package gr.iti.mklab.visual.datastructures; import; import; import; import java.util.Date; import java.util.List; import com.aliasi.util.BoundedPriorityQueue; import com.javadocmd.simplelatlng.LatLng; import com.sleepycat.bind.tuple.IntegerBinding; import com.sleepycat.bind.tuple.StringBinding; import com.sleepycat.bind.tuple.TupleBinding; import com.sleepycat.bind.tuple.TupleInput; import com.sleepycat.bind.tuple.TupleOutput; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import com.sleepycat.persist.EntityStore; import com.sleepycat.persist.PrimaryIndex; import com.sleepycat.persist.StoreConfig; import gr.iti.mklab.visual.utilities.Answer; import gr.iti.mklab.visual.utilities.AnswerWithGeolocation; import gr.iti.mklab.visual.utilities.MetaDataEntity; import gr.iti.mklab.visual.utilities.Result; /** * This class abstracts operations related to persistence and id lookup from the actual indexing structures. * The term id is used for the name or other identifier of the vectors being indexed while the term iid * (internal id) is used for the id assigned to a vector internally be each indexing structure. <br> * An id is of type String and is kept in disk while iid is of type int and is loaded in memory.<br> * Berkeley DB (BDB) is used for efficient persistent storage. * * @author Eleftherios Spyromitros-Xioufis */ public abstract class AbstractSearchStructure { /** * The total memory to be used by the BDB, 512Mb by default. Larger values will allow faster id lookup. */ protected long cacheSize = 1024 * 1024 * 512; /** * Whether the environment will be transactional. If true, ensures that the dbs will not be corrupted. * <br> * For more information on what this means, refer to the BDB documentation. */ protected boolean transactional = false; /** * The length of the raw vectors being indexed. */ protected int vectorLength; /** * Keeps track of the total number of indexed vectors, acts as an auto-increment primary key field. */ protected int loadCounter; /** * Whether the index will be loaded in memory. We can avoid loading the index in memory when we only want * to perform indexing. */ protected boolean loadIndexInMemory; /** * The maximum number of vectors that can be indexed. */ protected final int maxNumVectors; /** * Whether to initialize the load counter by counting the size of the {@link #iidToIdDB}. This operation * incurs a large cost when loading very large indices. It can be set to false for efficiency reasons. In * that case, the load counter should be set manually. */ private boolean countSizeOnLoad; /** * Whether the index should open only for read access. This allows multiple opens of the index. */ protected boolean readOnly; /** * The database environment. Access to this field is needed by specific indexing structures that implement * persistence. */ protected Environment dbEnv; /** * BDB store holding id to iid mappings, required during indexing to fast check if a name is already * indexed. */ protected Database idToIidDB; /** * BDB store holding iid to id mappings, required for name look-up during nn search. */ protected Database iidToIdDB; /** * BDB store holding iid to longitude-latitude mappings, required for geolocation look-up during nn * search. */ protected Database iidToGeolocationDB; /** * BDB store holding iid to metadata mappings, required for metadata look-up during nn search. */ protected EntityStore iidToMetadataDB; /** * Average time taken for internal vector indexing operations. */ private long totalInternalVectorIndexingTime; /** * Average time taken to create an id to idd and the reverse mapping. */ private long totalIdMappingTime; /** * Average total time taken to index a vector. */ private long totalVectorIndexingTime; /** * Whether to create/load geolocation db. */ protected final boolean useGeolocation = false; /** * Whether to create/load metadata db. */ protected final boolean useMetaData = false; /** * Constructor. Used when we count the size of the database when opening it. * * @param vectorLength * The dimensionality of the vectors being indexed * @param maxNumVectors * The maximum allowable