } /** * 鍒囨崲鏁版嵁婧� */ public boolean switchSource(int newIndex, boolean isAlarm, String reason) { if (!checkIndex(newIndex)) { return false; } final ReentrantLock lock = this.switchLock; lock.lock(); try { int current = activedIndex; if (current != newIndex) { // write log LOGGER.warn(switchMessage(current, newIndex, false, reason)); return true; } } finally { lock.unlock(); } return false; } private String switchMessage(int current, int newIndex, boolean alarm, String reason) { StringBuilder s = new StringBuilder(); if (alarm) { s.append(Alarms.DATANODE_SWITCH); } s.append("[Host=").append(hostName).append(",result=[").append(current) .append("->"); s.append(newIndex).append("],reason=").append(reason).append(']'); return s.toString(); } private int loop(int i) { return i < sources.length ? i : (i - sources.length); } public void init(int index) { if (!checkIndex(index)) { index = 0; } int active = -1; for (int i = 0; i < sources.length; i++) { int j = loop(i + index); if (initSource(j, sources[j])) { active = j; break; } } if (checkIndex(active)) { activedIndex = active; initSuccess = true;, " init success")); } else { initSuccess = false; StringBuilder s = new StringBuilder(); s.append(Alarms.DEFAULT).append(hostName).append(" init failure"); LOGGER.error(s.toString()); } } private boolean checkIndex(int i) { return i >= 0 && i < sources.length; } private String getMessage(int index, String info) { return new StringBuilder().append(hostName).append(':').append(index) .append(info).toString(); } private boolean initSource(int index, PhysicalDatasource ds) { int initSize = ds.getConfig().getMinCon();"init backend myqsl source ,create connections total " + initSize + " for " + ds.getName()); CopyOnWriteArrayList<PhysicalConnection> list = new CopyOnWriteArrayList<PhysicalConnection>(); GetConnectionHandler getConHandler = new GetConnectionHandler(list, initSize); // long start=System.currentTimeMillis(); // long timeOut=start+5000*1000L; for (int i = 0; i < initSize; i++) { try { ds.getConnection(getConHandler, null, null); } catch (Exception e) { LOGGER.warn(getMessage(index, " init connection error."), e); } } // waiting for finish while (!getConHandler.finished()) { try { Thread.sleep(200); } catch (InterruptedException e) { e.printStackTrace(); } } for (PhysicalConnection c : list) { c.release(); } return !list.isEmpty(); } public void doHeartbeat() { // 妫�煡鍐呴儴鏄惁鏈夎繛鎺ユ睜閰嶇疆淇℃伅 if (sources == null || sources.length == 0) { return; } for (PhysicalDatasource source : this.allDs) { // 鍑嗗鎵ц蹇冭烦妫�祴 if (source != null) { source.doHeartbeat(); } else { StringBuilder s = new StringBuilder(); s.append(Alarms.DEFAULT).append(hostName) .append(" current dataSource is null!"); LOGGER.error(s.toString()); } } // 璇诲簱鐨勫績璺虫娴� // todo } /** * 绌洪棽妫�煡 */ public void idleCheck() { for (PhysicalDatasource ds : sources) { if (ds != null) { ds.idleCheck(ds.getConfig().getIdleTimeout()); } } } public void startHeartbeat() { for (PhysicalDatasource source : this.allDs) { source.startHeartbeat(); } } public void stopHeartbeat() { for (PhysicalDatasource source : this.allDs) { source.stopHeartbeat(); } } public void clearDataSources(String reason) {"clear datasours of pool " + this.hostName); for (PhysicalDatasource source : this.allDs) {"clear datasoure of pool " + this.hostName + " ds:" + source.getConfig()); source.clearCons(reason); source.stopHeartbeat(); } } public Collection<PhysicalDatasource> genAllDataSources() { LinkedList<PhysicalDatasource> allSources = new LinkedList<PhysicalDatasource>(); for (PhysicalDatasource ds : sources) { if (ds != null) { allSources.add(ds); } } for (PhysicalDatasource[] dataSources : this.readSources.values()) { for (PhysicalDatasource ds : dataSources) { if (ds != null) { allSources.add(ds); } } } return allSources; } public Collection<PhysicalDatasource> getAllDataSources() { return this.allDs; } private ArrayList<PhysicalDatasource> getAllActiveSlaveSources() { ArrayList<PhysicalDatasource> okSources = new ArrayList<PhysicalDatasource>( this.allDs.size()); for (PhysicalDatasource[] readsources : this.readSources.values()) { for (PhysicalDatasource read : readsources) { if (isAlive(read)) { okSources.add(read); } } } return okSources; } /** * return connection for read balance * * @param handler * @param attachment * @param database * @throws Exception */ public void getRWBanlanceCon(ResponseHandler handler, Object attachment, String database) throws Exception { PhysicalDatasource theNode = null; ArrayList<PhysicalDatasource> okSources = null; switch (banlance) { case BALANCE_ALL_BACK: {// all read nodes and the standard by masters if (sources[this.activedIndex].getHeartbeat().getStatus() == DBHeartbeat.OK_STATUS) {// cur okSources = getAllActiveSlaveSources(); } else {// at least one master alive okSources = getAllActiveRWSources(false); } theNode = randomSelect(okSources); break; } case BALANCE_ALL: { okSources = getAllActiveRWSources(true); theNode = randomSelect(okSources); break; } case BALANCE_NONE: default: // return default write data source theNode = this.getSource(); } if (LOGGER.isDebugEnabled()) { LOGGER.debug("select read source " + theNode.getName() + " for dataHost:" + this.getHostName()); } theNode.getConnection(handler, attachment, database); } private PhysicalDatasource randomSelect( ArrayList<PhysicalDatasource> okSources) { if (okSources.isEmpty()) { return this.getSource(); } else { int index = Math.abs(random.nextInt()) % okSources.size(); return okSources.get(index); } } private boolean isAlive(PhysicalDatasource theSource) { return (theSource.getHeartbeat().getStatus() == DBHeartbeat.OK_STATUS); } /** * return all backup write sources * * @return */ private ArrayList<PhysicalDatasource> getAllActiveRWSources( boolean includeCurWriteNode) { int curActive = activedIndex; ArrayList<PhysicalDatasource> okSources = new ArrayList<PhysicalDatasource>( this.readSources.size() - 1); for (int i = 0; i < this.sources.length; i++) { if (i == curActive && includeCurWriteNode == false) { // not include cur active source } else { okSources.add(sources[i]); } if (isAlive(sources[i])) {// write node is active // check all slave nodes PhysicalDatasource[] allSlaves = this.readSources.get(i); if (allSlaves != null) { for (PhysicalDatasource slave : allSlaves) { if (isAlive(slave)) { okSources.add(slave); } } } } } return okSources; } }