package gr.iti.mklab.visual.vectorization; import gr.iti.mklab.visual.aggregation.AbstractFeatureAggregator; import gr.iti.mklab.visual.aggregation.VladAggregatorMultipleVocabularies; import gr.iti.mklab.visual.dimreduction.PCA; import gr.iti.mklab.visual.extraction.AbstractFeatureExtractor; import gr.iti.mklab.visual.extraction.ImageScaling; import gr.iti.mklab.visual.extraction.SURFExtractor; import gr.iti.mklab.visual.utilities.ImageIOGreyScale; import java.awt.image.BufferedImage; import; import java.util.Arrays; import java.util.concurrent.Callable; import javax.imageio.ImageIO; /** * This class represents an image vectorization task. It implements the Callable interface and can be used for * multi-threaded image vectorization. * * @author Eleftherios Spyromitros-Xioufis * */ public class ImageVectorization implements Callable<ImageVectorizationResult> { /** * Image will be scaled at this maximum number of pixels before vectorization. */ private int maxImageSizeInPixels = 1024 * 768; /** * The filename of the image. */ private String imageFilename; /** * The directory (full path) where the image resides. */ private String imageFolder; /** * The image as a BufferedImage object. */ private BufferedImage image; /** * The target length of the extracted vector. */ private int vectorLength; /** * This object is used for descriptor extraction. */ private static AbstractFeatureExtractor featureExtractor; /** * This object is used for extracting VLAD vectors with multiple vocabulary aggregation. */ private static VladAggregatorMultipleVocabularies vladAggregator; /** * This object is used for PCA projection and whitening. */ private static PCA pcaProjector; /** * If set to true, debug output is displayed. */ private boolean debug = false; public void setDebug(boolean debug) { this.debug = debug; } /** * This general constructor should always be used instead of specific constructors! * * @param imageFolder * The folder (full path) where the image resides * @param imageFilename * The filename of the image * @param image * A BufferedImage object of the image * @param vectorLength * The target length of the vector * @param maxImageSizeInPixels * The maximum image size of in pixels. It the image is larger, it is first scaled down prior * to vectorization. */ public ImageVectorization(String imageFolder, String imageFilename, BufferedImage image, int vectorLength, int maxImageSizeInPixels) { this.imageFolder = imageFolder; this.imageFilename = imageFilename; this.image = image; this.vectorLength = vectorLength; this.maxImageSizeInPixels = maxImageSizeInPixels; } /** * This constructor is used when the image should be read into a BufferedImage object from the given * folder. * * @param imageFolder * The folder (full path) where the image resides * @param imageFilename * The filename of the image * @param vectorLength * The target length of the vector * @param maxImageSizeInPixels * The maximum image size of in pixels. It the image is larger, it is first scaled down prior * to vectorization. */ public ImageVectorization(String imageFolder, String imageFilename, int vectorLength, int maxImageSizeInPixels) { this.imageFolder = imageFolder; this.imageFilename = imageFilename; this.vectorLength = vectorLength; this.maxImageSizeInPixels = maxImageSizeInPixels; } /** * This constructor is used when the image has been already read into a BufferedImage object. * * @param imageFilename * The filename of the image * @param image * A BufferedImage object of the image * @param vectorLength * The target length of the vector * @param maxImageSizeInPixels * The maximum image size of in pixels. It the image is larger, it is first scaled down prior * to vectorization. */ public ImageVectorization(String imageFilename, BufferedImage image, int vectorLength, int maxImageSizeInPixels) { this.imageFilename = imageFilename; this.vectorLength = vectorLength; this.image = image; this.maxImageSizeInPixels = maxImageSizeInPixels; } @Override /** * Returns an ImageVectorizationResult object from where the image's vector and name can be * obtained. */ public ImageVectorizationResult call() { if (debug) System.out.println("Vectorization for image " + imageFilename + " started."); double[] imageVector = null; String exceptionMessage = null; try { imageVector = transformToVector(); } catch (Exception e) { exceptionMessage = e.getMessage(); } if (debug) System.out.println("Vectorization for image " + imageFilename + " completed."); return new ImageVectorizationResult(imageFilename, imageVector, exceptionMessage); } /** * Transforms the image into a vector and returns the result. * * @return The image's vector. * @throws Exception */ public double[] transformToVector() throws Exception { if (vectorLength > vladAggregator.getVectorLength() || vectorLength <= 0) { throw new Exception("Vector length should be between 1 and " + vladAggregator.getVectorLength()); } // the local features are extracted double[][] features; if (image == null) { // first the image is read if the image field is null try { // first try reading with the default class image = File(imageFolder + imageFilename)); } catch (IllegalArgumentException e) { // this exception is probably thrown because of a greyscale jpeg image System.out.println("Exception: " + e.getMessage() + " | Image: " + imageFilename); // retry with the modified class image = File(imageFolder + imageFilename)); } } // next the image is scaled ImageScaling scale = new ImageScaling(maxImageSizeInPixels); try { image = scale.maxPixelsScaling(image); } catch (Exception e) { throw new Exception("Exception thrown when scaling the image!\n" + e.getMessage()); } // next the local features are extracted features = featureExtractor.extractFeatures(image); // next the features are aggregated double[] vladVector = vladAggregator.aggregate(features); if (vladVector.length == vectorLength) { // no projection is needed return vladVector; } else { // pca projection is applied double[] projected = pcaProjector.sampleToEigenSpace(vladVector); return projected; } } /** * Sets the FeatureExtractor object that will be used. * * @param extractor */ public static void setFeatureExtractor(AbstractFeatureExtractor extractor) { ImageVectorization.featureExtractor = extractor; } /** * Sets the VladAggregatorMultipleVocabularies object that will be used. * * @param vladAggregator */ public static void setVladAggregator(VladAggregatorMultipleVocabularies vladAggregator) { ImageVectorization.vladAggregator = vladAggregator; } /** * Sets the PCA projection object that will be used. * * @param pcaProjector */ public static void setPcaProjector(PCA pcaProjector) { ImageVectorization.pcaProjector = pcaProjector; } /** * Example of SURF extraction, multiVLAD aggregation and PCA-projection of a single image using this * class. * * @param args * @throws Exception */ public static void main(String args[]) throws Exception { String imageFolder = "C:/images/"; String imagFilename = "test.jpg"; String[] codebookFiles = { "C:/codebook1.csv", "C:/codebook2.csv", "C:/codebook3.csv", "C:/codebook4.csv" }; int[] numCentroids = { 64, 64, 64, 64 }; String pcaFilename = "C:/pca.txt"; int initialLength = numCentroids.length * numCentroids[0] * AbstractFeatureExtractor.SURFLength; int targetLength = 128; ImageVectorization imvec = new ImageVectorization(imageFolder, imagFilename, targetLength, 512 * 384); ImageVectorization.setFeatureExtractor(new SURFExtractor()); double[][][] codebooks = AbstractFeatureAggregator.readQuantizers(codebookFiles, numCentroids, AbstractFeatureExtractor.SURFLength); ImageVectorization.setVladAggregator(new VladAggregatorMultipleVocabularies(codebooks)); if (targetLength < initialLength) { PCA pca = new PCA(targetLength, 1, initialLength, true); pca.loadPCAFromFile(pcaFilename); ImageVectorization.setPcaProjector(pca); } imvec.setDebug(true); ImageVectorizationResult imvr =; System.out.println(imvr.getImageName() + ": " + Arrays.toString(imvr.getImageVector())); } }