size (number of vectors) of the index * @param readOnly * If true the persistent store will opened only for read access (allows multiple opens) */ protected AbstractSearchStructure(int vectorLength, int maxNumVectors, boolean readOnly) { this(vectorLength, maxNumVectors, readOnly, true, 0, true); } /** * Constructor. Used when we want to avoid counting the database size and to use a preset value for the * load counter. * * @param vectorLength * The dimensionality of the VLAD vectors being indexed * @param maxNumVectors * The maximum allowable size (number of vectors) of the index * @param readOnly * If true the persistent store will opened only for read access (allows multiple opens) * @param countSizeOnLoad * Whether the load counter will be initialized by the size of the persistent store * @param loadCounter * The initial value of the load counter * @param loadIndexInMemory * Whether to load the index in memory, we can avoid loading the index in memory when we only * want to perform indexing */ protected AbstractSearchStructure(int vectorLength, int maxNumVectors, boolean readOnly, boolean countSizeOnLoad, int loadCounter, boolean loadIndexInMemory) { this.vectorLength = vectorLength; this.loadCounter = loadCounter; this.maxNumVectors = maxNumVectors; this.readOnly = readOnly; this.countSizeOnLoad = countSizeOnLoad; this.loadIndexInMemory = loadIndexInMemory; } /** * Constructor. Used when we want to avoid counting the database size and to use a preset value for the * load counter. * * @param vectorLength * The dimensionality of the VLAD vectors being indexed * @param maxNumVectors * The maximum allowable size (number of vectors) of the index * @param readOnly * If true the persistent store will opened only for read access (allows multiple opens) * @param countSizeOnLoad * Whether the load counter will be initialized by the size of the persistent store * @param loadCounter * The initial value of the load counter * @param loadIndexInMemory * Whether to load the index in memory, we can avoid loading the index in memory when we only * want to perform indexing * @param cacheSize * The size of the cache in Megabytes */ protected AbstractSearchStructure(int vectorLength, int maxNumVectors, boolean readOnly, boolean countSizeOnLoad, int loadCounter, boolean loadIndexInMemory, long cachesize) { this.vectorLength = vectorLength; this.loadCounter = loadCounter; this.maxNumVectors = maxNumVectors; this.readOnly = readOnly; this.countSizeOnLoad = countSizeOnLoad; this.loadIndexInMemory = loadIndexInMemory; this.cacheSize = cachesize * 1024 * 1024; } /** * Updates the index with the given vector. This is a synchronized method, i.e. when a thread calls this * method, all other threads wait for the first thread to complete before executing the method. This * ensures that the persistent BDB store will remain consistent when multiple threads call the indexVector * method. * * @param id * The id of the vector * @param vector * The vector * @return True if the vector is successfully indexed, false otherwise. * @throws Exception */ public synchronized boolean indexVector(String id, double[] vector) throws Exception { long startIndexing = System.currentTimeMillis(); // check if we can index more vectors if (loadCounter >= maxNumVectors) { System.out.println("Maximum index capacity reached, no more vectors can be indexed!"); return false; } // check if name is already indexed if (isIndexed(id)) { System.out.println("Vector '" + id + "' already indexed!"); return false; } // do the indexing // persist id to name and the reverse mapping long startMapping = System.currentTimeMillis(); createMapping(id); totalIdMappingTime += System.currentTimeMillis() - startMapping; // method specific indexing long startInternalIndexing = System.currentTimeMillis(); indexVectorInternal(vector); totalInternalVectorIndexingTime += System.currentTimeMillis() - startInternalIndexing; loadCounter++; // increase the loadCounter if (loadCounter % 100 == 0) { // debug message System.out.println(new Date() + " # indexed vectors: " + loadCounter); } totalVectorIndexingTime += System.currentTimeMillis() - startIndexing; return true; } /** * This method should be implemented in all subclasses and do the operations required for indexing the * given vector. * * @param vector * The vector to be indexed * @throws Exception */ protected abstract void indexVectorInternal(double[] vector) throws Exception; /** * This method returns an {@link Answer} object, which contains the k nearest neighbors along with their * ids and distances from the query vector, ordered by lowest distance. The methods calls * {@link #computeNearestNeighborsInternal(int, double[])} and then performs name lookup. * * @param k * The number of nearest neighbors to return * @param queryVector * The query vector * @return The answer * @throws Exception */ public Answer computeNearestNeighbors(int k, double[] queryVector) throws Exception { if (!loadIndexInMemory) { throw new Exception("Cannot execute query because the index is not loaded in memory!"); } long start = System.nanoTime(); BoundedPriorityQueue<Result> nnQueue = computeNearestNeighborsInternal(k, queryVector); long indexSearchTime = System.nanoTime() - start; return lookUp(nnQueue, indexSearchTime); } /** * This method returns a bounded priority queue of Result objects, which contains the k nearest neighbors * along with their iids and distances from the query vector, ordered by lowest distance. Subclasses * should implement this method. * * @param k * The number of nearest neighbors to return * @param queryVector * The query vector * @return A bounded priority queue of Result objects * @throws Exception */ protected abstract BoundedPriorityQueue<Result> computeNearestNeighborsInternal(int k, double[] queryVector) throws Exception; /** * This method returns an {@link Answer} object, which contains the k nearest neighbors along with their * ids and distances from the query vector, ordered by lowest distance. The methods calls * {@link #computeNearestNeighborsInternal(int, int)} and then performs id lookup. * * @param k * The number of nearest neighbors to return * @param queryId * The id of the query vector * @return The answer * @throws Exception */ public Answer computeNearestNeighbors(int k, String queryId) throws Exception { int internalIdQuery = getInternalId(queryId); long start = System.nanoTime(); BoundedPriorityQueue<Result> nnQueue = computeNearestNeighborsInternal(k, internalIdQuery); long indexSearchTime = System.nanoTime() - start; return lookUp(nnQueue, indexSearchTime); } /** * This method returns a bounded priority queue of Result objects, which contains the k nearest neighbors * along with their iids and distances from the query vector, ordered by lowest distance. Subclasses * should implement this method. * * @param k * The number of nearest neighbors to return * @param iid * The internal id of the query vector * @return A bounded priority queue of Result objects * @throws Exception */ protected abstract BoundedPriorityQueue<Result> computeNearestNeighborsInternal(int k, int iid) throws Exception; private Answer lookUp(BoundedPriorityQueue<Result> nnQueue, long indexSearchTime) { Result[] nn = new Result[nnQueue.size()]; nn = nnQueue.toArray(nn); String[] ids = new String[nnQueue.size()]; double[] distances = new double[nnQueue.size()]; long start = System.nanoTime(); for (int i = 0; i < nn.length; i++) { // attach external ids to the results distances[i] = nn[i].getDistance(); int iid = nn[i].getId(); ids[i] = getId(iid); } long nameLookUpTime = System.nanoTime() - start; if (!useMetaData) { return new Answer(ids, distances, nameLookUpTime, indexSearchTime); } else { start = System.nanoTime(); LatLng[] geolocations = new LatLng[nn.length]; for (int i = 0; i < nn.length; i++) { // attach external ids to the results int iid = nn[i].getId(); geolocations[i] = getGeolocation(iid); } long geolocationLookupTime = System.nanoTime() - start; return new AnswerWithGeolocation(ids, distances, geolocations, nameLookUpTime, indexSearchTime, geolocationLookupTime); } } /** * Returns the internal id assigned to the vector with the given id or -1 if the id is not found. Accesses * the BDB store! * * @param id * The id of the vector * @return The internal id assigned to this vector or -1 if the id is not found. */ public int getInternalId(String id) { DatabaseEntry key = new DatabaseEntry(); StringBinding.stringToEntry(id, key); DatabaseEntry data = new DatabaseEntry(); // check if the id already exists in id to iid database if ((idToIidDB.get(null, key, data, null) == OperationStatus.SUCCESS)) { return IntegerBinding.entryToInt(data); } else { return -1; } } /** * Returns the id of the vector which was assigned the given internal id or null if the internal id does * not exist. Accesses the BDB store! * * @param iid * The internal id of the vector * @return The id mapped to the given internal id or null if the internal id does not exist */ public String getId(int iid) { if (iid < 0 || iid > loadCounter) { System.out.println("Internal id " + iid + " is out of range!"); return null; } DatabaseEntry key = new DatabaseEntry(); IntegerBinding.intToEntry(iid, key); DatabaseEntry data = new DatabaseEntry(); if ((iidToIdDB.get(null, key, data, null) == OperationStatus.SUCCESS)) { return StringBinding.entryToString(data); } else { System.out.println("Internal id " + iid + " is in range but id was not found.."); System.out.println("Index is probably corrupted"); System.exit(0); return null; } } /** * Returns a {@link LatLng} object with the geolocation of the vector with the given internal id or null * if the internal id does not exist. Accesses the BDB store! * * @param iid * The internal id of the vector * @return The geolocation mapped to the given internal id or null if the internal id does not exist */ public LatLng getGeolocation(int iid) { if (iid < 0 || iid > loadCounter) { System.out.println("Internal id " + iid + " is out of range!"); return null; } DatabaseEntry key = new DatabaseEntry(); IntegerBinding.intToEntry(iid, key); DatabaseEntry data = new DatabaseEntry(); if ((iidToGeolocationDB.get(null, key, data, null) == OperationStatus.SUCCESS)) { TupleInput input = TupleBinding.entryToInput(data); double latitude = input.readDouble(); double longitude = input.readDouble(); LatLng geolocation = new LatLng(latitude, longitude); return geolocation; } else { System.out.println("Internal id " + iid + " is in range but gelocation was not found."); return null; } } /** * Returns a {@link MetaDataEntity} object with the metadata of the vector with the given internal id or * null if the internal id does not exist. Accesses the BDB store! * * @param iid * The internal id of the vector * @return The metadata mapped to the given internal id or null if the internal id does not exist */ public MetaDataEntity getMetadata(int iid) throws Exception { if (iid < 0 || iid > loadCounter) { System.out.println("Internal id " + iid + " is out of range!"); return null; } PrimaryIndex<Integer, MetaDataEntity> primaryIndex = iidToMetadataDB.getPrimaryIndex(Integer.class, MetaDataEntity.class); return primaryIndex.get(null, iid, null); } /** * This method is used to set the geolocation of a previously indexed vector. If the geolocation is * already set, this method replaces it. * * @param iid * The internal id of the vector * @param latitude * @param longitude * @return true if geolocation is successfully set, false otherwise */ public boolean setGeolocation(int iid, double latitude, double longitude) { if (iid < 0 || iid > loadCounter) { System.out.println("Internal id " + iid + " is out of range!"); return false; } DatabaseEntry key = new DatabaseEntry(); DatabaseEntry data = new DatabaseEntry(); IntegerBinding.intToEntry(iid, key); TupleOutput output = new TupleOutput(); output.writeDouble(latitude); output.writeDouble(longitude); TupleBinding.outputToEntry(output, data); if (iidToGeolocationDB.put(null, key, data) == OperationStatus.SUCCESS) { return true; } else { return false; } } /** * This method is used to set the metadata of a previously indexed vector. If the metadata is already set, * this methods replaces it. * * @param iid * The internal id of the vector * @param metaData * A java object of any class with the @persistent annotation * @return true if metadata is successfully set, false otherwise */ public boolean setMetadata(int iid, Object metaData) { if (iid < 0 || iid > loadCounter) { System.out.println("Internal id " + iid + " is out of range!"); return false; } MetaDataEntity mde = new MetaDataEntity(iid, metaData); PrimaryIndex<Integer, MetaDataEntity> primaryIndex = iidToMetadataDB.getPrimaryIndex(Integer.class, MetaDataEntity.class); if (primaryIndex.contains(iid)) { primaryIndex.put(null, mde); return true; } else { return false; } } /** * <b>{@link #getInternalId(String)} can always be called instead of this method at the same cost!</b> * <br> * Checks if the vector with the given id is already indexed. This method is useful to avoid re-indexing * the same vector. Its convention is that if the given name is already in idToIidBDB, then the vector is * indexed in all other structures e.g. iidToIdBDB. The rest of the checks are avoided for efficiency. * Accesses the BDB store! * * @param id * The id the vector * @return true if the vector is indexed, false otherwise */ public boolean isIndexed(String id) { DatabaseEntry key = new DatabaseEntry(); StringBinding.stringToEntry(id, key); DatabaseEntry data = new DatabaseEntry(); if ((idToIidDB.get(null, key, data, null) == OperationStatus.SUCCESS)) { return true; } else { return false; } } /** * This method is used to create a persistent mapping between the given id and an internal id (equal to * the current value of {@link #loadCounter}). Should be called every time that a new vector is indexed. * * @param id * The id */ protected void createMapping(String id) { DatabaseEntry key = new DatabaseEntry(); DatabaseEntry data = new DatabaseEntry(); IntegerBinding.intToEntry(loadCounter, key); StringBinding.stringToEntry(id, data); iidToIdDB.put(null, key, data); // required during name look-up idToIidDB.put(null, data, key); // required during indexing } /** * This method creates and/or opens the BDB databases with the appropriate parameters. * * @throws Exception */ private void createOrOpenBDBDbs() throws Exception { // configuration for the mapping dbs DatabaseConfig dbConfig = new DatabaseConfig(); dbConfig.setAllowCreate(true); // db will be created if it does not exist dbConfig.setReadOnly(readOnly); dbConfig.setTransactional(transactional); // create/open mapping dbs using config iidToIdDB = dbEnv.openDatabase(null, "idToName", dbConfig); // if countSizeOnLoad is true, the id-name mappings are counted and the loadCounter is initialized if (countSizeOnLoad) { System.out.println(new Date() + " counting index size started "); int idToNameMappings = (int) iidToIdDB.count(); loadCounter = Math.min(idToNameMappings, maxNumVectors); System.out.println(new Date() + " counting index size ended "); System.out.println("Index size: " + loadCounter); } idToIidDB = dbEnv.openDatabase(null, "nameToId", dbConfig); if (useGeolocation) {// create/open geolocation db using config iidToGeolocationDB = dbEnv.openDatabase(null, "idToGeolocation", dbConfig); } if (useMetaData) { StoreConfig storeConfig = new StoreConfig(); // configuration of the entity store storeConfig.setAllowCreate(true); // store will be created if it does not exist storeConfig.setReadOnly(readOnly); storeConfig.setTransactional(transactional); iidToMetadataDB = new EntityStore(dbEnv, "idToMetadata", storeConfig); // int nameToMetadataMappings = (int) nameToMetadataBDB.getPrimaryIndex(String.class, // MediaFeedData.class).count(); // counting the size of an EntityStore } } /** * This is a utility method that can be used to dump the contents of the iidToIdDB to a txt file. * * @param dumpFilename * Full path to the file where the dump will be written. * @throws Exception */ public void dumpiidToIdDB(String dumpFilename) throws Exception { DatabaseEntry foundKey = new DatabaseEntry(); DatabaseEntry foundData = new DatabaseEntry(); ForwardCursor cursor = iidToIdDB.openCursor(null, null); BufferedWriter out = new BufferedWriter(new FileWriter(new File(dumpFilename))); while (cursor.getNext(foundKey, foundData, LockMode.DEFAULT) == OperationStatus.SUCCESS) { int iid = IntegerBinding.entryToInt(foundKey); String id = StringBinding.entryToString(foundData); out.write(iid + " " + id + "\n"); } cursor.close(); out.close(); } /** * This is a utility method that can be used to dump the contents of the idToIidDB to a txt file. * * @param dumpFilename * Full path to the file where the dump will be written. * @throws Exception */ public void dumpidToIidDB(String dumpFilename) throws Exception { DatabaseEntry foundKey = new DatabaseEntry(); DatabaseEntry foundData = new DatabaseEntry(); ForwardCursor cursor = idToIidDB.openCursor(null, null); BufferedWriter out = new BufferedWriter(new FileWriter(new File(dumpFilename))); while (cursor.getNext(foundKey, foundData, LockMode.DEFAULT) == OperationStatus.SUCCESS) { int iid = IntegerBinding.entryToInt(foundData); String id = StringBinding.entryToString(foundKey); out.write(id + " " + iid + "\n"); } cursor.close(); out.close(); } /** * This method creates and/or opens the BDB environment in the supplied directory. <br> * TODO: The configuration can be tuned for being more efficient / less persistent! * * @param BDBEnvHome * The directory where the BDB environment will be created. * @throws Exception */ private void createOrOpenBDBEnv(String BDBEnvHome) throws Exception { // create the BDBEnvHome directory if it does not exist File BDBEnvHomeDir = new File(BDBEnvHome); if (!BDBEnvHomeDir.isDirectory()) { boolean success = BDBEnvHomeDir.mkdir(); if (success) { System.out.println(BDBEnvHome + " directory created."); } } else { System.out.println(BDBEnvHome + " directory exists."); } // configuration of the bdb environment, applies to all dbs in this environment EnvironmentConfig envConf = new EnvironmentConfig(); envConf.setAllowCreate(false); // initially we do not allow create envConf.setReadOnly(readOnly); envConf.setTransactional(transactional); envConf.setCacheSize(cacheSize); // Instantiate the Environment. This opens it and also possibly creates it. try { dbEnv = new Environment(BDBEnvHomeDir, envConf); System.out.println("An existing BDB environment was found."); } catch (EnvironmentNotFoundException e) { envConf.setAllowCreate(true); dbEnv = new Environment(BDBEnvHomeDir, envConf); System.out.println("A new BDB environment was created."); } // printing information about the BDB environment System.out.println("== BDB environment configuration ==="); System.out.println(dbEnv.getConfig()); System.out.println("== BDB environment database names ==="); List<String> dbNames = dbEnv.getDatabaseNames(); for (String dbName : dbNames) { System.out.println(dbName); } System.out.println(""); } /** * This method creates or opens (if it already exists) the BDB environment and dbs. * * @param BDBEnvHome * The directory where the BDB environment will be created * @throws Exception */ protected void createOrOpenBDBEnvAndDbs(String BDBEnvHome) throws Exception { createOrOpenBDBEnv(BDBEnvHome); createOrOpenBDBDbs(); } /** * Returns the current value of the loadCounter. * * @return */ public int getLoadCounter() { return loadCounter; } /** * This method can be called to output indexing time measurements. */ public void outputIndexingTimes() { System.out.println( (double) totalInternalVectorIndexingTime / loadCounter + " ms => internal indexing time"); System.out.println((double) totalIdMappingTime / loadCounter + " ms => id mapping time"); System.out.println((double) totalVectorIndexingTime / loadCounter + " ms => total indexing time"); outputIndexingTimesInternal(); } /** * Should output index specific time measurements. */ protected abstract void outputIndexingTimesInternal(); /** * This method closes the open BDB environment and databases. */ public void close() { if (dbEnv != null) { // closing dbs iidToIdDB.close(); idToIidDB.close(); if (useGeolocation) { iidToGeolocationDB.close(); } if (useMetaData) { iidToMetadataDB.close(); } closeInternal(); dbEnv.close(); // closing env } else { System.out.println("BDB environment is null!"); } } /** * Each subclass should implement this method to close the BDB databases that it uses. */ protected abstract void closeInternal(); }